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Klamath National Forest Herbarium (KNFY)

The Klamath National Forest encompasses nearly 1.7 million acres of land straddling the California and Oregon border in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountain Ranges. In the mountains to the west, the terrain is steep and rugged, while the east-side has gentler, rolling terrain of volcanic origin, sprinkled with buttes and valleys. Elevations range from 450 to 9,001 feet above sea level at Thompson Peak, on the Siskiyou-Trinity County divide. The Klamath National Forest is one of America’s most biologically diverse regions, due to the blending of four floristic provinces and boasts a center of coniferous diversity (19 species) in the Russian Wilderness. The Klamath National Forest Herbarium aims to preserve and record the many rare and endemic species unique to the region.


  • Erin Lonergan, erinrlonergan@fs.fed.us

Collection Statistics

  • 1,242 specimen records
  • 2 (0.16%) georeferenced
  • 4 (0.32%) with images (4 total images)
  • 1,020 (82%) identified to species
  • 163 families
  • 135 genera
  • 392 species
  • 393 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 10 November 2016
Global Unique Identifier: f9595186-b922-4ad0-b7f1-0b60f3d5c89f
Digital Metadata:EML File
Geographic Distribution
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