Conjunto de Datos: SD-Plants
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 83, registros 8201-8300 de 71120

San Diego Natural History Museum

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   256961978-05-08
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Oak Pasture turnoff, 30.96667 -115.60833, 1725m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   259351978-05-11
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, El Pabellon beach, sandy soil behind dunes, 30.36667 -115.86667, 5m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   258911978-05-11
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Cedros Island: Agua de Tanilo, rocky upper north slope, 30.45 -115.7625, 130m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   252781978-02-21
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Arroyo E. Rosario 9 km northeast of El Rosario, 30.1 -115.65, 60m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   264191979-02-17
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, mesa 2 km east of Tijuana airport tower, roadside, 32.54583 -116.95, 150m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   264661979-02-19
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, meadow-pasture by oxbow pond 1 km east of Santa Minica, Valle las Palmas, 32.40833 -116.66667, 250m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   265801979-03-04
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, at Penasco la Lobera, 10 km SSE of Erendira, on coastal terrace, 31.19167 -116.33333, 5m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   266601979-03-11
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, 1 km south of Santo Tomas (km 2.3 on Chocolate road)., 31.54167 -116.41667, 300m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   290041980-07-07
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Southeast side of Laguna Mormona 7 km northwest of San Quintin nuevo, salt flat, 30.59167 -116.00833, 1m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
John R. Reeder   72831980-06-16
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, 15 km east of Tecate near Rosa de Castillo. Along roadside, 32.5683 -116.4923, 762m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   302511982-04-04
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, 1 km north of Los Cochis, on burned south slope, 31.31667 -116.08333, 310m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   306151982-05-08
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, arroyo bed, 1 km south of Cerro Monje and 12 klm SW of La Rumorosa, 32.46667 -116.11667, 1325m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Reid Moran   303621982-04-11
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Canon el Saladito, 14 km SE of San Vicente, 31.24583 -116.13333, 170m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Robert F. Thorne   559431983-05-29
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, near junction of roads from Laguna Hanson to Ojos Negros and that to Apache Hot Springs, about 12.1 miles south west of laguna hanson, Sierra de Juarez, 31.9393 -116.04738, 13m

Richard S. Felger   85-7641985-06-25
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Puerto Penasco; north edge of town, junction Mex 8 and road to Bahia de la Cholla, roadside

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Grady L. Webster   216961977-03-30
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, 2.5 miles south of El Pedregoso, ca. 22 miles south of Catavina, 29.58333 -114.58333, 792m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
A. C. Sanders   76421988-02-13
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Peninsula west of San Quintin, just south of Pedregal, 30.43333 -115.98333, 10m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon Rebman   64272000-04-15
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Rancho Los Martires Area: along river zone, 30.11361 -115.35556

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jose Luis Leon de la Luz   99702001-04-26
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Catavina; Area de rocas adjunto a la carretera, zona arenosa, 29.78333 -114.76667, 600m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon P. Rebman   67522000-06-04
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Guadalupe Island, Northeast Anchorage; along trail to top of island from Barracks Canyon., 29.15 -118.28333, 30m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Grady L. Webster   285741991-03-27
Mexico, Baja California, Mexicali, Las Arrastras, c. 21 miles by road north of Calamague Canyon, 29.53333 -114.33333, 500m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Francisco Casillas   642007-03-27
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, City of Ensenada, 31.88 -116.60472

SD00012547Richard S. Felger   6-132006-03-16
Mexico, Baja California, Mexicali, ca 0.3 km south from Presa Morelos, wetland, stagnant water pools, 32.70444 -114.72889, 34m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon Rebman   171672009-04-22
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra La Libertad: vicinity of Las Cuevas; in Arroyo La Soledad and surrounding lower slopes, 28.42136 -113.67077, 635m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Frank W. Gould   119181966-02-22
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Gravelly wash below old mission of San Borjas, southwest of Bahia de Los Angeles, 28.74411 -113.75394

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
M. Salazar   39942009-03-31
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Lag Sborja - Codornices 0318: Granito en R. Las Codornices Site: 981, 29.19241 -114.32993, 545m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Timothy S. Ross   70441993-05-03
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra La Asamblea: southwest foot of the range near the west edge of Mesa Yubay and the south-southwest side of Mesa Cuerno de Borrego; ca 7 road miles north-northeast of the abandoned site of El Desenga¤o, 29.20833 -114.01389, 770m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Benjamin T. Wilder   10-962010-03-19
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 24 km NW by air from turnoff of Highway 1 to Bahia de los Angeles., 29.23787 -114.26573, 515m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon Rebman   227782012-03-20
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, Southwest of Santo Tomas and west of Hwy 1; north of Erendira and north of Punta Cabras; west of Nativo del Valle: vicinity of Rancho El Coyote along the canyon bottom in the lower (western) portion of Canada el Gavilan, 31.41376 -116.47363, 85m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon Rebman   228902012-03-21
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, Along coast south of Erendira and north of Colonet; on a coastal mesa and adjacent upper slopes south of Arroyo Hediondo and on the north side of the dirt road to San Vicente, 31.19198 -116.32533, 74m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon Rebman   230372012-03-24
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, Valle Tranquilo vicinity, north of El Rosario and south of San Quintin, east of Hwy. 1 and just south of Arroyo Hondo; along Arroyo Amargo on Terra Peninusular property., 30.19061 -115.77814, 75m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Sula Vanderplank   100507-42010-05-07
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Guadalupe Island, northern end, at el aguaje., 29.11502 -118.32532, 1065m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jose Luis Le¢n de la Luz   117502013-04-30
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Norte de Sierra Ju rez: 9.2 km al Oeste del Penal de El Hongo, 32.48505 -116.35614, 921m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Sula Vanderplank   55462015-03-28
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Coronado Islands, South Island. High ridge on west side of island., 32.41351 -117.24832, 107m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jim Riley   3172015-03-17
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Arroyo Escopeta, 30.65451 -115.88249, 62m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jim Riley   4172016-03-02
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, Arroyo Portrero tributary of Arroyo El Rosario, 30.1648 -115.5765, 121m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jim Riley   4802016-04-26
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, Vernal Pool next to power lines on Cerro de las Torres, 30.584 -115.9141, 115m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jim Riley   2232015-01-21
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Arroyo El Rosario; just east of Carretera, 30.1014 -115.66392, 64m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon Rebman   30066b2015-04-28
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, Vicinity of the gabbro mountain called Cerro El Tecolote: south of Mex. Hwy 3 at Valle de la Trinidad; just southwest of General Leondro Valle; along the road in a recently burned area to the west of Cerro El Tecolote, 31.2184 -115.7893, 1075m

Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell.
Jon Rebman   318192016-06-11
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, Sierra de San Pedro Martir: west of Santa Rosa Meadow; vicinity of Rancho Santo Tomas along the riparian area & lower slopes, 30.77756 -115.38611, 1750m

SD00008779Reid Moran   58121957-03-12
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island; south slope near summit Mt. Evermann, 18.775 -110.9625, 1030m

Reid Moran   59341957-03-19
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island; ridge south of cove, Graysons Cove, 18.7625 -111.00417, 15m

A. A. Beetle   M-17481971-09-05
Mexico, san luis potos¡, Unknown, Santo Domingo.

Richard S. Felger   157661967-03-21
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island; slopes of volcanic cone within 50 meters of summit, Evermann Peak, 18.775 -110.96167, 1000m

Reid Moran   254521978-04-10
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island; dry ridge above Grayson's Cove, 18.75 -111, 350m

Reid Moran   254841978-04-11
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island, on hillside above Playa Blanca, ESE of Cabo Henslow, 18.81667 -111.00833, 100m

E. Patricia Huerta H.   s.n.1975-10-26
Mexico, Mexico, Tepotzotl n, Presa de la Concepci¢n., 2400m

Schizachyrium mexicanum (Hitchc.) A. Camus
Geoffrey A. Levin   14761984-10-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Unknown, Las Varas, 12.8 km west of Yepachi, on rocks, 28.43333 -108.5, 1600m

Geoffrey A. Levin   18131987-04-17
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island; grassland, ridge northwest of Cerro Evermann, 18.775 -110.96667, 915m

A. A. Beetle   M-54351980-09-20
Mexico, Jalisco, Unknown, Los Guaybos.

A. A. Beetle   M-73281981-09-02
Mexico, Guanajuato, Unknown, Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas, rumbo a Guanajusto.

A. A. Beetle   M-78571981-09-25
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Grassland north of Cananea, Ejido Jos‚ Mar¡a Morelos.

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
SD00012552Jos‚ Luis Le¢n de la Luz   4723'1990-10-25
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra Cacachilas, Rancho La Huerta, 24.13333 -110.1, 530m

M. Gonzalez L.   1201984-09-22
Mexico, Ixtlahuaca, Cerro San Felipe, entando por el pablado de la Concepcion (esta a 9 Km. de Ixtlahuaca por la carr. Ixtlahuaca-San Felipe del Progreso, 2650m

SD00012551M. Dominguez L.   26191998-10-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra de la Laguna, valle, 23.53333 -109.9, 1800m

Schizachyrium cirratum (Hack.) Wooton & Standl.
SD000125500M. Dominguez L.   26331998-10-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra de la Laguna, valle, 23.53333 -109.9, 1800m

Jose Luis Leon de la Luz   97352000-09-27
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de La Laguna, La Cieneguita, 23.55 -109.98333, 1820m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
M. Dominguez L.   6291993-12-02
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, Carr. Palo Escopeta., 23.2 -109.6, 200m

Schizachyrium brevifolium (Sw.) Nees ex Büse
SD00012549M. Dominguez L.   29752000-11-15
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Rancho San Antonio de La Sierra, 23.68547 -109.94478, 600m

J. Luis Leon   33301988-04-17
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Isla Socorro, Canada Azufre, 18.75 -110.95, 1000m

Schizachyrium cirratum (Hack.) Wooton & Standl.
Jose Luis Leon de la Luz   6801984-10-14
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Laguna, canada El Eden, 23.51667 -109.93333, 1590m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
Reymundo Dominguez Cadena   24392001-10-25
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Rancho El Crucero; 20 km desde la carr. A Todos Santos, entrada en el tramo La Venta -La Matanza., 23.66667 -110.11667, 450m

Schizachyrium brevifolium (Sw.) Nees ex Büse
Reymundo Dominguez Cadena   34732010-11-22
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Rancho San Atonio de la Sierra, 24 km al S del poblado San Antonio., 23.6839 -109.9416, 835m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
Reymundo Dominguez Cadena   34742010-11-22
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Rancho San Atonio de la Sierra, 24 km al S del poblado San Antonio., 23.6839 -109.9416, 835m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
Jon Rebman   275492013-11-10
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, Cabo Pulmo: southeastern Cape region, between La Ribera and Bahia Los Frailes; in a canyon approximately 1.4 miles west of the town of Cabo Pulmo and the main road (Camino Cabo Este)., 23.43507 -109.45229, 70m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
Jon Rebman   291532014-10-22
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra del Novillo: approx. 15 miles southeast of La Paz & northeast of the jctn. Of Hwy. 1 & Hwy 19; in a canyon above Rancho Las Calabazas, 23.94732 -110.17519, 655m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
Jon Rebman   307182015-10-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Rancho Encinalito: northeastern foothills of the Sierra de La Laguna, east of San Antonio de la Sierra, southwest of San Bartolo; private ranch owned by Kathleen Mitchell & Scott Landis, 23.69018 -109.92599, 820m

SD00008415Jon Rebman   320862017-02-16
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island: Revillagigedo Archipelago; central portion of the island near the top of Cerro Evermann, 18.79122 -110.97415, 995m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
Alfonso Medel Narvaez   8332015-09-21
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, Sierra de San Lazaro - Los Naranjos: Arroyo Palmilla, en curva pronunciada pavimentada, 23.21737 -109.85035, 581m

Schizachyrium semitectum (Swallen) Reeder
Jose Luis Leon de la Luz   122982015-09-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de La Laguna. Sierra La Victoria, ca. San Antonio Sierra., 23.6876 -109.94786, 843m

F. Ventura A.   15431970-07-07
Mexico, Veracruz, Perote, Totalco, orilla de camino, terreno plano, 2300m

F. Ventura A.   15421970-07-07
Mexico, Veracruz, Perote, Totalco, orilla de camino, terreno plano, 2300m

J.G. Schaffner   1621879-00-00
Mexico, san luis potos¡, Unknown, San Luis Potosi

A.A. Beetle   M-78381981-09-25
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, grassland north of Cananea, Ejido Jose Mario Morelos

Scribneria bolanderi (Thurb.) Hack.
SD00012553Robert F. Thorne   559051983-05-28
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Laguna Hanson, Constitucion National Park, Sierra de Juarez; near east margin of Laguna Hanson., 32.04402 -115.89967, 1610m

Reid Moran   296731981-06-28
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, 2 km SE of San Faustino, 32.2 -116.15833, 1290m

Reid Moran   296171981-06-27
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, valley of Agua Hechicera, 32.26667 -116.2, 1175m

SD00012554Reid Moran   296381981-06-27
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez. One clump in native vegetation on arroyo bank just south of Rancho San Faustino., 32.21667 -116.16667, 1290m

Reid Moran   297401981-07-05
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Rancho Hechicera, 32.45 -116.21667, 1090m

Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1928-02-17
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Todos Santos, on the north, 23.45213 -110.21469

Setaria liebmanni
Frank F. Gander   97501941-11-01
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, 7 miles south of Miraflores, 23.26775 -109.7688

Annetta Carter   28731950-12-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Giganta west of Puerto Escondido, Arroyo de Tabor, 25.81442 -111.34575, 125m

Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguélen
Reid Moran   57921957-03-11
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island; ridge south of Caldera Valley, southeast of Mt. Evermann, 18.75417 -110.95, 575m

Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguélen
SD00008780Reid Moran   58111957-03-12
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island; south slope near summit, Mt. Evermann, 18.775 -110.9625, 1030m

Reid Moran   40511952-05-02
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, San Pedro Nolasco Island; near middle east side, 27.96667 -111.4

Reid Moran   69971959-01-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, San Pedro [San Pedrito], 23.39167 -110.20833

SD00015067R. M. Turner   64-2471964-10-10
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, 13 miles west of San Bartolo., 23.77327 -110.01592, 395m

Setaria liebmanni
R.M. Turner   64-1351964-10-05
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, Hills near Yacht Hotel, Topolobampo, 100m

Setaria liebmanni
R.M. Turner   64-1361964-10-05
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, Hills near Yacht Hotel, Topolobampo, 30m

J. R. Hastings   64-2911964-10-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Los Frailes, ca. 3 miles (by road) north of, 23.4128 -109.43726, 100m

Setaria leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.) K. Schum.
SD00015066Reid Moran   89781962-03-29
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Isla San Marcos: few, Arroyo de los Chivos, NE side of island., 27.24658 -112.0823, 10m

Reid Moran   90771962-04-02
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Pulpito Bay, 26.51681 -111.45404, 25m

Setaria leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.) K. Schum.
Reid Moran   90721962-04-02
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Isla San Ildefonso: few seen, south slope of island., 26.62682 -111.42773, 20m

Setaria leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.) K. Schum.
Reid Moran   93731962-04-10
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Isla Santa Catalina: near the spring, palm spring arroyo, east side of island., 25.65833 -110.775, 130m

Setaria leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.) K. Schum.
Reid Moran   128191966-03-19
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Borja, south slope of Cerro la Chona, 28.37184 -113.5595, 1200m

Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv.
SD00015072Reid Moran   153131968-07-19
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Pedro Martir. Rancho San Jose (Meling Ranch)., 30.9725 -115.7447, 650m

Setaria paniculifera (Steud.) E.Fourn. ex Hemsl.
F. Ventura A.   3881970-01-26
Mexico, Puebla, Hueytamalco, Colihuit, arroyo, 1250m

Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguélen
Carlos Jimenez   1481967-08-20
Mexico, Unknown, Cerro de Xochitepec, cerca del pueblo de Xochitepec, delegacion de Xochimilco Distrito Federal, 2300m

Setaria leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.) K. Schum.
SD00015065Reid Moran   136701966-10-02
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez. Portezuelo de Jamau. Occasional., 31.63333 -115.63333, 1300m

Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.
A.A. Beetle   M-12651971-08-31
Mexico, Veracruz, Unknown, near Nautla at Punta del Morro

Página 83, registros 8201-8300 de 71120

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