614 Alejandro Benítez 3584 1991-10-07
México, Nayarit, Playa de Golondrinas, recorrido entre el poblado y el arroyo del Sidro., 300m
PH00011727 Cyrus G. Pringle 4530 1893-10-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Under cliffs, barranca of Tequila, 20.883333 -103.816667
PBRU00055892 C. G. Pringle 4530 1893-10-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Under cliffs, barranca of Tequila.
C. G. Pringle 4530 1893-10-14
00030507 C. G. Pringle 4530 1893-10-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Under cliffs, barranca of Tequila
16110 Hernández Alvarez Faustino 1102 1994-09-01
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, La Higuerita, Tepuche., 25.105 -107.203, 400m
16111 Hernández Alvarez Faustino 1117 1994-09-01
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, La Higuerita, Tepuche., 25.105 -107.203, 400m
15505 Vega Aviña Rito 6310 1994-08-30
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 20 km al N de Culiacán, carretera Culiacán a Guamúchil, ladera NE del cerro La Chiva, a 1 km al O de Mirasoles., 24.975 -107.522, 550m
LL00190747 George B. Hinton|et al. s.n. 1938-09-22
Mexico, Michoacan, Zitacuaro, Zitácuaro-San José Purua
MSC0295252 Warren Douglas Stevens 1969 1973-09-04
Mexico, Jalisco, About 0.5 mi NW of Tequila
MSC0091628 C Pringle 4530 1893-10-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca of Tequila
00248068 C. G. Pringle 4530 1893-10-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca of Tequila.
CHRB0038468 H. et al. 13263 1938-09-22
Mexico, Michoacán, Zitácuaro, Zitacuaro - San Jose Purua, 1800m
L. Vazquez V. 1324 1991-10-03
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) north of Colima, Colima/Jalisco line passes through the ranch. At the edge of the river near Hacienda San Antonio, 19.44333 -103.72667, 1200m
L. Vazquez V. 1469 1991-10-21
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco lines passes through the ranch. Margins of Lago El Jabalí, 19.48611 -103.70139, 1300m
L. Vazquez V. 1351 1991-10-04
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapotitlan De Vadillo, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km airline NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. Near rabbitry on road to Lago Calabozo, 19.43333 -103.68, 1400m
L. Vazquez V. 1350 1991-10-04
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapotitlan De Vadillo, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km airline NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. Near rabbitry on road to Lago Calabozo, 19.43333 -103.68, 1400m
A.C. Sanders 10240 1991-01-05
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22km (airline) NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. Grounds of Ranch headquarters and forest at edges, 19.45 -103.71111, 1180m
L. Vazquez V. 1370 1991-10-06
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes through ranch, 19.43 -103.67917, 1400m
L. Vazquez V. 1422 1991-10-16
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapotitlan De Vadillo, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km airline NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line passes through the ranch. El Cañon, c. 2 km below La Becerrera on the road down Arroyo de Lumbre, 19.45 -103.73333, 1100m
E.J. Lott 3007 1990-10-30
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco lines passes through the ranch. Hills along S and W sides of Lago Calabozo, 19.43333 -103.66667, 1500m
A.C. Sanders 12002 1991-11-10
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes through ranch. Along road E of headquarters, at turnoff to Lago Jabali, 19.45167 -103.70667, 1250m
A.C. Sanders 11799 1991-11-07
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km airline NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. El Agostadero, ridgetop in hills above the shrine 4.9 km SE of Hacienda San Antonio along the road to Comala, 19.43667 -103.69667, 1500m
L. Vazquez V. 471 1991-02-07
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km (airline) north of Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes through the ranch. Margins of Lago Jabalí, 19.44722 -103.7, 1300m
E.J. Lott 3021 1990-10-30
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco lines passes through the ranch. Hills along S and W sides of Lago Calabozo, 19.43333 -103.66667, 1500m
1001582 J. A. Machuca Nuñez 6174 1988-07-07
Mexico, Nayarit, El Nayar, El Rincón; Nayar; Cerro Cangrejo, Cañada al NE del poblado Villa de Guadalupe, 22.2666667 -104.6333333, 1200 - 1400m
1001583 W. Stevens & M. Fairhurst 1969 1973-09-04
Mexico, Colima, Manzanillo, Punta de Campos; Manzanillo; 11 mi SSW of Manzanillo, 19.0259 -104.322, 400 - 500m
1145772 R. Ramírez R. & G. Flores Franco | Gabriel Flores F. 1085 1991-09-07
Mexico, Nayarit, El Nayar, Rancho Macarío Muñiz; Nayar; 17 km de Jesús María, sobre la carr. Mesa del Nayar, 22.3348 -104.655, 1300m
1145773 A. Domínguez & G. Flores Franco 3045 1993-10-07
Mexico, Nayarit, El Nayar, El Tezcalame; Nayar; P.H. Aguamilpa, 29 km al NE de la Cortina, 5 km al SW del poblado de Huaynamota, 21.9 -104.5333333, 180m
1145774 Oswaldo Téllez V. 9300 1985-09-13
Mexico, Nayarit, Ahuacatlán, Las Cebollas; 7-14 km al SW de Ahucatlán, 20.968 -104.581
1145775 Geo. B. Hinton 13263 1938-09-22
Mexico, Michoacan, Zitacuaro, San Miguel Chichimequillas; Zitacuaro; San José Purua, 19.4194 -100.359, 1800m
1145776 Howard S. Gentry 6621 1941-09-15
Mexico, Sinaloa, Badiraguato, Yerbanises; Las Mesas; Sierra Surotato, 25.8456 -107.544, 914m
1145777 Rogers McVaugh 18961a 1960-09-11
Mexico, Nayarit, Tepic, La Perla; 9.5 mi W of Tepic, 21.52 -105.042, 1000 - 1100m
1145778 Rogers McVaugh 19767 1960-10-02
Mexico, Jalisco, El Grullo, El Salto; 10-16 mi NE of Autlán, above the river bridge at El Corcovado., 19.876 -104.266, 900 - 1400m
1145779 S. Guerrero A. 268 1991-08-17
Mexico, Jalisco, Tonala, Tonalá; Tonalá, 20.6235 -103.241, 1400m
1145780 L. Vázquez 1469 1991-10-21
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapotitlán de Vadillo, La Mariana; Comala; 20 km NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Volcan de Colima, Rancho el Jabalí, 19.4833333 -103.7, 1300m
1145781 E. Lott & B. Rothschild 3007 1990-10-30
Mexico, Colima, Villa de Alvarez, San Eduardo (Hermanos Carbajal Arellano); Comala; 22 km NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Volcan de Colima, Rancho el Jabalí, 19.4333333 -103.6666667, 1500m
1145782 E. Lott & B. Rothschild 3021 1990-10-30
Mexico, Colima, Villa de Alvarez, San Eduardo (Hermanos Carbajal Arellano); Comala; 22 km NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Volcan de Colima, Rancho el Jabalí, 19.4333333 -103.6666667, 1500m
1145783 A. Sanders & P. Fryxell 11799 1991-11-07
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Baltazar Nava; Comala; 20 km NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Volcan de Colima, Rancho el Jabalí, 19.4333333 -103.6833333, 1500m
1145784 J. A. Machuca Nuñez 2572 1986-07-19
Mexico, Jalisco, Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Tlajomulco de Zúñiga; Tlajomulco; enfrente de San Lucas Evangelista, Cerro Viejo, 20.4726 -103.447, 1700m
1145785 J. A. Machuca Nuñez 6192 1988-08-21
Mexico, Jalisco, Jocotepec, Las Granjas (El Plan); Jocotepec; Paraje Peña Prieta, Cerro Viejo, enfrente de Zapotitan de Hidalgo, 20.3224 -103.473, 1750m
91282 Pringle, C.G. 4530 1893-10-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca of Tequila
TEX00190746 Emily J. Lott|Beth M. Rothschild|B. L. Phillips|Lucía Vázquez V.|I. Garcia Ruiz s.n. 1990-10-30
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Lago Jabalí; Rancho El Jabali, 22 Km (airline) NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Vol de Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes through ranch, 19.43333 -103.66667
TEX00203432 Jerónimo Reyes Santiago 683 1988-10-02
Mexico, Oaxaca, 17.3 -97.85
TEX00278478 Cipriano Martínez R. 302 1985-10-29
Mexico, Oaxaca, Arroyo Santa Lucía, El Limón, 17 Km al W de Tehuantepec, Mpio de Tehuantepec, Dto de Tehuantepec
TEX00278479 H. 13263 1938-09-22
Mexico, Michoacan, Zitacuaro, Zitácuaro-San José Purua
UVMVT024214 Pringle, C. G. 4530 1893-10-14
México, Jalisco, Barranca of Tequila