Conjunto de Datos: UCR
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 40, registros 3901-4000 de 38987

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Montanoa frutescens (Mairet ex DC.) Hemsl.
T. Estrada   541979-09-30
Mexico, México, Amecameca, 1 km al E de San Antonio., 2500m

Montanoa karwinskii (DC.) C. Koch
A.C. Sanders   119371991-11-09
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km (airline) north of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line passes through the ranch. From Jabali main gate to Hacienda San Antonio, along the road to Comala; Volcan de Colima, 19.44833 -103.71667, 1150m

Montanoa karwinskii (DC.) C. Koch
A.C. Sanders   118621991-11-08
Mexico, Colima, Comala, 19.45833 -103.68333, 1420m

D.E. Goldberg   77--1521977-09-21
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, 2.7 miles west of Santa Ana de Yecora, 28.41667 -109.26667, 706m

C. Feddema   28331963-12-02
Mexico, Guerrero, Chichihualco, Asoleadero, c. 15 km west of Camotla, c. 45 km west of Chilpancingo., 2650m

Montanoa tomentosa subsp. rosei (Rose ex B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) V.A. Funk
S.A. Meyer   s.n.1993-03-02
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos, Guiricoba crossing of Rio Cuchujaqui, 12.3 km by air SSE of Alamos.; Rio Mayo region, 26.8375 -108.88333, 260m

Neohintonia monantha (Sch. Bip.) R. King & H. Rob.
L. Rico A.   9251992-02-07
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, c. 20 km al N de la Ciudad de Colima, cerca de la Hacienda San Antonio; cerca de El Ahuacate rumbo a la avenida de los Bambues; tambien, cerca del arroyo Epazote; Volcan de Colima, 19.43333 -103.66667, 1300m

Neohintonia monantha (Sch. Bip.) R. King & H. Rob.
A.C. Sanders   107011991-03-19
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km airline NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. East and south sides of Lago Calabozo; Volcan de Colima, 19.43833 -103.67667, 1400m

Neohintonia monantha (Sch. Bip.) R. King & H. Rob.
A.C. Sanders   106361991-03-18
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes through ranch. At the ranch headquarters; Volcan de Colima, 19.44833 -103.71167, 1180m

Neohintonia monantha (Sch. Bip.) R. King & H. Rob.
A.C. Sanders   102381991-01-05
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22km (airline) NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. Grounds of Ranch headquarters and forest at edges; Volcan de Colima, 19.45 -103.71111, 1180m

Neohintonia monantha (Sch. Bip.) R. King & H. Rob.
Ma. Guadalupe Ayala   6311986-02-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Cabo Corrientes, El Tuito, 9.8 km al NW por el camino a Ixtlahuahuey. Near village of "Las Guacimas", 20.37861 -105.38778

Neohintonia monantha (Sch. Bip.) R. King & H. Rob.
A.C. Sanders   103451991-01-07
Mexico, Colima, Comala, East side of Lago La Maria, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima [near Rcho. El Jabali]; Foothills of Volcan de Colima, 19.46 -103.70833, 1250m

Barry A. Prigge   79651988-03-05
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Mexicali, 15 air km WNW of San Felipe, 13.5 km west of Hwy 5 on road to Rancho Santa Clara. NW side of Cerro Donaldo; Sonoran Desert, 31.06 -115.00833, 350m

Barry A. Prigge   80251988-03-07
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, 22.6 km NW of Punta Willard and 1 km E of main road; Vizcaino Desert, 29.97333 -114.54167, 20m

K.C. Nixon   8651977-12-16
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, 2 mi. north of Desengaño, 5 mi. north of Mex. Hwy 1, 29.14633 -114.03186, 608m

Odontotrichum palmeri (Greene) Rydb.
Ignacio García Ruiz   28661989-08-09
Mexico, Michoacán, Marcos Castellanos, 1 km al SE de Ia [Isla] Arena, 2000m

Onoseris onoseroides (Willd. ex Kunth) B.L. Rob.
Rogers McVaugh   223411965-02-10
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sola de Vega, 5 km north of Juchatengo., 1000m

Leticia Hernández L.   611990-08-16
Mexico, Jalisco, El Grullo, 7-8 km al NW de El Grullo, cercanias del Rancho Puerto del Barro, 19.85889 -104.28889, 274m

Jose A. Machuca Nuñez   60081987-08-22
Mexico, Jalisco, Jocotepec, Cerro Viejo, vereda a 4 km al N-NE de El Mo--- [label cut off], 1500m

Ma. Guadalupe Ayala   9341986-09-25
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Estacíon de Biología, Chamela. Vereda Chachalaca; Chamela Bay region, 19.5 -105.05

S.H. Bullock   12491982-10-11
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Estacíon de Biología, Chamela, 5 km south of Chamela.; Chamela Bay region, 19.5 -105.05

A.C. Sanders   86911988-09-02
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Vicinity of El Mirador and the reservoir in the Cumbres section of Rancho Cuixmala; hills NE of Hwy 200 and NW of the Rio Cuixmala, 19.47917 -104.975, 300m

Otopappus tequilamus (Wats.) B.L. Rob.
E.J. Lott   41321991-11-04
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala, Gargollo farm on the east side of Cerro de la Alborada; Chamela Bay region, 19.4 -104.99167, 15m

Oxylobus arbutifolius (Kunth) A. Gray
Neil Snow   2141986-03-26
Mexico, Chiapas, Summit of Cerro Tzontehuitz, 3.9 mi. NE of San Cristobal periferico., 16.81667 -92.58333, 2900m

Oxypappus scaber (Hook. & Arn.) Benth.
A.C. Sanders   107871991-03-20
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km airline NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. Along road from headquarters to Lago Epazote, between Lago Jabalí and the stables; Volcan de Colima, 19.45 -103.69167, 1350m

Oxypappus scaber (Hook. & Arn.) Benth.
A.C. Sanders   103771991-01-08
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km. (airline) NNW of Colima, near main entrance gate; Volcan de Colima, 19.45 -103.71167, 1175m

Oxypappus scaber (Hook. & Arn.) Benth.
A.C. Sanders   116721991-09-22
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes through ranch. La Joya area, north of the airstrip and south of Arroyo Santa Cruz, east of Cerro El Campanerio; Volcan de Colima, 19.45 -103.68333, 1420m

Oxypappus scaber (Hook. & Arn.) Benth.
A.C. Sanders   118921991-11-08
Mexico, Colima, Comala, 19.45833 -103.68333, 1420m

Oxypappus scaber (Hook. & Arn.) Benth.
Ma. Guadalupe Ayala   4591985-12-13
Mexico, Jalisco, El Tuito, a 4.5 km al N la carretera Barra de Navidad--Puerto Vallarta, por el camino a “La Mina”

Neomirandea araliifolia (Less.) R. King & H. Rob.
Rogers McVaugh   261741975-02-03
Mexico, Jalisco, Foothills of sierra, and narrow rocky stream-valley along road to summit-pass, 16-22 km south of El Chante.; Sierra de Manantlan, 1500m

Palafoxia arida var. arida B.L. Turner & M. Morris
Tom Dallman   101985-03-30
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, E side of Sierra Juarez, a few miles below the mouth of Canon Carrizo on the dirt rd from Laguna Salada and Hwy 2.; Sierra Juaarez, 32.54847 -115.656, 78m

Palafoxia arida var. arida B.L. Turner & M. Morris
R.S. Felger   75--861975-03-13
Mexico, Sonora, San Luis Rio Colorado, Beach Dunes, 0.5 km E of El Golfo de Santa Clara, 31.68333 -114.46667

Palafoxia arida var. arida B.L. Turner & M. Morris
Barry A. Prigge   73711987-05-24
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, 1.9 miles north of south end of [Bahia Kino] town (bend in rd); Sonoran Desert, 28.845 -111.97, 5m

Palafoxia arida var. arida B.L. Turner & M. Morris
A.C. Sanders   91561989-09-02
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, 4 miles NW of San Carlos Bay, gentle alluvial slope and beach dunes above the large cove just north of Isla Venado, 15 miles NW of Guaymas [near where “Catch 22” movie made], 27.97556 -111.11667, 5m

Palafoxia arida var. arida B.L. Turner & M. Morris
Barry A. Prigge   72181987-05-21
Mexico, Sonora, San Luis Rio Colorado, 10.7 miles east of San Luis de Rio Colorado on Hwy 2; Sonoran Desert, 32.4 -114.56667, 55m

A.C. Sanders   95491990-03-07
Mexico, Veracruz, Tecolutla, La Guadalupe, along Hwy 180 at the beach in front of the abandoned Hotel El Secreto, 20 km north of the jct with Hwy 129 at El Faro, 20.36389 -96.90833, 1m

R.S. Felger   75–-321975-03-10
Mexico, Sonora, c. 8 mi west of main mountain mass of Sierra Rosario; Gran Desierto, 32.08333 -114.31667, 190m

A.C. Sanders   88411988-12-15
Mexico, Sonora, Huatabampo, coastal dunes at Playa Huatabampito, 14 km SSE of Huatabampo, foredunes from strand to crest; Rio Mayo region, 26.7 -109.6, 1m

A.C. Sanders   93231989-09-05
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos, One mile (1.6 km) west of Ejido Fco. Villa on the road from Navojoa to Alamos, c. 18 miles west of Alamos; Rio Mayo drainage, 27.09167 -109.2, 300m

Jan West   86--191986-08-02
Mexico, Durango, San Pedro del Gallo, 7 km south of city of San Pedro del Gallo on rd to San Luis Cordero, c. 100 yds. E of rd.

Jan West   86--171986-08-01
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, 2 km west of Santa Inez

Jan West   86--161986-08-01
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, 15 km south of Linda Vista on dirt road, near the line between mpio. de Mapimi and Nazas. 0.5-0.75 km w of road, beyond an arroyo, at the foor of a rocky limestine hill.

Jan West   86--181986-08-02
Mexico, Durango, San Pedro del Gallo, 7 km ENE of San Pedro del Gallo, 1 km E of dirt rd on rocky hillside beyond a cornfield and arroyo.

Jan West   86--151986-08-01
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, 10 km south of Linda Vista on dirt road, near line between Mpio. de Mapimi and Nazas

Jan West   86--141986-07-31
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, 14 km SW of Santa Librada on dirt rd. 1 km above a large arroyo

A.C. Sanders   67321986-07-03
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, Sierra del Rosario, 4 km south of Linda Vista and 12 km south of Santa Ines, where the road down the west side of Sierra del Rosario drops into a canyon between low mesas, 50 km due west of Torreon, 25.53333 -103.96667, 1677m

Jan West   86--121986-07-31
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, 7 km SW of Santa Libida

A.C. Sanders   67271986-07-03
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, Alluvial fan on the W side of the Sierra del Rosario, 2 km E of the Santa Librada to Linda Vista road at a point 2 km south of Santa Ines, 25 km (airline) SW of Mapimi, 25.63333 -103.96667, 1707m

Jan West   86--111986-06-00
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, 1 km west of Santa Librada

A.C. Sanders   67541986-07-04
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, low limestone ridge on NE side of Sierra del Mimbre, 5 km west of La Cadena and 38 km west of Mapimi on Hwy 30., 25.86667 -104.2, 1524m

A.C. Sanders   66671986-07-02
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, top of Puerto de la Cadena (pass through Sierra de la Cadena), 28 km west of Mapimi on Hwy 30; Sierra de La Cadena, 25.86667 -104.1, 1524m

A.C. Sanders   67561986-07-04
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, N slope of the Sierra del Mimbre, c. 45 km west of Mapimi on Hwy 30, 25.85 -104.23333, 1616m

A.C. Sanders   67101986-07-02
Mexico, Durango, San Pedro del Gallo, Lomeria del Refugio, western foothills of Sierra de Los Alamos, 11 km south of village of Cinco de Mayo, 30 km south of Hwy 30 on road to San Pedro del Gallo and Nazas, c. 40 km SW (airline) of Mapimi, 25.67611 -104.27583, 1707m

A.C. Sanders   67531986-07-04
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, East slope of Sierra de la Cadena, 18 km west of Mapimi on Hwy 30, c. 2 km east of Rancho Espíritu Santo, 25.86083 -104.02861, 137m

A.C. Sanders   88871988-12-16
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos, Arroyo midway between El Tabelo and Los Tanques, 2.7 miles north of El Tabelo on the Alamos to San Bernardo Road; Rio Mayo drainage, 27.18333 -108.91667, 275m

A.C. Sanders   89261988-12-17
Mexico, Sonora, Navojoa, along hwy [362] from Navojoa to Huatabampo, c. 0.6 mile northeast of turnoff to Bacobampo and 8 miles SW of Navojoa; Rio Mayo Drainage, 26.98917 -109.53972, 30m

C.R. Orcutt   41021910-09-20
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico City

Ignacio García Ruiz   28281989-08-02
Mexico, Michoacán, Venustiano Carranza, 1 km al W de Venustiano Carranza; Carr. Sahuayo-La Barca, 1550m

Ma. Guadalupe Ayala   5791986-01-30
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Cuitzmala 1 km S de la carretera Barra de Navidad - Puerto Vallarta

Antonio Salinas Tovar   45281987-11-16
Mexico, Oaxaca, Teotitlan, Rio Xiquila (Tierra Grande), 10 km al S de Ignacio Mejia (a su vez aprox. 3 km al W por la orilla del rio); Valle de Tehuacan-Cuicatlan, 18.03333 -97.18333

E.J. Lott   31231991-01-11
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala, west of Puerto Vallarta--Barra de Navidad Hwy (MEX 200), on banks of Rio Cuixmala.; Chamela Bay region, 19.38333 -104.97917

O.F. Clarke   663B1967-08-27
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 70.9 miles north of the city of San Luis Potosi on Hwy 57, 1396m

Guy Nesom   52681985-12-19
Mexico, Coahuila, c. 40 km west of Cuatro Cienegas, paralleling RR, on rd up to microwave, 1070m

R.D. Worthington   143181986-07-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Juarez, New Mexico-Chihuahua border, 0.9 mi west of Monument No. 3; just across border, at edge of La Mesa escarpment, 31.78333 -106.58972, 1254m

A.C. Sanders   79291988-06-16
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, “Corral Meadow,” 7.5 km NW (340°) of the Observatory; Sierra San Pedro Martir, 31.1125 -115.49722, 2520m

Steve Boyd   13081986-02-15
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Mexicali, Torrentes Canyon: east slope of the Sierra, about 1 mile south of Cantu Palms, 32.35144 -115.80906, 10m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
A.C. Sanders   93701989-09-06
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos, upper crossing of the Rio Cuchujaqui, 12 miles by road east of Alamos, 1.5 miles east of Sabinito Sur; Rio Mayo, 27.00556 -108.79306, 400m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
R. Acevedo R.   9861988-08-29
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, El Salto, entre Cerro Careyes y Cerro El Zarco siguiendo la barranca; cumbres de Cuixmala, 19.46528 -105.00139, 100m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
A.C. Sanders   115611991-09-21
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapotitlan De Vadillo, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. Just north of the state line on a gentle alluvial slope NE of Lago Calabozo; Volcan de Colima, 19.44333 -103.675, 1400m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
A.C. Sanders   87981988-12-12
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos, Lower crossing of the Rio Cuchujaqui, 7.7 mi SE of Alamos (central plaza) on the road to Guirocoba [Huirocoba], 26.94167 -108.88333, 300m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
A.C. Sanders   129271992-10-12
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos, El Guayabo (upper) crossing of the Rio Cuchujaqui, c. 3 km NE of Sabinito Sur and 15 km (airline) ESE of Alamos; Rio Mayo, 27 -108.78333, 350m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
A.C. Sanders   82471988-08-24
Mexico, Colima, Comala, La Joya area of Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km NNW of the city of Colima, 19.45833 -103.66667, 1300m

R.A. Bye Jr.   75191977-07-02
Mexico, Puebla, N of Tehuacan on Mex Hwy 150 c. 10 km (c. 2.5 km north of jct of 150 and 125.), 1570m

R.A. Bye Jr.   73421976-12-28
Mexico, Chihuahua, Batopilas, 27.15 -107.63333, 700m

O.F. Clarke   6671967-08-28
Mexico, Coahuila, l5.9 miles south of Saltillo, along the highway, 1982m

O.F. Clarke   663A1967-08-27
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 70.9 miles north of the city of San Luis Potosi on Hwy 57, 1396m

F.L. Lozano   s.n.1906-05-01
Mexico, Nuevo León, Villaldama, Hacienda, El Carrizo, Sierra Madre above Monterrey, 26.47696 -100.43198, 305m

J. Rzedowski   369331980-08-24
Mexico, Hidalgo, Cardonal, Barranca de Tolantango, cerca de las grutas, 1300m

Wendy C. Hodgson   51251988-07-21
Mexico, Sonora, Moctezuma, 17.1 miles SW of Moctezuma town square, along road to Mazocahui, 29.69361 -109.88472, 950m

Wendy C. Hodgson   51381988-07-25
Mexico, Sonora, Arizpe, 54 miles north of Mazocahui, along road to Arizpe, just west of Rio Sonora, 30.28194 -110.21139, 780m

Selaginella pallescens (C. Presl) Spring
A.C. Sanders   84771988-08-28
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, roadside shrine and amphitheater c. 5 km SE of Hacienda San Antonio along the road from Jabalí to Comala, 19.43333 -103.7, 1300m

Selaginella convoluta (Arn.) Spring
L.M. Ortega Torres   6341988-08-16
Mexico, Yucatán, Maxcanu, Hacienda Chunchucmil, c. 30 km north of Maxcanu., 20.68333 -90.21667, 12m

Dennis E. Breedlove   221261971-11-09
Mexico, Chiapas, Ocosingo, 6-8 km north of Ocosingo along road to Bachajon., 900m

Dennis E. Breedlove   223291971-11-13
Mexico, Chiapas, Trinitaria, Along the Comitan River at its sumider, Lagos de Montebello, 42 km NE of La Trinitaria., 1300m

Selaginella lineolata Mickel & Beitel
A.C. Sanders   82781988-08-23
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km NNW of the city of Colima at the Jalisco state line near Hacienda San Antonio. c. 1.5 km E of the ranch headquarters & just SW of Lago El Jabali; Volcan de Colima, 19.44722 -103.7, 1275m

A.C. Sanders   98071990-03-13
Mexico, Campeche, Hopelchén, 23 km south of Belhá on the dirt road from Hopelchén to Xpujil, 13 km north of the turnoff to Nuevo Becal; Yucatan Peninsula, 18.73333 -89.36667, 250m

C.R. Orcutt   4617A1910-10-24
Mexico, Colima, Colima, Colima, 19.21667 -103.71667

Selaginella tenella (P. Beauv.) Spring
C.R. Orcutt   46401910-11-04
Mexico, Colima, 19.25167 -103.52833

Acrostichum danaefolium Langsd. & Fisch.
E.J. Lott   38671991-08-22
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala. Lagoons on Gargollo property, E side of Cerro de la Alborada; Chamela Bay, 19.4 -104.98333

Acrostichum danaefolium Langsd. & Fisch.
A.C. Sanders   111601991-09-13
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala: Paco's farm area SW of Hwy 200 on NE end of Cerro Alborado; Chamela Bay, 19.395 -104.98833, 20m

Acrostichum danaefolium Langsd. & Fisch.
B.M. Rothschild   1401991-04-13
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala. Salt lagoon on Gargollo property, “Paco’s Farm”, east side of Cerro de la Alborada, 19.4 -104.98333, 10m

Pectis papposa Harv. & Gray
R.F. Thorne   571771983-09-18
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, c. 18.5 miles SW of Laguna Hanson on road to Ojos Negros (about 10 miles east of Ojos Negros), 31.9 -116.11667, 1100m

Pectis coulteri Harv. & A. Gray
A.C. Sanders   92371989-09-04
Mexico, Sonora, Huatabampo, 1.5 miles north of Huatabampito on the road to Maroncarit and Huatabampo, at the turnoff to Santa Barbara; Rio Mayo region, 26.71667 -109.45, 10m

Pectis coulteri Harv. & A. Gray
T.R. Van Devender   92--4491992-04-18
Mexico, Sonora, c. 11.0 km (by air) ESE of Empalme, 3.3 km south of mexico 15 (from 3.2 km E of Ortiz Road) on road to Playas El Sol, 27.92222 -110.68611, 25m

Ma. Guadalupe Ayala   9191986-09-19
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Desarrollo Turistico “Las Alamandas,” a 3 km al W de Quemaro, 24.6 km al NW de la Estacion de Biologia Chamela por la Carretera Barra de Navidad - Puerto Vallarta.; Chamela Bay region

Grady L. Webster   218311977-04-01
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, c. 8 mi by road E of Punta Cabra, 31.31667 -116.33333, 152m

Adiantum braunii Mett. ex Kuhn
L. Vazquez V.   2331990-11-02
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí. 22 km NNW de Colima. En las faldas del cerro El Campanario, en las orillas del río Cordobán, 19.45694 -103.68611, 1250m

E.J. Lott   26161985-09-19
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Quemaro, Centro Turistico Las Alamandas, c. 25 km al NW de la Estacion de Biologia Chamela por la carretera Puerto Vallarta - Barra de Navidad (Mex. Hwy 200), y luego 4.3 km al W de la carretera por brecha.; Chamela Bay region, 30m

A.C. Sanders   111771991-09-13
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala, N edge of the mouth of the Rio Cuitzmala [Cuixmala] at the guard station; Chamela Bay region, 19.36667 -105, 3m

Adiantum braunii Mett. ex Kuhn
A.C. Sanders   82291988-08-24
Mexico, Colima, Comala, La Joya area of Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km NNW of the city of Colima, 19.45833 -103.66667, 1300m

Página 40, registros 3901-4000 de 38987

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