Conjunto de Datos: ASU-Lichens
Criterios de Búsqueda: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 58, registros 5701-5800 de 20890

Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium

Everniastrum Hale ex Sipman
T.H. Nash III   356871995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

T.H. Nash III   356881995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

T.H. Nash III   356891995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Ochrolechia A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   356901995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Parmotrema A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   356911995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Parmotrema A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   356921995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Physcia tribacia (Ach.) Nyl.
T.H. Nash III   356931995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

T.H. Nash III   356941995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Punctelia perreticulata (Räsänen) G. Wilh. & Ladd
T.H. Nash III   356951995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Ramalina quercicola Kashiw. & T.H. Nash
T.H. Nash III   356961995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Ramalina asahinae W.L. Culb & C.F. Culb.
T.H. Nash III   356971995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

T.H. Nash III   356981995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Usnea arizonica Motyka
T.H. Nash III   356991995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke) Hale
ASUL000295T.H. Nash III   357001995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Leptogium acutisporum P.M. Jørg.
T.H. Nash III   357011995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Punctelia hypoleucites (Nyl.) Krog
T.H. Nash III   357021995-03-04
Mexico, Puebla, NW side of Pico de Orizaba ca. 10 km SE of Tlachichuca, 19.0616667 -97.3116667, 3500m

Lecanora beamanii B.D. Ryan
T.H. Nash III   357031995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

T.H. Nash III   357041995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

T.H. Nash III   357051995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw.
ASUL014147T.H. Nash III   357061995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Caloplaca Th. Fr.
T.H. Nash III   357071995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant.
T.H. Nash III   357101995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Everniastrum Hale ex Sipman
T.H. Nash III   357111995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357121995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357131995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357141995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357151995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Lecanora rupicola (L.) Zahlbr.
T.H. Nash III   357161995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Lecidea atrobrunnea (Raymond ex Lam. & DC.) Schaer.
T.H. Nash III   357171995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Lecidea Ach.
T.H. Nash III   357181995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Lecidea Ach.
T.H. Nash III   357191995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

T.H. Nash III   357211995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Ophioparma lapponica (Räsänen) Hafellner & R.W. Rogers
T.H. Nash III   357221995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Ochrolechia A. Massal.
T.H. Nash III   357231995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Megaspora verrucosa (Ach.) Hafellner & V. Wirth
T.H. Nash III   357241995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Protoparmelia badia (Hoffm.) Hafellner
T.H. Nash III   357251995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Rhizocarpon Ramond ex DC.
T.H. Nash III   357271995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

T.H. Nash III   357281995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

T.H. Nash III   357291995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Sticta leucoblephara (Müll. Arg.) D.J. Galloway
T.H. Nash III   357301995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Tephromela atra (Hudson) Hafellner
T.H. Nash III   357311995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Toninia bullata (G. Meyen & Flotow) Zahlbr.
ASUL003880T.H. Nash III   357321995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Umbilicaria americana Poelt & T.H. Nash
T.H. Nash III   357331995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Umbilicaria bigleri Frey
ASUL007491T.H. Nash III   357341995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia (Gyelnik) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357351995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Xanthoparmelia neotaractica Hale
T.H. Nash III   357361995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Xanthoparmelia tuckeriana Elix & T.H. Nash
T.H. Nash III   357371995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Lecidoma demissum (Rustr.) Gotth. Schneider & Hertel
T.H. Nash III   357381995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Phacopsis oxyspora (Tul.) Triebel & Rambold
T.H. Nash III   357401995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

T.H. Nash III   357411995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357421995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357431995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

T.H. Nash III   357441995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, alpine area below communication installations by Channel 13 TV Station ca. 15 km SE Perote, 19.4916667 -97.15, 4100m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357461995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357471995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke) Hale
ASUL000297T.H. Nash III   357481995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Hypogymnia bitteri (Lynge) Ahti
T.H. Nash III   357491995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Lasallia pensylvanica (Hoffm.) Llano
T.H. Nash III   357501995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Lecidea Ach.
T.H. Nash III   357511995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Leptogium (Ach.) Gray
T.H. Nash III   357521995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

T.H. Nash III   357531995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Ramalina pollinaria (Westr.) Ach.
T.H. Nash III   357541995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Sticta limbata (Sm.) Ach.
T.H. Nash III   357551995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Umbilicaria americana Poelt & T.H. Nash
T.H. Nash III   357561995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia (Gyelnik) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357571995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Xanthoparmelia monticola (J.P. Dey) Hale
T.H. Nash III   35758-a1995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

T.H. Nash III   357591995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Alectoria lata (Taylor) Lindsay
T.H. Nash III   357601995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Alectoria lata (Taylor) Lindsay
T.H. Nash III   357611995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Hypocenomyce scalaris (Ach. ex Lilj.) M. Choisy
ASUL003546T.H. Nash III   357621995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke) Hale
ASUL000296T.H. Nash III   357631995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Hypogymnia bitteri (Lynge) Ahti
T.H. Nash III   357641995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

T.H. Nash III   357651995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Letharia vulpina (L.) Hue
T.H. Nash III   357661995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Ochrolechia mexicana Vain.
T.H. Nash III   357671995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Ochrolechia pseudopallescens Brodo
T.H. Nash III   357681995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Parmotrema arnoldii (Du Rietz) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357691995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

T.H. Nash III   357701995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Pertusaria wulfenioides B. de Lesd.
T.H. Nash III   357711995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Pseudevernia consocians (Vain.) Hale & Culb.
T.H. Nash III   357721995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Pseudevernia intensa (Nyl.) Hale & Culb.
T.H. Nash III   357731995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Punctelia jeckeri (Roum.) Kalb
T.H. Nash III   357741995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Usnea Dill. ex Adans.
T.H. Nash III   357751995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia (Gyelnik) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357771995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Xanthoparmelia novomexicana (Gyelnik) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357781995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357791995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, 14 km SE of Perote along road to Channel 13 TV Station, 19.5 -97.1566667, 3800m

ASUL019563T.H. Nash III   357801995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Hypotrachyna pulvinata (Fée) Hale
ASUL000352T.H. Nash III   357811995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke) Hale
ASUL000187T.H. Nash III   357821995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357831995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Hypogymnia bitteri (Lynge) Ahti
T.H. Nash III   357841995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

T.H. Nash III   357851995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

T.H. Nash III   357861995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Parmotrema arnoldii (Du Rietz) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357871995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Parmotrema arnoldii (Du Rietz) Hale
T.H. Nash III   357881995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

T.H. Nash III   357891995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Punctelia perreticulata (Räsänen) G. Wilh. & Ladd
T.H. Nash III   357901995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Sticta fuliginosa (Hoffm.) Ach.
T.H. Nash III   357911995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Usnea Dill. ex Adans.
T.H. Nash III   357921995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Caloplaca Th. Fr.
T.H. Nash III   357931995-03-05
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote, 12 km SE of Perote and 2.5 km after El Coneja (Along the road to Channel 13 station), 19.5166667 -97.1616667, 3600m

Página 58, registros 5701-5800 de 20890

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