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Luther College (LCDI)

The LCDI herbarium is a small collection used primarily for teaching and undergraduate research. It is particularly strong in the flora of northeastern Iowa.


  • Beth Lynch, lynchbet@luther.edu


Luther College Herbarium
Biology Department
700 College Dr.
Decorah, Iowa   52101-1045

Collection Statistics

  • 1,430 specimen records
  • 447 (31%) georeferenced
  • 1,383 (97%) identified to species
  • 120 families
  • 379 genera
  • 729 species
  • 744 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 9 August 2013
Global Unique Identifier: f302d0dc-f699-4e00-a873-9ade2414cb65
Digital Metadata:EML File
Rights Holder: Luther College
Geographic Distribution
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