Conjunto de Datos: NMC-
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 92, registros 9101-9200 de 13535

New Mexico State University Herbarium

44018C.G. Pringle   99911902-09-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mexico, Dublan

Verbesina sphaerocephela
44407C.G. Pringle   116051903-09-27
Mexico, Jalisco, Mexico, Guadalajara

Verbesina stricta (Hemsl.) A.Gray
33376C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   2181899-08-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, collected in the Sierra Madres near Colonia Garcia, 2286m

33375C.G. Pringle   135771905-09-01
Mexico, Mexico, Barranca above Santa Fe, 2438m

44019C.G. Pringle   99921902-11-27
Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, Lava fields about Parque Station, 2286m

Vernonia almanii,
45178C.G. Pringle   150341907-11-21
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Argentina, Canada of Contreas, 2438m

52327R. A. Bye Jr.   35791973-04-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, MPIO. Batopilas. Barranca de Batopilas. Vicinity of Arroyo San Fernando and slope to W, Overlooking Rio Batopilas, W of La Bufa, in short tree forest.

44010C.G. Pringle   99931902-12-06
Mexico, Jalisco, Mexico, Rocky hills near Guadalajara, 1524m

Vernonia liatrioides
53484R.W. Spellenberg, J.R. Zimmerman, R. Soreng and N. Zucker   69231983-01-10
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico, Hwy. 190 37 mils S of Totolapan, 5 miles S of El Camaron; in Agave plantation area, along roadside.

Vernonia liatrioides
45124C.G. Pringle   139641907-06-10
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Sierra Madre, above Monterrey, 914m

Vernonia liatrioides
64131R.W. Spellenberg, J. Zimmerman and N. Zucker   83071985-10-07
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, 33 miles E of San LUi Potosi on N facing limestone slope.

Vernonia odoratissima,
33403C.G. Pringle   135781905-12-02
Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, Rocky fields near Cuernavaca, 1524m

65653E. Ventura and E. López   11621985-02-18
Mexico, Chiapas, Mexico, El Eden, municipio de Tapachula, 450m

Vernonia pooleae B.L.Turner
65524J.M. Poole & J.A. Mcdonald   22461980-03-13
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico, Ca. 21 mi S of Valle Nacional, Hwy 175 (Tuxtepec-Oaxaca); edge of cleared forest.

45161C.G. Pringle   139801907-12-20
Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, Mountain side above Cuernavaca, 1981m

52512D.E. Ward and R.W. Spellenberg   15641980-10-25
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, Durango in the Santa Rosario Mts, ca 10 miles S of Mapaimi an dHwy 30., 1829m

Viguiera buddleiaeformis,
44408C.G. Pringle   116081903-11-13
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Argentina, Thckets near Eslaba, 2438m

65372G. Quintana and E. Estrada   36961994-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Laguna de Babicora, 4 Km Nte. Ejido La Raiz, Mpio. Madera, 2300msnm, bosque de pino-ensino

33294C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   3001899-09-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Collecetd in the Sierra Madres near Colonia Garcia, 244m

33295C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   2991899-09-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Collected in the Sierra Madres near Colonia Garcia

Viguiera decurrens,
33309C.G. Pringle   sn1905-10-12
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, Rocky hills, Sandia Station, 2286m

Viguiera decurrens,
44221A. Cronquist   2801973-09-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Rancho experimntal la Campana; about 50 miles N of Chihihuhua; Potrero la Sierra; 2 PTE de Carretera Panamericana.

Viguiera decurrens,
33308C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   2791899-08-25
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Collected in the Sierra Madres near Colonia Garcia., 2286m

73024C.A. Purpus   sn1901-01-01
Mexico, Baja California, Mexico, San Jose del Cabo

40345M. Miller   121969-04-06
Mexico, Baja California, Mexico, SE of El Rosario 10.2 miles in Arroyo del Sauzalito, 3/4 mile up arroyo., 305m

Viguiera dentata (Cav.) Spreng.
50057R.W. Spellenberg and J.F. Rincon V.   53931979-09-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Juárez, Chihuahua, about 70 Km S of Juarez near Mex. Hwy. 45, on NW end of Mts to W of Hwy, behind Rancho El Kilo, in small canyon

Viguiera dentata (Cav.) Spreng.
52097J. Zamora   sn1977-06-15
Mexico, Zacatecas, Mexico, 3 Km. del Saucito sobre la carr. a Zacatecas

Erythraea divaricata,
45175C.G. Pringle   150291907-12-06
Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, mountain side above Cuernavaca, 1981m

33315C.G. Pringle   87171902-11-07
Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, Limestone hills near Yantepec, 1372m

Viguiera palmeri A.Gray ex S.Watson
44409C.G. Pringle   116101903-10-05
Mexico, Jalisco, Mexico, Bank of streams, barranca of Guadalajara, 1372m

44410C.G. Pringle   1903-10-06
Mexico, Jalisco, Mexico, Hillsides near Guadalajuara, 1524m

73035C.G. Pringle   135811905-08-18
Mexico, Queretaro, Mexico, Hills near San Juan del Rio, 1981m

45180C.G. Pringle   156161908-05-26
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Near Monterrey, 549m

12304C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   1761899-07-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Sierra Madres, near Colonia Garcia, 2316m

Cleome guyanensis
12512T.S. Brandegee   sn1890-09-20
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mexico, San Jose del Cabo

Gentiana adsurgens Cerv. ex Griseb.
45133C.G. Pringle   150071907-12-10
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mexico, Sierra de Pachuca, 3048m

65632T. Lebgue and E. Estrada   35281994-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, Gómez Farías, Laguna de babicora, Mpio. Gomez Farias, 2150 msnm, pastizal inundable

65353T. Lebgue and E. Estrada   32951994-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Gómez Farías, Laguna de Babicora, pastizal inundable., 2150m

Xanthocephalum eradiatum (M.Lane) G.L.Nesom
58703R.W. Spellenberg   86231986-09-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Bocoyna, Weedy lots, and road banks, back streeets of Creel.

Xanthocephalum gymnosermoides
52620R.W. Spellenberg and J.R. Zimmerman   67741982-09-19
Mexico, Durango, Durango, Central Western Durango, 6 miles SE of Santiago Papasquiaro on Mex. Hwy. 39

52329R. A. Bye Jr.   100111980-10-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guachochi, Ejido Cusarare. Margin of cultivated fields in vicinity of church in Cusarare

Xylothamia pseudobaccharis (S.F.Blake) G.L.Nesom
64169G. Nesom, M. Mayfield and G.S. Hinton   76881993-09-20
Mexico, Coahuila, Parras, S side of Sierra Parras along road toward Menchaca, ca. 14 air km S of Parras; immediately N of Sierra Prieta. W end of exposed ridge of shale and siltstone in area of massive outcrop, ca. 2.5 miles W of road., 25.42 -102.28, 1400m

73050C.H.T. Townsend   61897-00-00
Mexico, Tabasco, Mexico, Tabasco

44412C.G. Pringle   116191903-09-29
Mexico, Jalisco, Mexico, Barranca near Guadalajara., 1372m

5872C.G. Pringle   100111904-07-31
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mexico, Canales Station, 1829m

5887C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   1081899-07-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, near Colonia García in the Sierra Madres, 2286m

Zinnia greggii B.L.Rob. & Greenm.
28916C.G. Pringle   134191904-10-09
Mexico, Michoacan, Mexico, Uruapan

44015C.G. Pringle   110031902-12-04
Mexico, Jalisco, Mexico, Gravelly plains of Guadalajara., 1524m

42002C.G. Pringle   sn1904-07-12
Mexico, Salazar, 2743m

52312R. A. Bye Jr.   69451975-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Napuchi, near Quirire, on road from Creel to La Bufa.

52884R.W. Spellenberg and D.E. Ward   15531980-10-24
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, 12.1 miles N of La Zarca and junction Hwy 30 on Hwy 45.

59713W.L. Wonderly   3411976-08-23
Mexico, Michoacan, Mexico, Just E of Morelia along highway.

58876W.L. Wonderly and D.R. Wonderly   651975-08-24
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Argentina, Chapultepec III, western edge of Mesico city, below highway near last picnic table before turning in to Montes Auvernia.

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
65563T.K. Todsen   MEX 92-151992-10-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico, Roadside, Hwy 175, 18 Km N of Pan-American Highway, 2700m

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
65558T.K. Todsen   MEX 92-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico, Wet open meadow, Llano de Las Flores, Hwy 175.

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
64643W.L. Wonderly   3771976-11-02
Mexico, Mexico, Temescaltepec

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
64641W.L. Wonderly   2221976-05-19
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Chapultepec III, Chapultepec III, along Hwy beyond Equine Club

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
64634W.L. Wonderly   3801976-11-02
Mexico, Mexico, Temescaltepec

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
59079W.L. Wonderly   2061976-04-30
Mexico, Mexico, West of Amecameca on the slopes of Popocateptl above timber line.

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
57474W.L. Wonderly   1101975-09-25
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Argentina, West side of Mexico City, Chapultepec III.

Astragalus longissimus (M.E.Jones) Barneby
14704C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   951899-07-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Sierra Madres, near Colonia Garcia, 2316m

45134C.G. Pringle   150061907-12-10
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mexico, Sierra de Pachuca, 2896m

65557T.K. Todsen   Mex 92-221992-10-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico, Llano de las Flores, Hwy 175, 3000m

52272R.A. Bye   95611979-10-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Bocoyna, Ejido San Ignacio Arareco N of Gonogochi (E of Creel); on mesatop S of Rio Bocoyna, 0.00276 -109.488529, 2400m

44328C.G. Pringle   111511902-08-23
Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, Lava field near Yautepec, 1219m

9971T.S. Maltby   1691897-05-27
Mexico, Nayarit, Mexico, Tepic; Maria Magdalena L.

9972T.S. Maltby   1691897-05-27
Mexico, Nayarit, Mexico, Tepic; Maria Magdalena L.; Darup Seashore

65683T. Lebgue and E. Estrada   33091994-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Gómez Farías, Laguna de Babícora, 2150m

59341S. González   25611983-10-04
Mexico, Durango, Mezquital, 19 km de Los Charcos, por el camino a Sta. Ma. Ocotán, 2400m

44355C.G. Pringle   118421903-11-09
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Argentina, Sierra de Ajusco

64063R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng, R. Corral-Díaz and T. Lebgue   88661986-10-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, 10 mi. E of Basaseachi in a small valley next to the washboard, chuck-holed rock road

44008C.G. Pringle   110331902-08-22
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mexico, Sierra de Pachuca

65381G. Quintana and E. Estrada   36601994-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Madera, Laguna de Babícora; 4 km al Nte. del Ejido La Raíz, 2300m

Halenia rockrothii
20719C.G. Pringle   135881905-10-13
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, below Sandia Station, 1981m

Halenia Borkh.
57436W.L. Wonderly and D.R. Wonderly   141975-07-26
Mexico, Mexico, SW of La Marquesa, 2438m

50333T. Wendt and A. Adamcewicz   4241974-07-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Sierra de los Hechiceros; Cañón Encampanado, below (E of) Rancho Encampanado and above (W of) jct. w/ Cañón de Indio Felipe, 28.675 -103.6, 1300 - 1400m

52777R.W. Spellenberg and J.R. Zimmerman   66991982-09-18
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, central-western Durango, 11 road mi. NW of Santiago Papasquiaro, on road toTopia, 5 mi. W of Ciénaga Nuestra Señora, 25.1047 -106.3517, 2420m

50035R.W. Spellenberg, J.R. Zimmerman and J.F. Rincon V.   51891979-06-25
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, 7 km W of hwy, NW of Moctezuma, SW of Venados at El Tule

73103C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   1081899-07-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Sierra Madres near Colonia García, 2286m

Luzula parviflora (Ehrh.) Desv.
65664G. Quintana and E. Estrada   36631994-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Madera, Laguna Babícora, 4 km al Nte. del Ejido La Raíz, 2300m

44521C.G. Pringle   98061902-08-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Guadalajara, Banks of ravines near Guadalajara., 1524m

Begonia balmisiana Ruiz ex Klotzsch
6749R.W. Spellenberg and J.R. Zimmerman   67491982-09-18
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, Central-western Durango, 111 road miles NW of Santiago Papasquiaro, on road to Topia, 5 miles W of Cienega Nuestra Senora., 25.1047 -106.3517, 2420m

Begonia gracilis Vilmorin-Andrieux
52948R.W. Spellenberg and J.R. Zimmerman   67371982-09-18
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, Central-western Durango, 11 road miles NW of Santiago Papasquiaro, on road to Topia, 5 miles W of Cienega Nuestra Senora., 25.1047 -106.3517, 2420m

Begonia gracilis Vilmorin-Andrieux
58043W.L. Wonderly   461975-08-09
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Argentina, Chaltepec III, wooded area near highway (one colony seen).

Begonia gracilis Vilmorin-Andrieux
59345S. González   19321981-09-11
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, El Temascal, 4 Km al SW de Piedra Herrada, Municipio de Suchil., 2400m

73214C.G. Pringle   139561907-07-23
Mexico, Mexico, Iguala Canon

63689W.L. Wonderly   4251977-04-13
Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, Roadside near Orizaba

59255W.L. Wonderly   4911977-06-25
Mexico, Mexico, West off highway north of Chalma at km. 27 (between Sta. Marta and Chalmas).

59247W.L. Wonderly   3311976-08-22
Mexico, Michoacan, Mexico, Km. 52 of highway between Patzcuaro-Uruapan.

59239W.L. Wonderly   331-A1976-08-22
Mexico, Michoacan, Mexico, Km. 36 of highway between Patzcuaro-Uruapan

59014W.L. Wonderly   3191976-08-21
Mexico, Michoacan, Mexico, Shady woods near Cheran

59118W.L. Wonderly   3401976-08-23
Mexico, Michoacan, Mexico, Just east of Morelia along highway (km. 237)

56110G. Nesom and L. Vorobik   54731986-10-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Baños de San Diego, 1.8 km E of San Diego de Alcala, ca. 16 km NE of jct. of local road with hwy 45 (the jct 19.5 km SE of jct of hwy 45 and road to Aguiles Serdan, SE of Cd. Chihuahua, 28.6 -105.52, 366m

73080T.R. Van Devender and A.L. Reina G.   2004-202004-03-15
Mexico, Sonora, Soyopa, 3.8 km west of Río Yaqui bridge, 10.5 km east of La Barranca on MEX 16, 28.5589 -109.5019, 260m

73081J. Henrickson and B. Prigge   152131976-08-08
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, +- 89 miles S of Big Bend National Park basin in the S end of Sierra Santa Fe del Pino near Rancho de la Vaca, 28.07 -102.95, 1700m

73083J. Henrickson and E. Lee   159311977-05-01
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, ca 30 (air) miles WNW of Cuatro Cienegas, in the limestone Cañon los Pozos, about 3-4 miles W of Rancho Cerro de la Madera along trail to Cañon Desiderio, 25.12 -102.45, 1400m

73085J. Henrickson and B. Prigge   152381976-08-10
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, +-29 (air) miles WNW of Cuatro Cienegas, on the N slope of the Sierra de la Madera, 7.8 (rd) miles W of Rancho Cerro de la Madera, on trail to Cañon Desiderio, 27.13 -102.5, 1750 - 1900m

73086J. Henrickson   148921976-08-04
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, Ca. 6 rd miles NNW of Muzquiz at crossing of Rio Sabinas and Coah. Hwy 22, 27.95 -101.58

73087J. Henrickson   148931976-08-04
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, Ca. 10 rd miles NNW of Muzquiz at crossing of Rio las Rusias at Vado de Comandante 2, 28.1 -101.62

73088J. Henrickson and B. Prigge   152401976-08-10
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, +-29 (air) miles WNW of Cuatro Cienegas; on the N slope of the Sierra de la Madera; 7.8 (rd) miles W of Rancho Cerro de la Madera, 27.13 -102.5, 1750 - 1900m

Página 92, registros 9101-9200 de 13535

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