Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Parthenium integrifolium var. mabryanum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-64 of 64

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

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230885H. E. Ahles   333941957-08-07
United States of America, North Carolina, Cumberland Co., Little River on NC 87 near Manchester

University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

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USCH0013271Hyatt, Philip   82641999-08-31
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland County, Hurricane Bonnie Incident Command Post

Clemson University Herbarium

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CLEMS0035256Robert W. Gettman   2401973-06-01
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, Oconee

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CLEMS0035255A. G. Cobb   141982-06-03
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, Oconee

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CLEMS0035254Charles N. Horn   27831988-06-22
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield, Chesterfield

William & Mary Herbarium

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75221Townsend, John F; Ludwig, J C; Loomis, Darren   32762004-07-21
United States, Virginia, Sussex, Chub Sandhill Natural Area Preserve - approximately 1.1 km. NNE of the Va. rt. 631 bridge over the Nottoway River (Peters Bridge), 36.868093 -77.181792, 11m

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00454768Touloupas, Alexandra   s.n.2019-09-18
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, Fort Bragg Training area N1, along terrace of Little River, 35.178193 -79.093188

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00449321LeBlond, Richard J.   54962001-06-08
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, Off NW side of Maxwell Road (SR 1006) at powerline crossing 1.2 mi W of Myrphy Road (SR 1832), 35.0523 -78.7363

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00454767Touloupas, Alexandra   s.n.2019-09-18
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, Fort Bragg. Training area N1, along terrace of Little River, 35.178193 -79.093188

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057300Ashe, William Willard   21751897-08-28
United States, North Carolina, Wake, PLANTS OF NORTH CAROLINA County: Wake Garner's

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057281Webber, T. M.   s.n.1921-00-00
United States, South Carolina, Darlington, 10 mi N of Hartsville

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057301Bell, C. Ritchie   41711956-07-26
United States, North Carolina, Warren, 0.7 mile southeast of Manson on the Axtell Road.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057279Radford, A. E.   124441956-06-05
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield, 3 miles north of Patrich [sic] near U.S. 1.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057280Radford, A. E.   122191956-06-05
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield, Waste Place, Pee Dee River at Cheraw

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057291Laing Chambers, Henrietta "Henny"   14531957-06-07
United States, North Carolina, Harnett, Overhills, 35.220994 -79.031695

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057293Radford, A. E.   291411957-09-26
United States, North Carolina, Johnston, Near NC. 50, 1.5 miles ne. of Woods.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00110435Radford, A. E.   145471956-07-27
United States, North Carolina, Montgomery, NORTH CAROLINA Montgomery County oak-hickory forest, N.C. 109 3 miles west of Troy

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057283Radford, A. E.   126791956-06-10
United States, South Carolina, Marlboro, 10.5 miles north of Bennettsville on S.C. 38.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00057290Laing Chambers, Henrietta "Henny"   13431957-06-07
United States, North Carolina, Harnett, 2.6 mi E of Lee Co line on US 421

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00057295Bell, Clyde   s.n.1956-07-12
United States, North Carolina, Nash, NORTH CAROLINA Nash County upland woods, 1.4 miles east of Nash-Johnston County line on U.S. Rt.#264.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00057292Ahles, Harry E.   295121957-06-26
United States, North Carolina, Hoke, Mountain Creek, 5.6 mi W of Timberland

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057294Stewart, Shelton   4871958-06-07
United States, North Carolina, Lee, NORTH CAROLINA Lee County Pine-oak woods, 2 miles southeast of St. Andrews Church.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00057298Ahles, Harry E.   314391957-07-14
United States, North Carolina, Union, 6.5 mi S of Monroe on NC 207, 34.893363 -80.540032

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057299Ahles, Harry E.   275321957-06-07
United States, North Carolina, Union, 2.4 mi SE of junction US 601-74 and NC 200, then 0.6 mi E on paved road (SE of Monroe)

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057282Duke, James A.   16541958-07-19
United States, South Carolina, Kershaw, US 1, 1.7 mi SW of Cheraw city limit

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057287Melvin, Lionel   36231956-06-19
United States, North Carolina, Bladen, NORTH CAROLINA Bladen County mixed woods on clayey soil on estate of L. D. Melvin in northwest Bladen County.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00057288Radford, A. E.   376081958-07-19
United States, North Carolina, Craven, NORTH CAROLINA Craven County Cemetary [sic], 1 mile sw. of Caton

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057297Ahles, Harry E.   287451957-06-20
United States, North Carolina, Scotland, 1 mi WNW of Laurel Hill on US 74, 34.814598 -79.564151

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057296Radford, A. E.   397101958-07-10
United States, North Carolina, Pitt, Near NC. 33, 1.2 miles wnw. of Latham.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057286Radford, A. E.   363501958-07-06
United States, North Carolina, Beaufort, 2 miles ssw. of Leggetts Crossroads.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057289Ahles, Harry E.   298331957-06-27
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, NORTH CAROLINA Cumberland County roadside, 2.3 miles south of Roslin and 2.4 mile east

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00040578Eggers Ware, Donna M.   26581969-09-27
United States, Virginia, Charles City, In sandy soil of roadside on south side of Co. 627, just east of its jct. with 623.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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United States, North Carolina, Hoke

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00057278Bennett, S.   s.n.1989-07-21
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield, Frequent in open ditch on N side of US 1, 0.9 mi S of jct with S-81, S side of Patrick.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00025436Sorrie, B. A.   63631992-05-16
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, MacRidge Impact Area buffer zone, S of firebreak 6 and W of MacRidge Rd

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00040985McMillan, Patrick D.   25241997-06-26
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield, S of Patrick and 2.5 mi N of intersection with SR 29 on US 1

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00041402McMillan, Patrick D.   25241997-06-26
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield, S of Patrick and 2.5 mi N of intersection with SR 29 on US 1

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00057285Ahles, Harry E.   346401957-09-19
United States, South Carolina, York, granite out-crop, 0.7 mile east of Clover on SC. 55

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00454766Touloupas, Alexandra   s.n.2019-09-18
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, Fort Bragg. Training area N1, along terrace of Little River, 35.178193 -79.093188

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00000398Ahles, Harry E.   333941957-08-07
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, Little River on NC. 87 near Manchester

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111097Sorrie, B. A.   64001992-05-22
United States, North Carolina, Hoke, Hoke, NC Fort Bragg: west of Juniper Creek and N of firebreak 10. Oak - pine slope grading down to oak - hickory - dogwood; loamy sand. Common, iwth P. integrifolium var. mabyanum, of which it is only a form. Many intermediates.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111096Sorrie, B. A.   64001992-05-22
United States, North Carolina, Hoke, State: NC County: Hoke Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg: west of Juniper Creek and N of firebreak 10. Oak - pine slope grading down to oak - hickory - dogwood; loamy sand. Common, iwth P. integrifolium var. mabyanum, of which it is only a form. Many intermediates.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111095Sorrie, B. A.   65591992-06-28
United States, North Carolina, Moore, State: NC County: Moore Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg: old oxbow of Hector Creek near Little River. Low rise in middle of oxbow, burned within 4 months. Uncommon, with Aristida stricta, Panicum virgatum Solidago odora. Plants with sinuate leaf teeth approach "P. radfordii Mears."

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111094Sorrie, B. A.   63631991-05-16
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, State: NC County: Cumberland Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg: MacRidge Impact Area buffer zone , S of firebreak 6 and W of MacRidge Rd. Dry sandstone hill burned within 8 months; Quercus marilandica - Aristida stricta savanna. Uncommon, with abundant P. integrifolium, of which it is merely a form; both taxa collected.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111093Sorrie, B. A.   64021992-05-26
United States, North Carolina, Hoke, State: NC County: Hoke Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg: Coleman Impact Area buffer zone, headwoaters of Black Creek. Common in roadbed and adjacent pine - oak- wiregrass, with P. "radfordii" and intermediates.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111098Sorrie, B. A.   64021992-05-26
United States, North Carolina, Hoke, State: NC County: Hoke Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg: Coleman Impact Area buffer zone. Common in radbed and adjacent pine - oak- wiregrass burned in winter, headwaters area of Black Creek. Growing with P. integrifolium var. mabryanum and intermediates.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111092van Eerden, B. [Brian]   s.n.1992-07-10
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, State: NC County: Cumberland Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg, Northeast Training Area, E of NC route 87, S of firebreak 6, E of Gibsons Creek. Common, scattered among normal var. mabryanum and certainly just a form of it. Open longleaf pine / wiregrass / oak burned previous winter.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00111091Sorrie, B. A.   59991991-10-12
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, State: NC County: Cumberland Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg: SW MacRidge buffer zone E of Little Rockfish Creek.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00441074Orzell, Steve L.   247071996-07-05
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, On S side of Firebreak 1 within NEA Commel site, ca. 0.1 mi. S of N base boundary at a point 0.4 mi. W of McCormick Bridge Road, ca. 3.2 air mi. E of Manchester; NEA Commel Savanna NA; Fort Bragg.; 35.1986 -78.9336, 35.198611 -78.933611

North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

NCSC00120969Bruce Sorrie   126351992-05-22
United States, North Carolina, Hoke, Hoke, NC Fort Bragg: west of Juniper Creek and N of firebreak 10. Oak - pine slope grading down to oak - hickory - dogwood; loamy sand. Common, iwth P. integrifolium var. mabyanum, of which it is only a form. Many intermediates., 35.02646308 -79.22892261

NCSC00120970Bruce Sorrie   126331992-05-22
United States, North Carolina, Hoke, State: NC County: Hoke Site/Habitat: Fort Bragg: west of Juniper Creek and N of firebreak 10. Oak - pine slope grading down to oak - hickory - dogwood; loamy sand. Common, iwth P. integrifolium var. mabyanum, of which it is only a form. Many intermediates., 35.02646308 -79.22892261

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, North Carolina, Wake, 35.80641107730419 -78.66839260818354

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, 35.07966714101883 -78.84643968983761

University of Georgia Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, North Carolina, Union County, Union County, NC

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, North Carolina, Union

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Massey Herbarium

United States, North Carolina

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VPI-V-0008311T.F. Wieboldt   126532012-07-12
United States, Virginia, Pittsylvania, Heavy clay soil from weathered shale. Dry, open edge of meadow and drainage ditch (seasonal, southern tributary of Dry Branch) across large open flats. About 0.6 mi S of South Meadows Rd (St Rt 683) and 2.3 mi ESE of Sheva., 171m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM108658Ahles, H.E.   333941957-08-07
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland, Little River on NC 87 near Manchester

CM400731Bright, J.   26931930-05-19
United States, North Carolina, Franklin, N of Franklinton

CM400732Bright, J.   26131930-05-19
United States, North Carolina, Wake, N of Raleigh

Winthrop University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, South Carolina, York

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
256173S. L. Orzell, E.L. Bridges   247071996-07-05
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland Co., On S side of Firebreak 1 within NEA Commel site, ca. 0.1 mi. S of N base boundary at a point 0.4 mi. W of McCormick Bridge Road; ca. 3.2 air mi. E of Manchester; NEA Commel Savanna NA; Fort Bragg; Manchester 7.5' Quad., 35.1986 -78.9336

Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
WEWO0001205Carter, J. H., III   11071975-05-07
United States, North Carolina, Scotland, 5 mi. NNW. of Silver Hill... (east of SR 1328)

Shippensburg University Herbarium

Sabina Mueller   26261964-09-24
United States, North Carolina, Durham, Co 1004, ca 5 mi N of Catsburg, off Bus-501 N of Durham

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