ASU0121048 D. Bromley 30 1961-04-28
USA, Utah, Cache, ca 0.5 mi E of Logan, 1402m
ASU0121049 N.H. Holmgren 4074 1970-05-31
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mtns, Jackson Creek drainage, 6.8 mi from Black Rock Desert Rd, 49.5 airline miles S of Denio; 41.32 -118.42; 41.32 -118.42, 41.32 -118.42, 1859m
ASU0121050 Cox, Dunn, Fleak 1777 1970-05-31
USA, Wyoming, Sublette, ca 48 mi S of Jackson, entrance to Teton Natl. Forest from S on US hwy 187-189
ASU0121051 Watkins, Dunn 511 1975-05-30
USA, Oregon, Malheur, just N of summit of Blue Mountain Pass, on Hwy 95., 1613m
ASU0121052 H.D. Harrington 3867 1948-05-13
USA, Colorado, Moffat, 20 mi N of Craig; 40.80715 -107.55204; 40.80715 -107.55204, 40.80715 -107.55204, 1981m
ASU0121053 L.H. Carufel 1959-05-05
USA, Montana, Gallatin, 4 mi up Sourdough Rd.
ASU0121054 H.D. Harrington 987 1945-05-18
USA, Wyoming, 10 mi S of Laramie, 2164m
ASU0121055 Cox, Dunn, Fleak 1777 1970-05-31
USA, Wyoming, Sublette, ca 48 mi S of Jackson, entrance to Teton Natl. Forest from S on US hwy 187-189
ASU0121056 B.D. Parfitt 3810 1988-06-05
USA, Nevada, Lander, Toquima Range, 0.5mi S of US hwy 50 on state hwy 376 (toward Tonopah), then 12.5 miles E to picnic area at Pete's Summit., 2396m
ASU0121057 J.T. Wynhoff 250 1971-04-11
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Dam, 1765m
ASU0106756 Marc A. Baker 18885 2017-05-16
United States, Nevada, Churchill, west slope of the Clan Alpine Mountains, along Bench Creek, 22km WNW of Desotoya Peak, 67km east of Fallon, low ridge of volcanic silt, gravel, and cobbles, 39.4426 -117.9905, 1780m
ASU0121058 S. O'Kane 82-186 1982-06-02
USA, Colorado, Rio Blanco, 0.4 mile NW of Reigle Ranch, T2S R98W Sec 19; 39.865209 -108.438671, 39.865209 -108.438671, 2052m
ASU0121059 D.H. Wilken 12829 1977-04-23
USA, Colorado, Mesa, between Glade Park and Colorado Nat'l Monument, 4 mi N of Glade Park., 2073m
ASU0121060 J.M. Porter 12783 2001-05-21
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Star Mtn, along road to ruins of Star Mine., 1926m
ASU0121061 R.L. Hartman 32311 1992-05-11
USA, Wyoming, Lincoln, 0.1- 0.6 air mi S of Fontenelle Gap; ca 19 air mi W of Fontenelle Reservoir Dam., 2316 - 2377m
ASU0121062 W. Hodgson 9431 1995-06-23
USA, Utah, San Juan, Manti-La Sal National Forest, Peavine Canyon, Trail No. 157, within 1/2 to 4-1/2 miles below trailhead towards junction of Kigalia Canyon, just south of Dark Canyon, 2218 - 2360m
ASU0121063 M.A. Baker 11723 1995-04-05
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, just W of Horn Canyon; 8k S of San Juan River, SE of Farmington., 1798m
ASU0299176 J.M. Andre 29094 2014-04-21
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Sylvania Mountains: at crest of Willow Creek Rd, just east of Cucamonga Spring, approx. 4 mi. south of Hwy 266, 37.370133 -117.65415, 2161m
393125 Mark Fishbein 5716 2006-05-13
United States, Oregon, Crook County, Prineville Resevoir on Crooked River, about 13 mi SSE of Prineville., 44.129667 -120.697167, 990m
386195 Robert M. Garvey 14339 2006-05-29
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Along County Rd (CR) 100, ca. 10 mi E of CR 77, on treeless plains of Pawnee National Grasslands., 40.712722 -104.142194, 1506m
386196 Robert M. Garvey 14215 2006-04-17
United States, Wyoming, Albany County, Along WY Rd 11, ca. 0.5 mi S of WY Hwy 130., 41.289611 -106.03325, 2334m
145992 Helen K. Sharsmith 4773 1960-05-19
United States, Nevada, Churchill County, Desatoya Mountains at Carroll Summit, 15 miles east of Eastgate on U.S. Highway 50. Boundary of Churchill and Lander counties., 2271m
183248 Noel H. Holmgren 4140 1970-06-05
United States, Nevada, Churchill County, At Lander County line, Desatoya Mountains, Carroll Summit, Nev. 2 (Old US 50)., 2271m
28057 J. S. Flaherty 1905-05-14
United States, Montana, Bozeman.
28083 J. O. Stewart 27 1917-05-27
United States, Oregon, Klamath County, Horsefly Valley., 1478m
28058 Hyatt N. Jones 1905-05-20
United States, Montana, Bridge Cañon.
27941 Frank. H. Rose 10 1938-05-04
United States, Montana, Granite County, 5 miles west of Drummond.
350471 Mark Fishbein 3847 1999-04-10
United States, Washington, Kittitas County, Along Vantage Highway, 4.6 miles east of Parke Creek Road (east of Ellensburg), about 14 miles west of Vantage, above branch of Johnson Canyon., 46.975 -120.241667, 724m
343993 Mark Fishbein 3214 1998-04-18
United States, Washington, Klickitat County, East side of Columbia River Gorge, crest of the Columbia Hills, along Dalles Mountain Road at radio towers about 2 miles (air) north of Columbia River., 45.691667 -121.016667, 716m
145303 William A. Weber 3826 1948-05-21
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, 1 mile north of Glade Park.
114905 William A. Weber 6114 1951-06-04
United States, Colorado, Grand County, 21 miles north Kremmling.
145130 William A. Weber 3742 1948-05-20
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, Along Government Creek 5 miles north of Rifle.
131025 R. L. Lingenfelter 522 1948-05-02
United States, Idaho, Clark County, Paddock #1, U.S. Sheep Experiment Station.
159960 Victor Duran 2708 1930-06-13
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda County, Trail Canyon., 2438m
Mrs. A. F. Whiting 1112-5655 1942-04-15
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Mesa Top near Keams Canyon, Hopi Indian Reservation., 35.8125 -110.1625, 1880 - 1975m
Brian J. Enquist 813 2008-06-17
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Several hundred meters up Forest Service Access road directly across the street from Almont Campground, ~2.5 miles south of Almont on Rt. 135, 38.655111 -106.86, 2468m
185309 Richard R. Halse 147 1971-06-08
United States, Arizona, Apache County, On hill beside Battle Cove Ruins, Canyon del Muerto, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 36.15 -109.433333, 1752m
189607 Anderson 134 1968-04-25
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Round Top Mesa, 1 mi from Ganado, 35.7114 -109.5426, 1950m
185310 Richard R. Halse 35 1971-04-08
United States, Arizona, Apache County, In Canyon del Muerto between Giant Canyon and Sheep Point Canyon on the W side, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 36.208333 -109.366667, 1828m
391533 Brian J. Enquist 818 2008-06-17
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Several hundred meters up Forest Service Access road directly across the street from Almont Campground, ~2.5 miles south of Almont on Rt. 135, 38.655111 -106.86, 2468m
394294 C. H. Refsdal 3298 1995-05-18
United States, Wyoming, Uinta County, Basins and Mountains of Southwest Wyoming: ca 10.5 air mi NE of Lyman., 2036 - 2047m
ASC00121330 A. Tiehm 16951 2015-05-26
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Bodie Hills, Aurora Peak, about 0.15 airmiles N of the Peak., 38.280283 -118.86145, 2621m
ASC00059194 V.O. Mayes s.n. 1977-05-08
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Indian Reservation, near Ganado, off State Route 264, on trail median, 35.7 -109.53333, 1950m
ASC00059195 V.O. Mayes s.n. 1978-04-16
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Indian Reservation, near Ganado, off State Route 264, on College of Ganado Campus, on 10% slope, 35.7 -109.53333, 1950m
ASC00059196 V.O. Mayes s.n. 1978-04-22
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Indian Reservation, near Ganado, off State Route 264, on College of Ganado Campus, on 10% slope, 35.7 -109.53333, 1950m
ASC00056346 S.T. Jackson 86-008 1986-04-05
United States, IDAHO, Bannock, Hawkins Reservoir, 42.510846 -112.331349
ASC00104157 G. Goodwin 4138 2013-05-21
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Cedar Ridge 9 miles east of Colorado City north side of highway 389, 36.880367 -112.891117, 1570m
ASC00079307 G. Rink 3025 2004-04-29
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, just uphill of the ditchline above the Ishmay ranch house., 37.25124 -108.68998, 1819m
ASC00083341 L.J. Wilson 12 1961-04-27
United States, UTAH, Cache, S side of pond at first dam on Logan River, 41.776178 -111.648993, 1310m
ASC00059192 V.O. Mayes s.n. 1978-05-07
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Indian Reservation, 1 km E of Ganado, ridgetop, 36.06965 -109.673148, 1981m
ASC00056635 V.O. Mayes s.n. 1975-05-18
United States, Arizona, Apache, 2 mi S of Ganado., 35.682381 -109.54139, 1950m
ASC00059193 V.O. Mayes s.n. 1979-05-05
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Indian Reservation, 4 km S of Ganado, on 20% slope, 36.06965 -109.673148, 2011m
ASC00024191 Anderson & Young 134 1968-04-25
United States, Arizona, Apache, Round Top Mesa 1 mi from Ganado., 35.72444 -109.555, 1950m
ASC00017578 Anderson s.n. 1963-04-26
United States, Arizona, Apache, Ganado Lake. N of Ganado., 35.732653 -109.517443, 1935m
ASC00017579 L.R. Fitzgerald s.n. 1963-04-15
United States, Arizona, Apache, 5 mi W of Navajo on Pinta Ranch., 35.909325 -109.145853, 1798m
ASC00057368 B. Hevron 2113 1994-05-10
United States, Arizona, Apache, North right-of-way of State Highway 264, 1.6 mi E of Toyei turnoff, W of Steamboat, 35.702497 -109.908922
ASC00037579 B. Yazzei s.n. 1976-05-01
United States, Arizona, Apache, 5 mi SE of Wide Ruin., 35.359722 -109.464167, 2011m
ASC00124115 A. Tiehm 16959 2015-05-28
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Pine Grove Hills, hills just south of the southern most of two ephemerral lakes on road south of Nye Canyon, 38.568878 -119.1177, 2424m
ASC00080358 M. Hill 176 2003-05-30
United States, UTAH, Garfield, Glen Canyon NRA, Rec Road 633, south of junction to The Golden Stairs, 38.09589 -110.11639, 1852m
ASC00023433 M.L. Kravig s.n. 1972-04-30
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Cole's Quarry, 44.4525513 -103.7195451, 1219m
ASC00079362 G. Rink 3078 2004-05-01
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, gullies and ridges at south end of Ishmay land on east side of highway., 37.21659 -108.65986, 1853m
NAVA00010014 K. Christie
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00007111 Daniela Roth
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00007720 A. Clifford
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00005069 S.L. O'Kane, Jr.
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00005046 S.L. O'Kane, Jr.
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00002394 B. Hevron
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00002395 B. Hevron
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00002396 B. Hevron
United States, Utah, San Juan, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00002397 B. Hevron
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
UCR0096245 George K. Helmkamp 695--1 1995-06-23
United States, California, Alpine, Monitor Pass, along CA Hwy 89 [Jackson Memorial Hwy], 38.67556 -119.61944, 2530m
Arnold Tiehm 16923 2015-05-17
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, 0.4 road mile south-southwestof Tule Canyon Road on road to Cucomungo Canyon, 37.38272 -117.65206, 2119m
UCR0096248 O.F. Clarke s.n. 1975-07-12
United States, California, Tuolumne, Yosemite National Park. Tuolumne Meadows, c. 1 mile west of the visitor center, 37.87194 -119.37028, 2591m
UCR0096249 John C. Roos 1265 1942-06-25
United States, California, Mariposa, Yosemite National Park, top of Half Dome, 37.74611 -119.53194, 2683m
UCR0096250 Frank C. Vasek 750618--01A 1975-06-18
United States, California, Mono, Devil’s Gate Pass on Hwy 395 [NW of Bridgeport], 38.34972 -119.37611, 2293m
Arnold Tiehm 17764 2017-05-12
United States, Nevada, Elko, 1.7 road miles east and north from Hwy 80 on road to Rocky Point Radio Facility, 41.09764 -114.57639, 2220m
George K. Helmkamp 1878 1997-05-14
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Mtns, E of Manhattan at the road summit, 38.54717 -117.0385, 2409m
A.C. Sanders 10086 1990-06-02
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Humboldt National Forest, Mt. Moriah Division; Turnley Canyon along Hwy 50, 0.7-0.9 miles NW of Sacramento Pass, 39.15278 -114.34667, 2104m
Jim André 18477 2011-05-27
United States, Nevada, Mineral, along north side of Hwy 6, 0.7 mi west of Montgomery Pass, 37.97062 -118.33628, 2139m
Arnold Tiehm 16951 2015-05-26
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Aurora Peak, c. 0.15 air miles north of the Peak, 38.28028 -118.86144, 2622m
A.C. Sanders 30852 2005-06-11
United States, Nevada, White Pine, road toward Big Springs from Indian Springs Knolls, c. 0.5 mi. N of Lincoln Co. line, 1.8 miles (air) SE of Indian Springs Knolls, 38.68531 -114.42194, 1817m
Andreas Leidolf LN--28 1998-05-02
United States, Utah, Rich, 6.3 mi west of Sage Creek Junction (Hwy 16) on Hwy 30, 2104m
A.C. Sanders 30868 2005-06-11
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, 2.5 miles NW of The Troughs, west of Red Ledges along dirt road down east side of the valley, just NW of bench mark 6143, 38.64756 -114.30681, 1873m
Tom Schweich 399 2004-05-25
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, west slope of Magruder Mountain, 5.2 miles west of Lida, on Nevada State Route 266, and then 1.1 miles SW by road, 37.41728 -117.59481, 2179m
UCR0096247 J.R. Keck, Jr. PDR-725210 1991-05-30
United States, California, Modoc, Tionesta, Modoc National Forest, 41.64667 -121.282, 1311m
UCR0096246 Catherine Schnurrenberger s.n. 2012-05-04
United States, California, Kern, Piute Mountains, ridge to the west of Pacific Crest Trail, 35.30044 -118.27578, 1665m
Aven Nelson 11335 1930-05-29
United States, Wyoming, Natrona, Mountain View, 42.85361 -106.38861, 1585m
R.G. Swinney 252 1968-06-12
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe National Forest, 6 miles west [SW?] of Belmont [presumably via Hwy 82], 38.52306 -116.92944, 2134m
B.G. Pitzer 1348 1989-05-27
United States, Nevada, Lander, Hwy 50, 1.6 miles east of Lander County line and 1 mile east of New Pass Summit, in Smith Creek Valley, 39.53333 -117.45833, 1900m
Steve Boyd 820503--25 1982-05-03
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, mesas east of Condor Canyon, 3 miles east of Delmues [Springs], 37.86056 -114.25361, 1707m
George K. Helmkamp 9512--03 1995-06-24
United States, Nevada, Lander, Airy Pass [Mt. Airy Summit], along US Hwy 50, c. 15 miles west of Austin, 39.5575 -117.49833, 2043m
R.G. Swinney 0901 1970-06-19
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Humboldt National Forest, 9.2 miles NE of Lye Creek Campground, 41.75556 -117.52278, 2073m
R.G. Swinney 791 1970-06-16
United States, Nevada, Lander, Pete’s Summit, N end of Toquima Range, on the road between Big Smokey Valley and Monitor Valley (at Wilson Ranch), 6.5 miles west of Wilson Ranch, 39.18333 -116.79167
Edmund C. Jaeger s.n. 1967-06-23
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Silver Peak Range, 2195m
George K. Helmkamp s.n. 1975-06-06
United States, Utah, Iron, 0.5 mile east of I-15 at the Kanarraville Exit, 37.53889 -113.19389, 1674m
George K. Helmkamp s.n. 1975-06-08
United States, Utah, Garfield, [Dixie National Forest] 5-6 miles north of UT Hwy 14 on Mammoth Creek Road, 37.57944 -112.60611, 2591m
A.C. Sanders 30690 2005-06-08
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, north of Dutch John Mountain on road from Hwy 93 to Muleshoe Valley, c. 0.9 mi. NE of Muleshoe Well, 38.4725 -114.68278, 1905m
A.C. Sanders 30698 2005-06-08
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, near Muleshoe Summit along road from Muleshoe Valley to Hwy 93, west side of Dutch John Mountain, 38.44683 -114.70928, 1952m
1650 J. Schoenwetter 1650
Canada, Alberta, Cypress Hills
UTC00113478 Kenn O. Horner 69 1964-05-16
United States, Utah, Cache, 1372m