Conjunto de Datos: BCMEX
Criterios de Búsqueda: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Página 18, registros 1701-1800 de 1972

Herbario de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Ericameria brachylepis (A. Gray) Hall
13020J. Rebman   107612005-03-22
United States, California, San Diego, Walker Canyon Ecological reserve; between Boulevard and Jacumba on the north side of Interstate 8, near the east end of the reserve on the north side of the creek., 33.1 -116.35

13021J. Rebman   107632004-12-02
United States, California, San Diego, Walker Canyon Ecological reserve; between Boulevard and Jacumba on the north side of Interstate 8, near the east end of the reserve on the north side of the creek., 33.1 -116.35

Epilobium canum (Greene) P. H. Raven
13022J. Rebman   107722004-12-02
United States, California, San Diego, Walker Canyon Ecological reserve; between Boulevard and Jacumba on the north side of Interstate 8, near the east end of the reserve on the north side of the creek., 33.1 -116.35

Ericameria cuneata (A. Gray) McClatchie
13023J. Rebman   107762004-12-02
United States, California, San Diego, Walker Canyon Ecological reserve; between Boulevard and Jacumba on the north side of Interstate 8, near the east end of the reserve on the north side of the creek., 33.1 -116.35

Claytonia parviflora Douglas ex Hook.
13024J. Rebman   108902005-02-03
United States, California, San Diego, Crestridge ecological reserve (Ca. Dept. of Fish & Game); northwest of La Cresta between Alpine and El Cajon; west of Lakeview Lane & NNE of water tank in west-central part of reserve., 33.366667 -117.433333

13025J. Rebman   109112005-02-03
United States, California, San Diego, Crestridge ecological reserve (Ca. Dept. of Fish & Game); northwest of La Cresta between Alpine and El Cajon; west of Lakeview Lane & NNE of water tank in west-central part of reserve., 33.366667 -117.45

13026J. Rebman   109022005-02-03
United States, California, San Diego, Crestridge ecological reserve (Ca. Dept. of Fish & Game); northwest of La Cresta between Alpine and El Cajon; west of Lakeview Lane & NNE of water tank in west-central part of reserve., 33.366667 -117.433333

13027M. English   882003-06-05
United States, California, San Diego, Private property on Yucca road in Sherilton Valley. Cuyamaca Rancho satate park and Cleveland National forest surround Sherilton Valley., 33.516667 -117.033333

13028M. English   412003-05-02
United States, California, San Diego, Private property on Yucca road in Sherilton Valley. Cuyamaca Rancho satate park and Cleveland National forest surround Sherilton Valley., 33.516667 -117.033333

13029M. English   352003-05-02
United States, California, San Diego, Private property on Yucca road in Sherilton Valley. Cuyamaca Rancho satate park and Cleveland National forest surround Sherilton Valley., 33.516667 -117.033333

13030M. English   152003-03-23
United States, California, San Diego, Private property on Yucca road in Sherilton Valley. Cuyamaca Rancho satate park and Cleveland National forest surround Sherilton Valley., 33.5 -117.016667

Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pallas) Kuntze
13031A.E. Kessler   202004-11-24
United States, California, San Diego, Beacon's Beach, Leucadia, Encinitas, on beach, noth of public beach access at Neptune avenue and Leucadia Blvd., 33.1 -117.5

13032J. Gregory   9702004-05-23
United States, California, San Diego, Alpine , Viejas montain, Anderson truck trail, north of Anderson road., 33.416667 -117.233333

Bahiopsis laciniata (A.Gray) E.E.Schill. & Panero
13033R. Dossey   10331999-05-20
United States, California, San Diego, MCAS miramar, MCAS training area., 33.416667 -117.233333

13034J. Hirshberg   5762004-05-28
United States, California, San Diego, Southwest of USFS picnic area at Inaja, 2 miles east of Santa Isabel., 33.15 -117.116667

13035A.E. Kessler   32004-10-03
United States, California, San Diego, La Costa, carlsbas, south side of Levante st, west of intersection with Anillo way., 33.116667 -117.433333

Polygonum panctatum Elliott
13036G. Dorius   1132004-09-30
United States, California, San Diego, East entrance of Tecolote Canyon at junction of Genesee ave. and Chateau Dr., 33.366667 -117.316667

13037R.L. Humphrey   32004-10-10
United States, California, San Diego, Suth shore Whelan Lake, soutth of camp Pendelton boundary, Oceanside., 33.4 -117.55

13038M. English   732003-06-01
United States, California, San Diego, Beginning of Viejas grade, 1/2 mile from boulder creek intersection., 33.466667 -117.066667

13039J. Gregory   11042004-08-20
United States, California, San Diego, Lake Sutherland; off of Highway 78; eastern edge at Santa Isabel creek inlet., 33.166667 -117.283333

Justicia californica (Benth.) D. Gibson
13040M.M. Sweet   712005-02-26
United States, California, San Diego, Coyote canyon, Anza-Borrego state park below the 2rd crossing., 33.6 -116.683333

13041M.M. Sweet   202004-12-22
United States, California, San Diego, USGS Borrego Palm Canyon quad; Coyote Canyon Lower Willows, along "bypass" jeep road., 33.616667 -116.7

13042M. English   612003-05-17
United States, California, San Diego, 2.5 miles north of Descanso, boulder creek road, north of cattle guard, meadow west of road., 33.45 -117.066667

13043J. Barth   632004-08-14
United States, California, San Diego, The "D St. Fill" sweetwater marsh national wildlife refuge at SE San Diego Bay; in between the Chula Vista nature center (Chula Vista) and Port of San Diego marine terminal (National City)., 33.066667 -117.166667

Lotus strigosus (Nutt.) Greene
13044P. Knoll   102004-05-21
United States, California, San Diego, Pioneer mail area of Laguna recreation area, Cleveland national forest, ca. 10 miles north of I-8 on sunrise Hwy (S1) on the west side of S1, south of Garnet mountain., 33.5 -116.8

Lotus grandiflorus (Benth.) Greene
13045M. English   652003-05-17
United States, California, San Diego, Viejas grade; south facing bank north of road., 33.433333 -117.083333

Amsinckia menziesii (Lehm.) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
13046M. English   512003-05-12
United States, California, San Diego, Boulder creek road north of Sheriton Valley., 33.583333 -117.083333

13047B. Howell   2003-09-18
United States, California, San Diego, San Diego, Rose Canyon, 1.1 miles west od genesse ave across from UC high on the dirt road through Rose Canyon., 32.85 -117.216667

13048W. Graves   2004-03-18
United States, California, San Diego, San Marcos; 1601 San Elijo road, in front of the entrance to San Marcos closed landfill., 32 -117.216667

Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn.
13050J. Hirshberg   6852004-06-06
United States, California, San Diego, Intersection of San Diego river and ouandi creek rocky stream bed with moist crevices and pools., 33.15 -117.1

13051J. Hirshberg   5372004-05-23
United States, California, San Diego, 1/2 mile north of Eagle peak road and saddleback., 33 -117.183333

13052J. Hirshberg   6372004-05-30
United States, California, San Diego, On trail about 200 meters west of summit at Inaja picnicarea., 33.15 -117.1

Lotus grandiflorus (Benth.) Greene
13053J. Gregory   9892004-06-05
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar mountain divide truck trail, south of Highway 79, neareasr town is Oak grove., 33.6 -117.366667

Centaurea maculosa auct. non Lam.
13054J. Gregory   10202004-06-27
United States, California, San Diego, Warner springs area, highway 79, 1/2 mile north of intersection with highway 76., 33.333333 -117.183333

13055S. Bell   731993-05-02
United States, California, San Diego, Cuyamaca Rancho sstate park, by parking lot at Los Vaqueros horse camp.

Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist
13056J. Gibson   2062002-10-12
United States, California, San Diego, Highway 8, viewpoint east of Alpine, west of Descanso, shoulder of highway., 33.383333 -117

13057J. Hirshberg   5032002-04-22
United States, California, San Diego, Ca. 100 meters south of old Minshall house on the south side of Cuyamaca Lake.

13058J. Hirshberg   4872000-05-06
United States, California, San Diego, 50 meters SE of the intersection of S-1 & Hwy 79 at Cuyamaca Lake.

Scirpus cernuus Vahl p.p.
13059C. Reiser   1998-06-18
United States, California, San Diego, Carlsbad, periphery of Agua Hedionda Lagoon; mouth of Macario Canyon ca. 50 yards upstream of proposed Cannon road bridge.

Genista monspessulana (L.) O.Bolos & Vigo
13060J. Hirshberg   1998-06-24
United States, California, San Diego, Julian, edge of road, 1/4 mile northwest of entrance to Heise Park.

13061D. Bartsch   11998-05-06
United States, California, San Diego, Imperial Co.; Highway 98 at Pullman road, 10 miles west of Calexico.

13062B. Howell   1997-06-15
United States, California, San Diego, La Mesa, in yard.

13063D. Williford   12004-03-24
United States, California, San Diego, Fox outdoor school, highway 76, fern glen trail., 33.433333 -117.35

Salix goodingii C. Ball
13064N. Craig   1995-04-13
United States, California, San Diego, Kitchen creek south of Cibbets flat campground.

Deinandra conjugens (D.D. Keck) B.G. Baldw.
13065R. Noll   
United States, California, San Diego, detalles de la localidad protegida

Eryngium pendletonensis K.L. Marsden & M.G. Simpson
13066K.L. Marsden   131992-06-13
United States, California, San Diego, 50 feet north of the Harrier Pad at Red Beach, camp pendleton marine corps base, Oceanside. Type locality., 33.283333 -117.45

13067K. Winter   1993-05-28
United States, California, San Diego, Guatay mountain

Castilleja foliosa Hook & Arn.
13068J. Gregory   6992004-03-20
United States, California, San Diego, Oak grave , highway 79, Palomar mountain divide truck trail., 33.533333 -117.25

13069J. Hirshberg   2003-04-19
United States, California, San Diego, East sid of Cuyamaka lake, 100 meters SW of old cattle trough on Lucky 5 ranch, in low open vegetation , near base of gentle north-facing slope.

Astragalus deanei (Rydb.) Barneby
13109J. Rebman   89352003-10-09
United States, California, San Diego, Hauser Canyon Wilderbess area (USFS property), north of Hauser mountain; southwest of Morena Lake and northwest of Cameron Corners; on lower, north-facing slop along Hauser Creek., 33.116667 -116.916667

Sisymbrium officinale. L.
13110J. Rebman   83552003-04-03
United States, California, San Diego, Wright's Field; Alipe, just east of Joan MacQueen Middle School and approx. 0.75 miles south of Arnold Road on the east side of Taven Road., 33.366667 -117.283333

13111J. Rebman   95022003-08-04
United States, California, San Diego, Kelley/Rebman ranch at 565 Anderson truck trail/west Boundary road on the northwest side of Viejas mountain;approx. 2 miles north of Victoria roas in Alpine., 33.45 -117.233333

13112J. Rebman   79842002-05-07
United States, California, San Diego, Quail botanical gardens; Encinitas, north of Encinitas blvd. on Quail gardens drive; southeast end of Garden in fragments of natural vegetation., 33.083333 -117.466667

Brachypodium distachyon Roem. & Schult.
13113J. Rebman   79912002-05-07
United States, California, San Diego, Quail botanical gardens; Encinitas, north of Encinitas blvd. on Quail gardens drive; southeast end of Garden in fragments of natural vegetation., 33.083333 -117.466667

Plagiobothrys collinus (Phil.) I.M. Johnston
13114J. Rebman   83652003-04-03
United States, California, San Diego, Viejas Mountain, northwest side near the northern trail which originates off of Anderson Truck Trail/West Boundary approx. 1.8 miles north of Victoria Road in Alpine., 33.433333 -117.233333

13115J. Rebman   78972002-04-26
United States, California, San Diego, Kelley/Rebman ranch at 565 Anderson truck trail/west Boundary road on the northwest side of Viejas mountain;approx. 2 miles north of Victoria roas in Alpine., 33.45 -117.233333

13117J. Rebman   89322003-10-09
United States, California, San Diego, Hauser Canyon Wilderbess area (USFS property), northwest of Hauser mountain; southwest of Morena Lake and northwest of Cameron Corners; on lower, north-facing slop along Hauser Creek., 33.116667 -116.933333

Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagrèze-Fossat
13118J. Rebman   94842003-08-04
United States, California, San Diego, Kelley/Rebman ranch at 565 Anderson truck trail/west Boundary road on the northwest side of Viejas mountain;approx. 2 miles north of Victoria roas in Alpine., 33.45 -117.233333

13119J. Rebman   81812002-08-02
United States, California, San Diego, El Capitan Reservoir, south end near Chocolate Canyon; southeast of El Cajon mountain, northwest of Alpine and north I-8 at Peutz Valley., 33.433333 -117.316667

Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr.
13120J. Rebman   73102001-05-04
United States, California, San Diego, Imperial county; mountain springs grade, just S of Interstate 8., 32.666667 -116.083333

Phacelia brachyloba (Benth.) A. Gray
13121J. Rebman   89512003-10-09
United States, California, San Diego, Hauser Canyon Wilderbess area (USFS property), north of Hauser mountain; southwest of Morena Lake and northwest of Cameron Corners; on lower, north-facing slop along Hauser Creek., 33.116667 -116.916667

Rubus neomexicana A. Gray
13127L.R. Landrum   90431997-06-10
United States, Arizona, Graham Co., Coronado national forest Pinaleno Mts. Swift trail; ca. 1-1.5 mi. beyond Hospital Flat towards Clark Peak., 32.666667 -109.833333

13140J. Delgadillo   
United States, California, Natural forest Yosemite, Ebbet Pass Toyabe

13260T. R. Van Devender   5132002-08-14
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Spencer canyon, Santa Catalina mountains, coronado national forest., 32.416667 -110.716667

13261T. R. Van Devender   4802002-07-24
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Summer Haven, Marshall Gulch, Santa catalina mountains, coronado national forest., 32.416667 -110.716667

13262T. R. Van Devender   5092002-08-14
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Windy point Vista, Santa Catalina mountains, coronado national forest., 32.366667 -110.7

13263T. R. Van Devender   2582002-05-05
United States, Arizona, Pima County, 0.7 km east of Ryan field airport, ca. 23 km west of Tucson on AZ 86, south of the Sierrita mountains in Avra Valley., 32.133333 -111.15

13264T. R. Van Devender   5122002-08-14
United States, Arizona, Pima County, San Pedro Vista, Santa Catalina mountains, coronado national forest., 32.4 -110.683333

13265T. R. Van Devender   3602002-06-03
United States, Texas, Brewster County, The window, Oak Creek canyon, Chisos Basin, Chisos mountains, Big Bend national park., 29.266667 -103.3

Selinocarpus parviflorus (Torrey) Standley
13266A. L. Reina   3722002-06-04
United States, Texas, Brewster County, Fossil Bone Exhibit, Tornillo Flat, 12.7 km north-northeast of Panther junction on U.S. 385, Big Ben national park., 29.416667 -103.133333

Quercuas hypoleucoides Camus
13267A. L. Reina   4942002-08-11
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Copper Canyon, 1.8 km northwest of Moctezuma Pass, Huachuca mountains, coronado national forest., 31.35 -110.3

13268T. R. Van Devender   3792002-06-05
United States, Texas, Val Verde County, 8.5 km west-northwest of Langtry on U.S. 90, Chihuahuan desertscrub/Tamaulipan., 29.816667 -101.65

Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet
13269T. R. Van Devender   4682002-07-15
United States, California, Imperial County, Ogilby road, east side of Imperial (Algodones) Dunes, south of I.H. 8 , west of Winterhaven, Imperial sand dunes recreation lands., 32.716667 -114.75

13270A. L. Reina   4822002-08-09
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, 5.3 km north-northwest of Canelo, Canelo Hills., 31.55 -110.55

13276T. R. Van Devender   3412002-06-13
United States, New Mexico, Grant County, Continental divide rest area on IH 10, ca. 43 km west of Deming., 32.2 -108.233333

13305M. M. Sweet   2972006-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, lower willows,a bout 7 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking/riding trail above the 3rd crossing., 33.616667 -116.733333

Eriogonum inflatum Torr. & Frém.
13306M. M. Sweet   3072006-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, lower willows,a bout 7 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking/riding trail above the 3rd crossing., 33.616667 -116.733333

13307M. M. Sweet   2902006-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, lower willows,a bout 7 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking/riding trail above the 3rd crossing., 33.616667 -116.733333

13308M. M. Sweet   2872006-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, lower willows,a bout 7 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking/riding trail above the 3rd crossing., 33.616667 -116.7

13309M. M. Sweet   2782006-03-17
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park; E of Jacumba Mountains, well established sandy road just SE of Piedras Grandes, approx 3/4 mi NW of Mortero Palms., 33.45 -116.216667

13310M. M. Sweet   2952006-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, lower willows,a bout 7 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking/riding trail above the 3rd crossing., 33.616667 -116.733333

Ambrosia salsola (Torr. & A. Gray) Strother & B.G.Baldwin
13311M. M. Sweet   2882006-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, lower willows,a bout 7 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking/riding trail above the 3rd crossing., 33.616667 -116.7

Kallstroemia californica (S. Watson) Vail
13312J. Barth   7332005-10-19
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park. Lowers Borrego valley in wash crossing Ol'Kane springs Rd ca 4.3 miles from (NW) split mt Rd.-4.8 miles ENE of summit of sunset Mt. about 3.9 miles WSW if town of Ocotillo wells, and 4.4 miles east of Hwy 78, 33.2 -116.316667

Eriogonum inflatum Torr. & Frém.
13313D. DiDonato   122006-04-02
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park, mountain Palm springs area, 1 mile west of western most parking lot and 1/8 mile NE of large palm grove at Palm Bowl grove., 33.433333 -116.383333

13314L. Louise Jee   912006-06-20
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park, 0.6 air-miles north of intersection of state hughway 79 and S-1 (sunrise highway) on east side of highway 79, NB; north of Lake Cuyamaca., 33.033333 -116.916667

13315J. Gregory   13602005-03-30
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park,8 miles W of Ocotillo at Eastern base of Jacumba mtns. Mortero canyon rd. near Dos Cabezas Mine., 33.233333 -116.216667

Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton
13316C. Glacy   632005-03-21
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park, just N of Palm spring, ca. 5 mi SE of Agua caliente springs, ca. 1 mi NW of Canebrake residential area/canyon., 33.533333 -116.35

Camissonia claviformis (Torr. & Frém.) Raven
13317J. Barth   2042005-02-01
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park,near southern base of Santa Rosa mts. 1 mile northwest of where Palo Verde wash rd. meets Hwy S22, 33.483333 -116.3

Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volk. ex Schinz & R. Keller
13318J. Barth   6792005-10-15
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park; on Grapevine canyon road; in San Felipe wash; W of Yaqui pass; 1/4 N of Highway 78., 33.45 -116.2

Ditaxis neomexicana (Müll.Arg.) A. Heller
13319J. Gregory   19532006-05-07
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park; on Grapevine canyon road; in San Felipe wash; W of Yaqui pass; 1/4 N of Highway 78., 33.216667 -116.666667

13320M. M. Sweet   3042006-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, lower willows,a bout 7 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking/riding trail above the 3rd crossing., 33.616667 -116.733333

13321J. Gregory   13062005-03-19
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park,8 miles W of Ocotillo at Eastern base of Jacumba mtns. Mortero canyon rd. near Dos Cabezas Mine., 33.233333 -116.233333

Cryotanta angustifolia (Torr.) Greene
13322J. Barth   2272005-02-04
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park: In WNW part of square on east side of Hwy S2 in one strand of June wash., 33.55 -116.416667

Spharalcea ambigua (Munz & I. M Johnston) Kearney
13323J. Gregory   13622005-03-30
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park,8 miles W of Ocotillo at Eastern base of Jacumba mtns. Mortero canyon rd. near Dos Cabezas Mine., 33.233333 -116.216667

13324J. Barth   7782005-10-22
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park. 3 miles ENE of Whale peak in the vallecito mountains. by the road in the NW part of Hapaha flat 1.6 miles NW of the intersection with the road that leads to Dave McCain spring. About 0.7 mile SE of split roc, 33.066667 -116.433333

13325L. Hendrickson   11352005-07-16
United States, California, San Diego, Anza- Borrego desert state park.E-side of Cuyamaca valley. approx. 1.5 mi. SE of intersection of state hwy. 79 and County hwy. S-1, about 100 m. SW of hwy. S-1 and the Pedro Fages monument., 33.65 -116.9

13326M. M. Sweet   1812005-08-07
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park, Coyote canyon, just above first crossing,5.5 mi NW of town Borrego springs, near the hiking, 2.3 mi SE of Santa Catarina Spring.., 33.583333 -116.666667

Larrea tridentata (Sessé & Moc. ex DC.) Coville
13327R. Atiles   22006-04-30
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park. Tierra Blanca mountains, W of moonlight canyon, N of inner pasture, S of squaw canyon., 33.55 -116.516667

13328L. Hendrickson   12282005-11-06
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park.SE side of granite mountains, western edge of blair valley, 30 m N of county hwy. S-2, beside unpaved road to topographic map feature., 30.016667 -116.7

13329J. Barth   6762005-10-14
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego desert state park. SE area of Carrizo valey, just E of intersection of canyon sin nombre rd. and Carrizo creek rd., 33.45 -116.233333

Página 18, registros 1701-1800 de 1972

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