Conjunto de Datos: ASU-Plants
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 135, registros 13401-13500 de 37003

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Lotus bryantii (Brandegee) Ottley
ASU0023087D. E. Breedlove   625481986-03-04
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Broad arroya near Malarrimo Beach, Vizcaino Penninsula., 27.696542 -114.716446

ASU0023088Jon P. Rebman   24301994-03-17
Mexico, Baja California, Cedros Island; northern part of island in the vicinity of El Faro., 28.2833 -115.25

ASU0023089James Henrickson   144461975-01-19
Mexico, Baja California, Cedros Island, Mexico; on NE end of island in canyon about 1 mile S of lighthouse and village at Cabo Norte., 28.3333 -115.233, 30 - 61m

ASU0023090Rafael Corral Díaz   21981986-08-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. de Ocampo. Parque Nacional de la Cascada de Basaseachic; a los lados del camino hacia el Mirador, a unos 100 m al sur del cruce con el arroyo., 28.133681 -108.246649

ASU0023091Rafael Corral Díaz   23091980-08-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. de Guerrero. 31 km al este de la intersección de la carretera 16 (Tomochic-Basaseachic) con el camino a San Juanito., 28.374942 -107.897236

ASU0023092P. S. Martin   s. n.1986-08-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Cascada de Basaseachic. Divisidero Overlook to Rancho San Lorenzo Hotel., 28.2611 -108.2, 2150m

ASU0023093Pinkava   P-129081975-03-19
Mexico, Sinaloa, Rte 40, Forestry Station just 1 mi W Mazatlan-side of El Palmito and Durango State line., 23.5839687094276 -105.862326622009, 1890m

Lotus debilis M.E. Jones
ASU0023094D. J. Pinkava   95301972-07-26
Mexico, Durango, Durango/Sinaloa; Along Rte 40, ca. 13 mi SW of Cuidad and 6.5 mi SW of Puerto Bueno Avies., 23.6474627868227 -105.798382759094, 2355m

Lotus dendroideus (Greene) Greene
ASU0023095Lyle MCGiII   86841971-06-07
Mexico, Baja California, Along Rte 2, 52.3 mi W of jct. with main Rte to Mexicale., 32.551335 -116.623332

ASU0023097Marc A. Baker   138862001-02-21
Mexico, Baja California, Venustiano Carranza 1:50,000 topographic map; 11 R 05 96 000mE 33 61. El Playón, 3.2km north of Cabo San Quintín, 18km SSW of Lázaro Cárdenas., 30.483333 -115.95, 20m

ASU0023098Marc A. Baker   140982001-05-30
Mexico, Baja California, Venustiano Carranza 1:50,000 topographic map; 11R 05 96 740inE 33 61 053mN (NAD83). Cabo San Quintín, 17km SSW of Lázaro Cárdenas., 30.483333 -115.95, 5m

ASU0023099D. E. Breedlove   622041985-02-27
Mexico, Baja California, 37 km S of San Quintin., 30.228128 -115.792072, 30m

ASU0023100Jon P. Rebman   9391991-03-18
Mexico, Baja California, Norte Approx. 3 miles south of Punta Baja (fishing village west of El Rosario) and 1.5 miles inland from ocean on old dirt road., 30.040599 -115.738998

ASU0023101Reid Moran   225461975-07-05
Mexico, Baja California, Common on dunes north of Punta Cabras., 31.3417 -116.45, 10m

ASU0023102H. S. Gentry   89321950-04-01
Mexico, Baja California, Eastern end of Sierra San Luis, 26-30 miles north of Punta Prieta., 29.070126 -114.155211, 914 - 1097m

Lotus grandiflorus (Benth.) Greene
ASU0023103Reid   264411979-02-18
Mexico, Baja California, On SE slope of Cerro el Dieciseis 11 km SSE of Tecate., 32.299509 -116.543119, 800 - 800m

Lotus grandiflorus (Benth.) Greene
ASU0023104Reid Moran   210921973-07-03
Mexico, Baja California, West of La Corona., 30.9833 -115.583, 2000m

Lotus greenei Ottley ex Kearney & Peebles
ASU0023105A. L. Reina G.   2003-5032003-04-12
Mexico, Sonora, 17.1 km south of Esqueda on MEX 17. Mpio. de Nacozari de Garcia., 30.65 -109.656, 1338m

Lotus greenei Ottley ex Kearney & Peebles
ASU0023106T. R. Van Devender   2003-1092003-03-08
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo Cibuta near junction with Arroyo Bambuto, north edge of Cibuta. Mpio. de Nogales., 31.1222 -110.956, 1091m

Lotus greenei Ottley ex Kearney & Peebles
ASU0023107L. McGill   66121970-06-04
Mexico, Sonora, Rte 2, 5.3 mi W of Cananea (W. limits).

Lotus greenei Ottley ex Kearney & Peebles
ASU0023108L. McGill   6402-A1970-03-27
Mexico, Sonora, 18.7 mi W of Rte 19, along turnoff 3.2 mi N of Esqueda., 30.771304 -109.892021, 1270m

ASU0023109A. L. Reina G.   2003-1932003-03-09
Mexico, Sonora, 6.5 km northwest of Magdalena on road to Tubutama. Mpio. de Magdalena., 30.7889 -111.058, 850m

ASU0023110D. J. Pinkava   111201973-06-01
Mexico, Baja California, Along Rte 1 , 22.9 mi S of San Vincente., 31.10207 -116.183818

ASU0023111Tom Hensel   953281975-05-27
Mexico, Baja California, Northern Baja California., 31.3595005198224 -115.631103515625

ASU0023112Reeves   P-121601974-05-24
Mexico, Baja California, Rte 1, ca. 23 mi S of El Rosario. Mountains., 30.040599 -115.738998

Lotus heermanni Greene
ASU0023113Jon P. Rebman   21621994-02-09
Mexico, Baja California, Between Ensenada and Tijuana; Arroyo San Miguel 1.0 miles NE of the intersection of MEX Rte 1(cuota) and MEX Rte l(libre) along Rte l(libre)., 31.9333 -116.733

ASU0023114L McGill   63961970-03-27
Mexico, Sonora, 16 mi W of Rte 19, along turnoff 3.2 miles N of Esqueda., 30.771304 -109.892021, 1270m

Lotus nevadensis (S. Watson) Greene
ASU0023115Jon Rebman   32851996-06-27
Mexico, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir: La Encantada open meadow with running stream; south of Los Llanitos., 30.9167 -115.4, 2200m

ASU0022610D. J. Crawford   12251980-09-20
Mexico, Veracruz, 28.8 miles south of the Rio Panuco ferry at Tampico, on Rte 180., 21.873844 -97.754846, 50m

ASU0022611D. J. Crawford   12351980-09-21
Mexico, Veracruz, Roadside parallel to beach along Rte 180, 23.8 miles N of Vega de Alatorre and ca. 5 miles N of Nautla., 20.199792 -96.782777

ASU0022612T. F. Stuessy   41421976-10-11
Mexico, Colima, Few mi N of jct Rtes 110 and 200, N of Tecoman and Armería., 18.936804 -103.965873

ASU0022613Tod F. Stuessy   7271966-08-25
Mexico, Colima, RR station and surrounding hills at Alzada., 19.266667 -103.533333

ASU0022614Tod F. Stuessy   5161968-07-15
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 mi E of La Tinaja on rte 150., 18.760878 -96.46176

ASU0022615Tod F. Stuessy   4701966-07-06
Mexico, Veracruz, 27 mi S of jct Rtes 110 and 105.

ASU0022616F. Ventura A.   46481971-12-07
Mexico, Veracruz, Pinaltepec, Mpio. de Dos Ríos., 19.440308 -96.754217, 790m

ASU0022617F. Ventura A.   33641971-03-29
Mexico, Veracruz, Chachalacas, Mpio. de Ursulo Galvan., 19.4 -96.35

ASU0022618Tod P. Stuessy   4851966-07-08
Mexico, Veracruz, 34 mi NW of Jose Cardel on rte 140., 19.537878 -96.80608

ASU0022619S. L. Friedman   208-94,1994-08-14
Mexico, Sonora, Rio Mayo Region. Frco. Sarabia vicinity. On Cerro Tasirogojo, 9 km south Estación Luis, 1 km west (by air) Francisco Sarabia, 5.5 km (by air) southeast Melchor Ocampo., 26.6111 -109.214, 100m

ASU0022620David M. Spooner   24161984-09-02
Mexico, Sonora, At E side of Narahoa, on road to Alamos., 27.095555 -109.180303, 259m

ASU0022621S. L. Friedman   410-94,1994-10-19
Mexico, Sonora, Cerrillos vicinity, 1.6 km north Cerrillos at rocky hills at tumoff on road to Manuel Caudillo, 9.0 km southeast Melchor Ocampo., 26.4667 -109.125, 40m

ASU0022622Elinor Lehto   248121980-08-09
Mexico, Sonora, Ca. 36.4 mi NE Alamos, 5 mi N El Taymuco., 27.542709 -108.770847, 729m

ASU0022623T. R. Van Devender   95-10971995-09-29
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo Masiaca at west side of Masiaca., 26.9028 -109.303, 65m

ASU0022624T. R. Van Devender   93-11771993-11-21
Mexico, Sonora, El Guayabo crossing of Rio Cuchujaqui, 2.6 km northeast of Sabinito Sur, 14 km (by air) east-southeast Alamos., 26.9028 -109.303, 350m

ASU0022625T. R. Van Devender   93-10621993-09-23
Mexico, Sonora, El Rincón Viejo, Arroyo El Aguaje, ca. 3.4 km (by air) north of Alamos, Sierra de Alamos., 27.2028 -108.933, 480 - 520m

ASU0022626Robert K. Jansen   3611976-08-23
Mexico, Sonora, South off of the Highway to Los Alamos on a gravel road 2 miles south of Minas Nuevas., 27.057667 -109.013377, 529m

ASU0022627David Keil   87061971-09-09
Mexico, Sonora, 4.7 miles E of Arroyo Cuchujaqui on dirt road from Alamos to Milpillas., 26.952842 -108.796529, 402m

ASU0022628R. W. Matthews   4801965-08-07
Mexico, Sonora, 6 miles south of Nogales., 31.222454 -110.972161, 1219m

Melampodium argophyllum (A.Gray ex B.L.Rob.) S.F.Blake
ASU0022629J. A. Villarreal   56211990-04-27
Mexico, Coahuila, Mpio. de General Cepeda. Sierra de la Paila, valle de la nopalera, 25 km al NW de Hipolito., 25.6333 -101.583, 1650 - 1750m

ASU0022630D. J. Crawford   12991980-09-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, 8.3 miles SE of Nochistlan on Rte 190., 17.393755 -97.147644, 2280m

ASU0022631D. J. Crawford   13391980-09-26
Mexico, Mexico, 7 miles W of Toluca on Rte 15., 19.290719 -99.645149, 2720m

ASU0022632D. J. Crawford   13381980-09-26
Mexico, Mexico, 2 miles W of Cuajimalpa on Rte 15 to Toluca., 19.289951 -99.651851, 2830m

ASU0022633Rzedowski   354881977-11-02
Mexico, Hidalgo, 3 km al NNW de Ciudad Sahagun, sobre la carretera a Zempoala., 19.766667 -98.583333, 2450m

ASU0022634T. F. Stuessy   41881976-10-15
Mexico, Mexico, Ca. 7 mi W of Toluca on rte 15., 19.290719 -99.645149

ASU0022635Tod F. Stuessy   6751966-08-18
Mexico, Mexico, 0.5 mi W of RR station Del Rio.

ASU0022636Pinkava   155531969-04-03
Mexico, Coahuila, 56 miles south of Eagle Pass, Texas., 27.928516 -100.353812

ASU0022637Pinkava   155421969-04-03
Mexico, Coahuila, 11 miles south of Eagle Pass, Texas., 28.578924 -100.414376

ASU0022638Elena T. Arnold   301968-08-08
Mexico, Coahuila, Portrero, center of Sierra Manchaca north of Puerto Salado., 27.1430204893876 -101.913385391235

ASU0022639Andrew Salywon   7101999-05-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Just south of Cordornices, between Allende and Nueva Rosita on Hwy 57 libre, 0.7 km S of km post 150., 28.207776 -100.982216, 396m

ASU0022640L. McGill   7855-A1971-08-17
Mexico, Coahuila, 114 mi south of Piedras Negras, 17.5 mi north of Rio Salado de los Nadadores on MEX Hwy 57., 27.457976 -101.209466

ASU0022641Tod F. Stuessy   4511966-07-04
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 1 mi N of San Fernando on Rte 101. Off roadside ca. 500 yds., 24.864528 -98.15

ASU0022642Jon Rebman   45651997-10-26
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sierra Guadalupe, W of Mulege, Cañada El Guano, just W of Rancho San Sebastian., 27.0361 -112.55, 900m

ASU0022643Wendy Hodgson   51681988-09-01
Mexico, Sonora, 7.4 miles NE of Mazocahui, along road to Moctezuma., 29.5833 -110.083, 700m

ASU0022644David Keil   150201981-08-20
Mexico, Sinaloa, 27 mi SW of El Fuerte on Hwy 32. 21 mi NB of jct of Hwys 15 and 32., 26.410709 -108.620819, 61m

ASU0022645S. L. Friedman   204-94,1994-08-13
Mexico, Sonora, Rio Mayo Region. Fransisco. I. Madera vicinity, 26 km south Navojoa on MEX 15, south side of toll station, 28 km (by air) Huatabampo., 26.9333 -109.408, 50m

ASU0022646T. R. Van Devender   93-12761993-11-24
Mexico, Sonora, Francisco I. Madero, 26.3 km south-southeast of Navojoa on Mexico 15., 27.1083 -109.408, 50m

ASU0022647S. Friedman   93-951995-01-18
Mexico, Sonora, Sirebampo vicinity, 9.5 km south on Mexico 15 from Las Bocas Road turnoff, 3.5 km west on Sirebampo Rd, 11.5 km south (by air) San Jose de Masiaca., 26.7583 -109.292, 30m

ASU0022648S. Friedman   125-951995-01-19
Mexico, Sonora, Las Bocas Road, vicinity 9.8 km west of Mexico 15 on Las Bocas Rd, 0.5 km north of Las Bocas Rd, 37 km (by air) southeast Huatabampo, 5.6 km east of Las Bocas., 26.6778 -109.4, 20m

ASU0022649Thomas F. Daniel   9971978-10-02
Mexico, Sonora, Desert flats along hwy between Esperanza and Rosario de Tezopaco, 3.0 miles E jct road to Presa Obregón., 27.717755 -109.849543, 100m

ASU0022650David Keil   87311971-09-10
Mexico, Sonora, 16.3 miles SE of Navajoa on Mexico Federal Rte 15., 26.868644 -109.316918, 61m

ASU0022651T. F. Stuessy   41691976-10-13
Mexico, Michoacan, 14 mi S jct 15 and road to Cotlja.

ASU0022652Tod F. Stuessy   6931966-08-20
Mexico, Michoacan, 25 mi S of Ario de Rosales on Rte 120., 18.972467 -101.814478

ASU0022653Tod F. Stuessy   6931966-08-20
Mexico, Michoacan, 25 mi S of Arlo de Rosales on rte 120., 18.972467 -101.814478

ASU0022654T. F. Stuessy   3152-A1973-09-11
Mexico, Guerrero, 0.8 mi NE of N limits of Acapulco on rte 95., 16.858226 -99.908071, 105m

ASU0022655T. F. Stuessy   41311976-10-10
Mexico, Jalisco, 3-5 mi S of Puerto Vallarta on road to Tomatlan., 20.615845 -105.230256

ASU0022657Robert K. Jansen   3581976-08-20
Mexico, Sinaloa, 5.6 miles south of Portrenillos on Highway 40., 1148m

ASU0022658J. Brunken   3081976-10-09
Mexico, Oaxaca, 5.7 miles south of Chiapas-Oaxaca state line on MEX 190., 16.449211 -94.087236, 280m

ASU0022660Robert K. Jansen   4911977-12-26
Mexico, Oaxaca, 2.6 mi NE of the junction of 190 and 175 along Hwy 175., 17.069124 -96.674056, 1650m

ASU0022661Robert K. Jansen   3581976-08-20
Mexico, Sinaloa, 5.6 miles south of Portrenillos on Highway 40., 1148m

ASU0022662Elinor Lehto   241721980-03-08
Mexico, Sinaloa, Ca. 20 mi SE Villa Union along Rte 54., 23.0389225706599 -105.94708442688

ASU0022663Elinor Lehto   241951980-03-09
Mexico, Nayarit, La Bahada (SE San Blas)., 21.504161 -105.158201

ASU0022665David Keil   150711981-08-25
Mexico, Jalisco, 5.4 mi SW of Jalisco on Hwy 200, just outside the town of Aquiles Serdán., 20.312466 -105.474636, 945m

ASU0022667A. C. Sanders   86101988-08-31
Mexico, Colima, Mpio. de Comala. Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km NNW of the city of Colima at the Jalisco state line near Hacienda San Antonio., 19.45 -103.716667, 1200m

ASU0022668D. J. Crawford   13881980-09-30
Mexico, Zacatecas, At the west edge of La Cruz Piedra, 1.4 miles west of the junction of the dirt road to the village with Rte 54, just a few miles S of Jalpa., 21.630786 -102.981891, 1580m

ASU0022669D. J. Crawford   14121980-10-02
Mexico, Nayarit, 13 miles NW of Tepic on Rte 15., 21.711913 -105.062516, 640m

ASU0022670D. J. Crawford   14151980-10-02
Mexico, Nayarit, 4.9 miles NW of Acaponeta on Rte 15., 22.489129 -105.382601, 40m

ASU0022671D. J. Crawford   12591980-09-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, 3.1 miles south of Teotitlan on Rte 135., 18.1319 -97.0767, 1005m

ASU0022672D. J. Crawford   14141980-10-02
Mexico, Nayarit, Roadside on Hwy 15, 11 miles NW of its junction with the road to Tuypan., 20m

ASU0022673D. J. Crawford   14181980-10-02
Mexico, Sinaloa, 21.2 miles N of Rosario on Rte 15., 23.166859 -106.131179, 90m

ASU0022674Lyle McGill   95411972-07-27
Mexico, Sinaloa, Along Rte 40, 18.6 mi NE of jct Rte 15 and ca. 5 mi NE of Concordia., 23.3371333576588 -105.97442150116

ASU0022675Suzanne Kitchen   271968-06-26
Mexico, Oaxaca, Near Hiutzo., 17.25 -96.8667

ASU0022676R. C. Gardner   40371975-10-06
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 10-20 mi W of Ciudad Valles on rte 86., 21.981026 -99.000188

ASU0022677T. F. Stuessy   42941976-10-21
Mexico, Chiapas, Between Entr. Las Cruces and Ocozocoautla on rte 190., 16.695938 -93.620384

ASU0022678José C. Soto Núñez   24141980-08-22
Mexico, Michoacan, En El Platanal, a 9 km al NW de Tangancicuaro, carretera Carapaz-Zamora., 19.9 -102.216667, 1670m

ASU0022679Tod Stuessy   348-A1965-08-25
Mexico, Morelos, 35.5 mi NW of Izucar de Matamoros., 18.795655 -98.909428

ASU0022680Robert W. Cruden   10711966-07-18
Mexico, Guerrero, Route 95 just west of km 155, ca. 23 km southwest of Morelos-Guerrero state line., 18.5676 -99.576656, 1130m

ASU0022681D. Seigler   35271971-11-04
Mexico, Veracruz, UNAM biological station, near Catemaco, Veracruz., 18.416667 -95.116667

ASU0022682Tod F. Stuessy   8291967-06-08
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 1 mi E of Gomez Farias on winding road., 23.035151 -99.149485

ASU0022683Alfred Richardson   5881968-07-16
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Gomez Farias area, Rancho del Cielo, near Gomez Farias., 23.035151 -99.149485

ASU0022684Alfred Richardson   811968-06-19
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Gomez Farias area, Rancho del Cielo, near Gomez Farias., 23.035151 -99.149485

ASU0022685D. J. Crawford   12371980-09-21
Mexico, Veracruz, 3 miles south of Vega de Alatorre on a dirt road to the beach., 20.040046 -96.641573

Página 135, registros 13401-13500 de 37003

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