ASU0123795 R.L. Stuckey 8551 1969-09-16
USA, Ohio, Williams, 9 mi W of Pioneer
ASU0123796 B.N. Gates 31309 1954-08-08
USA, Massachusetts, Worcester, near Rutland boundary, Hubbardston
2409102 J. M. Gillett 8158 1953-09-30
Canada, Ontario, Matilda Township, St. Lawrence River; nrotheast corner of Presqu'ile
2409100 A. R. Bechtel 13397 1932-09-02
United States of America, Indiana, Montgomery Co., Dr. Davidson's farm, N.W. of Yountsville
2409108 M. S. Coulter s.n.
United States of America, Indiana, Jefferson Co., 38.714226 -85.473571
01207168 D. E. Atha 8883 2010-08-23
United States of America, Maine, Washington Co., ca 9 km WSW of Grand Lake Stream village, between Pocumcus and Wabassus Lakes, along margins of Fourth Lake Road, 45.163511 -67.883958, 92m
2409107 R. C. Friesner 21613 1947-06-28
United States of America, Indiana, Clay Co., Along Pa. R.R. about 0.3 mi. e. of first n-s road w. of Putnam-Clay Co. line and 0.3 mi. n. of Road 40
01207167 D. E. Atha 8883 2010-08-23
United States of America, Maine, Washington Co., ca 9 km WSW of Grand Lake Stream village, between Pocumcus and Wabassus Lakes, along margins of Fourth Lake Road, 45.163511 -67.883958, 92m
01527981 D. E. Atha 11111 2011-07-17
United States of America, Montana, Fallon Co., Town of Baker, NW shore of Lake Baker, 46.366761 -104.274747, 897m
324092 H. St. John 1200 1913-09-09
Canada, Nova Scotia, Sable Island; at # Life Saving Station, 43.98 -59.78
01528211 D. E. Atha 11111 2011-07-17
United States of America, Montana, Fallon Co., Town of Baker, NW shore of Lake Baker, 46.366761 -104.274747, 897m
2409104 T. C. Porter 2732 1871-09-02
United States of America, Maine, Spencer Pond, Moosehead Lake
2409109 J. M. Coulter 2722 1976-08-09
United States of America, Indiana, Jefferson Co., Hanover College, 38.712282 -85.460793
2409103 F. W. Hunnewell 2427 1913-09-06
United States of America, Massachusetts, Plymouth Co., 41.958437 -70.667258
2409110 M. H. Nee 43716 1993-08-10
United States of America, Wisconsin, Richland Co., Swamp of the silted-in Mill Pond at Richland Center, between Hwy. 80 and the footbridge, 43.344407 -90.400194
01207166 D. E. Atha 8883 2010-08-23
United States of America, Maine, Washington Co., ca 9 km WSW of Grand Lake Stream village, between Pocumcus and Wabassus Lakes, along margins of Fourth Lake Road, 45.163511 -67.883958, 92m
02409098 W. Krivda 1887 1956-08-30
Canada, Manitoba, Division No. 23, Churchill District. Along road to Roman Catholic Cemetery East
2409101 F. W. Hunnewell 2427 1913-09-06
02431113 A. W. Cusick 35076 1999-08-31
United States of America, Ohio, Logan Co., Lake shore, Pew Island, Indian Lake State Park, W of Co. Rt. 286, Stoke Tp. Russells Point Quad.
2409105 M. H. Nee 56481 2009-09-09
United States of America, Wisconsin, Sauk Co., Bakken Pond public access area, floodplain of Wisconsin River, 4.9 km ESE of center of Lone Rock, 43.1789 -90.1397, 212m
2409099 L. H. Hoysradt 2733 1876-08-00
United States of America, New York, Dutchess Co., 41.979814 -73.65596
2409106 S. R. Hill 38317 2009-09-23
United States of America, Illinois, McHenry Co., 1.4 mi northwest of Richmond, northeast of North Branch of Nippersink Creek, 1000 feet south of Wisconsin state line; northeastern margin of Genoa City Sedge meadow; Richmond 7.5' quadrangle, 42.49326 -88.32526, 247m
1972-16564/1 Robert R. Robbins 326 2012-07-17
United States of America, Indiana, Fountain County, Portland Arch vicinity.
KHD00049442 Alvah C. Armstrong 2748 1964-07-16
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Forest Preserve District, Calumet Division, Eggers Woods., 41.686242 -87.527838
5249 G.L. Clifton 1971-08-06
United States, California, Plumas, Local landmark: Snoring Springs. Susanville Quad., 40.366667 -120.725
5249 G.L. Clifton 1971-08-06
United States, California, Plumas, Local landmark: Snoring Springs. Susanville Quad., 40.366667 -120.725, 1829m
MWI00019773 Shildneck, Paul C11605 1979-10-12
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Forest Glen Preserve, By ford in Willow Creek at northeast corner of the preserve
MWI00019209 Thomas, B. 1978-10-13
USA, Illinois, Marshall, South of Marshall Conservation Area
W. McClain 1580 1974-09-17
USA, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Near Dairy Power Station, Alma.
Zebryk, Tad M. 7965 2002-09-19
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Springfield: Mouth of Pecousic Brook on E shore of Connecticut River, just S of South End bridge., 42.075833 -72.583056
447761 Gerdes, Lynden 6663 2012-08-01
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Birch Lake dam area, about 6.48 mi SE of Ely, MN and .1 mi NNW of the dam. NW SW NE NW of sec.;;062N;11W;31, 47.8172222 -91.7852778
110-14 Alexey Shipunov 2011-08-25
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, From the road to the peat moss bog near Boundary Butte; wetlands and the borderof forest, 48.99536394 -100.4244883
BUT0003875 Franklin B. Buser 1494 1952-08-16
United States, Indiana, Parke, Near Cashet Cem. about 2 miles southwest of Grange Corner.
BUT0003873 Rich Dunbar 1990-09-06
United States, Indiana, Madison, Mounds State Park. Chesterfield., 40.098649 -85.620283
BUT0003874 Franklin B. Buser 1554 1952-08-21
United States, Indiana, Fountain, Old Lake Erie-Wabash River canal about 2 miles NNW of Silverwood.
BUT0003883 Ray C. Friesner 20094 1945-10-06
United States, Indiana, Carroll, North side of Road 25, 2.0 miles northeast of Delphi
73185 Ray C. Friesner 1945-09-04
United States, Indiana, North side of Road 25, 2.0 miles northeast of Delphi
BUT0003879 Ray C. Friesner 21613 1947-06-28
United States, Indiana, Clay, Along Pa. R.R. about 0.3 miles east of first north-south road west of Putnam-Clay Co. line and 0.3 miles north of Road 40.
BUT0003881 Ray C. Friesner 21613 1947-06-28
United States, Indiana, Clay, Along Pa. R.R. about 0.3 miles east of first north-south road west of Putnam-Clay Co. line and 0.3 miles north of Road 40.
18034 Ray C. Friesner 1932-07-02
United States, Indiana, West side of Batesville-Delaware Road, 6 miles south of Batesville
BUT0003876 Ray C. Friesner 21007 1946-09-14
United States, Indiana, Lake, Shore of Wolf Lake just west of the city park at Whiting.
BUT0003877 Ray C. Friesner 23121 1949-09-17
United States, Indiana, Fulton, Southwest corner of Bruce Lake.
70128 J. E. Potzger 1940-06-16
United States, Indiana, Northeast corner of Chapman Lake.
BUT0003878 Ray C. Friesner 23156 1949-09-24
United States, Indiana, Kosciusko, border on northeast corner of Chapman Lake
BUT0003882 Ray C. Friesner 12308 1938-06-25
United States, Indiana, Ripley, West side of Batesville-Delaware Rd, 6 miles south of Batesville
BUT0003880 Charles M. Ek 1939-09-23
United States, Indiana, La Porte, 1 mile north of Mill Creek.
BUT0003884 Ray C. Friesner 20094 1945-10-06
United States, Indiana, Carroll, North side of Road 25, 2.0 miles northeast of Delphi
0009361 Chuck Dieter 9 1984-09-08
USA, South Dakota, Day, T 123N, R 53W, Sec. 16. SW 1/4; Waubay Refuge, Spring Coulee
0009362 Kevin J. King 55 1984-09-08
USA, South Dakota, Day, T 123N, R 53W, Sec. 16, SW 1/4; Waubay Refuge, Spring Coulee
0009357 Nina Runner 041 1984-09-08
USA, South Dakota, Day, T 123N, R 53W, Sec. 15, SE 1/4; Public access area, S side of Enemy Swim Lake
0009115 O. A. Stevens 3154 1968-09-04
USA, North Dakota, Ransom, Sheldon, Bohnsack Ranch, 46.585804 -97.491204
0009365 R. Evelyn Roberts 73-8-19: 1 1973-08-19
USA, South Dakota, Day, T 122N, R 53W, Sec. 15, SW 1/4 of SW 1/4; woods at E side of Blue Dog Lake, Waubay, SD
0009358 John Steiner s.n. 1990-09-07
USA, South Dakota, Codington, T 119N, R 51W, Sec. 14, SE 1/4; S side of Round Lake
0009366 Griffiths and Schlosser 1 1892-08-00
USA, South Dakota, Codington, Watertown, S.D.
0009359 Scott McLeod s.n. 1992-09-03
USA, South Dakota, Codington, T 119N, R 51W, Sec. 14, SE 1/4; Round Lake
0009363 Stephen Van Sickle 500 1982-09-04
USA, South Dakota, Bennett, T 36N, R 37W, Sec. 25, NE 1/4; LaCreek National Wildlife Refuge, Springs and Cedar Creek
0004486 Riley Schubert s.n. 2014-08-30
USA, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Leaf Lake; N side near public access parking lot, 46.398114 -95.407642, 403m
0009360 Diane Granfors s.n. 1992-09-03
USA, South Dakota, Codington, T 119N, R 51W, Sec. 14, SE 1/4
0009364 Kris Sletten 121 1982-09-04
USA, South Dakota, Bennett, T 36N, R 37W, Sec. 25, NE 1/4; LaCreek National Wildlife Refuge
HPC00012570 Hunt, D.M. 970 1991-06-28
United States, New York, Worcester, Fort Devens, Town of Lancaster. Powerlines 0.24 mi S of Oak Hill Pond in Area 9B, 103m
KSP034743 W.W. Holland 8108 1994-06-14
United States, West Virginia, Hardy, Near Scott's Cabins SW of Fisher.
0080967MOR Hedborn Jr, EA 959 1978-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Iroquois
0010435MOR Schulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G 76-859 1976-09-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Kenosha, Southwest of Bristol, about 70 feet north of County AH, in marsh.
0010440MOR Schulenberg, RF | Mule, L 76-766 1976-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Will, Romeoville, 100' north of Romeoville Road 150' west of Des Plaines River, in marsh.
0010434MOR Wilhelm, G | Bacone, J | et al 6318 1978-10-00
United States of America, Indiana, LaPorte, Ca. 1/2 mi. SE of Michigan City S of Bleck Rd. in fen area E of Trail Creek.
0010429MOR Wilhelm, G | Wilhelm, M s.n. 1975-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kendall, About 50 yards S of Wine Road along the E side of the Burlington Northern Railway, in a marsh near the NE edge of Millington.
0010433MOR Schulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G 76-465 1976-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, Newton, LaSalle Fish & Wildlife Area NW of Lake Village, ca. 1/3 mile S of Kankakee River (Lake County line), on west half of right-of-way of U.S. 41. In ditch.
0010427MOR Lampa, W s.n. 1975-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Pratt's Wayne Woods Forest Preserve 100 yd west of Bruster Creek outlet from west lake., 41.964733 -88.2509069999
0010422MOR Wilhelm, G | Stickney, W s.n. 1975-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kane, In marsh along W side of Nelson Lake Rd W of Batavia.
0010441MOR Swink, FA | Wilhelm, G s.n. 1974-09-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Walworth, On E side of Clover Road S of Bloomfield Road, 3 mi N of Pell Lake, in marsh.
0010424MOR Schulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G | Young, R 74-150 1974-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Grundy, Southwest of Morris, between towpath of I. & M. Canal and Illinois River, in flood plain.
0010438MOR Swink, FA s.n. 1946-11-00
United States of America, Indiana, Porter, Indiana Dunes State Park near Tremont.
0010425MOR Swink, FA | Walls, M 7569 1987-09-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, In wet ground in Lincoln Township Park, Stevensville.
0080968MOR Chase, V 17271 1963-05-00
United States of America, Illinois, Peoria
0010436MOR Swink, FA | Shimp, E 7615 1987-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, McHenry, City park on the east side of the Fox River at the foot of Beach Way Avenue (the portion which lies between Beach Way Avenue and the Fox River) in Fox River Grove. In a swampyarea.
0010439MOR Swink, FA | Mengler, J 7182 1986-09-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Racine, Calcareous fen at Tichigan Wildlife Refuge about 1 mi n of Buena Park. In the fen.
0010430MOR Blecke, R s.n. 1967-09-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Walworth, Bluff Springs, Whitewater Wis. 2 miles south on Highay P. Alongside the creek just north of the first hill. Moist ground.
0010428MOR Johnson, K 3039 1996-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DeKalb, Great Western Trail, 3 mi. E of Sycamore, 1/4 mi. west of County Line Road, north of Rt. 64. In wet ditch along north side of old railroad embankment.
0052011MOR Rothrock, P 4219 2004-09-00
United States of America, Indiana, LaPorte, Little Calumet Headwaters Nature Preserve; groundwater seepage wetlands., 41.6034 -86.8727
0010442MOR Swink, FA s.n. 1946-11-00
United States of America, Indiana, Porter, Indiana Dunes State Park near Tremont.
0010423MOR Wilhelm, G | Schulenberg, RF 4104 1977-09-00
United States of America, Indiana, Jasper, In ditch at 400W Road, and 1300N Road.
0010460MOR Moran, R 374 1977-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Lake, North of Fort Sheridan Army base.
0010432MOR Wilhelm, G | Wetstein, L 18578 1990-09-00
United States of America, Indiana, St. Joseph, About 2 miles W of South Bend, in North Chain Lake.
0010426MOR Wilhelm, G | Hess, WJ | Grintz, M 4195 1977-10-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, At the SE edge of Elgin, S of the Bluff City Cemetery. Growing in marsh area along stream.
0010437MOR Swink, FA | Johnson, K 8540 1989-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Lake, Area north of Mud Lake in Chain O'Lakes State Park north of Fox Lake. In calcareous marsh.
USA, Ohio, Tuscarawas
USA, Virginia, Arlington
21792 Dave Sollenberger s.n. 2018-09-24
United States, Wisconsin, Kenosha, Chiwaukee Prairie., 42.56559 -87.81607, 179m
10183 S. Masi, J. O'Shaughnessy, L. Quinn 886 1998-08-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, Deer Grove Forest Preserve West.
10185 S. Masi, J. O'Shaughnessy, L. Quinn 886 1998-08-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, Deer Grove Forest Preserve West.
10184 S. Masi, J. O'Shaughnessy, L. Quinn 886 1998-08-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, Deer Grove Forest Preserve West.
11997 Joshua D. Sulman s.n. 2005-09-27
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison, 43.09806 -89.33881, 264m
11998 Joshua D. Sulman s.n. 2005-09-27
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison, 43.09806 -89.33881, 264m
13715 Dave Sollenberger s.n. 2009-10-07
United States, Illinois, Lake, Wadsworth Prairie Nature Preserve., 38.50495 -90.85801667, 199m
L. M. Umbach 1897-09-12
U.S.A., Indiana, Lake, Clarke [Gary]
F. C. Gates 3231 1909-08-30
U.S.A., Wisconsin, Kenosha, Kenosha, 42.584742 -87.821185
CMC00020407 Rachel Hackett 1130 2017-08-18
United States, Michigan, Antrim, Grass River Natural Area, 44.91717 -85.221498
CMC00019394 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK675 2012-08-15
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Mt Hope Road Fen, 42.30999 -84.20661, 257m
CMC00019804 Clint Pogue CP414 2014-07-23
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Grand River Fen, 42.08417 -84.46164, 315m
CMC00018693 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK458 2012-06-28
United States, Michigan, Oakland, Chamberlain Lakes Fen, 42.78717 -83.20105, 253m