Conjunto de Datos: SD-Plants
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 705, registros 70401-70500 de 71120

San Diego Natural History Museum

Dudleya rubens (Brandeg.) Britton & Rose
Annetta Carter   43871962-04-20
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Giganta, Ca¤on de la Esperanza about due west of Puerto Escondido. Ex hort. San Diego, 26 May 1963., 25.8007 -111.3982, 900m

Ferocactus wislizeni (Engelm.) Britton & Rose
SD00014188Fritz Schwarz   s.n.
Mexico, NULL, Unknown, Ex hort, Fritz Schwarz garden. (IPB 8/07)

Tom MacDougall   s.n.1965-12-01
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Cerro San Pedro. Ex hort. Tom MacDougall's garden.

L. M. Ortega Torres   7361988-07-18
Mexico, Yucat n, Unknown, Pueblo de Kinchil, 43 km S of Merida, 20.68333 -90.21667

Luz E. Acosta B.   1151988-05-25
Mexico, Yucat n, Unknown, Vallodalid; Ex hort. Collected in yard of a resident., 20.16472 -88.16111, 24m

Aporocactus martianus Britton & Rose
SD00013131Reid Moran   10121G1962-12-06
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Wild Collected from: Llano de la Loma Colorado, southwest slope of Cerro San Felipe. Abundant on one large oak tree Ex hort, San Diego 29 May 1974. (IPB 5/07), 17.13333 -96.68333, 2350m

SD00013134Reid Moran   7812A1959-12-01
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, Wild Collected: El Salto, Km 244, 1.6 miles north of Durango. On rocks near road. Ex hort, San Diego 9 May 1966. (IPB 5/07), 20.91667 -99.25, 2050m

SD00013133Reid Moran   7812F1959-12-01
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, Wild Collected: El Salto, Km 244, 1.6 miles north of Durango. On rocks near road. Ex hort, San Diego 2 May 1974. (IPB 5/07), 20.91667 -99.25, 2050m

SD00013808Reid Moran   8016H1972-02-29
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Near San Juan Mine, Sierra San Borja, 28.7103 -113.57501, 1200m

SD00013804Reid Moran   8396B1961-02-06
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Above El Terminal, ca. 16 miles south of Los Angeles Bay, 28.70928 -113.54445, 900m

SD00013803Reid Moran   s.n.
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Ex hort. Mountainside near/above Agua Amarga, 29.05 -113.86667

Echinocereus pectinatus var. scopulorum
SD00013871Reid Moran   13000A1967-06-27
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Ex hort, San Diego, from Agua Dulce Bay, north slope, Tiburon Island. (IPB 8/07), 29.18333 -112.46667, 200m

Charles H. Uhl   s.n.
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, Presa Madera. Ex hort. San Diego, 15 Mar 1970.

Echeveria amoena L. De Smet ex E. Morr.
C. Glass   1833
Mexico, Puebla, Unknown, Tecamachalco. Ex hort. San Diego, 21 Jun 1971., 2055m

Echeveria tencho Moran & C.H.Uhl
MacDougall   B-111966-02-08
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Tenango, Tehuantepec. Ex hort. Charles Uhl (489)., 1525m

C. Glass   32301971-02-15
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Unknown, Near Palmillas; Ex hort. San Diego, 31 Jul 1972.

Graptopetalum filiferum (S. Wats.) Whitehead
Reid Moran   182241971-04-08
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Ca. 5 miles southeast [ ] of Alamos

T. MacDougall   B-283
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Presumably from southern Oaxaca

Graptopetalum rusbyi (Greene) Rose
Reid Moran   12279
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, ex hort, San Diego 16 Mayu 1966. Original collection from Guiricoba by Foster and Davies, 26.88333 -108.68333, 500m

Pachyphytum hookeri (Salm-Dyck) A. Berger
Reid Moran   76601959-11-07
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Unknown, Ex hort: San Diego, 5 May 1971, plants A & B. On cliff above Ranchito de Juarez, 7 miles southeast of Zaragoza., 21.98333 -100.7, 2100m

Pachyphytum hookeri (Salm-Dyck) A. Berger
Reid Moran   76601959-11-07
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Unknown, Ex hort: San Diego 5 Aug. 1962. On cliff above Ranchito de Juarez, 7 miles southeast of Zaragoza., 21.98333 -100.7, 2100m

Reid Moran   134161966-07-24
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, Ex hort: San Diego 14 August 1972. Fairly common locally on northeast-facing cliffs, Barranca de Metztitlan, 3 miles northwest of Metztitlan., 20.6 -98.81667, 1250m

Charles H. Uhl   18501974-04-18
Mexico, Quer‚taro, Unknown, cliff face, Mx Hwy 120 at Km 111.8, 6 miles north of Pe¤a Blanca (and Rio Ext¢rax) and 23 miles north of Vizarr¢n, 1820m

Charles H. Uhl   18531976-03-27
Mexico, Quer‚taro, Unknown, Canyon ¬ mile west of Mx Hwy 120 at Km 60, 7.7 miles north of Cadereyta and 2.5 miles north of San Javier, 2200m

Reid Moran   147561968-01-24
Mexico, Quer‚taro, Unknown, Ex hort: San Diego 20 Feb 1971. On north- and east-facing cliffs, Santa Maria del Mexicano., 20.83333 -100.08333, 2000m

Charles Glass   32611972-03-01
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Unknown, Cliff near pass ca. 24 miles north of Jaumave, on road to Cd. Victoria. Ex hort. San Diego, Mar. 1972, 1000m

Reid Moran   133911966-07-17
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Unknown, Ex hort: San Diego 28 Feb 1972. On north-facing cliffs, Canon de Nogales, Rio Guayelejo, 5 miles east of San Vicente., 23.41667 -99.21667, 600m

Echeveria X Pachyphytum
Reid Moran   100621962-11-30
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, 4.0 miles north of San Agust¡n Metzquititlan. Ex hort. San Diego, 19 May 1967, 20.58333 -98.73333, 1900m

Reid Moran   84311961-04-01
Mexico, NULL, Unknown, Ex hort.

Reid Moran   101421962-00-00
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, From the garden of Thomas MacDougall, originally from Cerro Guingola, near Tehuantepec; Ex hort. San Diego, 26 Mar 1964.

Reid Moran   s.n.
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, From the garden of Thomas MacDougall, originally from Cerro San Pedro, just west of Cerro Guingola. Ex hort. San Diego, 24 Mar 1964.

Reid Moran   101431962-00-00
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, From garden of Thomas MacDougall. Originally from El Convento, south of Portillo Nejapa. Ex hort. San Diego, 24 Mar 1964.

Boutin   22611971-04-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Unknown, From shaded hillside in canyon east of Ciudad Guzman. Ex hort. Huntington Botanical Gardens (HBG 23574), 5 Apr 1971

Tom MacDougall   B-235
Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlacolulu, From type collection, MacDougall B-235; Said to be from near Carrizal. Ex hort. San Diego, Reid Moran, 8 Jul 1967., 17.16667 -96.33333, 2740m

Felipe Otero   s.n.
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, Near Puente Tasquillo. ex hort. San Diego, 16 Jul 1972.

Barry Coates   s.n.
Mexico, Veracruz, Unknown, Canyon south of Huatusco road, 6.0 miles southwest of Jalapa-Veracruz Highway. Ex hort. San Diego, 28 Dec 1972.

Barry Coates   s.n.
Mexico, Veracruz, Unknown, Canyon south of Huatusco road, 6.0 miles southwest of Jalapa-Veracruz Highway. Ex hort. San Diego, 18 Jan 1975. P. C. Hutchison, 1189.

Echeveria coppii Moran ex Gideon F. Sm. & Bischofb.
D. E. Breedlove   122871968-02-18
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, 6.0 miles southeast of Los Hornos, northeast face of Sierra Surutato.Ex hort. San Diego, 21 Aug 1968, Reid Moran, 14823., 25.83333 -107.5, 2370m

Echeveria coppii Moran ex Gideon F. Sm. & Bischofb.
Reid Moran   s.n.1971-08-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, Sierra Surotato; Ex hort. Joe Copp, Aug 1971., 25.83333 -107.5, 2275m

Echeveria coppii Moran ex Gideon F. Sm. & Bischofb.
Reid Moran   s.n.1972-11-09
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, From Sierra Surotato. Ex hort. Plant grown by Joe Copp, La Jolla., 25.83333 -107.5, 2275m

Kitty Sabo   s.n.1965-04-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Unknown, On sheer cliffs near Umira, on road from Batopilas to Creel. Ex hort. San Diego 31 Aug 1966., 27.33333 -107.58333, 2200m

Echeveria difractens
Reid Moran   s.n.1981-02-15
Mexico, Veracruz, Unknown, Ex hort. San Diego.

Reid Moran   195721974-05-09
Mexico, Jalisco, Unknown, Carretera to Barra de Navidad. Near topotype.

T. MacDougall   B-303
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Presumably from southern Oaxaca

Graptopetalum rusbyi (Greene) Rose
Reid Moran   85661962-00-00
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, ex hort, San Diego, 6 Jun 1962; original collection from Guiricoba by John Sloan, 26.88333 -105.68333, 500m

Reid Moran   213941978-10-01
Mexico, Nuevo Le¢n, Unknown, North wall of Barranca de las Garrapatas, 6.0 km southeast of Santiago. Ex hort. San Diego; sent by Dale B. Morrical., 25.36667 -100.1, 500m

Sedum hystrix
Reid Moran   s.n.1965-03-21
Mexico, NULL, Unknown, Ex hort. U. C. Bot. Gard. 53-411-1.

Reid Moran   s.n.1974-07-27
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, From limestone near Enebro, south of San Miguel Aztatla. Ex hort. San Diego, 27 Jul 1974., 17.91667 -97.41667, 2200m

Boutin   22611972-08-04
Mexico, Jalisco, Unknown, From shaded hillside in canyon east of Ciudad Guzman. Ex hort. San Diego. Huntington Botanical Gardens: HBG 23574.

C. Glass   1785
Mexico, Puebla, Unknown, Ex hort. San Diego 20 Oct 1972. Originally collected Cerro Petlanco, southsoutheast of Tehuacan near the Oaxaca border.

J. Henrickson   2132
Mexico, Puebla, Unknown, Ex hort, San Diego Sept 1966. Originally from south slope of Cerro Petlanco, 8.0 km west of Axusco, ca. 37 km southsoutheast of Tehuacan near the Oaxaca border

Villadia misera (Lindley) R.T. Clausen
Reid Moran   147631968-01-24
Mexico, Quer‚taro, Unknown, Scarce on north slope, Cerro del Mexican. Ex hort. San Diego 18 Aug 1972., 20.85 -100.08333, 2050m

Reid Moran   98791962-00-00
Mexico, NULL, Unknown, Ex hort. 7 Oct 1962.

Villadia acuta R. Moran & C. H. Uhl
Reid Moran   133831966-07-15
Mexico, San Luis Potos¡, Unknown, Common on rocks just above road, east slope of Pico el Aguj¢n, ca. 30 km southwest of Rioverde. Ex hort. San Diego 16 Dec. 1970., 21.63333 -100.11667, 1700m

Castilleja racemosa (Breedlove & Heckard) T.I. Chuang & Heckard
L. R. Heckard   s.n.1975-09-29
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, Plants raised in greenhouse on Helianthus annus, from seed of Breedlove #19,200

Reid Moran   288021980-06-14
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, 9.0 km north of Rosarito near San Antonio., 32.41667 -117.09503, 5m

Sedum hultenii Fröderstr.
C. H. Uhl   18651970-00-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, On rocks above Mexico Highway 85 at km 135.5, 10.4 km south of Santa Ana and 35.2 km north of Jacala. Ex hort San Diego, 30 Mar 1972, R.M., 1615m

Sedum hultenii Fröderstr.
Reid Moran   s.n.1968-02-17
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, Ex hort. from Garden of Padre Hans Fittkau in Mexico City; from cliffs near road south of Tamazunchale.

Reid Moran   64021957-11-01
Mexico, Morelos, Unknown, Pedregal above Cuernevaca. Ex hort. San Diego, 16 Jul 1962, 19.01667 -99.11667, 2350m

Reid Moran   7786
Mexico, Hidalgo, Unknown, Roadbank, Omitlan, below garden and probably an escape. Ex hort. San Diego, 30 Jul 1962.

Jorge Meyr n   27171967-04-28
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Ca¤on de Tomell¡n. Ex hort. San Diego 15 Apr 1967.

E. B. Gay   s.n.
Mexico, Quer‚taro, Unknown, Km 217 south of Quer‚taro. Ex hort. San Diego, 7 Oct 1962.

Tom MacDougall   B-2361963-00-00
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Sierra Madre above Zanatepec. Ex hort. San Diego, 21 Mar 1964.

Reid Moran   77731962-11-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Forested west slope of Sierra Juarez, 12 miles north of Ixtlan. Ex hort. San Diego 14 Jul 1963., 17.5 -96.46667, 2750m

Tom MacDougall   s.n.1962-12-01
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Ex hort. Grown by T. MacDougall. El Triunfo, above Finca Prusia, Sierra Juarez.

Sedum chloropetalum R. T. Clausen
Reid Moran   10096
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, On cliff, Portillo de Zeta, Km 114.5, road to Puerto Escondido. Ex hort. 19 Sep 1964, 16.45 -97.01667, 2100m

Cochemiea maritima G.E. Linds.
SD00013193J. Gibbons   s.n.1986-00-00
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Near Santa Rosalillito; Ex hort, San Diego Wild Animal Park, Richard K. Chambers, #4, 19 Jan 1993. (IPB 7/07), 28.66724 -114.24082

Sicana odorifera (Vell.) Naudin
R. Lira   5111984-07-13
Mexico, Yucat n, Unknown, Ciudad de Merida. Ex hort. In patio of house at Calle 43.

Sicana odorifera (Vell.) Naudin
R. Lira   4491983-08-18
Mexico, Yucat n, Unknown, Ex hort. Ejido de Uayma.

Echinocereus engelmannii (Parry ex Engelm.) Lem.
SD00013463J. Gibbons   s.n.
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, El Volcan, near El Marmol. Ex hort, San Diego Wild Animal Park, SDWAP # P89P192 Richard K. Chambers #29 7 April 1994. (IPB 8/07), 29.91667 -114.85

Cochemiea setispina (J.M. Coult.) Walton
SD00013212J. Gibbons   311986-03-01
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Near Mission San Borja. Ex hort. San Diego Wild Animal Park # P91P53, Richard K. Chambers #31, 14 Jun 1994. (IPB 7/07), 28.75 -113.78333

Colubrina viridis (M. E. Jones) M. C. Johnst.
SD00057430Jon P. Rebman   16921993-04-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Comondu, 64 km North of Ciudad Insurgentes and 13.7 miles east of Francisco Villa at riparian area on the Rio Commundu, 25.96667 -111.93333

Calibanus hookeri (Lem.) Trel.
SD00010271Robert Foster   9551968-11-06
Mexico, San Luis Potos¡, Unknown, Above Lourdes (Balneario de Lourdes), ca 30 miles south of San Luis Potosi; this specimen ex hort, Huntington BG #24049, 28 Jun 1984

SD00011318Jon P. Rebman   23071994-03-05
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, North of Santa Rosalillita along the road to San Jose Las Palomas; in sandy flats at junction with the road to Rancho San Andr‚s. (IPB 7/07), 28.71667 -114.28333

Opuntia chlorotica Engelm. & J.M. Bigelow
SD00017766Jon P. Rebman   26511994-05-05
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Southwest of Ejido San Matias, 3 miles south of Mex. Rte. 3, on the road to Mike's Sky Ranch and 2.3 miles farther on the road to El Tepi. Growing on lower slopes and rocky granite flats. (IPB 9/07), 31.26667 -115.56667

Hylocereus A. Berger
SD00014208Jon P. Rebman   28361994-07-07
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Ex hort, cultivated in the garden on the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California campus, just north of Ensenada. (IPB 8/07), 31.86667 -116.66667

Liz Slauson   2351994-10-23
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Near El Descanso, km 171 along highway 1: in wash of El Palmarito River., 29.73583 -114.73528

Fred Boutin   38281972-12-07
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Rancho La Puerta, east of Matape. Ex hort. Huntington Botanical Gardens 30 May 1984. Originally collected as seed., 1100m

Dudleya pachyphytum R. Moran & M. Benedict
Reid Moran   s.n.1995-09-03
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Originally collected at Cedros Island, ca. 1 km northwest of old mine in Ca¤ada de la Mina; this specimen ex hort, San Diego, 28.3512 -115.23276

X Pacherocactus orcuttii (K. Brandegee) G.D. Rowley
SD00018852Jon P. Rebman   28751994-10-25
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Photographs only, no specimen. Ex hort, garden specimen originally collected from the region near El Rosario. (IPB 9/07)

M. Kimnach   11991967-11-24
Mexico, Durango, Unknown, Ex hort, Huntington Botanical Garden, 28 June 1984; seed collected 4 miles from Tepehuanes on road to Santiago Papasquiaro, 1980m

M. Kimnach   10171967-11-13
Mexico, Chihuahua, Unknown, Ex hort, Huntington Botanical Gardens 16 July 1984; pistillate Seed collected 12 miles from San Francisco del Oro on road to Guadalupe y Calvo, 2075m

M. Kimnach   10171967-11-13
Mexico, Chihuahua, Unknown, Ex hort, Huntington Botanical Gardens 16 July 1984; pistillate Seed collected 12 miles from San Francisco del Oro on road to Guadalupe y Calvo, 2075m

SD00011251Jon Rebman   36311996-09-27
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Gulf of California: Isla Cerralvo, northwest side of island, 24.31667 -109.93333, 5m

James C. Dice   5951985-05-24
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Cultivated from seed collected near Rancho de la Cruz by Reid Moran (#29794)

Dudleya pachyphytum R. Moran & M. Benedict
SD00027706Reid Moran   290361996-07-03
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Ex hort, Cedros Island, from a plant of the type collection, north end of Cedros Island., 137m

Holodiscus discolor var. microphyllus (Rydb.) Jeps.
SD00045190Jon Rebman   41711997-07-30
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra de San Pedro Martir: Approx. 50-75 m north-northwest of the main Observatory., 31.04472 -115.46389, 2775m

Agave harvardiana
SD00010230Wendy Hodgson   109641998-06-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin north base of Sierra Rica, Rancho Consolacion, 1325m

SD00010243Wendy Hodgson   112711999-04-13
Mexico, Puebla, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin 4 to 10 miles southwest of Tehuacan on road to Zapotitlan, Puebla., 1075m

SD00010054Wendy Hodgson   s.n.1998-12-22
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin Santa Margarita Island, BCS., 24.47477 -111.82649

Wendy Hodgson   107741998-03-27
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin probably K. P. 2066.5 , south of Hermosillo, Sonora.

Yucca rigida Deleuil ex André
SD00012049Wendy Hodgson   109031998-03-27
Mexico, Durango, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin 100 miles northeast of Ciudad Durango

SD00010246Wendy Hodgson   108981998-03-27
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin ca 2 miles northwest of Yanhitlan along highway, Oaxaca

SD00012039Wendy Hodgson   107211998-03-13
Mexico, Chihuahua, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin 10 miles south of Ojinaga, Chihuahua.

SD00010239Wendy Hodgson   108971998-03-27
Mexico, Nayar¡t, Unknown, Ex hort, DES, from seed. Origin Huajicori, Nayarit., 300m

SD00010226Wendy Hodgson   109701998-07-09
Mexico, Durango, Unknown, Ex hort, DES. Origin 15 to 18 miles northwest of La Zarca, Durango., 1980m

Reymundo Dominguez C.   17311997-07-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Campo Experimental, UABCS, Carr. Al Sur La Paz, 24.21667 -110.08333, 10m

Reymundo Dominguez C.   16781997-01-27
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Ex hort. Jardin UABCS., 24.13333 -110.3, 20m

Reymundo Dom¡nguez C.   16861997-01-20
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, 17 km northwest of La Paz; Cibnor; El Comitan., 24.16667 -110.33333, 5m

Morangaya pensilis (K. Brandegee) G.D. Rowley
SD00014725Reid Moran   7448
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Ex hort, No location other than Mexico, Baja California given on label.

Página 705, registros 70401-70500 de 71120

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