Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium (TAES)

The Tracy Herbarium is the third largest herbarium in Texas and includes specimens from every continent with a significant emphasis in Texas, the southern United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean. TAES maintains one of the largest collections of grasses in the southern US and has ample representation from most vascular plant families.  In addition, the herbarium contains substantial collections of non-vascular plants, and the largest collection of fungi in the state. The collection currently houses nearly 360,000 specimens and adds approximately 2500-3000 new accessions per year.  The type collection at TAES consists of 199 specimens, of which 130 are Poaceae, 19 Asteraceae, 17 Cyperaceae, and an additional 15 holotypes.

Contactos: Daniel Spalink, dspalink@tamu.edu
Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens
Administración: Instantánea de datos de un base de datos local
última Actualización: 23 August 2022
Metadata Digital: EML File
Estadísticas de Colección
  • 17,366 registros de especímenes
  • 19 (0.11%) georeferenciado
  • 200 familias
  • 33 géneros
  • 52 especies
Estadísticas Extras
Distribución de Taxon
Distribución de Taxon
  • Selaginella (4)