Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Penstemon subserratus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-86 of 86

University of Arizona Herbarium

393273Mark Fishbein   59732007-06-09
United States, Washington, Skamania County, Along South Prarie Rd (N.F. Rd 66), 5.7 mi (rd) northwest of jct Willard Rd, eastern margin of Big Lava Bed, south of Little Huckleberry Mountain, about 12 mi (air) northwest of Hood River., 45.838333 -121.709, 720m

393110Mark Fishbein   57992006-05-29
United States, Washington, Skamania County, Cascades, ridge between Brush Creek and Bear Creek, along FS Rd 6808, 4.6 mi (rd) southwest of jct FS Rd 68 at Triangle Pass, about 2.5 mi (air) north-northeast of Carson., 45.767667 -121.800667, 485m

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00122026G. Rink   157052019-06-11
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Ketchum Road southwest of the Dalles, 45.52234 -121.436852, 985m

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ASC00122035G. Rink   157142019-06-11
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Ketchum Road southwest of the Dalles, 45.52234 -121.436852, 985m

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ASC00122045G. Rink   157252019-06-12
United States, Oregon, Hood River, South of Hood River, 45.546591 -121.509317, 930m

Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)

Image Associated With the Occurence
UTC00218019C. Schelz    1277 78 791991-06-10
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Mazama, 1243m

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UTC00275604Noel H. Holmgren   164612013-05-31
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Cascade Range, northeast slope of Mount Hood, State Route 35 along the East Fork Hood River, 2.6 km (1.6 mi) north of the turnoff to Polallie Campground and 7.5 km (4.7 mi) south of Baseline Road (Parkdale), 45.772222 -121.576111, 779m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
661761A. R. Kruckeberg   64961976-06-24
United States of America, Washington, Skamania Co., Road N604, east perimeter of beds, ca. 5 miles south of South Prairie, 47.067061 -122.09694

Image Associated With the Occurence
661764D. D. Keck   51941940-06-15
United States of America, Oregon, Hood River Co., Sherwood Forest Camp, 4 miles south of Cooper Spur, Mount Hood Loop Highway, Mount Hood.

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661763W. G. W. Harford   6691869-05-31
United States of America, Oregon, Cascades

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661753D. D. Keck   34861935-06-19
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., 4 miles northeast of Goldendale, 45.861768 -120.761795

Image Associated With the Occurence
02499836N. H. Holmgren   164672013-05-31
United States of America, Oregon, Hood River Co., Cascade Range northeast slope of Mount Hood, State Route 35 along the East Fork Hood River, 2.6 km (1.6 mi) north of the turnoff to Polallie Campground and 7.5 km (4.7 mi) south of Basline Road (Parkdale)., 45.7722 -121.5761, 780m

Image Associated With the Occurence
661759W. N. Suksdorf   s.n.1882-06-23
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., 45.873779 -120.78926

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661756F. E. Lloyd   s.n.1894-08-03
United States of America, Washington, White Salmon Falls

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661760W. N. Suksdorf   s.n.1896-05-27
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., Bingen, 45.715 -121.46333

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661757F. E. Lloyd   s.n.1894-08-06
United States of America, Mt. Adams, Cascade Mountains

Image Associated With the Occurence
737370R. G. Olmstead   01-542001-06-16
United States of America, Washington, Skamania Co., Gifford Pinchot National Forest, 46.0555556 -121.6147222, 682m

Image Associated With the Occurence
661754D. D. Keck   52001940-06-16
United States of America, Washington, Yakima Co., Naches River Canyon 38 miles west of Yakima (2 miles southeast of Cliffdell, Kittitas Co.) in Snoqualmie National Forest., 46.925913 -121.037792

Image Associated With the Occurence
661762F. W. Pennell   157001931-07-28
United States of America, Oregon, Hood River Co., Along upper Hood River, 1067m

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661758J. W. Thompson   145611940-05-27
United States of America, Washington, Yakima Co., At base of Cleman Mountain, 46.82 -120.84806, 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
661755F. W. Pennell   157231931-07-30
United States of America, Washington, Skamania Co., South of Wickey Creek Ranger Station, Columbia National Forest, 47.56417 -122.27417, 1219m

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
200496Francis W. Pennell   157321931-07-31
U.S.A., Washington, Yakima, Gotchen Creek Ranger Station, Columbia National Forest., 1220 - 1280m

General Research Observations

G. Rink   157052019-06-11
USA, Oregon, Wasco, Ketchum Road southwest of the Dalles, 45.52234 -121.436852, 985m

G. Rink   157142019-06-11
USA, Oregon, Wasco, Ketchum Road southwest of the Dalles, 45.52234 -121.436852, 985m

G. Rink   157252019-06-12
USA, Oregon, Hood River, South of Hood River, 45.546591 -121.509317, 930m

Michigan State University

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0294878Alyssa M. Mollema   1
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Bank of White Salmon River on Trout Lake Farm West property in the turnout by the South fields.., 45.95603 -121.47425

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

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PH00020254Francis W. Pennell   157321931-07-31
United States, Washington, Yakima, 1219m

Oregon State University

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-055132Leslie N. Goodding; Goodding, Evinger   5921927-07-09
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Mt. Hood National Forest; Mt. Hood Loop Road., 45.32683 -121.58861

Dale Hammond   none1933-06-05
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 6 mi. S. of The Dalles., 45.4880696634655 -121.1775

Robert Goff   01-142001-06-17
United States, Washington, Klickitat, southwest shore of Klickitat River, ca. 9 miles east of Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge; along dirt road accessed from Glenwood-Goldendale Rd., 45.8904747 -121.103489, 345m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-055134Christine C. Johnson   5301982-07-11
United States, Oregon, Hood River, 2.4 miles S of Sherwood Campground along Hwy 35, E side Mt Hood; Mt. Hood National Forest., 45.36676 -121.57424, 610m

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OSC-V-055135Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson   9341924-06-24
United States, Oregon, Clackamas or Hood River, Upper Hood River Loop Highway, near Homestead Inn.

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OSC-V-055138LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling   75091954-06-23
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Ruckle Cr. Trail, Columbia River Gorge., 45.64185 -121.91181, 396m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-055133LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling   73501953-07-05
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Angels Rest, Columbia River Gorge., 45.56732 -122.15548, 488m

Dale Hammond   s.n.1933-06-05
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 6 miles S of The Dalles., 45.4880696634655 -121.1775

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-055140Noel H. Holmgren; Noel H. Holmgren, Patricia K. Holmgren   164672013-05-31
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Cascade Range, northeast slope of Mount Hood, State Route 35 along the East Fork Hood River, 2.6 km (1.6 mi) north of the turn off to Polallie Campground and 7.5 km (4.7 mi) south of Baseline Road (Parkdale)., 45.4172 -121.5686, 780m

John E. Davis; John Davis   none1949-08-20
United States, Oregon, Wasco, above Columbia R. between Mosier and The Dalles.

Christine C. Johnson   5151982-07-01
United States, Washington, Klickitat, junction of Hwy 141 and Carr Road, about 6 miles S of Trout Lake., 45.9203697 -121.374356, 396m

LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling   70571952-05-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Hamilton Mt., 45.6440673 -122.013431, 427m

[needs research]; Dutton & Hebert   s.n.1956-06-06
United States, Washington, Yakima, White Pass.

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-055131William C. Whitaker; W. Whitaker   s.n.1935-06-18
United States, Oregon, Clackamas or Hood River, Mt. Hood Loop Road.

LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling   71391952-06-25
United States, Washington, Skamania, Hamilton Mt., 45.6440673 -122.013431, 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-055136Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson   934 of 1921924-06-24
United States, Oregon, [needs research], Upper Hood River Loop highway, near Hannum's.

James W. Thompson; J. William Thompson   67431931-06-15
United States, Washington, Chelan, near Leavenworth., 47.5955555555556 -120.677777777778

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-265061David M. Danley   2777
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Eagle Cap Wilderness Area, along the Wallowa River Trail, near Johnson Creek, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC-V-055137Leslie N. Goodding; Goodding, Evinger   5931927-07-09
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Mt. Hood National Forest, Hood River; Mt. Hood Loop Road.

E. L. Evinger; E.L. Evinger   s.n.1928-06-18
United States, Washington, [Skamania], Wind River Nursery, Columbia National Forest.

John E. Davis; John Davis   none1954-05-14
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 6 mi. up Mill Creek from The Dalles.

Porter P. Lowry; Francis P. Lowry II   7111977-06-23
United States, Washington, Skamania, Indian Face above High Valley Farm, Smith Cripe Co. Road, 30 mi. east of amas off U.S. 830; open scree area at summit.

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

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United States, Washington

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United States, Oregon

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United States, Oregon

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
365433Richard R Halse   36151988-05-24
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Home Valley, 5 mi E along WA 14 or 7.2 mi W of the Klickitat county line, 48m

440535Glenn Rink; R Crawford   157142019-06-11
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Ketchum Road SW of the Dalles, 45.52234 -121.43685, 985m

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
00091410F. W. Pennell   157321931-07-31
United States of America, Washington, Yakima County, Gotchen Creek Ranger Station, Columbia National Forest, stony bank in coniferous forest, 4000-4200 feet

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02122866D. D. Keck   52001940-06-16
United States of America, Washington, Yakima County, [data not captured]

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02122865D. D. Keck & J. Clausen   34861935-06-19
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat County, [data not captured]

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02122864W. N. Suksdorf   1896-05-27
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat County, [data not captured]

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02122863W. N. Suksdorf   38061906-06-27
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat County, [data not captured]

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02122862F. W. Pennell   157001931-07-28
United States of America, Oregon, Hood River County, [data not captured]

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

133968Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   s.n.1896-05-27
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Bingen., 45.715 -121.46333

123993Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   32401883-06-04
United States, Washington, Klickitat, (Big) White Salmon River., 45.72889 -121.52

124065Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   3971882-06-23
United States, Washington, Klickitat, 45.86667 -120.76667

123919Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   1901881-06-25
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Falcon Valley., 45.974342 -121.340296

124348Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   33041886-05-30
United States, Washington, Skamania, 46.03333 -121.9

124321Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   33911891-07-10
United States, Washington, Skamania, Butterfly Lake [Goose Lake]., 45.945 -121.768

124068Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   35491894-07-06
United States, Washington, Skamania, Little White Salmon River near Chenowith., 45.72083 -121.63917

124349Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   116991924-00-00
United States, Washington, Skamania, 46.03333 -121.9

124281Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   117001924-05-26
United States, Washington, Skamania, 46.03333 -121.9

390117   2009312009-06-15
United States, Washington, Skamania, Forested foothills west of White Salmon River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
372603K. Whited   4361897-06-01
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Ellensburg., 46.99667 -120.54667

384467C. E. Hinchliff   9652010-06-26
United States, Washington, Clark, Vic. Camas/Washougal. Elkhorn Mountain Rd. (Washington State Forest Rd. L-1400), near intersection with L-1000., 45.716941 -122.349136

387567David Giblin   29882009-06-23
United States, Washington, Chelan, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. About 1 km below Mad River Trailhead junction on Forest Service road., 47.82581 -120.59873

60852H. St. John   78361923-07-22
United States, Washington, Yakima, Rocky ridge of Bald Mt. Valley of Nile Creek, Rainier Nat. Forest., 46.83028 -120.93861

133976Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   35481894-05-31
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Garden, Bingen (from Wind Mountain)., 45.715 -121.46333

226181Francis W. Pennell   157001931-07-28
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Along upper Hood River., 45.71556 -121.51

Image Associated With the Occurence
400357Richard G. Olmstead   2019-162019-06-15
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Muckamuck Mountain Road. At end of road., 48.620989 -119.84641, 1510m

117822David D. Keck   34861935-06-19
United States, Washington, Klickitat, 4 mi. N.E. of Goldendale., 45.82083 -120.82056

124279Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   8611886-00-00
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Near Bonneville., 45.63611 -121.95083

75898F.E. Bernath   54F1936-06-11
United States, Washington, Yakima, North Fork of Ahtanum Creek, Ahtanum Watershed., 46.514906 -121.027672

124067Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   36491895-06-26
United States, Washington, Skamania, Little White Salmon River below Berry Creek. Northwest of Chenowith., 45.72083 -121.63917

124322Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   36541895-07-27
United States, Washington, Skamania, South of the "Schwingebrück", southwest slope of Mount Adams (Schwingebrück is near the west branch of the White Salmon River - WAW)., 45.72889 -121.52

133977Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   35481896-06-03
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Garden, Bingen., 45.715 -121.46333

123996Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   37431896-07-08
United States, Washington, Skamania, Summit of the "Zahnberg" [Shingle Mountain], near Lava Creek (Lavabed Creek)., 45.814007 -121.665076

124066Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   38061906-06-27
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Open places among bushes on mountain near Bingen., 45.715 -121.46333

124315Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   81891896-05-27
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Bingen., 45.715 -121.46333

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