Conjunto de Datos: ASU-Lichens
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 147, registros 14601-14700 de 20890

Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium

ASUL000054T.H. Nash III   447902007-05-09
Mexico, Zacatecas, Along Rte 45, 23.7397222222222 -103.800277777778, 2335m

Flavopunctelia praesignis (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000113T.H. Nash III   447912007-05-09
Mexico, Zacatecas, Along Rte 45, 23.7397222222222 -103.800277777778, 2335m

Flavopunctelia soredica (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000150T.H. Nash III   447922007-05-09
Mexico, Zacatecas, Along Rte 45, 23.7397222222222 -103.800277777778, 2335m

Heterodermia Trevis.
T.H. Nash III   447932007-05-09
Mexico, Zacatecas, Along Rte 45, 23.7397222222222 -103.800277777778, 2335m

Heterodermia albicans (Pers.) Swinscow & Krog
T.H. Nash III   447942007-05-09
Mexico, Zacatecas, Along Rte 45, 23.7397222222222 -103.800277777778, 2335m

Punctelia hypoleucites (Nyl.) Krog
T.H. Nash III   447952007-05-09
Mexico, Zacatecas, Along Rte 45, 23.7397222222222 -103.800277777778, 2335m

Flavopunctelia praesignis (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000122T.H. Nash III   447962007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Flavopunctelia soredica (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000145T.H. Nash III   447972007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Physcia (Schreb.) Michaux
T.H. Nash III   447982007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

T.H. Nash III   447992007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Usnea parvula Motyka
T.H. Nash III   448002007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Acarospora A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   448012007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Acarospora A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   448022007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Caloplaca cinnabarina (Ach.) Zahlbr.
T.H. Nash III   448032007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W, 24.483889 -104.220556

Caloplaca subsoluta (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
T.H. Nash III   448042007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Canoparmelia texana (Tuck.) Elix & Hale
T.H. Nash III   448052009-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Dimelaena Norman
T.H. Nash III   448062007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Candelina mexicana (B. de Lesd.) Poelt
T.H. Nash III   448072007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera:, 24.483889 -104.220556

T.H. Nash III   448082007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera, 24.483889 -104.220556

Lecidea pseudaglaea Hertel
ASUL008024T.H. Nash III   448092007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera, 24.483889 -104.220556, 2140m

Leptogium (Ach.) Gray
T.H. Nash III   448102007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

T.H. Nash III   448112007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Pannaria Del. ex Bory
T.H. Nash III   448122007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

T.H. Nash III   448132007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

ASUL000011T.H. Nash III   448142007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m, 24.483889 -104.220556

Pertusaria moreliensis B. de Lesd.
T.H. Nash III   448152007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera, 24.483889 -104.220556

T.H. Nash III   448162007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Physcia (Schreb.) Michaux
T.H. Nash III   448172007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Punctelia rudecta (Ach.) Krog
ASUL000096T.H. Nash III   448182007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera: 104°13'14''W 24°29'2''N: elevation 0m

Usnea amblyoclada (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.
T.H. Nash III   448192007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km NW of Rte 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera, 24.483889 -104.220556

T. H. Nash   448202007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km northwest of Route 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera., 24.483889 -104.220556

Xanthoparmelia pseudocongensis Hale
T. H. Nash   448212007-05-09
Mexico, Durango, 9 km northwest of Route 40 on hillside above village of Jose Librado Rivera., 24.483889 -104.220556

T.H. Nash III   448222007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Flavopunctelia praesignis (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000118T.H. Nash III   448232007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.657222 -101.956667, 2177m

Flavopunctelia soredica (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000152T.H. Nash III   448242007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Physcia (Schreb.) Michaux
T.H. Nash III   448252007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

T.H. Nash III   448262007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Usnea parvula Motyka
T.H. Nash III   448272007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Physcia (Schreb.) Michaux
T.H. Nash III   448282007-05-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately NW of junction off Rte 45 and road to Villa de Ramos, 22.6572222222222 -101.956666666667, 2177m

Bulbothrix coronata (Fée) Hale
T.H. Nash III   448292007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Caloplaca Th. Fr.
T.H. Nash III   448302007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Candelaria concolor (Dickson) Stein
T.H. Nash III   448312007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Canoparmelia texana (Tuck.) Elix & Hale
T.H. Nash III   448322007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

T.H. Nash III   448332007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

ASUL000056T.H. Nash III   448342007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Flavopunctelia praesignis (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000078T.H. Nash III   448352007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Flavopunctelia soredica (Nyl.) Hale
ASUL000114T.H. Nash III   448362007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Heterodermia Trevis.
T.H. Nash III   448372007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chinguetti, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Heterodermia Trevis.
T.H. Nash III   448382007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Heterodermia Trevis.
T.H. Nash III   448392007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Bryoria capillaris (Ach.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.
ASUL014137M. Herrera-Campos   1995-03-04
Mexico, Veracruz, Pico de Orizaba, 18.6666667 -97.3333333

Hyperphyscia adglutinata (Flörke) H. Mayrh. & Poelt
T.H. Nash III   448402007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Hyperphyscia syncolla (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Kalb
T.H. Nash III   448412007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.928889 -100.727222, 2000m

ASUL001183T.H. Nash III   448422007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

T.H. Nash III   44843 a2007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Physcia (Schreb.) Michaux
T.H. Nash III   448442007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr.
T.H. Nash III   448452007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Heterodermia albicans (Pers.) Swinscow & Krog
T.H. Nash III   448462007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Punctelia hypoleucites (Nyl.) Krog
ASUL000092T.H. Nash III   448472007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Punctelia perreticulata (Räsänen) G. Wilh. & Ladd
T.H. Nash III   448482007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Punctelia rudecta (Ach.) Krog
ASUL000100T.H. Nash III   448492007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Rinodina (Ach.) Gray
T.H. Nash III   448502007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Usnea parvula Motyka
T.H. Nash III   448512007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Acarospora socialis H. Magn.
ASUL000727T.H. Nash III   448522007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.917778 -100.727222

Aspicilia A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   448532007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Caloplaca squamosa (B. de Lesd.) Zahlbr.
T.H. Nash III   448542007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Caloplaca subsoluta (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
T.H. Nash III   448552007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Caloplaca Th. Fr.
T.H. Nash III   448562007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chinguetti, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Candelina mexicana (B. de Lesd.) Poelt
T.H. Nash III   448572007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chinguetti, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Candelina submexicana (B. de Lesd.) Poelt
T.H. Nash III   448582007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Acarospora A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   448592007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Dermatocarpon americanum Vain.
T.H. Nash III   448602007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.917778 -100.727222, 2000m

Dimelaena novomexicana (B. de Lesd.) Hale & W.L. Culb.
T.H. Nash III   448612007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Parmotrema latissimum (Fée) Hale
ASUL000068T.H. Nash III   44862 a2007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

T.H. Nash III   448632007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Peltula sonorensis Büdel & T.H. Nash
T.H. Nash III   448642007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222, 2000m

Peltula impressa (Vain.) Swiscow & Krog
T.H. Nash III   448652007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chinguetti, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222

Peltula obscurans (Nyl.) Gyelnik
T.H. Nash III   448662007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222

Collema F.H. Wigg
T.H. Nash III   448672007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

T.H. Nash III   448682007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Heterodermia Trevis.
T.H. Nash III   448692007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Punctelia perreticulata (Räsänen) G. Wilh. & Ladd
T.H. Nash III   448702007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

T.H. Nash III   448712007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -100.727222

Tephromela atra (Hudson) Hafellner
T.H. Nash III   448722007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Usnea amblyoclada (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.
T.H. Nash III   448732007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Xanthoparmelia maricopensis T.H. Nash & Elix
T. H. Nash   448742007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende., 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Xanthoparmelia lineola (E. C. Berry) Hale
T.H. Nash III   44875 a2007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Xanthoparmelia coloradoensis (Gyelnik) Hale
T.H. Nash III   448762007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Xanthoparmelia amableana (Gyeln.) Hale
T. H. Nash   448772007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende., 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

ASUL001220T.H. Nash III   448782007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende, 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

T. H. Nash   448792007-05-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, El Charco del Ingenio (botanical garden), San Miguel de Allende., 20.9177777777778 -108.727222222222

Acarospora A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   448802007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho: 100°13'49''W 20°51'0''N: elevation 2500m, 20.85 -100.230278

Buellia De Not.
T.H. Nash III   448812007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho: 100°13'49''W 20°51'0''N: elevation 2500m, 20.85 -100.230278

Buellia De Not.
T.H. Nash III   448822007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho: 100°13'49''W 20°51'0''N: elevation 2500m, 20.847608 -100.716693

Coccocarpia palmicola (Sprengel) Arv. & D. J. Galloway
T.H. Nash III   448832007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho, 20.85 -100.230278, 2500m

Dimelaena novomexicana (B. de Lesd.) Hale & W.L. Culb.
T.H. Nash III   448842007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho: 100°13'49''W 20°51'0''N: elevation 2500m, 20.847608 -100.716693

Diploschistes aeneus (Müll. Arg.) Lumbsch
T.H. Nash III   448852007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho, 20.85 -100.230278, 2500m

T.H. Nash III   448862007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho: 100°13'49''W 20°51'0''N: elevation 2500m, 20.847608 -100.716693

Lasallia pensylvanica (Hoffm.) Llano
T.H. Nash III   448872007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho, 20.85 -100.230278, 2500m

T.H. Nash III   448882007-05-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, 8 km SSE of San Miguel de Allende, Cerro El Picacho, 20.85 -100.230278, 2500m

Página 147, registros 14601-14700 de 20890

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