Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Poa pseudoabbreviata
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 147

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
413796Spetzman, L.   91949-08-15
United States, Alaska, Arctic North Slope ... Killik R.;Gates of the Arctic National Park, 68.25 -154, 1859m

Image Associated With the Occurence
413798Lachenbruch, A.   101949-08-15
United States, Alaska, Arctic North Slope ... Killik R.;Gates of the Arctic National Park, 68.25 -154, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
417143Spetzman, L. A.   4404
United States, Alaska

Image Associated With the Occurence
417140Spetzman, L. A.   4045
United States, Alaska

Missouri Botanical Garden

2645546Carolyn L. Parker   87211999-06-28
United States, Alaska, Lime Hills Quad.: Cairn Mtn, small summit area ca.5 km SE of Cairn Mtn, E-facing blocky talus., 61.13333 -155.26666, 670 - 915m

2645423Carolyn L. Parker   89461999-07-01
United States, Alaska, Lime Hills Quad.: Nushagak-Big River Hills, Lyman Hills, 7 km NW of VABM Utica, calcareous, shaley screes., 61.81666 -154.96666, 900m

2645652Carolyn L. Parker   80181998-07-02
United States, Alaska, Norton Bay Quad.: Nulato Hills, North Fork Unalakleet R. valley, ridges E of valley, SE-facing, alpine slaty rubble slope, non-calcareous substrate with poorly developed vegetation stripes., 64.2 -159.71666, 670m

1665836BESCHEL   15509A1966-11-08
United States, Alaska, Juneau, Rock ledges, Juneau Icefield., 1430m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
R. J. Reich   4671962-00-00
U.S.A., Alaska, Aleutians West

Image Associated With the Occurence
R. J. Reich   1231962-00-00
U.S.A., Alaska, Aleutians West

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Jack Major   391d1957-07-19
United States, Alaska, Southeast Fairbanks Census, Alaska: Southeast Fairbanks Census Area. Vicinity of Gulkana Glacier, top of Rainbow Mountain. (Exact location unknown; coordinates estimated by label maker)., 63.244167 -145.463611, 1341m

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1422294illegible   15509A1966-08-11
United States, Alaska, Juneau, Juneau Icefield, Taku B nunatak, E crest

Image Associated With the Occurence
1422295Louis H. Jordal   40091950-08-16
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Mountains Northwest of Walker Lake, upper Kopuk River

Image Associated With the Occurence
1422296Tass Kelso, JoAnn Flock and Miriam Colson   1231979-06-24
United States, Alaska, Nome, Seaward Peninsula. Cape Prince of Wales, along streambed of Village Creek and rocks of Razorback

Image Associated With the Occurence
1422297Richard W. Scott   17861967-07-22
United States, Alaska, Valdez-Cordova, Southeastern Wrangell Mountains; Chitistone Valley

Image Associated With the Occurence
1710083V. Petrovsky   s.n.1967-07-22
Russia, Chukotka, Chukotsky, Prov. Magadan, regio Tschukotsky, distr. Iultinsky, in fluxu medio fl. Amguema, 159 km viae Egvekinot-Iultin, in declivibus schistosis collis.

University of Alaska Museum

Image Associated With the Occurence
130813N. A. Sekretaryeva   1983-07-22
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Peninsula, southern coast, Sineveyem R. valley, left bank, 15 km from the mouth, 65 -174

Image Associated With the Occurence
17489Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten, Michael Duffy, Jenna Cole   72961997-07-12
United States, Alaska, Nulato Hills, Debauch Mtn, vicinity of summit, 64.51 -159.88, - 1040m

Image Associated With the Occurence
30382Phil Caswell   96-1471996-07-23
United States, Alaska, Neacola Mountains, Trail Creek, S of creek, 60.83 -153.81

Image Associated With the Occurence
130857Vladik V. Petrovsky   1970-08-31
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Wrangel I, Sovietskaia Mtn. area, Khishchnikov R. basin, upper reaches of the river, 71.1 -179.366667

Image Associated With the Occurence
52685Amy Larsen, Alan R. Batten   01-8322001-08-01
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Shellabarger Pass 2.2 km NE of ponds in pass, 62.54 -152.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
142914David F. Murray   68871978-07-26
United States, Alaska, Etivluk Test Well, upper Etivluk R., 68.36666667 -156.75, 650 - 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
53446Carolyn L. Parker, Bruce A. Bennett   123882002-07-21
United States, Alaska, Endicott Mts, Chandler Lake, S shore, slopes above SE corner of lake, 68.19 -152.74, - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
78638David F. Murray, Albert W. Johnson   60181976-07-18
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Mi 247.5 Dalton Hwy, Atigun Pass, site 35, 68.13 -149.45

Image Associated With the Occurence
66747Leslie A. Viereck   50631961-07-19
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Tonzona R, upper valley, 62.66 -152.5, - 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
36304Carolyn L. Parker   12731984-07-20
United States, Alaska, Terra Cotta Mountains, vic. N of Post Lake, 62.18 -153.56

Image Associated With the Occurence
36302Carolyn L. Parker   12431984-07-17
United States, Alaska, Terra Cotta Mountains, vic. N of Post Lake, 62.18 -153.56, - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
36303Carolyn L. Parker   12761984-07-21
United States, Alaska, Terra Cotta Mountains, vic. N of Post Lake, 62.18 -153.56, - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
53147Carolyn L. Parker, Heidi Solstad   133962002-07-29
United States, Alaska, Endicott Mts, upper Encampment Cr, 3 km NNE of Inualurak Mt., 68.23 -152.19, - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
31260Carl Roland   32711998-07-14
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Wyoming Hills, vic. peak 5840, spur ridge trending E towards E Fork of Toklat R. from peak 5840, 63.65 -149.92

Image Associated With the Occurence
134649Alan R. Batten, Carolyn G. Batten   75-514-B1975-07-22
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Sheenjek R. valley vic. Double Mtn, E of river, 68.73333333 -143.666667, 1645 - 1645m

Image Associated With the Occurence
53145Carolyn L. Parker, Heidi Solstad   133942002-07-29
United States, Alaska, Endicott Mts, upper Encampment Cr, 3 km NNE of Inualurak Mt., 68.23 -152.19, - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
16045Michael Duffy, Jerry Tande   4001994-06-29
United States, Alaska, Chugach Mts, Nike Site, W-facing slopes below site, 61.26 -149.53

Image Associated With the Occurence
36306David F. Murray   34701971-07-19
Canada, Yukon Territory, St. Elias Range, Upper Seward Gl. nunataks, 60.16 -140, - 2140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
144695Carolyn L. Parker, Stacy Studebaker   162072005-07-01
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Archipelago, Kodiak I, Grant Lagoon, alpine slopes S of lagoon, 57.45 -154.666667, 350 - 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
39879Carolyn L. Parker, Cynthia R. Meyers   106352001-07-09
United States, Alaska, De Long Mountains, Siniktanneyak Mtn, area just below summit to base of SE flank, 68.32 -158.43, - 1020m

Image Associated With the Occurence
84381Michael Duffy   MD00-222000-06-22
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Upper Windy Creek northwest of Cantwell, UTMzone 6, E394185, N7040801, 63.48 -149.12

Image Associated With the Occurence
77038David J. Cooper   11041980-08-11
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Arrigetch Creek valley, 67.43 -154.08

Image Associated With the Occurence
59661Alan R. Batten, Marilyn H. Barker   02-4582002-07-13
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, ridge S of Max Lake, 61.35 -152.83

Image Associated With the Occurence
70164Leslie A. Viereck, Eleanor G. Viereck   21581957-07-19
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Gulkana Gl., 63.3 -145.33

Image Associated With the Occurence
66734Leslie A. Viereck   50071961-07-15
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Tonzona R, upper valley, 62.66 -152.5, - 1219m

27348S. Dean Kildaw   s.n.1988-01-01
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, VABM Bluff at coast near Koyana Cr., 64.53 -163.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
137983Vladik V. Petrovsky   1970-08-18
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Wrangel I, Dragi Bay, Cape Utes Bol'shevik, Drazhnyi Creek, Piritovyi Creek, 71.5 -178.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
56482Carl Roland   44242000-06-29
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, ridge between Heart Mtn. and upper Swift Fork Kuskokwim R, 8 km N of Heart Mtn., 62.95 -152.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
36299David F. Murray   69251978-08-10
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Marie Mtn, near Jago R., 69.4 -143.68, - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
36300David F. Murray   69261978-08-10
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Marie Mtn, near Jago R., 69.4 -143.68, - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
132963Albert W. Johnson, Leslie A. Viereck, Herbert R. Melchior   6741959-08-15
United States, Alaska, Kukpuk R. area, summit of Peak 1185, 68.28333333 -165.533333

Image Associated With the Occurence
53612Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad, Bruce A. Bennett   125272002-07-23
United States, Alaska, Endicott Mts, Chandler Lake, S shore, 68.19 -152.74

Image Associated With the Occurence
47214Rob Lipkin, Anna Jansen   01-352001-06-24
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Revelation Mts, NW of Two Lakes, Ridges above Stony R, near VABM Patch, T13N,R26W,S29,E 1/2, 61.19 -153.97, - 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
97619unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
85222Michael Duffy   MD02-262002-07-08
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, headwaters of West Fork Yentna R, Transect 02MC021 Stop 01, UTMzone 5, E516296, N6937018, 62.56 -152.68

Image Associated With the Occurence
84992Michael Duffy   MD99-32-a1999-07-09
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, ridge north of the west fork of the Herron Glacier, UTMzone 5, E568253, N6987982, 63.01 -151.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
38447Reidar Elven   2102-/991999-08-04
Canada, Yukon Territory, Buckland Hills, NW section, NW part, 69.41 -139.63

Image Associated With the Occurence
31837Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten, Rob Lipkin, Cynthia R. Meyers   87211999-06-28
United States, Alaska, Cairn Mtn, small summit area ca. 5 km SE of Cairn Mtn., 61.13 -155.26, - 915m

Image Associated With the Occurence
139330T. V. Plieva   1971-07-11
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Egvekinot village and head of Kresta Bay, Iskaten' Range (pass) near 32 km, 66.33333333 -179.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
138636Carolyn L. Parker, Stacy Studebaker   16736-A2006-07-28
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Archipelago, Kodiak I, Uganik Lake vic, ca. 8 km SSW of lake, small cirque basins at headwaters of South Arm of Uganik Bay, 57.58555556 -153.398611, 800 - 975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
31304Carl Roland   33351998-07-23
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Carlson Cr. drainage, E of Muddy R, ridge between two forks of Carlson Cr, 4.7 km E of Muddy R, 6.5 km N of Gunsight Mtn, 63.27 -150.89

Image Associated With the Occurence
132976David F. Murray, Albert W. Johnson   71941980-08-07
United States, Alaska, Ogotoruk Cr. vic, upper valley mtn. On E side, 68.16666667 -165.583333, 150 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
30740Ginny Moran   1996-07-26
United States, Alaska, Mentasta Mountains, vic. Nabesna R. valley, W of Nabesna R., 62.55 -142.68

Image Associated With the Occurence
36305Jerry Tande, Tom Jennings   S-5631985-01-01
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Hazen Bay study area, 61.36 -165.14

Image Associated With the Occurence
137984Vladik V. Petrovsky   1967-08-16
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Peninsula, Erguveyem R, Pepenveyem R., 65.83333333 -175.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
138123David F. Murray, Albert W. Johnson   71921980-08-07
United States, Alaska, Ogotoruk Cr. mouth, 68.08333333 -165.75, 1 - 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
32059Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten   89461999-07-01
United States, Alaska, Nushagak-Big River Hills, Lyman Hills, 7 km NW of VABM Utica, 61.81 -154.96

Image Associated With the Occurence
50184Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   134692002-08-04
United States, Alaska, Angayucham Mts, Fritts Mt, N-facing alpine cirque N of summit, 66.92 -155.52

Image Associated With the Occurence
39090Carl Roland   39531999-06-29
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, small S-flowing watershed draining into Wetbutt Cr., 62.49 -151.36

Image Associated With the Occurence
39091Carl Roland   40091999-07-10
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, ridge between Chedotlothna R. and Barren Cr, S slopes of ridge, 15 km NE of Heart Mtn., 62.97 -151.89

Image Associated With the Occurence
97618unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
192232Alan R. Batten   08-842008-07-13
United States, Alaska, Atigun Syncline GLORIA summit ATI, 68.48755 -149.3695, 1414 - 1424m

Image Associated With the Occurence
84815Michael Duffy   MD01-1322001-08-01
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Shellabarger Pass 2.2 km NE of ponds in pass, UTMzone 5, E512799, N6934077, 62.53 -152.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
47213Rob Lipkin, Anna Jansen   01-282001-06-23
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, headwaters of Chilligan R, S trending ridge above S side of Chilligan R, T16N,R23W,S26,NW1/4SE1/4, 61.44 -153.34, - 1707m

Image Associated With the Occurence
192228Alan R. Batten   08-632008-07-13
United States, Alaska, Atigun Syncline GLORIA summit ATI, 68.48755 -149.3695, 1414 - 1424m

Image Associated With the Occurence
147813V. K. Bushanskaya, et al.   1966-07-21
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Uplands, central part, Kuekvun' R, Alyarmagtyn R, left bank, near its confluence with the Kuekvun' R, Otdel'naya Hill, 69 179

246242Amy E. Miller   2011-0272011-07-02
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Range, Pear Lake, ca. 4.2 km W/SW of Pear Lake, 60.5652523 -154.2360503, 1036 - 1036m

Image Associated With the Occurence
36307David F. Murray   73461980-08-11
United States, Alaska, Angmakrok Mtn, Kukpuk R., 68.28 -165.53, - 475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
31685Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten, Cynthia R. Meyers, Martha K. Raynolds   85601999-06-25
United States, Alaska, Sparrevohn LRRS Air Force Station and vicinity, ridge above base, 61.11 -155.6, - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
73780Leslie A. Viereck   15141956-07-25
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Mt. Eielson (Copper Mtn.), NW slope to summit, 63.41 -150.33

Image Associated With the Occurence
137969David F. Murray   125401997-07-19
United States, Alaska, Bering Sea Region, St. Matthew I, N end, between Bull Seal Pt. and Glory of Russia Cape, 60.55 -172.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
85345Michael Duffy   MD02-1442002-07-31
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, western flanks of Mt. Healy, Transect 02MC055 Stop 01, UTMzone 6, E391573, N7073159, 63.77 -149.19

Image Associated With the Occurence
84515Michael Duffy   MD00-1572000-07-17
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Bull R, W of Broad Pass, UTMzone 6, E377998, N7031681, 63.39 -149.44

Image Associated With the Occurence
73740Leslie A. Viereck   11971956-07-10
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Mt. Eielson (Copper Mtn.), NW slope to summit, 63.41 -150.33

Image Associated With the Occurence
40080Carolyn L. Parker   107882001-07-16
United States, Alaska, De Long Mountains, Anisak R. valley, vic. conf. Primus and Buccaneer creeks, 68.38 -158.85, - 670m

Image Associated With the Occurence
52684Amy Larsen, Alan R. Batten   01-814-b2001-08-01
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, W Fork Yentna R. 1.7 km NW of confl. with Shadows Gl. stream, limestone outcrops on W bank of river, 62.53 -152.57

Image Associated With the Occurence
20378Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten, Carl Roland   80181998-07-02
United States, Alaska, Nulato Hills, North Fork Unalakleet R. valley, ridges E of valley, 64.2 -159.71

Image Associated With the Occurence
56483Carl Roland, Alan R. Batten   47082000-08-16
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Shellabarger Pass, between Dillinger R. and upper West Fork Yentna R., 62.53 -152.77

Image Associated With the Occurence
139329N. A. Sekretaryeva, A. K. Sytin, Boris A. Yurtsev   1971-08-19
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Peninsula, northeast coast, Inchoun village, near the summit (362 m) of Mount Inchoun, 66.26666667 -170.283333

Image Associated With the Occurence
137985V. F. Shamurin, Boris A. Yurtsev   1964-08-04
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Anyui Uplands, Baranikha village area, right bank of Gremuchaya R., 68.5 168.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
84451Michael Duffy   MD00-922000-07-12
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, west side of Easy Pass, UTMzone 6, E360472, N7026837, 63.34 -149.78

Image Associated With the Occurence
84450Michael Duffy   MD00-912000-07-12
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, west side of Easy Pass, UTMzone 6, E360472, N7026837, 63.34 -149.78

Image Associated With the Occurence
14612Carolyn L. Parker, I. Zagrebin   60681995-07-23
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Peninsula, Provideniya Bay, vic. Provideniya, 64.41 -173.16

Image Associated With the Occurence
142689Rob Lipkin, Michael Duffy, Korem Bosworth, Amy E. Miller   04-1172004-07-05
United States, Alaska, Alaska Penin, Aleutian Range, Aniakchak Crater and vic, Meshik R. drainage, S side of Aniakchak caldera, middle of The Garden Wall ridge, 56.8165 -158.048733, 340 - 340m

Image Associated With the Occurence
130858Boris A. Yurtsev   1965-07-02
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Western Chukotka, Pevek village area, E shore of Chaun Bay, Mount Pekeney, 69.68333333 170.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
78951David F. Murray, Albert W. Johnson   64671977-07-22
United States, Alaska, Mi 276 Dalton Hwy, Mt. Steere, DALTON HWY. MI 276, JUST E OF GALBRAITH, 68.5 -149.41

Image Associated With the Occurence
11842Phil Caswell   94-2591994-07-07
United States, Alaska, Ahklun Mts, Nimgun Creek, 59.58 -160.95

Image Associated With the Occurence
78950David F. Murray, Albert W. Johnson   64511977-07-22
United States, Alaska, Mi 276 Dalton Hwy, Mt. Steere, DALTON HWY. MI 276, JUST E OF GALBRAITH, 68.5 -149.41

Image Associated With the Occurence
16534Robert W. Lichvar, Scott C. Marler   81061994-07-19
United States, Alaska, Chugach Mts, North Campbell Creek Canyon-pass, ridge E of Campbell Lake, 61.11 -149.49

Image Associated With the Occurence
97617unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

244343Amy E. Miller, Zachary J. Meyers, Andrew Shulstad, James K. Walton   2010-0592010-07-26
United States, Alaska, Neacola Mountains, ridge N of Lachbuna Lake, 60.48045255 -154.0819408, 1002 - 1003m

Image Associated With the Occurence
85332Michael Duffy   MD02-1322002-07-31
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, western flanks of Mt. Healy, Transect 02MC054 Stop 01, UTMzone 6, E391697, N7073330, 63.77 -149.19

Image Associated With the Occurence
31642Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten, Cynthia R. Meyers, Martha K. Raynolds   85161999-06-24
United States, Alaska, Sparrevohn LRRS Air Force Station and vicinity, ridge above base, 61.11 -155.6, - 760m

Image Associated With the Occurence
12120Leslie A. Viereck   107781985-08-15
United States, Alaska, Prince William Sound, vic. Nol River, Columbia Bay, Transect E terminus, 61.03 -146.98

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