ASU0131696 G. Mason 6112 1963-06-22
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa Mountains; Bowman Trail.; 45.28984 -117.40518, 45.28984 -117.40518, 1829m
ASU0131697 G. Mason 6310 1963-07-14
USA, Oregon, Union, East Eagle Trail; Wallowa Mountains.; 45.10088 -117.29721; 45.10088 -117.29721, 45.10088 -117.29721, 1524 - 1524m
ASU0131698 G. Mason 7342 1965-07-13
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, near spring, W slope of Ruby Peak, 2195m
UTC00292862 Mckenna Delton 21 2022-06-27
United States, Idaho, Valley, 44.950285 -115.948714, 1760m
UTC00099639 Joseph P. Tracy 14196
United States, California, Humboldt
UTC00034499 C.L. Hitchcock 5377
United States, California, Trinity
UTC00071164 C.L. Hitchcock 9870
United States, Idaho, Boise
UTC00025921 L. Constance 1845
United States, Washington, Ferry
170666 collectors: C.V. Piper 2033 1895-08-00
United States, Washington, Pierce County, Mt. Rainier
170667 collectors: O.D. Allen 201 1895-07-02
United States, Washington, Cowlitz County, Goat Mountains
3481830 C. A. Wellner 2337 1981-06-20
United States of America, Idaho, Boundary Co., Vicinity of Moravia, near Deep Creek siding; crevices in rock (granite) cliffs., 48.652226 -116.407391, 792m
3481829 J. H. Christ 12583 1941-07-13
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., Seven Devils Lake; Seven Devils Mts.; On cliffs in cirque below lake., 45.344449 -116.517925
02911191 B. Ertter 1997 2010-07-02
United States of America, Idaho, Valley Co., Lick Creek Road ca. 5 airmiles east of McCall, mossy seepage on bare granite opposite Little Payette Lake., 44.9239 -116.0181, 1585m
3481820 J. H. Sandberg 62066 1893-05-00
United States of America, Idaho, Hope
2818191 J. Bala 2013.93 2013-07-14
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., 4 mi. south of Hazard Lake campground along road., 45.192744 -116.147547, 2150m
3481831 D. M. Henderson 6706 1983-07-11
United States of America, Idaho, Boundary Co., Purcell Mountains, Kaniksu National Forest. Copper Ridge road ca 1.75 miles SSW of Canuck Pass., 57.28 -116.07, 1673m
3481827 J. H. Christ 2132 1933-05-10
United States of America, Idaho, Bonner Co., Laclede. Moist rock cliff.
3481828 J. H. Christ 2132 1933-05-10
United States of America, Idaho, Bonner Co., La Clede. Moist rock cliff.
3481845 J. W. Thompson 9688 1933-08-07
United States of America, Washington, King Co., on Guy Peak, Snoqualmie Pass, 1067m
3481824 F. D. Johnson s.n. 1979-06-19
United States of America, Idaho, Valley Co., North side of Payette Lake near McCall., 1585m
03481806 B. Ertter 8763 1989-07-26
United States of America, Idaho, Valley Co., E face of peak SW of Black Tip, upper part of cirque at head of Cougar Creek, ca 16 airmiles N of McCall, 45.143624 -116.075346, 2469m
3481821 R. Joslyn 541-544 1946-07-06
United States of America, Idaho, Valley Co., Above Snowslide trail
3481822 A. R. Kruckeberg 4135 1957-07-09
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., slopes above Canteen Meadows, just beneath Fenn Mt, Middle Fork-Selway River Ranger Dist, Nez Perce Nat. For., 2286m
3481823 J. G. Witt 1025 1946-06-30
United States of America, Idaho, Shoshone Co., Open south slope above spring, along the water trail from Little Baldy Lookout., 47.69589 -115.825964
3481825 C. L. Hitchcock 9870 1944-07-11
United States of America, Idaho, Boise Co., 5 mi. n. of Elk Lake, Sawtooth Primitive Area; headwaters of S. Fk. Payette R, above Sacajawea Hot Springs
3481826 C. L. Hitchcock 10819 1944-08-08
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., vicinity of Castle Peak, White Cloud Range, Challis Nat. Forest. north of peak, 3139m
3481832 J. B. Leiberg 1221 1895-07-10
United States of America, Idaho, Divide between St. Joe and Clearwater River. Region of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains, northern Idaho., 1520m
02557561 C. L. Hitchcock 10508 1944-07-30
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Alpine Creek, northwest of Alturas Lake; Sawtooth Primitive Area. Rocks above upper lake at head of creek.
3481833 C. V. Piper s.n. 1902-07-00
United States of America, Idaho, St. Joe River.
Jean Wood 4703 1996-06-06
U.S.A., Washington, Ferry, Western Colville National Forest and Vicinity: Hoodoo Canyon Trail to Emerald Lake from Deadman Creek, ca 10 air mi W of Kettle Falls., 48.6643 -118.2742, 793 - 1159m
B. E. Nelson 50596 2000-07-14
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Payette National Forest and Vicinity: Salmon River Mountains: S of Hazard Lake along Hazard Creek, ca 17 air mi NNE of New Meadows; ca 20 air mi N of McCall., 45.2038 -116.1367, 2152 - 2238m
464202 C. H. Macdonald 1621 1959-07-12
U.S.A., Montana, Ravalli, Bitterroot National Forest: North Fork Kootenai., 2287m
609583 Erwin F. Evert 7026 1984-07-13
U.S.A., Montana, Ravalli, Bitterroot Range: north side of Lost Horse Creek Canyon, ca 12 mi SW of Hamilton., 1524m
Joy Handley, Barbara Ertter and Phillip G. Lawrence 6030 2000-06-26
U.S.A., Idaho, Valley, Payette National Forest and Vicinity: Salmon River Mountains: Cougar Creek Trail just W of Upper Payette Lake, ca 16 air mi N of McCall., 45.1439 -116.035, 1677 - 2134m
Erwin F. Evert 7993 1985-06-26
U.S.A., Idaho, Valley, Salmon River Mountains: ca 1.5 mi SE of Lick Creek Summit; ca 12 mi NE of McCall., 45.0569 -115.9127, 1768m
Mckenna Delton 21 2022-06-27
United States, Idaho, Valley, 44.950285 -115.948714, 1760m
BRYV0127104 Janet Bala 2013-81 2013-07-13
U.S.A., Idaho, Adams, Grass Mountain Lake, upper east facing granite rock outcrops., 45.16913 -116.20443, 2382m
26293 Clifton And Griswold 1979-07-31
United States, California, Humboldt, Local landmark: Trinity Summit Guard Station. Salmon Mt Quad., 41.08375 -123.464972, 1719m
46766 Gilbert Jerome Muth 1976-07-27
United States, California, Del Norte, Local landmark: Poker Creek. Preston Peak Quad., 41.933333 -123.555
26293 Clifton And Griswold 1979-07-31
United States, California, Humboldt, Local landmark: Trinity Summit Guard Station. Salmon Mt Quad., 41.08375 -123.464972
46766 Gilbert Jerome Muth 1976-07-27
United States, California, Del Norte, Local landmark: Poker Creek. Preston Peak Quad., 41.933333 -123.555, 1615m
25896 Clifton And Griswold 1979-07-31
United States, California, Humboldt, Local landmark: Trinity Summit Guard Station. Salmon Mt Quad., 41.080917 -123.462, 1844m
Annalisa Ingegno 120618.21 2012-06-18
USA, Montana, Ravalli, Fales Flatt area, 45.746 -114.4431, 1554m
Charles H. McDonald 1959-07-12
USA, Montana, Ravalli, N Fork Kootenai, 2286m
125150 Piper, C. 2033 1895-08-00
United States, Washington, Pierce, Mt. Rainier;Mount Rainier National Park, 1981m
657602 Anderson, H.; et al. 134 1963-07-24
United States, Montana, Glacier, Glacier National Park: Grinnell Glacier Trail;Glacier National Park
Straley, Gerald 8378 1995-04-29
Canada, British Columbia, Hope, 49.3758056 -121.5048889
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0062201 J. William Thompson 6515 1931-05-23
United States, Washington, Chelan
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0062202 J. William Thompson 8271 1932-05-21
United States, Washington, Chelan
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell s.n. 1888-07-00
United States, Oregon, Unknown, approaching Bay Kinia, Siskiyou Mountains.
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 18543 1934-07-15
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, above Ice L., 45.2294 -117.2728
Christine C. Johnson; Christine C. Lorain 1867 1989-05-14
United States, Idaho, Idaho, 17 miles ne of Lowell along Hwy 12 across from mouth of Old Man Creek; Clearwater National Forest., 46.2586275656 -115.400863289, 555m
Ferguson, Mrs.; Mrs. L.D. Ferguson 391 1959-08-02
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, near Wood Lake., 45.30441 -117.44622, 2042m
Helen M. Gilkey s.n. 1938-06-13
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Bowman Trail, Lostine River., 45.2731 -117.4283
Serge C. Head; S.C. Head 1047 1957-06-30
United States, Oregon, Union, East Eagle Creek Drainage; 1/4 mile north of E. E. Cr. Falls at side of east Eagle Creek., 45.08716 -117.31764, 1676m
Pamela Brunsfeld; Pamela Brunsfeld, Stefani Patton, Karen Georgeson, Rosemary Streatfeild, H. O'Rourke. 6423 2009-06-16
United States, Idaho, Shoshone, St. Joe National Forest Bluff Creek near confluence of St. Joe River., 47.1787083333333 -115.499413888889, 3214m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 17729 1933-07-18
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Lostine Canyon 20 mi. above Lostine., 45.212 -117.3697
Wilhelm N. Suksdorf; W.N. Suksdorf s.n. 1885-06-28
United States, Washington, [Yakima], Mount Paddo (Adams.).
John B. Leiberg 1221 1895-07-10
United States, Idaho, [needs research], St. Joe-Clearwater Divide., 1550m
Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson, T. Howell s.n. 1882-08-13
United States, Washington, Yakima, Mt. Adams., 46.2028 -121.4894
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell s.n. 1887-07-00
United States, Oregon, Jackson or Josephine, Siskiyou Moutnains.
Linda Jennings; J. Whitton, L. Jennings, D. Mosquin, T. Gieselman, A. Saundry, T. Maniezzo, K. Fisher 17 2011-06-11
Canada, British Columbia, [needs research], Yale, Toll Road: bank of Fraser River Canyon., 49.56241 -121.4098, 59m
Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 5185 1962-06-28
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, at Falls Creek, base of Sawtooth Peak., 45.31466 -117.30211, 1554m
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell 784 1888-09-00
United States, Oregon, Josephine, top of Siskiyou Mts, near Waldo., 42.0611 -123.6469
Wayne E. Rolle; Wayne Rolle 463 1991-07-14
United States, Oregon, Josephine, on rocks in Upper Sturgis Fork watershed on the Appegate Ranger district; about 1/5 mile NE of Little Craggy Peak., 42.0657878673 -123.335414219, 1798m
James W. Thompson; J. William Thompson 6515 1931-05-23
United States, Washington, Chelan, on Lookout Mt. near Leavenworth.
Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 8953 1971-07-21
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa Mountains, Bowman Trail, about 15 miles south of Lostine., 45.273 -117.4294
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell s.n. 1888-07-00
United States, Oregon, Jackson or Josephine, Siskiyou Mountains.
Robert J. Meinke; Bob Meinke 2109 1978-07-23
United States, Oregon, Baker, Eagle Cap Wilderness, 0.3 km SE of the Pine Lakes, along trail from near Cornucopia., 45.035 -117.25035, 2180m
Orlin L. Ireland 3071 1951-07-12
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Lake Creek near the Lostine River in Wallowa National Forest; south of Lostine., 45.3331 -117.4081, 1636m
Mildred Arnot; M. Arnot 701 1994-05-23
United States, Washington, Chelan, ca 1/2 mile up Merrit Lake Trail., 47.7956215 -120.898114
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 17729 1933-07-18
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Lostine Canyon, 20 mi. above Lostine., 45.212 -117.3697
Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 5078 1962-06-24
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, along the West Fork (Wallowa River) Trail., 45.25684 -117.21785, 1524m
Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 7410 1965-07-18
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Minam lake Trail., 45.24414 -117.3625
Tanya Harvey s.n. 2015-05-29
United States, Oregon, Douglas, less than 0.5 mile east of Loletta Lakes; on cliffs at east end of plateau east-facing., 43.39746 -122.42353, 1594m
James W. Thompson; J. Willaim Thompson 6441 1931-05-23
United States, Washington, Chelan, near summit of Stevens Pass., 1067m
Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 6912 1964-07-03
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa Mountains; rocky bank of the East Lostine River., 45.24414 -117.3625, 1768m
Thomas J. Howell s.n. 1882-08-16
United States, Washington, Yakima, Mount Adams., 46.2028 -121.4894
Charles V. Piper; C.V. Piper 2033 1895-08-00
United States, Washington, [Pierce], Mt. Rainier., 2134m
Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 6310 1963-07-14
United States, Oregon, Union, East Eagle Creek., 45.10088 -117.29721, 1524m
E. C. Smith; E.C. Smith 2756 1890-08-00
United States, Washington, Unknown, Mt. Rainier., 1829m
CM211579 Macoun, J.M. 64589 1902-07-11
Canada, British Columbia, near International Boundary between Kettle & Columbia Rivers, 1219m
CM545893 Pearce, T.A. s.n. 1971-05-09
United States, Washington, Chelan, Icicle River, 47.589 -120.811
UTEP:Herb:52858 Collector(s): J. William Thompson 9688 1933-08-07
United States, Washington, King County, Guy Peak, Snoqualmie Pass, 1219 - 1219m
United States, Montana
United States, Idaho, Shoshone
CAN 64850 Newcombe, C.F. 1917-06-17
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Range 3 Coast Land Distr., 52.3833 -126.75
CAN 10179635 943a
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
99691 Virginia Hoglund 1974-05-05
United States, Washington, Chelan, Icicle Creek, 47.5508 -120.7635
RSA0101737 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1899-07-24
United States, Idaho, Valley, Payette Lake., 2134m
Frederick W. Oettinger 998 1969-07-13
United States, California, Siskiyou, Meadow north of Upper English Lake. The Salmon Mountains, the High Lake Basins in the vicinity of English Peak, Marble Mountain Wilderness Area., 41.4128 -123.2129, 1921m
RSA0101736 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1899-07-24
United States, Idaho, Valley, Payette Lake., 2134m
William J. Ferlatte 70 1966-06-22
United States, California, Siskiyou, Josephine Lake basin; Trinity Alps., 41.0237999 -122.9431, 1677 - 1921m
C. L. Hitchcock 5377 1939-07-11
United States, California, Trinity, Between upper and lower Canyon Creek Lake, 11 miles north of Dedrick in Salmon-Trinity Alps., 40.97284698 -123.0242233, 1890m
PBRU00031342 J. M. Macoun 1902-06-08
Canada, British Columbia, Near International Boundary between Kettle and Columbia Rivers
17299 P.J. Leary 2765 1978-07-22
United States, Oregon, Baker, Wallowa Mts, along trail to Cornucopia to Pine Lakes, 2150m
00381247 C. L. Hitchcock & J. S. Martin 5377 1939-07-11
United States of America, California, Trinity County, granite cliffs between upper and lower Canyon Creek Lake, 11 miles north of Dedrick in Salmon-Trinity Alps, 1890m
01633080 F. K. Butters & E. W. D. Holway 454 1909-07-09
Canada, British Columbia, Serpentine Rocks, Glacier, 1311m
01633081 Stew. Brown 285 1906-06-22
Canada, British Columbia, Above Snow Sheds; Glacier, 1219m
01633082 F. K. Butters & E. W. D. Holway 454 1909-07-09
Canada, British Columbia, foot of Avalanche Mt. Glacier, 1311m