Conjunto de Datos: BCMEX
Criterios de Búsqueda: México; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 94, registros 9301-9400 de 12261

Herbario de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb.
10688J. Rebman   49081998-03-11
México, Baja California, Santa Rosalillita, Along Highway 1 in a desert arroyo just S of the road to Santa Rosalillita., 28.716667 -114.1

10689J. Rebman   49071998-03-11
México, Baja California, Santa Rosalillita, Along Highway 1 in a desert arroyo just S of the road to Santa Rosalillita., 28.716667 -114.1

10690J. Rebman   48381998-03-10
México, Baja California Sur, San Ignacio, Between San Ignacio and Vizcaino junction; ca. 1 miles W of Hyghway 1 and just N of the road to Punta Abreojos., 27.316667 -113.133333

Senna purpusii (Brandegee) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
10691J. Rebman   49061998-03-11
México, Baja California, Santa Rosalillita, Along Highway 1 in a desert arroyo just S of the road to Santa Rosalillita., 28.716667 -114.1

10692J. Rebman   48411998-03-10
México, Baja California Sur, San Ignacio, Between San Ignacio and Vizcaino junction; ca. 1 miles W of Hyghway 1 and just N of the road to Punta Abreojos., 27.316667 -113.133333

Calandrinia maritima Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray
10693J. Rebman   49021998-03-11
México, Baja California, Villa Jesus Maria, 3.3 miles E of Highway 1 between Villa Jesus Maria and Guerrero Negro., 28.133333 -113.95

10694J. Rebman   49011998-03-11
México, Baja California, Villa Jesus Maria, 3.3 miles E of Highway 1 between Villa Jesus Maria and Guerrero Negro., 28.133333 -113.95

Ivesia argyrocoma (Rydb.) Rydb.
10695J. Rebman   54051998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

10696J. Rebman   54011998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & A. Gray
10697J. Rebman   54031998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

10698J. Rebman   54021998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

10699J. Rebman   54061998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

10700J. Rebman   54091998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

10701J. Rebman   49611998-03-25
México, Baja California, Sierra Juarez, S of La Rumorosa and S of Agua de la Piedra., 32.133333 -115.916667

10702J. Rebman   49621998-03-25
México, Baja California, Sierra Juarez, S of La Rumorosa and S of Agua de la Piedra., 32.133333 -115.916667

10703J. Rebman   49661998-03-25
México, Baja California, Sierra Juarez, N of Laguna Hanson, just S of Rancho Bajio Largo., 32.1 -115.916667

Hesperochiron californicus (Benth.) S. Watson
10704J. Rebman   49631998-03-25
México, Baja California, Sierra Juarez, N of Laguna Hanson, just S of Rancho Bajio Largo., 32.1 -115.916667

Ipomopsis effusa (A. Gray) Moran
10705J. Rebman   54041998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey
10706J. Rebman   54121998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, 2 miles SE of the Observatory, near crest of mountain range; in open meadow., 31.233333 -116.066667

Ipomopsis effusa (A. Gray) Moran
10707J. Rebman   54041998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, S of Vallecito in wet, open meadow near Cerro la Botella Azul., 31.366667 -116.016667

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey
10708J. Rebman   54121998-06-28
México, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Near crest of mountain range; in open meadow approx. 2 miles SE of Teh Observatory., 31.233333 -116.066667

Trifolium depauperantum (E.Greene) Isley
10711J. Rebman   51111998-04-19
México, Baja California, La Mision, La Mision:between Ensenada and Tijuana., 32.083333 -116.866667

Calochortus splendens Douglas ex Benth.
10712J. Rebman   51241998-04-19
México, Baja California, La Mision, Between Ensenada and Tijuana; mesa top on the S side of the river;., 32.083333 -116.866667

10713J. Rebman   51251998-04-19
México, Baja California, La Mision, Between Ensenada and Tijuana; mesa top on the S side of the river;., 32.083333 -116.866667

Lamarckia aurea (L.) Moench
10714J. Rebman   51031998-04-18
México, Baja California, La Mision, Between Ensenada and Tijuana; in arroyo bottom along S side of river., 32.083333 -116.866667

Allenrolfea occidentalis (S. Watson) Kuntze
10715P. West   2161998-10-14
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; saline area above high tide line near mangroves., 29.066667 -113.5

10716P. West   1351999-03-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in main wash., 29.066667 -113.5

10717P. West   481999-03-09
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in the main central wash, inland of landing., 29.066667 -113.5

10718P. West   2191998-10-14
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; saline area above high tide line one S end of Island, one bay S of the estuary., 29.066667 -113.5

Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Wats.
10719P. West   2061998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in the main wash, inland of the main landing., 29.066667 -113.5

10720P. West   2091998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in main wash., 29.066667 -113.5

10721P. West   2131998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Islans; in saline area near main landing., 29.066667 -113.5

10722P. West   1011998-03-05
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in pebbly beach between the saline area and the shore at the maine central landing., 29.066667 -113.5

10723P. West   921998-03-05
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; on slopes of main wash., 29.066667 -113.5

Ditaxis serrata (Torr.) Heller
10724P. West   461999-03-09
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in the main central wash, inland of landing., 29.066667 -113.5

Suaeda moquinii (Torr.) Greene
10725P. West   2181998-10-14
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; saline area above high tide line near mangroves., 29.066667 -113.5

Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Wats.
10726P. West   2071998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in the main wash, inland of the main landing., 29.066667 -113.5

Allenrolfea occidantalis (S.Wats.) Kuntze
10727P. West   2081998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; on the beach at main landinf., 29.066667 -113.5

10728P. West   2101998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in main wash., 29.066667 -113.5

10729P. West   2121998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in saline area near main landing., 29.066667 -113.5

10730P. West   2111998-10-12
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; on wash N of main landing between the base of the volcano and the main part of the island., 29.066667 -113.5

10731P. West   2151998-10-14
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; saline area above high tide line near mangroves., 29.066667 -113.5

Bebbia juncea (Benth.) Greene
10732P. West   941998-03-05
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smith Island; in sandy bottom of main wash., 29.066667 -113.5

Ephedra aspera Engelm. ex S. Watson
10733P. West   1021998-03-05
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Smit Island; on slopes above maine wash., 29.066667 -113.5

10734P. West   241998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on flat above S landing., 28.983333 -113.5

10735P. West   221998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on flat above S landing., 28.983333 -113.5

10736P. West   411998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Islan., 28.983333 -113.5

10737P. West   181999-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in sandy, saline area just above high tide., 28.983333 -113.5

Allenrolfea occidentalis (S. Watson) Kuntze
10738P. West   171999-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in saline area just above high tide line at the main southern landing., 28.983333 -113.5

10739P. West   161999-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in sandy, saline area just above high tide., 28.983333 -113.5

10740P. West   191999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in saline area just above high tide line at the main southern landing., 28.983333 -113.5

Lotus strigosus (Nutt.) Greene
10741P. West   251998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on flat above south lanfing., 28.983333 -113.5

10742P. West   501998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on rocky slopes throughout the island., 28.983333 -113.5

10743P. West   271998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on slope above beach of main landing., 28.983333 -113.5

10744P. West   371998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on flat above south lanfing., 28.983333 -113.5

10745P. West   761998-03-03
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on lower to middle rocky slopes near the N beach., 28.983333 -113.5

10746P. West   811998-03-04
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in main wash above S landing beach., 28.983333 -113.5

10747P. West   751998-03-03
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on sandy area of N beach landing., 28.983333 -113.5

Xylorhiza frutescens (S.Watson) Greene
10748P. West   701998-03-03
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in the wash leading from the N beach inland and S., 28.983333 -113.5

10749P. West   781998-03-04
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in main wash above S landing beach., 28.983333 -113.5

10750P. West   731998-03-03
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on flat above south lanfing., 28.983333 -113.5

10751P. West   821998-03-04
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on flat part of main wash above S landing beach., 28.983333 -113.5

Atriplex hymenelytra (Torr.) S. Watson
10752P. West   481998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; at base of slope above N beach., 28.983333 -113.5

10753P. West   181998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on flats and in wash from main southern landing to the interior of the island., 28.983333 -113.5

10754P. West   201998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in main wash above S landing beach., 28.983333 -113.5

10755P. West   211998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in washes at S end of island., 28.983333 -113.5

10756P. West   1551998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on the N beach., 28.983333 -113.5

Xylorhiza frutescens (S.Watson) Greene
10757P. West   2011998-05-18
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in the upper part of the main wash at the S landing., 28.983333 -113.5

Psorothamnus emoryi (A. Gray) Rydb.
10758P. West   741998-03-03
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; on sandy area of N beach landing., 28.983333 -113.5

10759P. West   1561998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in wash near the N beach., 28.983333 -113.5

10760P. West   2231999-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Ventana Island; in the upper part of the main wash at the S landing., 28.983333 -113.5

10761P. West   1641998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on upper slopes in center-west end of island, near one of the high points., 29 -113.5

10762P. West   1691998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on south-facing slopes on the east end of the island., 29 -113.5

10763P. West   1611998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on upper slopes in center of the island., 29 -113.5

10764P. West   1621998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on lower slopers on east end of the island., 29 -113.5

10765P. West   911999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; in north-facing wash at center of island, overlooking the north beach., 29 -113.5

10766P. West   961999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on upper slopes., 29 -113.5

10767P. West   281999-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on south-facing mid-slope above middle beach., 29 -113.5

10768P. West   1681998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island., 29 -113.5

10769P. West   1651998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; middle south-facing slope above the center beach., 29 -113.5

10770P. West   1671998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; middle south-facing slope above the center beach., 29 -113.5

Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Wats.
10771P. West   251998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on eastern beach in dune area just above salt water inundated area., 29 -113.5

10772P. West   241998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on west-facing lowers slope above east dune area., 29 -113.5

Allenrolfea occidentalis (S. Watson) Kuntze
10773P. West   201998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; in dune area just above high tide line on east beach., 29 -113.5

Encelia farinosa A. Gray ex Torr.
10774P. West   981999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; in protected area at base of slope near northen beach., 29 -113.5

10775P. West   941999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on the central saddle above the middle beach and down the north sloe near that saddle., 29 -113.5

10776P. West   211999-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on south-facing slopes above east beach and throughout the island, 29 -113.5

10777P. West   221998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; in dune area at base of west-facing slopes above main east beach., 29 -113.5

10778P. West   1601998-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Pata Island; on somewhat sandy southwest-facing slope., 29 -113.5

10779P. West   151998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; found in a large population on the NW arm of the island, on the flats and moving upslope to the center., 28.983333 -113.516667

10780P. West   21998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; on flat areas on NW point and high points in the center of the island., 28.983333 -113.516667

10781P. West   61998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; found primarily on the eastern high point., 28.983333 -113.516667

10782P. West   1891998-05-13
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; on the main flat top of the island., 28.983333 -113.516667

10783P. West   1881998-05-13
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; on the main flat top of the island., 28.983333 -113.516667

10784P. West   21999-03-08
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; at high points on island and on the NW arm., 28.983333 -113.516667

10785P. West   121998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; found throughout the island on the more level slopes., 28.983333 -113.516667

10786P. West   51998-03-02
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Cerraja Island; found primarily in the north-facing saddle at the center of the island., 28.983333 -113.516667

10787P. West   591999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Gemelos West Island; on the NW 40° slope., 28.95 -113.466667

10788P. West   601999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Gemelos West Island; on the NW 40° slope., 28.95 -113.466667

10789P. West   651999-03-10
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, Gemelos West Island; on the NW 40° slope., 28.95 -113.466667

Página 94, registros 9301-9400 de 12261

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