PH00680393 Benj. Heritage s.n. 1897-06-18
United States, New Jersey, Glenbeck
ANHC006687 Theo Witsell 02-1056 2002-08-01
United States, Arkansas, Prairie, USGS Slovak 7.5' Quad. Konecny Grove Natural Area. TRS: T1S R5W S7 E4, 34.632465 -91.591441
United States, Florida, Highlands
BRIT413659 Charles Allen 22190 2010-09-18
United States, Texas, Newton, Bay gall near Cow Creek south of Texas 255
CM015362 Bright, J. 2141 1929-07-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, 16 mi E of Lancaster, 40.037257 -76.003554
CM015363 Bright, J. 2156 1929-07-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, 16 mi E of Lancaster, 40.037257 -76.003554
CM238944 Radford, A.E. 36524 1958-07-11
United States, North Carolina, Greene, 0.6 mi S of Walstonburg, 35.585901 -77.69692
CM238945 Dreisbach, R.R. 1533 1923-06-30
United States, New Jersey, Burlington, Sykesville, 40.063724 -74.61849
CM238946 Canby, W.M. s.n. 1901-08-24
United States, Delaware, New Castle, Ogletown, 39.678168 -75.697432
CM239114 Small, J.K. 1894-08-00
United States, North Carolina, Rowan, on Dunn's Mountain
CM476469 Pittman, A.B. 8099609 1996-08-09
United States, South Carolina, Richland, headwaters of Chaver Pond, Training area 33
CM476476 Nelson, J.B. 17749 1996-08-26
United States, South Carolina, Sumter, ca 4 km SE of base HQ. NW of Pinewood, Poinsett Weapons Range, 59m
17327 Alexander de la Paz 2040 2020-12-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. Edge of cypress depression swamp near mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 30-60 cm. Culm nodes and internodes glabrous. Spikelets ca. 2.2-2.5 mm long, pubescent. 29°35'51.7"N 82°13'59.4"W.
17391 Alexander de la Paz 2100 2020-12-31
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. Seepage area at edge of cypress depression swamp near mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb. Spikelets ca. 2.2-2.3 mm long, pubescent. 29°35'42.0"N 82°14'04.6"W.
GAS033368 Carter, Richard; Lusk, J. 11898 1994-08-21
United States, Georgia, Lanier County, Air Force Base, Wintersville Bombing Range, NE corner of range, vic. observation tower, 30.98121 -83.13293
GAS033406 Carter, R. 13654 1996-09-05
United States, Georgia, Camden County, Kings Bay Submarine Base, 1.22 (air) miles WNW St. Mary's Gate, 30.77139 -81.56639
IND-0030552 [Anonymous] 14702a 1900-08-01
United States, South Carolina, Richland, Columbia, 34.010387 -81.042367
IND-0030551 John Bright 2004 1929-07-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, 16 miles east of Lancaster, 40.070856 -76.007083
IND-0030550 John Bright 2013 1929-07-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, 16 miles east of Lancaster, 40.070856 -76.007083
IND-0030549 [Anonymous] 14702d 1905-08-12
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, near Montreat, N.C., 35.652933 -82.295687
IND-0030548 Kenneth K. Mackenzie 1644 1905-09-19
United States, New Jersey, Ocean, Tom's River, 39.947939 -74.168728
IND-0030547 Agnes Chase 6124 1912-07-04
United States, Maryland, Prince George's, Riverdale, east of Anacostia River, 38.958806 -76.917594
IND-0030546 Harley H. Bartlett 1136 1907-09-12
United States, Georgia, McDuffie, Brier Creek, Vicinity of Thomson., 33.385394 -82.516269
IND-0030545 Charles C. Deam 64208 1945-02-15
United States, Florida, Highlands, in the Highlands Hammock State Park about 7.5 miles southwest of Sebring., 27.423795 -81.41743
IND-0030544 Charles C. Deam 64111 1946-01-30
United States, Florida, Highlands, north shore of Lake Jackson in west Sebring., 27.51234 -81.480625
UTC00002010 Frank C. Seymour 1914-07-11
United States, Massachusetts, Norfolk, Hammond's Pond Brookline, 42.3317642 -71.1294971
UTC00209511 JB Nelson; DE Kennemore Jr. 13077 1992-05-18
United States, South Carolina, Richland, At edge of dirt rd just SW of Cobbs pond Metz range Trainig Area 12C, 34.0722222 -80.8263889
UTC00209535 JB Nelson; S Bennett; S. Hall 12484 1992-05-18
United States, South Carolina, Richland, Training Area 11 just S of Percival Rd along headwaters of Dupre Pond, 34.0905556 -80.8136111
UTC00220646 John B. Nelson 16,872 1995-08-30
United States, South Carolina, Richland, woodland in drainage of Colonels Creek at NW headwaters of Messers Pond off east side of Wood road, in vicinity of Firebreak 55; Training Area 17
UTC00257332 Loran C. Anderson 25514 2011-06-10
United States, Florida, Gadsden, Bear Creek Educational Forest (E of Rte 267 and ca. 10 air mi SSW of Quincy)., 30.475256 -84.609886
UTC00257970 Loran C. Anderson 26012 2011-11-23
United States, Florida, Jefferson, St. Marks National Wildlife REfuge - St. Marks UNit; S of Why 98 between Florida Trail and Aucilla River, 30.14238 -83.98206
UTC00258055 Loran C. Anderson 26012 2011-11-23
United States, Florida, Jefferson, St. Marks National Wildlife REfuge - St. Marks UNit; S of Why 98 between Florida Trail and Aucilla River, 30.14238 -83.98206
UTC00279995 Michel G. Lelong 11406 1980-09-09
United States, Alabama, Baldwin, Along shore of Bon Secour Bay, about 3 1/2 miles south of Weeks Bay entrance (Fishriver Point)., 30.346889 -87.833602
UTC00280024 Samuel B. Jones 21826 1972-05-16
United States, Georgia, Meriwether, 2.6 mi. via air ESE of Warm Springs on road along Cooler Branch, Pine Mountain., 32.880768 -84.703882
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00006687 Donovan S. Correll 9947 1938-07-31
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, About 5.5 miles south of Derry.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00006688 Clair A. Brown 8500 1940-08-22
United States, Louisiana, Washington, 10 miles W. of Bogalusa.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00006689 Clair A. Brown 8495 1940-08-22
United States, Louisiana, Washington, 10 miles W. of Bogalusa.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00020823 JoAnne Bruser 349 1993-09-25
United States, Louisiana, Rapides, Kisatchie-Calcasieu National Forest (Evangeline District); Kisatchie National Forest- Evangeline District. Hwy 488 to FS240, left at 2402.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00032339 Clair A. Brown 8500 1940-08-22
United States, Louisiana, Washington, 10 miles west of Bogalusa.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00056255 Barbara R. & Michael H. MacRoberts 4070 1999-04-29
United States, Louisiana, Winn, Kisatchie National Forest (Winn District); Lynn's pitcher plant bog, Winn District, Kisatchie National Forest, north of Hwy 126, Compartment 6.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00133345 Charles M. Allen 22190 2010-09-18
United States, Texas, Newton, Big Cow Creek; Near Cow Creek south of Texas 255.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00134087 Charles M. Allen 22297 2011-06-03
United States, Texas, Newton, Scrappin Valley ca 12 miles north of Burkeville, 31.1382 -93.8023167
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0394842 R. Dale Thomas 29376 1972-05-13
United States, Louisiana, Washington
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0028858 Sidney McDaniel 24298 1980-08-08
United States, Alabama, Chilton, Thorsby
MMNS010674 Dan Wyrick 94-86 1994-05-31
United States, Mississippi, Perry, Camp Shelby Training Site. Training Area 63. Leaf River WMA. . Streamlet drainage flowing NNE to Whisky Creek, 30.94687 -88.86094
MMNS010675 Dan Wyrick 94-93 1994-06-02
United States, Mississippi, Perry, Camp Shelby Training Site. Training Area 63. Leaf River WMA. Streamlet drainage flowing NNE to Whisky Creek, 30.94687 -88.86094
MMNS014382 Sidney McDaniel 29790 1975-08-31
United States, Mississippi, Hancock, ca. 7 mi. NE of Santa Rosa, 30.46535 -89.54072
MMNS022297 Bruce A. Sorrie 9286 1997-06-13
United States, Mississippi, Stone, University of Mississippi Forest Lands: S of junction of Wire Rd. and Cable Bridge Road, headwaters of Beaver Dam Creek, 30.7225 -88.9445
MMNS025843 Lucas C. Majure 1868 2006-09-23
United States, Mississippi, Newton, Majure Property, ca. 2.0 mi SE of Decatur off of Chapel Hill Rd., 32.4325 -89.0718
MMNS039093 Richard Carter 13654 1996-09-05
United States, Georgia, Camden, Kings Bay Submarine Base, 1.22 (air) miles WNW St. Mary's Gate, 30.77139 -81.56639
MMNS081986 Richard Carter 12345 1994-10-15
United States, Georgia, Lanier, Moody Air Force Base, Winnersville Bombing Range, along eastern edge of crescent shaped wetland., 30.9763 -83.14758, 58m
MMNS081985 Richard Carter 11901 1994-08-28
United States, Georgia, Lanier, Moody Air Force Base, Winnersville Bombing Range, jct. crash trail and Moore loop just north of southernmost point of Moore loop, 30.97313 -83.14315
MISSA021053 James D. Ray, Jr. 3085 1952-08-03
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Near White's Camp, north of Van Cleave., 30.54028 -88.6875
235514 William W. Ashe s.n. 1898-06-10
United States, North Carolina, Hyde, Lake Mattamuskeet, 34.421325 -76.368902
101472225 William W. Ashe s.n. 1898-06-10
United States, North Carolina, Hyde, Lake Mattamuskeet, 34.421325 -76.368902
101472226 William W. Ashe s.n. 1898-06-10
United States, North Carolina, Hyde, Lake Mattamuskeet, 34.421325 -76.368902
NCSM000220 McMillan, Patrick D. PDM 1585 1996-07-06
United States, North Carolina, Moore, just S of NC 73 approximately 3.0 mi W of Eastwood, just W of Rubicon Road., 35.253066 -79.492616
SFRP004181 Cheryl Hampsten 406 1993-09-17
USA, Louisiana, Claiborne, Kisatchie National Forest; Caney Ranger District; Corney Lake. Compartment 3, Stand 17, Middle age growth stand, E side FS Rd 902, 3:0 miles S Jct, LA 9, and 0.3 miles S FS 922, Surveyed both sides of drain to FS 903. T22N, R4W, Sec.12; Ref, site 2
SFRP004182 Cheryl Hampsten 360 1993-08-11
United States, Louisiana, Rapides, East side of wooded seep baygall of Lamotte Creek at end of 2128 off FS 240, east of Work Center, T3N, R3W, Sec. 24
UNA00005003 John H. Wiersema John H. Wiersema 1873 1980-05-31
United States, Alabama, Chilton, N end of Lake Pearl near Chilton-Autauga Co line., 32.66 -86.84
UNA00005120 Sidney McDaniel Sidney McDaniel 24298 1980-08-08
United States, Alabama, Chilton, ca 1.3 mi n of Thorsby (from US 31), 32.93 -86.71
UNA00005449 John K. Small John K. Small s.n. 1894-08-18
United States, North Carolina, Rowan, Dunn's Mountain
UAM003149 Eric Sundell 2677 1982-06-06
United States, Arkansas, Bradley, Warren Prairie, 15 miles west of Monticello.
UARK029672 Robert McElderry 2798 2005-08-16
United States, Arkansas, Lincoln, West Gulf Coastal Plain. 4.9 miles SW of Star City; 0.3 miles E of SH 11, at Hickory Grove Church on a dirt road; 0.8 miles past the gate on private property. Glendale Quad T9S R8W S36 SE4, 33.882852 -91.881361
UARK029673 Robert G. French 1297 1950-08-12
United States, Arkansas, Miller, 12 mi. E Texarkana.
UARK029674 D. M. Moore 470463 1947-08-07
United States, Arkansas, Saline
213685 R. Dale Thomas & Carl Amason 112844 1989-09-15
United States of America, Arkansas, Union, of Arkansas Power and Light highline north of Ark. 334, 0.6 miles west of U.S. 167 at drainage of Goodman Creek south of Calion
241850 Lucas C. Majure 4959 2014-04-24
United States of America, Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station; Management unit A-4a; near post C7; north end of Mill Creek Swamp., 29.70116 -82.0072
241851 Lucas C. Majure 5134 2014-05-23
United States of America, Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station; Management unit A-2; west of Mill Creek Swamp., 29.69996 -82.02059
289719 Lucas C. Majure;Alan R. Franck;Eric Revuelta 10093 2023-04-21
U.S.A., Florida, Baker, John M. Bethea St. Forest, off of Moccasin Creek Circle Rd. from Hwy. 2, just S of the GA state line and N prong of St. Marys River., 30.5687 -82.22263
289720 Lucas C. Majure;Alan R. Franck;Eric Revuelta 10093 2023-04-21
U.S.A., Florida, Baker, John M. Bethea St. Forest, off of Moccasin Creek Circle Rd. from Hwy. 2, just S of the GA state line and N prong of St. Marys River., 30.5687 -82.22263
United States, Louisiana, Washington
United States, Louisiana, Washington
United States, Louisiana, Vernon
United States, Louisiana, Sabine
United States, Louisiana, Sabine
United States, Florida, Brevard, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1565604
United States, Florida, Brevard, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1565605
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00130907 Brumbach, William C. 7833 1972-01-30
United States, Florida, Lee, PLANTS OF SANIBEL & CAPTIVA ISLANDS... Central Sanibel
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00122923 Brumbach, William C. 8461 1973-10-13
United States, Florida, Lee, PLANTS OF SANIBEL & CAPTIVA ISLANDS... Western Sanibel
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00128647 Radford, A. E. 45619 1969-10-16
United States, Florida, Lee, Captiva Island
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00452039 Rogers, Ken E. 6228-C 1971-05-16
United States, Mississippi, Forrest, Ca. 9.5 mi. W of Hwy 49 off Hwy 13
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00452051 Lelong, Michel G. 6522.4 1972-05-05
United States, Alabama, Mobile, N.E. 0.25 of N.E. 0.25 section 16; along S.E. bank of Three Mile Creek. U of S. A. property
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00452057 Jones, Samuel B. 21826 1972-05-16
United States, Georgia, Meriwether, 2.6 mi. via air ESE of Warm Springs on road along Cooler Branch, Pine Mountain
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00452143 Ashe, W. W. 898
United States, New York, Ithaca
USCH0089697 Nelson, John B. 26065 2006-07-26
United States, South Carolina, Dorchester, Beidler Forest; Four Holes Swamp, 33.1975 -80.3361, 18m
VSC0054781 Richard Carter 1988-05-14
U.S.A., Georgia, Taylor, 3.2 mi N Rupert by Hwy. US 19, then just N of Whitewater Creek, E 2.1 mi by S2093 (gravel rd.)
VSC0066867 Richard Carter 2007-09-13
U.S.A., Georgia, Camden County, vic. 3R Landing, ca. 0.5 airmile NNE of boat landing, Bailey property, 31.0069667 -81.9024333
VSC0072009 Richard Carter 2008-07-01
U.S.A., Georgia, Camden County, 2.6 mi S jct. Old Hwy 259 and Old Post Rd, along W side of Old Post Rd, 31.01451 -81.86809
VSC0074502 Richard Carter 1994-08-21
U.S.A., Georgia, Lanier, Moody Air Force Base, Winnersville Bombing Range, along NE edge of crescent-shaped shallow pond, ca. 0.5 mi SE of observation tower at WNW corner of range, 30.978932 -83.146976
VSC0074505 Richard Carter 1994-08-28
U.S.A., Georgia, Lanier, Moody Air Force Base, Winnersville Bombing Range, jct. crash trail and Moore Loop just north of southernmost point of Moore Loop, 30.973135 -83.143149
VSC0074860 Richard Carter 1994-09-17
U.S.A., Georgia, Lanier, Moody Air Force Base, bombing range, just N of jct. Moore Loop and crash trail 13, 30.9738889 -83.1427778
VSC0074887 Richard Carter 1994-09-30
U.S.A., Georgia, Lanier, Moody Air Force Base, Winnersville Bombing Range ca. 0.5 mi SE observation tower at W end Moore Loop, 30.979519 -83.148188
VSC0074955 Richard Carter 1994-10-15
U.S.A., Georgia, Lanier, Moody Air Force Base, Winnersville Bombing Range, along eastern edge of crescent shaped wetland; elev. 189 ft, 30.976299 -83.147575
VSC0075600 Richard Carter 1996-09-05
U.S.A., Georgia, Camden, Kings Bay Submarine Base, 1.22 (air) miles WNW St. Marys Gate, 30.7713889 -81.5663889
Lucas C. Majure 9365 2022-05-01
United States, Florida, Alachua, Ca. 4 km NW of Waldo along NE CR1475, 29.8147 -82.203, 47m
Lucas C. Majure 10093 2023-04-21
U.S.A., Florida, Baker, John M. Bethea St. Forest, off of Moccasin Creek Circle Rd. from Hwy. 2, just S of the GA state line and N prong of St. Marys River., 30.5687 -82.22263, 27m