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Angelo State University Herbarium (SAT)

The ASU Herbarium is the largest component of the Angelo State Natural History Collections (ASNHC) and comprises about 80,000 plant specimens, with significant holdings in the Poaceae and Cyperaceae families. It is the eighth-largest herbarium in Texas, and represents the most complete floristic inventory of the Concho Valley region. In addition, the Herbarium serves as a permanent depository for voucher specimens for floristic surveys of several unique areas in West Texas, including Big Bend National Park, Texas Nature Conservancy Big Brushy Canyon, and Texas Nature Conservancy Independence Creek. Specimens from several ecological and systematic studies of rare plants are also housed in our collection. Glenn Casey started the Herbarium in the 1940s. At that time, it was called the Goodman Herbarium, in honor of the late Oklahoma botanist, Dr. George Goodman. The collection languished briefly in the late 1960s after Casey’s departure and during ASU’s transition from the two-year San Angelo College to Angelo State University. It was revitalized in 1972 with the arrival of Dr. Chester Rowell Jr., who served as curator until his retirement in 1987. At that time, Dr. Bonnie Amos became curator, and she remains in that position to this day. The ASU Herbarium invites review of specimen identification--please contact the Collections Manager with any suggested updates to listed taxonomy.


  • Curator: Bonnie Amos, bonnie.amos@angelo.edu
  • Collection Manager: Makayla Easley, makayla.easley@angelo.edu

Collection Statistics

  • 58,157 specimen records
  • 15,856 (27%) georeferenced
  • 57,122 (98%) with images (57,122 total images)
  • 57,414 (99%) identified to species
  • 257 families
  • 1,838 genera
  • 7,066 species
  • 7,077 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 13 January 2023
Digital Metadata:EML File
Geographic Distribution
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