ASU0110770 E. Lehto 25308 1992-05-03
USA, Texas, Montague, ca 40 mi NW Denton, Thomsen Foundation, Cross Timbers.
ASU0110766 E. Lehto 25278 1992-05-30
United States, Texas, Montague, ca 40 mi NW Denton Thomsen Foundation. Cross Timbers., 33.675627 -97.724653
ASU0015158 D. J. Pinkava 13063 1968-06-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Rio Escondido railroad junction on Mexico Rte 57 (south of Piedras Negras), 25.3 -103.466667
ASU0110790 W.H. Horr E332 1940-07-06
United States, Kansas, Greenwood, 3 mi E of Eureka, 37.823904 -96.234102, 330m
386389 R. W. Scora 2053 1962-08-30
United States, Texas, Hill County, 10.4 miles south of Hillsboro, Interstate Highway 35, W of the road., 31.868056 -97.084167, 201m
386390 R. W. Scora 2339 1962-09-09
Mexico, Coahuila, 3 miles SE of Muzquiz, on foot of mountain range., 27.833333 -101.466667, 351m
Steve J. Siedo 429 1997-05-13
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Round Rock, c. 0.5 mile down dirt road, past cemetario from County Road 172, 30.51333 -97.69944, 221m
R.W. Scora 2069 1965-08-00
United States, Texas, Bell, 5 mi north of Belton
CC A 40007 1940-06-28
United States, Texas, Austin, Cameron Road, Hillcrest Dairy
R.W. Scora 2000 1965-08-00
United States, Texas, Dallas, NW of Dallas, 10 mi south of Grapevine
R.W. Scora 2065-I 1963-08-00
United States, Texas, Bell, 1 mile west of Pendleton, 31.19417 -97.36694, 213m
R.W. Scora 2053 1965-08-00
United States, Texas, Hill, 10.4 mi south of Hillsboro, Interstate Hwy 35, west of the road, 31.86806 -97.08417, 201m
R.W. Scora 2064-P 1963-08-00
United States, Texas, Bell, 1 mile west of Pendleton, 31.19417 -97.36694, 213m
R.W. Scora 2320 1962-09-08
Mexico, Coahuila, Mex 57, 1.7 miles north of Allende, c. 3 miles south of Morelos, 28.35 -100.85
R.W. Scora 2341 1962-09-09
Mexico, Coahuila, 3 miles SE of Muzquiz, on foot of mountain range, 27.83333 -101.46667, 351m
R.W. Scora 2053 1962-08-30
United States, Texas, Hill, 10.4 mi south of Hillsboro, Interstate Hwy 35, west of the road, 31.86806 -97.08417, 201m
Fred A. Barkley 14526 1944-07-05
United States, Texas, Travis, Along Bull Creek above Lake Austin, 30.41306 -97.815, 229m
UTC00079386 A.E. Borell 1935-09-06
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua National Monument; Faraway RAnch, 1524m
UTC00221644 R.W. Scora 2064-i
United States, Texas, Bell, 1 mile west of Pendelton in semi dry meadow
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0055604 O.M. Clark 8556 1939-08-12
United States, Arizona, (Cochise), Lower Bonita Canyon in Chiricahua National Monument.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0055605 O.M. Clark 8556 1939-08-12
United States, Arizona, (Cochise), Lower Bonita Canyon in Chiricahua National Monument.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0137113 Robert C. Sivinski 9440 2020-06-04
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, Ca 24 miles E of central Roswell on N side of Hwy 380 R-O-W., 33.420818 -104.108645, 1141m
23100 J. Skehan 74 1898-07-00
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Gray, 1829m
67362 W.R. Chapline 276 1915-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Upper Tierra Blanca Canyon, E slope of Mimbres Mts. 5 mi S of Kingston, 2073m
73760 C.R. Proctor 4516 1936-08-18
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon
73762 L.N. Goodding 4515 1937-07-14
United States, Arizona, Mohave, 5 miles W of Peach Spring
00429315 B. F. Bush 122 1897-06-21
United States of America, Missouri, Eagle Rock.
02173096 C. Bergman 328 2003-05-07
United States of America, Texas, Lee Co., along FM 320 (old Elkin Rd.) N of FM 318 and S of FM 419 Edge of road, 30.47420018 -97.03647241, 152 - 168m
KHD00044694 Sister Mary Clare Metz 55 1932-05-00
United States of America, Texas, Bexar, Bulverde Road, 13 miles northeast of San Antonio.
P. F. Boucher 986 1992-07-17
USA, New Mexico, Grant County, Gila National Forest; Gallinas Canyon, 32.886896 -107.8473164, 2134m
APCR014823 G. Tucker 16303 1976-06-22
United States, Arkansas, Little River, Ca. 1 1/2 m S of Foreman on Arkansas 41. T12S R32W S35
APCR014822 Delzie Demaree 58184 1968-06-07
United States, Arkansas, Sevier, Coastal Plain. P. O. Ben Lomond., 122m
101889196 Benjamin F. Bush 14879 1935-06-12
United States, Missouri, Barry, Rocky barrens, Eagle Rock, MO.
3500371 Cindy E. Becker 1202 2005-07-05
United States, Missouri, Newton, Camp Crowder - National Guard Training Site degraded forest; Open field undergoing prairie restoration through prescribed fire and woody removal. North Unit of Camp Crowder; (X:379689.56 Y:4075073.04 Z:15); Nixa very gravelly silt loam, 3 to 9 percent slope Lespedeza cuneata, Monarda fistulosa, Sorghastrum nutans., 36.8138889 -94.3488889, 383m
3526482 B. Loges s.n. 2001-06-12
United States, Missouri, Dent, White River Trace Conservation Area restored warm season grassland on native prairie site, 37.62083 -91.72833
3524483 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1929-08-05
United States, Missouri, Pemiscot, Hayti prairies, 36.23361 -89.74944
3531835 Ernest J. Palmer 36788 1930-06-24
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair, Near Waubleau limestone barrens
3535993 Colton Russell s.n. 1898-06-25
United States, Missouri, Iron, Annapolis exposed barren ground, 37.36027 -90.6975
3572246 George Yatskievych 90-178 1990-06-17
United States, Missouri, Barry, 1 mi N of County Road E junction on State Highway 86 (Wolfpen Gap) dry dolomite glade at curve in road; portions of glade disturbed by vehicles; scatteredOpuntia, Delphinium, Calamintha, and Talinum, 36.57444 -93.7525, 402m
1607313 H. Everett Runyon 126 1935-06-29
United States, Kansas, Ellis, Rocky ravines, 13 mi n of hays
100497770 George Van Brunt 2012-13 2012-06-21
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Missouri Research Park Access Trail parking lot area, 38.6947 -90.6847, 153m
3544174 Julian A. Steyermark 40183 1941-06-22
United States, Missouri, Greene, Along Road T, 5 1/2 mi SW of Ash Grove prairie upland slopes
450357 James S. Miller 5092 1990-05-24
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Along US 277 between Del Rio and Eagle Pass at Sycamore Creek., 28.86666 -100.91666, 430m
100598742 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1905-06-30
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667
3537519 Tim E. Smith 2904 1989-06-21
United States, Missouri, Taney, Ca. 3.0 mi NW of Branson, White River Balds Natural Area, just NE of Highway 76, ca. 1/3 mi NW of Henning State Forest parking lot; White River Section of Ozark Natural Division disturbed ledges of Mississippian limestone; common on small glade areas; floral bracts whitish, 36.66555 -93.30222
100932850 Steve R. Turner 16-091 2016-07-30
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Klondike County Park, moist depression immediately southwest of Visitor Center., 38.5811 -90.8331, 165m
1607267 Ernest J. Palmer 34247 1928-05-30
United States, Texas, Brewster, Waste and cultivated ground
2882611 Benjamin F. Bush 7 1899-06-03
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Swan; common in woods, 36.794884 -93.061081
100598776 Bill Summers 2963 1989-07-03
United States, Missouri, Barry, Galdes and rocky woods in small draw by Hwy F in Roaring River Wildlife Area east of Roaring River State Park.
3554922 George Yatskievych 99-109 1999-06-09
United States, Missouri, Greene, Rocky Barrens Conservation Area, ca. 1.5 mi e of Willard on N side of County Highway O large limestone glade complex; scattered patches, 37.31305 -93.39583, 351m
3572242 George Yatskievych 90-172 1990-06-17
United States, Missouri, Barry, 1 mi N of County Highway E junction on State Highway 86 at curve in road (Wolfpen Gap) open dry dolomite glade; portions of glade disturbed by vehicles; scattered stems to 1.5 ft. tallOpuntia, Delphinium, Calamintha, and Talinum, 36.57444 -93.7525, 402m
100598758 Benjamin F. Bush 15036 1935-07-31
United States, Missouri, Stone
100598751 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1922-06-19
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667
100598752 Benjamin F. Bush 15041 1935-07-31
United States, Missouri, Eagle Rock., 36.5481 -93.7542
100598749 Benjamin F. Bush s.n. 1891-06-28
United States, Missouri, Jackson
100598738 Ernest J. Palmer 5864 1914-06-03
United States, Missouri, Stone, James river.
100598740 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1907-07-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667
100598741 Charles W. Fullgraf s.n. 1907-07-29
United States, Missouri, North Amer. Syn.
100598743 Benjamin F. Bush 15007 1935-07-17
United States, Missouri, Stone
100598744 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1929-07-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667
100598745 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1935-07-19
United States, Missouri, Barry, Eagle Rock., 36.5481 -93.7542
100598746 Ernest J. Palmer 6320 1914-07-19
United States, Missouri, Barry, Eagle Rock., 36.5481 -93.7542
100598747 Joseph W. Blankinship s.n. 1889-08-02
United States, Missouri, Greene, Willard.
3531859 Ernest J. Palmer 3800 1912-07-21
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Carthage gravelly bottoms of Spring River, 37.17638 -94.31
3542035 Julian A. Steyermark 22645 1937-06-24
United States, Missouri, Stone, Along White River, 1 mi NW of Marmaros lime glade on top of White Rock Bluff, 36.60944 -93.39277
1607384 Benjamin F. Bush 14884 1935-06-11
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Rocky barrens
3548385 Bill Summers 2957 1989-07-03
United States, Missouri, Barry, 1 mi S of Eagle Rock on Highway 86 at Lake Road 97 junction dolomite glade along side highway, 36.54527 -93.75333
100598756 Benjamin F. Bush 14889 1935-06-11
United States, Missouri, Barry
100598739 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1903-08-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667
TAC00204 Lula C. Gough s.n. 1921-05-02
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591
TAC00205 Lula C. Gough s.n. 1921-09-05
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591
TAC02220 Lula C. Gough s.n. 1924-06-00
United States, Texas, Grayson, Grayson Co. [No additional locality data on sheet]
TAC00206 Lula C. Gough s.n. 1921-09-05
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591
TAC01569 Lula C. Gough s.n.
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591
CSCN-V-0047080 Ronald R. Weedon 5495 1969-07-05
United States, Kansas, Clark, 0.7 mi S of Englewood off Hwy #283., 37.038362 -99.983469
CSCN-V-0047081 Ronald R. Weedon 5542 1969-07-13
United States, Kansas, Labette, 2.5 mi W of Valeda.
CSCN-V-0047082 Ronald R. Weedon 4202 1968-06-17
United States, Kansas, Montgomery, 2 mi N of Elk City., 37.31612 -95.90966
CSCN-V-0047083 R. Dale Thomas 45372 1975-06-19
United States, Louisiana, Caddo, Pasture beside La. 173 just W of La. 3094., 32.773611 -93.835556
CSCN-V-0047084 Jake Charvat 32 2001-08-09
United States, Nebraska, Cedar, Calumet Bluff Scenic Overlook, 0.5 mi W of Gavins Point., 42.848353 -97.484617
CSCN-V-0047085 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 14786 1999-07-07
United States, Nebraska, Frontier, Along trail road 12 near inlet on E side of Medicine Creek Reservoir, 8 mi E, 6 mi S, 1 mi E, 2 mi S and 0.5 mi SW from Stockville., 40.414424 -100.22216, 722m
CSCN-V-0047086 Jake Charvat 27 2001-08-09
United States, Nebraska, Cedar, State park access road, S of Crofton-Lakeview Golf Course., 42.841267 -97.478835
CSCN-V-0047087 Lawrence K. Magrath 11587 1981-06-13
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, Harrison Bog, 5.1 mi W on SH 3 & 7, & 0.5 S of Antlers.
CSCN-V-0047088 Lawrence K. Magrath 11025 1981-05-08
United States, Texas, McLennan, 5.3 mi SE of Valley Mills on T6.
USA, New Mexico, Quay
HPC00015582 Barber, Susan 404 1973-06-13
United States, Texas, Bandera, 50mi Nof Utopia alongSabinal river banks, 412m
United States, Tennessee
12746 Redfearn Jr, Paul L 28167 1972-05-11
United States, Texas, Kerr, Perdanales River at Junction of river and Hwy 39.
75372 Lehto, Elinor L25728 1992-05-30
United States, Texas, Montague, -
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070736 Ahles, Harry E. 53778 1960-07-11
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, waste ground around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S.C. Rt#45
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00338664 Moore, D. M. 58-225 1958-07-07
United States, Arkansas, Benton, 2 mi S Sulphur Springs, 36.454403 -94.458549, 305m
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0102619 J. Bonk s.n. 1940-06-06
United States, Louisiana, Saint Charles
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0102620 Wm. T. Penfound s.n. 1937-05-31
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0102629 R. S. Cocks s.n. 1900-06-00
United States, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge
MISSA016129 Marcus E. Jones, A. M. 192 1878-06-10
United States, Colorado, Denver, Denver, Colorado, 39.739154 -104.984703
MISSA016099 C. G. McWhorter 1951-06-07
United States, Mississippi, Oktibbeha, State College, Mississippi, 33.45472 -88.78861
STAR016281 Michael Murphy 215 1984-05-17
United States, Arkansas, Calhoun, .2 mi. E. of rear entrance to Holiday Island on Hwy. 187. T21N R26W S21
00074046 Sandra Aguilar Ruiz 20 1991-06-22
Mexico, Coahuila, 80 kilometers southeast of Big Bend National Park, on southwest margin of Sierra del Burro (part of Sierra del Carmen), Corner Ranch., 28.666667 -102.25, 1400 - 2100m
USA, Texas, Brewster
00074887 Michael R. Nixon 184 1975-05-09
United States, Texas, Coleman, 1.5 miles northwest of Valera, Grady Laws Ranch.
00000861 A. M. Powell 7279 2015-05-30
USA, Texas, Brewster, 22.3 mi W of Sanderson; hey 90, roadside, 30.173231 -102.740472, 1131m