Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Sporobolus silveanus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-80 of 80

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

O.B. Collins   1972-11-00
USA, Texas, Lamar, ca 7 mi W of Paris at intersection of Hwy 83 and Farm Rd 32, NE portion of Blackland Prairie

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

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1828404D. S. Correll   267371962-11-09
United States of America, Texas, Jasper Co., 22 miles northwest of Jasper, route #63, Angelina National Forest, 31.103014 -94.274358

Image Associated With the Occurence
1828403D. S. Correll   351721967-10-19
United States of America, Texas, Tyler Co., 6.5 mi. east of Chester on Rte. #1745 then left 3 mi. to xeric Oligocene outcrop, 30.96033 -94.522478

Image Associated With the Occurence
431543W. A. Silveus   64411940-09-30
United States of America, Texas, 10 miles north of Beaumont, 30.231222 -94.101846

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01828402D. S. Correll   351721967-10-19
United States of America, Texas, Tyler Co., 6.5 mi. east of Chester on Rte. #1745 then left 3 mi. to xeric Oligocene outcrop, 30.96033 -94.522478

Missouri Botanical Garden

2603520J. Reverchon   34841902-10-15
United States, Texas, Will's Point. Sands.

2602762Anonymous   s.n.
United States, Florida, Banks of the OcRoconu.

2603108Odel "Brown" Collins   s.n.1971-11-00
United States, Texas, Lamar, "Tridens Prairie", a tract owned by The Nature Conservancy ca. 7 mi. W. of Paris at intersection of highway 82 and Farm Road 32, in northeastern portion of Blackland Prairie. Associates: Paspalum floridanum, Tripsacum dactyloides, Tridens strictus, Helianthus maximilianii, Helianthus hirsutus, Desmanthus illinoensis, numerous forbs including Spiranthes sp, Nemastylis geminiflora.

2603350Jason R. Swallen   105141949-10-11
United States, Louisiana, Open woods, 5 miles south of Starks.

2603626J. Reverchon   34841902-10-10
United States, Texas, Will's point. Sandy woods.

2603463Donovan S. Correll   267371962-11-09
United States, Texas, Jasper, In rolling pine-hardwood hills, 22 miles northwest of Jasper, route #63, Angelina National Forest.

220688W.A. Silveus   64411940-09-30
United States, Texas, Orange

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu

Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

LSU:Vascular Plants
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LSU00177289David J. Rosen   51282010-09-18
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, Persimmon Gully Preserve (The Nature Conservancy); Louisiana Nature Conservancy Persimmon Gully Preserve; 2.5 kilometers west of the intersection of Edgerly Road and Camp Road, about 20 kilometers north of the town of Edgerly. North of Persimmon Gully.

LSU:Vascular Plants
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NLU0421359Larry E. Brown   149211990-10-14
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030316Christopher Reid   63972007-10-16
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, Persimmon Gulley, Lunita

LSU:Vascular Plants
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LSU00178675David J. Rosen   51352010-09-18
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, Persimmon Gully Preserve (The Nature Conservancy); Louisiana Nature Conservancy Persimmon Gully Preserve; 2.5 kilometers west of the intersection of Edgerly Road and Camp Road, about 10 kilometers north of the town of Edgerly.

LSU:Vascular Plants
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LSU00007056Clair A. Brown   87171940-10-20
United States, Louisiana, Allen, W of Kinder.

LSU:Vascular Plants
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LSU00114950Christopher Reid   63972007-10-16
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, Persimmon Gully Preserve (The Nature Conservancy); Persimmon Gully Preserve on W side of Persimmon Gully, ca 4.5 air mi ESE of Lunita., 30.32 -93.5330556

LSU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
LSU00075619Larry E. Brown   s.n.1990-10-14
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, Starks; Large caespitose grasses present on a sandy soil in a large field on the W side of Hwy 109, 4.5 mi. S of intersection with Hwy 12.

Michigan State University

MSC0092896W Silveus   64411940-09-30
10 miles north of Beaumont, Texas. USA

MSC0092897W Silveus   64411940-09-30
10 miles north of Beaumont, Texas. USA

University of Georgia Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu Parish, Calcasieu Parish, LA

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu Parish, Calcasieu Parish, LA

Valdosta State University Herbarium

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VSC0057237D. J. Rosen   2005-11-03
United States, Texas, Brazoria County

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

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United States, Georgia, Charlton

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United States, Florida, Wakulla

Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission Herbarium

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ANHC007214Chris Reid   63972007-10-16
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, Persimmon Gulley Preserve on E side of Persimmon Gulley, ca 4.5 air mi ESE of Lunita. TRS: T8S R11W S31 NE4NW4, 30.32833 -93.52917

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

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NLU0421938Larry E. Brown   107041986-10-04
United States, Texas, Harris, at intersection of Port and Todville Roads north of Seabrook

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United States, Florida, Hamilton

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NLU0421940F. R. Waller   31281974-09-18
United States, Texas, Harris, roadsides, Red Bluff Rd, ca. 1 1/2 miles west of S. H. 146, northwest of Seabrook

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0421941Larry E. Brown   149071990-10-13
United States, Texas, Hardin, Along a gravel road in the Lance Rossier Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve. Gravel road exists hwy 320 at the Little Rock Community S of Kountze

Southeastern Louisiana University, Glen N. Montz Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SELU0014993Biol 412 fall 78   781978-10-24
United States, Louisiana, Saint Helena, 3 mi. W. of Pinegrove US 16.

University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections Herbarium

UTEP:Herb:45488Collector(s): Floyd R. Waller   31381974-09-19
United States, Texas, Galveston County, 14th Street, one block W of junction with Ave I (Highway 517), 29.484419 -94.928365

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00323221Donovan S. Correll   351721967-10-19
United States, Texas, Tyler, 6.5 mi. east of Chester on Rte. #1745 then left 3 mi. to xeric Oligocene outcrop., 30.96033 -94.522478

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00367961O. Brown Collins   s.n.1971-01-01
United States, Texas, Lamar, "Tridens Prairie", a tract owned by The Nature Conservancy ca. 7 mi. W of Paris at intersection of highway 82 and Farm Road 32, in northeastern portion of Blackland Prairie.

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

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TEX00323220Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Walter V. Brown   GR-3151947-10-11
United States, Texas, Lamar, Meadow, Paris.

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TEX00465966David J. Rosen|G. Ayala   58932012-09-22
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Vascular Plants of Brazos Bend State Park. On and E of FM 762, 2.5 km N of its intersection with FM 1462, about 50 km SW of the City of Houston. Fire disturbed grassland in the southern extent of the park (management unit 6)., 29.36771 -95.62897

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00323222K. L. Marietta|Elray S. Nixon   4861978-08-29
United States, Texas, Jasper, SE of Zavalla on U.S. 63; 1.6 miles SE of the Plum Ridge road.

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TEX00323223Frank W. Gould   110281964-10-15
United States, Texas, Hardin, 6 miles southwest of Kountze.

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TEX00323224Floyd R. Waller, Jr.|J. A. Bauml   31281974-09-18
United States, Texas, Harris, Red Bluff Road, ca. 1 1/2 miles west of S. H. 146, northwest of Seabrook.

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TEX00323225Floyd R. Waller, Jr.|J. A. Bauml   31381974-09-19
United States, Texas, Galveston, One block west of Ave. I (F.M. 517) on 14th Street.

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TEX00211512William R. Carr|David J. Rosen|Mike Lange|C. Riley|Diane Schenke   221912003-08-26
United States, Texas, Brazoria, S side of Co. Rd. 18 ca. 0.3-0.5 roadmiles E of St. Rt. 36, SE of Damon. Powerline Prairie (Nash Foundation). Damon Quadrangle. [databaser's note: Lat/long listed as "in vicinity of..."]., 29.27705 -95.71685

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00442002David J. Rosen   35982005-11-03
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch, hay meadow S of CR 18, ca. 0.4 mi. E of its intersection with Hwy 36, SE of the town of Damon., 29.27112 -95.67209

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TEX00442006David J. Rosen|M. Berryhill   36012005-12-09
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch, 275-acre hay meadow W of CR 25, ca. 8.7 mi. N of its intersection with Hwy 35 in W. Columbia., 29.25244 -95.59633

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TEX00367962Walter V. Brown|Benjamin Carroll Tharp   GR-2881947-10-10
United States, Texas, Hardin, Hardin County.

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TEX00367963Larry E. Brown   149071990-10-13
United States, Texas, Hardin, Lance Rossier Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve. Gravel road exits hwy. 320 at the Little Rock Community S of Kountze.

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

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BRIT394980W. R. Carr   221912003-08-26
United States, Texas, Brazoria, S side of Co. Rd. 18 ca. 0.3-0.5 roadmiles E of St. Rt. 36, SE of Damon, in vicinity of N29°16.623', W095°43.011'. Powerline Prairie (Nash Foundation). Damon Quadrangle., 29.27705 -95.71785, 60 - 65m

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BRIT394983D. S. Correll   267371962-11-09
United States, Texas, Jasper, In rolling pine-hardwood hills, 22 miles northwest of Jasper, route #63, Angelina National Forest.

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BRIT444051R. J. O'Kennon   172272002-09-07
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 28. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4185 -97.5951, 269m

[filed under North America]

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BRIT394981Frank W. Gould   110281964-10-15
United States, Texas, Hardin, 6 miles southwest of Kountze.

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BRIT394982Lloyd H. Shinners   102391948-09-12
United States, Texas, Rains, 3 1/2 miles northwest of Point. Between railroad and highway.

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

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00012066Robert Lonard   25041969-10-08
United States, Texas, Brazos, 12 miles south of College Station, near Highway 6.

Oklahoma State University Herbarium

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OKLA020009746W. B. Jessee   s.n.1953-10-21
United States, Oklahoma, Bryan, near Durant

R. Williams   00222013-05-01
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa, Haikey Creek Park Nature Reserve; Along wooded banks of Haikey Creek Park Nature Reserve, 11327 S. Garnett Rd, Broken Arrow, OK, 35.992024 -95.851896

Baylor University Herbarium

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BAYLU080681J. Singhurst   170022008-10-08
USA, Texas, Marion, Caddo Lake Wildlife Management Area, ~8,000 acres, east of Hwy 43, west of St Rt 727, and south of Hwy 49, 32.736254 -94.125741

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BAYLU080680J. Singhurst   211312015-10-31
USA, Texas, Galveston, Hitchcock Prairie, 1.8 mi. S of jct of Hwy 3 and 2nd Street., 29.357673 -94.98782

University of Oklahoma, Robert Bebb Herbarium

W. B. Jessee   s.n.1953-10-21
Durant; near Durant

H. Taylor   1911940-09-02
Bennington; 2.5 mi SE of Bennington

S. Carpenter   09631995-10-08
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Jeter Prairie; 1 mi NW of junction of US 70 and US 271, Jeter Prairie, 34.0478 -95.6346

S. Carpenter   09631995-10-08
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Hugo: 5 mi W of Hugo, Jeter Prairie, 1 mi N of jct US 70 & US 271, 34.0478 -95.6346

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Paul A. Harcombe   PH 9011471990-10-13
United States, Texas, Hardin, Big Thicket National Preserve, Lance Rosier Unit; ca 2km W Little Rock Church near old homesite

Frank W. Gould   110281964-10-15
United States, Texas, Hardin

Larry E. Brown   67231983-10-15
United States, Texas, Harris

K. L. Marietta   4501978-09-15
United States, Texas, Jasper

O. Brown Collins   1971-11-00
United States, Texas, Lamar

Jim Eidson   s. n.1996-09-25
United States, Texas, Van Zandt

Clayton Rollins   372006-10-28
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch

Robert Lonard   25041969-10-08
United States, Texas, Brazos

Jason Kinkade   751998-11-26
United States, Texas, Fannin

F. R. Waller   31381974-09-19
United States, Texas, Galveston

Larry E. Brown   149021990-10-13
United States, Texas, Hardin

Sandra I. Elsik   SEWP 2902006-09-19
United States, Texas, Hardin, Big Thicket National Preserve, Jack Gore Baygall Unit; near Timber Slough Road in powerline ROW

Frank W. Gould   110281964-10-15
United States, Texas, Hardin

Larry E. Brown   149071990-10-13
United States, Texas, Hardin

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Herbarium

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JWC00000053Minnette Marr   10032008-11-22
United States, Texas, Brazoria, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Two miles southeast of Damon, south side of County Road 18., 29.274056 -95.717278, 20m

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JWC00000054Minnette Marr   10032008-11-22
United States, Texas, Brazoria, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Two miles southeast of Damon, south side of County Road 18., 29.274056 -95.717278, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
JWC00000056Minnette Marr   10032008-11-22
United States, Texas, Brazoria, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Two miles southeast of Damon, south side of County Road 18., 29.274056 -95.717278, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
JWC00000055Minnette Marr   10032008-11-22
United States, Texas, Brazoria, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Two miles southeast of Damon, south side of County Road 18., 29.274056 -95.717278, 20m

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