Conjunto de Datos: ARIZ
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 342, registros 34101-34200 de 86008

University of Arizona Herbarium

49297R. D. Northcraft   6901941-08-05
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 7 km SW of Miquihuana., 3430m

62198A. W. Anthony   2251897-06-00
Mexico, Baja California Sur, San Martin Island.

Antirrhinum watsonii Vasey et Rose.
356457R. S. Felger   141491966-05-15
Mexico, Sonora, Pitiquito Municipio, Municipio de Pitiquito: Foothills on north side of Cerro Tepopa; or vicinity of 4 miles by road west of 9 miles by road south of Desemboque San Ignacio.

Antirrhinum watsonii Vasey et Rose.
356458R. S. Felger   179331968-04-21
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Pitiquito: Vicinity of Cerro Pelon, ca. 5 miles southeast of Desemboque San Ignacio., 29.566667 -112.15

Antirrhinum watsonii Vasey et Rose.
356460R. S. Felger   140551966-05-14
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo Municipio, Municipio de Hermosillo: 23.6 miles by road south of Desemboque San Ignacio along Infernillo coast at ca. 200 m inland from beach.

Antirrhinum watsonii Vasey et Rose.
356459R. S. Felger   171601968-02-17
Mexico, Sonora, Pitiquito Municipio, Municipio de Pitiquito: 1.5 miles south of Desemboque San Ignacio., 29.491667 -112.383333

Antirrhinum watsonii Vasey et Rose.
356456R. S. Felger   169871968-02-11
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Municipio de Hermosillo: mainland coast of Infernillo, 4 miles by road north of Arroyo Almond or 23.2 miles by road south of Desemboque San Ignacio. Ca. 0.5 km inland, middle bajada., 29.3 -112.216667

Antirrhinum watsonii Vasey et Rose.
62193Edward Palmer   6571889-01-01
Mexico, Baja California Sur, San Quentin Bay.

Antirrhinum watsonii Vasey et Rose.
366919R. S. Felger   17776-F1968-04-18
Mexico, Sonora, Pitiquito Municipio, 6.5 miles by road (to Pozo Coyote) northeast of El Desemboque San Ignacio, 29.56667 -112.3667

62240Students of the Univ   9351938-07-18
Mexico, Nuevo León, Municipio de Galeana, peak of Cerro Potosi., 3810m

178470R. Moran   157331969-02-23
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island., 100m

174993E. Molseed   4411966-07-07
Mexico, Michoacán, 1 mi W of El Fresno, or 6 mi from jct of hwy 15 on hwy 110., 1828m

206622J. Rzedowski   181501963-12-05
Mexico, Guerrero, Cerro Teotepec, municipio de Tlacotepec., 3350m

Galvezia juncea (Bentham) Ball.
392804R. S. Felger   2000-42000-02-12
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, Isla San Pedro Nolasco, canyon at northeast-east side of island, near crestline

Galvezia juncea (Bentham) Ball.
383247R. S. Felger   06-1002006-11-28
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, Isla Pedro Nolasco, northeastern side of island, about 15 meters below crest of island., 27.971822 -111.381819, 250m

383424H. S. Gentry   92331950-08-00
Mexico, Oaxaca, Southeast slopes of Sierra Zempoaltepetl., 16.916667 -96.333333, 2590 - 3200m

186639J. L. Reveal   26171971-08-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Sierra de Carneros, Carneros Pass area, along Mexico Hwy 54, ca. 0.5 mi south of Estacion Carneros, ca. 23 mi S of Saltillo, 0.7 mi W of hwy.

62928C. G. Pringle   116561903-08-31
Mexico, Nuevo León, Near Monterey Hills.

62931F. Shreve   91011939-08-22
Mexico, Durango, Near La Loma., 1493m

243096S. Walker   s.n.1972-11-22
Mexico, Sonora, N side of Sierra de Alamos., 822m

62951C. A. Purpus   25671908-07-01
Mexico, Puebla, Vicinity of San Luis Tultitlanapa near Oaxaca.

274596H. S. Gentry   19101935-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Canelas, Rio Mayo.

63928H. S. Gentry   19101935-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Canelas, Rio Mayo.

274620H. S. Gentry   12871935-02-08
Mexico, Sonora, Canyon Sapopa, Rio Mayo.

64258H. S. Gentry   12871935-02-08
Mexico, Sonora, Canyon Sapopa, Rio Mayo.

374942R. S. Felger   95-4891995-12-12
Mexico, Sonora, San Javier Municipio, Sierra San Javier, ca 1 km west of San Javier, 28.628889 -109.758889

382928Benjamin T. Wilder   06-3032006-10-08
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Alamos. Inside El Cajón on the Rio Cuchujaqui. About 100 m in from the downstream end.

274623H. S. Gentry   23741936-08-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guasaremos, Rio Mayo.

64265H. S. Gentry   23741936-08-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guasaremos, Rio Mayo.

134708C. G. Pringle   103561907-01-28
Mexico, Michoacán, Falls of Tzararacna., 1219m

Selaginella novoleonensis Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl
7163C. G. Pringle   24891889-05-31
Mexico, Nuevo León, Sierra de la Silla near Monterey.

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
384221V. W. Steinmann   34242003-08-02
Mexico, Michoacán, Sierra Las Cruces, Cañada Las Cruces, ca. 6.5 km (by air) southwest of Los Ranchos, 18.663889 -102.0625, 750m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
384211V. W. Steinmann   35262003-09-06
Mexico, Michoacán, Sierra Las Cruces, canyon below and to the north of Mesa El Metate, ca. 6.5 km (by air) southwest of Los Ranchos, 18.658333 -102.058333, 950m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
384828V. W. Steinmann & E. Carranza   26562002-09-03
Mexico, Michoacán, Along MICH 521, ca. 1 km (by road) north of Punta La Loma, 19.223611 -101.333333, 1550m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
385039V. W. Steinmann   45352004-08-14
Mexico, Michoacán, Sierra La Cruces, Cañada Las Cruces, ca. 6.5 km (by air) southwest of Los Ranchos, 18.666667 -102.0625, 700m

Castela polyandra Moran & Felger
179958R. Moran   130721966-04-29
Mexico, Baja California, 3 mi north of the village of Bahia de Los Angeles on road to La Gringa, 75m

Castela polyandra Moran & Felger
378718Benjamin Wilder   06-492006-01-01
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón. Isla Tiburón. East side of island, between the shore and Sierra Kunkaak., 28.96194 -112.2213, 4m

Castela polyandra Moran & Felger
380007Benjamin Wilder   06-1592006-05-24
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón. East side of island, 1/2 mi northwest of Zozni Campii at Estero San Miguel. Scattered in this narrow band of area and heads inland towards the Sierra. Not known from any other locality on the island., 28.962366 -112.223183, 6m

72615C. H. Muller   2161940-08-13
Mexico, Coahuila, Western Coahuila; Sierra de las Cruces. vicinity of Santa Elena Mines, 1/2 mi north of Santa Elena.

Picramnia mexicana Brandegee
72618C. A. Purpus   88001923-04-01
Mexico, Veracruz, Remudadero.

Cestrum flavescens var. praecox Morton
61204G. B. Hinton   142551939-05-10
Mexico, Guerrero, Mina Distrito, Campo Morado-Otatlan., 950m

61317M. T. Edwards   9131937-07-15
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Masate, Tamazunchale.

115451H. S. Gentry   66201941-09-15
Mexico, Sinaloa, Las Mesas, Sierra Surotato, 914m

366160R. S. Felger   64761963-03-09
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón. Arroyo Sauzal, ca. 2 miles inland from south side shore, trail to Sauzal waterhole

165335Reid Moran   123681966-03-02
Mexico, Baja California, 9 miles north of Puertocitos, 30.466667 -114.666667, 50m

Lycium fremontii subsp. viscidum Wiggins
61346I. L. Wiggins   43161930-03-03
Mexico, Baja California, S end of Santa Maria Plains, 10 mi south of San Quintin.

378153R. S. Felger   76-T341976-12-11
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburon: Southeast side of Agua Dulce Valley, ca 12 miles southward from Tecomate. Near north side and base of basalt hills, vicinity of former Seri Indian tepary bean-gathering camp: Haap Caaiji Quih Yaii (donde estaban los que trabajan con el frijol tepari)., 28.955556 -112.408333, 280m

379512Benjamin Wilder   06-1072006-03-19
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo Sauzal ca. 3 mi inland from shore. The wash area between the southern waterhole and the main waterhole, abutting a rock cliff that provides shade much of the day., 28.8417 -112.40865, 57m

385545Benjamin T. Wilder   06-4042006-11-24
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón, east side of the island, canyon at the northern base of Sierra Kunkaak., 28.97947 -112.31818, 340m

385537Benjamin T. Wilder   06-4222006-11-24
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón, east side of the island, canyon at the northern base of Sierra Kunkaak., 28.97947 -112.31818, 340m

Physalis exima Standley
61616H. LeSueur   8941936-06-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Majallca.

274385H. S. Gentry   30111937-02-20
Mexico, Sonora, Bachoco, 12 mi E of Cajeme.

61798H. S. Gentry   30111937-02-20
Mexico, Sonora, Bachoco, 12 mi E of Cajeme.

61879Edward Palmer   1781897-09-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, Topolobampo.

Solanum fendlerli var. physaloides D. S. Correll
11292R. D. Northcraft   7431941-08-07
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 4k W of Miquihuana., 2700m

Solanum hintoni Morton
61917G. B. Hinton   144031939-07-07
Mexico, Guerrero, Mina Distrito, Yesceros., 2200m

61880C. G. Pringle   136531905-10-10
Mexico, Coahuila, Near Jimulco.

Solanum makrinii Morton
62052E. Makrinius   26521933-04-00
Mexico, Oaxaca, Cerro Concordia., 650 - 800m

Solanum minensis C. V. Morton
62056G. B. Hinton   141791939-04-16
Mexico, Guerrero, Mina Distrito, Chilacayote., 1650m

274303H. S. Gentry   70521944-08-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, Culiacan and vicinity., 45 - 152m

383013Benjamin T. Wilder   06-2922006-10-08
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos Municipio, Along the Rio Cuchujaqui, near the Palo Injerto field station, 1 km downstream of El Cajon.

350392R. J. Rondeau   89-1001989-03-13
Mexico, Sonora, Hwy 16 and Rio Yaqui.

300021T. R. & R. K. Van Devender   92-11581992-10-10
Mexico, Sonora, El Rancheria crossing of Rio Cuchujaqui, ca. 22.5 kilometers (13.5 miles) south of Alamos on road to El Chinal. The Rio Mayo Region., 26.85 -108.916667, 200m

350532401 class   s.n.1988-10-09
Mexico, Sonora, Rebeico., 29.883333 -110.75, 396m

354980A. C. Sanders   126531992-10-06
Mexico, Mpio. Alamos: Arroyo Mentidero at the crossing of the Alamos-El Chinal road and down the arroyo to the Rio Cuchujaqui, 12 km (airline) S of Alamos., 26.913333 -108.916667, 240m

74812Paul C. Standley   24361936-08-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guasaremos, Rio Mayo, Chihuahua.

319036P. Tenorio-L.   28141982-12-02
Mexico, Sinaloa, Camino de Herradura El Alamo-Cerro Yauco. 6 kilometers al NE de El Ejido Lo de Ponce. Mpio. Rosario., 22.95 -105.75, 158m

Styrax gentryi P.W.Fritsch
125186H. S. Gentry   62441941-09-00
Mexico, Sinaloa, Ocurahui Municipio, Sierra Surotato., 1828 - 2133m

Dirca mexicana G.L.Nesom & Mayfield
317336G. Nesom   78631995-03-03
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Mpio. Hidalgo, along road from Sta. Engracia (Tamps.) to Dulce Nombres (N. Leon), Arroyo Oscuro, 2.0 road miles NE of Los Caballos toward Canada El Mimbre, 15.0 mi W of lowermost crossing of arroyo El Mimbre., 1800m

374945R. S. Felger   95-4711995-12-12
Mexico, Sonora, San Javier Municipio, Sierra San Javier, ca 1 km west of San Javier, 28.628889 -109.758889

306059Elaine Joyal   21111992-10-11
Mexico, Sonora, Mpcio. Yécora: Yécora Highway 2.6 miles west of Old Yécora turn-off steep north face, drainage w/ per. spring., 28.35 -109.051111, 1300m

383421T. R. Van Devender   2000-5772000-08-31
Mexico, Sonora, El Aguajito, Barranca Honda, north slopes of Mesa del Campanero, 4.8 kilometers west of Puerto de la Cruz on MEX 16. Municipio de Yécora., 28.371667 -109.048333, 1640m

73327G. B. Hinton   49171933-10-20
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Municipio, Comunidad., 2300m

73339G. B. Hinton   70181934-11-22
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Municipio, Cumbre de Tejupilco.

Triumfetta mexiae Morton & Lay
73341Y. Mexia   88341937-11-17
Mexico, Guerrero, Adama Distrito, Sierra Madre del Sur, north of Rio Balsas; Temisco., 265m

378784Benjamin Wilder   05-382005-12-30
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón. East side of island, at the head of arroyo, facing north, at base of the Sierra Kunkaak. Between Sierra Kunkaak Major and Sierra Kunkaak Segundo., 28.97989 -112.31703, 391m

181710C. G. Pringle   20051888-09-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Canyon below Cusihuiriachic.

Aloysia nahuire Gentry & Moldenke.
395441H. S. Gentry   57211940-02-27
Mexico, Sinaloa, Cerro Tecomate., 30m

375260R. S. Felger   85-10791985-10-08
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo Municipio, 2.7 miles south of La Palma on Mex. Hwy. 15 (between Hermosillo and Guaymas), 28.616667 -111.016667, 250m

371801R. S. Felger   85-6751985-03-13
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas Municipio, El Baviso, vicinity of Bahía San Carlos, ca 2 km inland, 27.983333 -111.075, 50m

98521F. Shreve   91221939-08-23
Mexico, Durango, Near Pasaje., 1417m

112022G. B. Hinton   123151938-10-03
Mexico, Michoacán, Coalcomán de Vázquez Pallares Municipio, Villa Victoria-Pto. del Aire., 1480m

98564G. B. Hinton   123151938-10-03
Mexico, Michoacán, Coalcomán de Vázquez Pallares Municipio, Villa Victoria-Pto. del Aire., 1480m

98582H. S. Gentry   30391937-04-06
Mexico, Sonora, El Agrimincor, Rio Mayo.

326332R. S. Felger   90911963-10-21
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, 28.716667 -112.291667

368143R. S. Felger   150011966-10-08
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón, Ensenada Blanca, southwest side of island

384290Benjamin T. Wilder   06-4442006-11-25
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón, east side of island, foothills of the northeastern portion of the Sierra Kunkaak., 28.98957 -112.31274, 280m

98611Edward Palmer   19691892-03-00
Mexico, Nayarit, Tepic.

98655E. Matuda   17621937-08-12
Mexico, Chiapas, Fca, Fuarez, Esc.

98656G. B. Hinton   82361935-08-29
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Municipio, Luvianos.

112081G. B. Hinton   82361935-08-29
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Municipio, Luvianos.

274129H. S. Gentry   59231940-03-13
Mexico, Sinaloa, Quebrado de Platano, Sierra Monterey., 457m

98775H. S. Gentry   59231940-03-13
Mexico, Sinaloa, Quebrado de Platano, Sierra Monterey., 457m

Verbena perennis var. johnstoni Moldenke
15150R. D. Northcraft   9151941-08-14
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 12 k NW of Palmillas on road to Miquihuana., 1950m

98834H. S. Gentry   15221935-07-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Charuco, Rio Fuerte.

274136H. S. Gentry   15221935-07-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Charuco, Rio Fuerte.

Verbena shrevei Moldenke.
98843F. Shreve   71191935-03-16
Mexico, Baja California, 19 mi NE of Comondri., 579m

385550Benjamin T. Wilder   06-3962006-11-24
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Isla Tiburón, east side of the island, canyon at the northern base of Sierra Kunkaak, between Sierra Kunkaak Mayor and Sierra Kunkaak Segundo., 28.97954 -112.31612, 395m

75587H. S. Gentry   22911936-07-21
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo de Mescales, Rio Mayo.

369078R. S. Felger   85-12441985-10-10
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas Municipio, Ensenada los Algodones; palm grove (Sabal uresana) about 0.5 km from beach, ca 1 km south of Club Med, about 5 air km northwest of San Carlos; near sea level, 27.96667 -111.1

Página 342, registros 34101-34200 de 86008

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