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Southeastern Oklahoma State University (DUR)

Part of DUR (78 000 specimens) was transferred to BRIT in 2001. Several thousand specimens remain at DUR, and can be accessed electronically through the Oklahoma Biological Survey (http://www.biosurvey.ou.edu). [Updated March 2015]


  • Curator: Stanley Rice, srice@se.edu

Collection Statistics

  • 21,303 specimen records
  • 16,215 (76%) georeferenced
  • 20,929 (98%) identified to species
  • 152 families
  • 734 genera
  • 2,035 species
  • 2,311 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 21 February 2024
Global Unique Identifier: 11f2f05b-c063-49fc-975f-ddc4908d1761
Digital Metadata:EML File
Geographic Distribution
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