Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Monarda citriodora var. citriodora (Monarda aristata, Monarda dispersa, Monarda tenuiaristata, Monarda citriodora var. attenuata)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 846

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

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ASU0110770E. Lehto   253081992-05-03
USA, Texas, Montague, ca 40 mi NW Denton, Thomsen Foundation, Cross Timbers.

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ASU0110766E. Lehto   252781992-05-30
United States, Texas, Montague, ca 40 mi NW Denton Thomsen Foundation. Cross Timbers., 33.675627 -97.724653

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ASU0015158D. J. Pinkava   130631968-06-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Rio Escondido railroad junction on Mexico Rte 57 (south of Piedras Negras), 25.3 -103.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0110790W.H. Horr   E3321940-07-06
United States, Kansas, Greenwood, 3 mi E of Eureka, 37.823904 -96.234102, 330m

University of Arizona Herbarium

386389R. W. Scora   20531962-08-30
United States, Texas, Hill County, 10.4 miles south of Hillsboro, Interstate Highway 35, W of the road., 31.868056 -97.084167, 201m

386390R. W. Scora   23391962-09-09
Mexico, Coahuila, 3 miles SE of Muzquiz, on foot of mountain range., 27.833333 -101.466667, 351m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Steve J. Siedo   4291997-05-13
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Round Rock, c. 0.5 mile down dirt road, past cemetario from County Road 172, 30.51333 -97.69944, 221m

R.W. Scora   20691965-08-00
United States, Texas, Bell, 5 mi north of Belton

CC A   400071940-06-28
United States, Texas, Austin, Cameron Road, Hillcrest Dairy

R.W. Scora   20001965-08-00
United States, Texas, Dallas, NW of Dallas, 10 mi south of Grapevine

R.W. Scora   2065-I1963-08-00
United States, Texas, Bell, 1 mile west of Pendleton, 31.19417 -97.36694, 213m

R.W. Scora   20531965-08-00
United States, Texas, Hill, 10.4 mi south of Hillsboro, Interstate Hwy 35, west of the road, 31.86806 -97.08417, 201m

R.W. Scora   2064-P1963-08-00
United States, Texas, Bell, 1 mile west of Pendleton, 31.19417 -97.36694, 213m

R.W. Scora   23201962-09-08
Mexico, Coahuila, Mex 57, 1.7 miles north of Allende, c. 3 miles south of Morelos, 28.35 -100.85

R.W. Scora   23411962-09-09
Mexico, Coahuila, 3 miles SE of Muzquiz, on foot of mountain range, 27.83333 -101.46667, 351m

R.W. Scora   20531962-08-30
United States, Texas, Hill, 10.4 mi south of Hillsboro, Interstate Hwy 35, west of the road, 31.86806 -97.08417, 201m

Fred A. Barkley   145261944-07-05
United States, Texas, Travis, Along Bull Creek above Lake Austin, 30.41306 -97.815, 229m

Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)

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Monarda tenuiaristata (Gray) Small
UTC00079386A.E. Borell   1935-09-06
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua National Monument; Faraway RAnch, 1524m

UTC00221644R.W. Scora   2064-i
United States, Texas, Bell, 1 mile west of Pendelton in semi dry meadow

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0055604O.M. Clark   85561939-08-12
United States, Arizona, (Cochise), Lower Bonita Canyon in Chiricahua National Monument.

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0055605O.M. Clark   85561939-08-12
United States, Arizona, (Cochise), Lower Bonita Canyon in Chiricahua National Monument.

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0137113Robert C. Sivinski   94402020-06-04
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, Ca 24 miles E of central Roswell on N side of Hwy 380 R-O-W., 33.420818 -104.108645, 1141m

New Mexico State University Herbarium

23100J. Skehan   741898-07-00
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Gray, 1829m

Monarda tenuiaristata (Gray) Small
67362W.R. Chapline   2761915-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Upper Tierra Blanca Canyon, E slope of Mimbres Mts. 5 mi S of Kingston, 2073m

Monarda tenuiaristata (Gray) Small
73760C.R. Proctor   45161936-08-18
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon

Monarda tenuiaristata (Gray) Small
73762L.N. Goodding   45151937-07-14
United States, Arizona, Mohave, 5 miles W of Peach Spring

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
00429315B. F. Bush   1221897-06-21
United States of America, Missouri, Eagle Rock.

Image Associated With the Occurence
02173096C. Bergman   3282003-05-07
United States of America, Texas, Lee Co., along FM 320 (old Elkin Rd.) N of FM 318 and S of FM 419 Edge of road, 30.47420018 -97.03647241, 152 - 168m

Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
KHD00044694Sister Mary Clare Metz   551932-05-00
United States of America, Texas, Bexar, Bulverde Road, 13 miles northeast of San Antonio.

Gila National Forest Herbarium

P. F. Boucher   9861992-07-17
USA, New Mexico, Grant County, Gila National Forest; Gallinas Canyon, 32.886896 -107.8473164, 2134m

Arkansas Tech University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
APCR014823G. Tucker   163031976-06-22
United States, Arkansas, Little River, Ca. 1 1/2 m S of Foreman on Arkansas 41. T12S R32W S35

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APCR014822Delzie Demaree   581841968-06-07
United States, Arkansas, Sevier, Coastal Plain. P. O. Ben Lomond., 122m

Missouri Botanical Garden

101889196Benjamin F. Bush   148791935-06-12
United States, Missouri, Barry, Rocky barrens, Eagle Rock, MO.

3500371Cindy E. Becker   12022005-07-05
United States, Missouri, Newton, Camp Crowder - National Guard Training Site degraded forest; Open field undergoing prairie restoration through prescribed fire and woody removal. North Unit of Camp Crowder; (X:379689.56 Y:4075073.04 Z:15); Nixa very gravelly silt loam, 3 to 9 percent slope Lespedeza cuneata, Monarda fistulosa, Sorghastrum nutans., 36.8138889 -94.3488889, 383m

3526482B. Loges   s.n.2001-06-12
United States, Missouri, Dent, White River Trace Conservation Area restored warm season grassland on native prairie site, 37.62083 -91.72833

3524483John H. Kellogg   s.n.1929-08-05
United States, Missouri, Pemiscot, Hayti prairies, 36.23361 -89.74944

3531835Ernest J. Palmer   367881930-06-24
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair, Near Waubleau limestone barrens

3535993Colton Russell   s.n.1898-06-25
United States, Missouri, Iron, Annapolis exposed barren ground, 37.36027 -90.6975

3572246George Yatskievych   90-1781990-06-17
United States, Missouri, Barry, 1 mi N of County Road E junction on State Highway 86 (Wolfpen Gap) dry dolomite glade at curve in road; portions of glade disturbed by vehicles; scatteredOpuntia, Delphinium, Calamintha, and Talinum, 36.57444 -93.7525, 402m

1607313H. Everett Runyon   1261935-06-29
United States, Kansas, Ellis, Rocky ravines, 13 mi n of hays

100497770George Van Brunt   2012-132012-06-21
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Missouri Research Park Access Trail parking lot area, 38.6947 -90.6847, 153m

3544174Julian A. Steyermark   401831941-06-22
United States, Missouri, Greene, Along Road T, 5 1/2 mi SW of Ash Grove prairie upland slopes

450357James S. Miller   50921990-05-24
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Along US 277 between Del Rio and Eagle Pass at Sycamore Creek., 28.86666 -100.91666, 430m

100598742John H. Kellogg   s.n.1905-06-30
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667

3537519Tim E. Smith   29041989-06-21
United States, Missouri, Taney, Ca. 3.0 mi NW of Branson, White River Balds Natural Area, just NE of Highway 76, ca. 1/3 mi NW of Henning State Forest parking lot; White River Section of Ozark Natural Division disturbed ledges of Mississippian limestone; common on small glade areas; floral bracts whitish, 36.66555 -93.30222

100932850Steve R. Turner   16-0912016-07-30
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Klondike County Park, moist depression immediately southwest of Visitor Center., 38.5811 -90.8331, 165m

1607267Ernest J. Palmer   342471928-05-30
United States, Texas, Brewster, Waste and cultivated ground

2882611Benjamin F. Bush   71899-06-03
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Swan; common in woods, 36.794884 -93.061081

100598776Bill Summers   29631989-07-03
United States, Missouri, Barry, Galdes and rocky woods in small draw by Hwy F in Roaring River Wildlife Area east of Roaring River State Park.

3554922George Yatskievych   99-1091999-06-09
United States, Missouri, Greene, Rocky Barrens Conservation Area, ca. 1.5 mi e of Willard on N side of County Highway O large limestone glade complex; scattered patches, 37.31305 -93.39583, 351m

3572242George Yatskievych   90-1721990-06-17
United States, Missouri, Barry, 1 mi N of County Highway E junction on State Highway 86 at curve in road (Wolfpen Gap) open dry dolomite glade; portions of glade disturbed by vehicles; scattered stems to 1.5 ft. tallOpuntia, Delphinium, Calamintha, and Talinum, 36.57444 -93.7525, 402m

100598758Benjamin F. Bush   150361935-07-31
United States, Missouri, Stone

100598751John H. Kellogg   s.n.1922-06-19
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667

100598752Benjamin F. Bush   150411935-07-31
United States, Missouri, Eagle Rock., 36.5481 -93.7542

100598749Benjamin F. Bush   s.n.1891-06-28
United States, Missouri, Jackson

100598738Ernest J. Palmer   58641914-06-03
United States, Missouri, Stone, James river.

100598740John H. Kellogg   s.n.1907-07-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667

100598741Charles W. Fullgraf   s.n.1907-07-29
United States, Missouri, North Amer. Syn.

100598743Benjamin F. Bush   150071935-07-17
United States, Missouri, Stone

100598744John H. Kellogg   s.n.1929-07-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667

100598745John H. Kellogg   s.n.1935-07-19
United States, Missouri, Barry, Eagle Rock., 36.5481 -93.7542

100598746Ernest J. Palmer   63201914-07-19
United States, Missouri, Barry, Eagle Rock., 36.5481 -93.7542

100598747Joseph W. Blankinship   s.n.1889-08-02
United States, Missouri, Greene, Willard.

3531859Ernest J. Palmer   38001912-07-21
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Carthage gravelly bottoms of Spring River, 37.17638 -94.31

3542035Julian A. Steyermark   226451937-06-24
United States, Missouri, Stone, Along White River, 1 mi NW of Marmaros lime glade on top of White Rock Bluff, 36.60944 -93.39277

1607384Benjamin F. Bush   148841935-06-11
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Rocky barrens

3548385Bill Summers   29571989-07-03
United States, Missouri, Barry, 1 mi S of Eagle Rock on Highway 86 at Lake Road 97 junction dolomite glade along side highway, 36.54527 -93.75333

100598756Benjamin F. Bush   148891935-06-11
United States, Missouri, Barry

100598739John H. Kellogg   s.n.1903-08-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667

Tarleton State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
TAC00204Lula C. Gough   s.n.1921-05-02
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591

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TAC00205Lula C. Gough   s.n.1921-09-05
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591

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TAC02220Lula C. Gough   s.n.1924-06-00
United States, Texas, Grayson, Grayson Co. [No additional locality data on sheet]

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TAC00206Lula C. Gough   s.n.1921-09-05
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591

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TAC01569Lula C. Gough   s.n.
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville, 32.215686 -98.21591

Chadron State College, High Plains Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CSCN-V-0047080Ronald R. Weedon   54951969-07-05
United States, Kansas, Clark, 0.7 mi S of Englewood off Hwy #283., 37.038362 -99.983469

Image Associated With the Occurence
CSCN-V-0047081Ronald R. Weedon   55421969-07-13
United States, Kansas, Labette, 2.5 mi W of Valeda.

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CSCN-V-0047082Ronald R. Weedon   42021968-06-17
United States, Kansas, Montgomery, 2 mi N of Elk City., 37.31612 -95.90966

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CSCN-V-0047083R. Dale Thomas   453721975-06-19
United States, Louisiana, Caddo, Pasture beside La. 173 just W of La. 3094., 32.773611 -93.835556

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CSCN-V-0047084Jake Charvat   322001-08-09
United States, Nebraska, Cedar, Calumet Bluff Scenic Overlook, 0.5 mi W of Gavins Point., 42.848353 -97.484617

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CSCN-V-0047085Steven B. Rolfsmeier   147861999-07-07
United States, Nebraska, Frontier, Along trail road 12 near inlet on E side of Medicine Creek Reservoir, 8 mi E, 6 mi S, 1 mi E, 2 mi S and 0.5 mi SW from Stockville., 40.414424 -100.22216, 722m

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CSCN-V-0047086Jake Charvat   272001-08-09
United States, Nebraska, Cedar, State park access road, S of Crofton-Lakeview Golf Course., 42.841267 -97.478835

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CSCN-V-0047087Lawrence K. Magrath   115871981-06-13
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, Harrison Bog, 5.1 mi W on SH 3 & 7, & 0.5 S of Antlers.

Image Associated With the Occurence
CSCN-V-0047088Lawrence K. Magrath   110251981-05-08
United States, Texas, McLennan, 5.3 mi SE of Valley Mills on T6.

Georgia Southwestern State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
USA, New Mexico, Quay

Howard Payne University Herbarium

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HPC00015582Barber, Susan   4041973-06-13
United States, Texas, Bandera, 50mi Nof Utopia alongSabinal river banks, 412m

Duke University Vascular Plant Collection

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United States, Tennessee

William & Mary Herbarium

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12746Redfearn Jr, Paul L   281671972-05-11
United States, Texas, Kerr, Perdanales River at Junction of river and Hwy 39.

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75372Lehto, Elinor   L257281992-05-30
United States, Texas, Montague, -

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00070736Ahles, Harry E.   537781960-07-11
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, waste ground around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S.C. Rt#45

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00338664Moore, D. M.   58-2251958-07-07
United States, Arkansas, Benton, 2 mi S Sulphur Springs, 36.454403 -94.458549, 305m

Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0102619J. Bonk   s.n.1940-06-06
United States, Louisiana, Saint Charles

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0102620Wm. T. Penfound   s.n.1937-05-31
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0102629R. S. Cocks   s.n.1900-06-00
United States, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge

Mississippi State University

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MISSA016129Marcus E. Jones, A. M.   1921878-06-10
United States, Colorado, Denver, Denver, Colorado, 39.739154 -104.984703

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MISSA016099C. G. McWhorter   1951-06-07
United States, Mississippi, Oktibbeha, State College, Mississippi, 33.45472 -88.78861

Arkansas State University

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STAR016281Michael Murphy   2151984-05-17
United States, Arkansas, Calhoun, .2 mi. E. of rear entrance to Holiday Island on Hwy. 187. T21N R26W S21

Sul Ross University, A. Michael Powell Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
00074046Sandra Aguilar Ruiz   201991-06-22
Mexico, Coahuila, 80 kilometers southeast of Big Bend National Park, on southwest margin of Sierra del Burro (part of Sierra del Carmen), Corner Ranch., 28.666667 -102.25, 1400 - 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
USA, Texas, Brewster

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00074887Michael R. Nixon   1841975-05-09
United States, Texas, Coleman, 1.5 miles northwest of Valera, Grady Laws Ranch.

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00000861A. M. Powell   72792015-05-30
USA, Texas, Brewster, 22.3 mi W of Sanderson; hey 90, roadside, 30.173231 -102.740472, 1131m

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