Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Guarea excelsa
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-35 of 35

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
ASU0044844C. G. Pringle   70741895-11-08
Mexico, Morelos, barranca, Cuernavaca, 18.91894 -99.23661

University of Arizona Herbarium

Brian J. Enquist   12032007-07-13
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Area de Concervacion Guanacaste, el Rincon de la Vieja. Sector Las Pailas., 10.774717 -85.344, 761m

Brian J. Enquist   11872007-07-13
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Area de Concervacion Guanacaste, el Rincon de la Vieja. Sector Las Pailas., 10.774717 -85.344, 761m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

A.C. Sanders   106071991-03-16
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala area, along the SE side of the Rio Cuitzmala from 0.2 to 1.5 km upstream of the Hwy 200 bridge, 19.41167 -104.95667, 20m

E.J. Lott   33291991-05-11
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala: Station 45 (km 45 of, the Puerto Vallarta-Barra de Navidad [Mex 200] Hwy), just off the hwy, 19.44167 -104.98333, 20m

B.M. Rothschild   3281991-08-02
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala: Cumbres 2, c. 1 km inland from gate and Puerto Vallarta-Barra Navidad Hwy (Mex. Hwy 200), above Rio Cuitzmala [Cuixmala], 19.41667 -104.95833, 46m

C.L. Lundell   168451961-03-03
Guatemala, Peten, Tikal National Park, Tikal, 17.22278 -89.62222

E.J. Lott   31301991-01-11
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala, along road on W side of Rio Cuixmala, NE of Puerto Vallarta-Barra de Navidad (Hwy 200), 19.43333 -104.95, 100m

B.M. Rothschild   1841991-04-14
Mexico, Jalisco, La Huerta, Rancho Cuixmala, along Rio Cuixmala, near headquarters, 19.37917 -104.98333, 11m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
E. Matuda   166191947-06-21
Mexico, Chiapas, Chiapas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
E. W. Nelson   42301897-05-03
Mexico, Nayarit

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
W. A. Schipp   4521929-11-15
British Honduras [Belize]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
J. D. Bente   1973-05-15
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Guanacaste, 10.5 -85.25

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
J. A. Steyermark   476751942-06-17
Guatemala, Suchitepéquez, vicinity of Tiquisate, near Santiago farm. Virgin forest, 14.2294 -91.3306, 100m

University of Michigan Herbarium

1215270Antonio Molina R.   268481971-10-17
Honduras, Comayagua, Río Hondo, 5 kms to La Libertad, - 500m

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
207276Peter W. Alcorn   6091989-06-13
Belize, Orange Walk, King's tomb and Norman's temple trails from Chan Chich lodge.

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
LL00274607Eizi Matuda   32691939-05-01
Mexico, Tabasco, La Palma near Balancan

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
LL00274608Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara   339491973-02-26
Mexico, Chiapas, Ocosingo, At the ruins of Yaxchilán, on the banks of the Río Usumacinta

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
LL00274609Dennis E. Breedlove|Elizabeth McClintock   342111973-03-14
Mexico, Chiapas, Low ridges at confluence of the Río Ixcán, with the Río Lacantum (Río Jataté) on the Guatemala border

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
LL00274610Eizi Matuda   166391947-04-06
Mexico, Chiapas, Escuintla, Acacoyagua

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
TEX00274611Rzedowski|McVaugh   351965-01-26
Mexico, Guerrero, Aprox 14 Km al SSW del Campamento El Gallo, sobre el camino a Atoyac, estribaciones SW del Cerro Teotepec, 17.41667 -100.23333

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
Mexico, Morelos

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
5816L. González   17021957-10-21
El Salvador, La Paz Dept., Playa "Los Blancos".

Image Associated With the Occurence
200510B. Lopez C.   86-5-41986-05-00
Mexico, Guerrero, Xochistlahuaca Mun., 16.79 -98.235

Image Associated With the Occurence
187714G. B. Hinton   75421935-03-20
Mexico, State of México, Temascaltepec Mun., Nanchitltla., 18.8635 -100.452

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
132341J. B. Reark   7091952-02-17
Costa Rica, Cartago, Tuis, 9.83893 -83.5809

College of Southern Nevada; Wesley E. Niles Herbarium

Guarea excelsa var. dubia Blake
06573T.S. Maltby   431897-05-03
Mexico, Nayarit, Maria Madre Island

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa var. dubia S. F. Blake
00044835E. W. Nelson   42301897-05-03
Mexico, Nayarit, Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea excelsa var. dubia S. F. Blake
00044836E. W. Nelson   42301897-05-03
Mexico, Nayarit, Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands

Herbario CHAP

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
6279M.A. Magaña   219541981-06-16
Mexico, TABASCO, CARDENAS, En el CSAT del km 21 de la carr. Cárdenas-Coatzacoalcos., 17.9825 -93.5775

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
6279Sergio Zamudio Ruíz   219541981-06-16
Mexico, TABASCO, CARDENAS, En el CSAT del km 21 de la carr. Cárdenas-Coatzacoalcos., 17.9825 -93.5775

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
24694Úrsula Bachem Calmund   219421989-06-07
Mexico, CHIAPAS, VILLA CORZO, Predio particular Europa., 16.166667 -93.266667

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
1016Terence Dale Pennington   219471967-09-11
Mexico, CHIAPAS, OCOSINGO, Entre los ríos Chancaláh, Chocoljaíto y Tulijá, Selva lacandona., 17.208333 -91.745

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
1016José Sarukhán   219471967-09-11
Mexico, CHIAPAS, OCOSINGO, Entre los ríos Chancaláh, Chocoljaíto y Tulijá, Selva lacandona., 17.208333 -91.745

Guarea excelsa H.B. & K.
24078Ricardo Rojas Cruz   219581989-03-16
Mexico, CHIAPAS, VILLA CORZO, Rancho Peñaflor, mpio. Villa Corzo., 15.981389 -93.471389

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