Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Sisyrinchium angustissimum (Sisyrinchium alatum var. angustissimum, Sisyrinchium polycladum)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-68 of 68

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
Dennis E. Breedlove   596161983-11-01
Mexico, Puebla, Tetela de Ocampo, Above La Cañada 6.5 km NE of Tetela de Ocampo, 1890m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium polycladum B.L.Rob. & Greenm.
319507C. G. Pringle   49021894-09-11
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe., 18.161509 -96.771203, 2286 - 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
319502C. G. Pringle   47031894-06-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe., 18.161509 -96.771203, 2896 - 2896m

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
91670Pringle, C.G.   47031894-06-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, 2896m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
A. Shilom Ton   10201966-06-24
Mexico, Chiapas, Chiapas

Middle Tennessee State University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002824Stephanie Holden   852012-04-09
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Found off greenway trail in Murfreesboro, TN

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002825Timothy Gassler   472012-04-06
United States, Tennessee, Dekalb, Growing in lawn-10950 Rt. 146.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002826Brandon Richards   2007-04-25
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Growing next to Stones River off of Compton Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002827Kathryn Richards   2007-04-25
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Found growing next to Stones River off of Compton Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002828Julie Folks   2007-04-20
United States, Tennessee, Lawrence, Front lawn at 808 9th St, Lawrenceburg.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002829Jamie Hendrix   2005-04-20
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Hwy. 70 West beside Dr. West's Ofiice UMC Hospital.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002830Meleia Greere   2004-04-20
United States, Tennessee, Hickman, Growing on top of cliff face - 3 mi. east of Bucksnor Hwy, + - 1 mi. from I-40.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002831Sara Loggins   2003-04-19
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, At Dead End of Fox Ridge Farms Lane

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002832Leah Crow   2002-04-12
United States, Tennessee, Maury, Found Woolard Pike 1/2 mile from Hay Hollow Rd on left side of road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002833Leigh Wells   2002-04-19
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Hurricane Creek Recreation Area.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002834Chuck Reynolds   51986-04-03
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Located on Rutherford Co. Blvd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002835Roger Smith   271976-04-24
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, Found in woods along Duch R. near Cat Creek Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MTSU002836Ashley Drake   1997-04-27
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Bellwood Trace

Wisconsin State Herbarium, Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
v0342633WISKeith Roe; Eunice Roe   20201965-09-18
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santa Catarina Ixtepeji, 23 km S of Ixtlan at km 35 on road from Oaxaca., 17.202466 -96.590834, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
v0342632WISHugh H. Iltis; Robert Koeppen, Frank Iltis   11361960-08-20
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santo Domingo Yanhuitlán, Slope below Pan-Am. Highway at Puerto Herrera (km 420), just NW of Yanhuitlan; 17.55 -97.41667, 17.528609 -97.342602, 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0342637WISC. G. Pringle   111911902-11-19
Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca, near Cuernavaca, 18.933725 -99.228488, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
v0342636WISD. E Breedlove   137581965-10-26
Mexico, Chiapas, Zinacantán, 1 mile west of Nabenchauk {Navenchauc} along Mexican Highway 190., 16.737681 -92.795418, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
v0342617WISD. E. Breedlove; B. Bartholomew   668131988-04-17
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, 35 km N of Ayutla along road from MItla to Choapam, N slope of Cerro Zempoaltcpetl, 17.141083 -96.02854, 2470m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium polycladum B.L. Rob. & Greenm.
v0342718WISRoe, Keith; Roe, Eunice; Mori, Scott   5971965-07-26
Mexico, Oaxaca, Villa Sola de Vega, Higlands of Oaxaca, 24 km N of Sola de Vega on road to Zimatlan at km 71, 16.5 -97.083333, 1000m

University of Michigan Herbarium

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenman & C. H. Thompson
1146147R. Cruz Cisneros   20351968-08-04
Mexico, Oaxaca, La Trinidad Vista Hermosa, La Nopalera; Tlapiltepec; Cerro Nate, 3.5 km al SSW de Magdalena Jicotlán, 17.7848 -97.4948, 2450m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenman & C. H. Thompson
1146148Angel Ventura A.   30921977-10-08
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Alvaro Obregon, Apapaxtla; Contreras; Cerro del Judio, 19.2909 -99.2938, 2600m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenman & C. H. Thompson
1146151Dennis E. Breedlove   146301966-07-27
Mexico, Chiapas, Amatenango del Valle, Amatenango del Valle; Amatenango del Valle, 16.5292 -92.4332, 1768m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenman & C. H. Thompson
1146153Jerzy Rzedowski   443551987-09-01
Mexico, Queretaro, Colon, Santa María de Guadalupe (Santa María del Mexicano); Colón; parte alta del Cerro Zamorano, 20.8096 -100.09, 3250m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenman & C. H. Thompson
1146154Jerzy Rzedowski   499151990-08-17
Mexico, Michoacan, Morelia, Torrecillas; 10 km al S de Morelia, sobre el camino directo a Atécuaro, 19.6128 -101.195, 2300m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenman & C. H. Thompson
1146157Geo. B. Hinton   174371969-10-30
Mexico, Morelos, Tepoztlán, San Andrés de La Cal; Cuernavaca; Sierra de Morelos, 18.9319 -99.1205, 2100m

Michigan State University

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
MSC0092858C. Pringle   47031894-06-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, 2896m

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
UVMVT024272Pringle, C. G.   47031894-08-29
México, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Image Associated With the Occurence
PH00024404Cyrus G. Pringle   49021894-09-11
Mexico, Oaxaca, Rocky banks, Sierra de San Felipe., 2286m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM260171Pringle, C.G.   47031894-00-00
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, 2896m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
CM268899Pringle, C.G.   111911902-11-19
Mexico, Morelos, above Cuernavaca, 2591m

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
LL00278053Dudley B. Gold   891952-08-03
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Torpilejo

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
TEX00278052Rzedowski   499151990-08-17
Mexico, Michoacan, 10 Km al S de Morelia, sobre el camino directo a Atécuaro, 19.6128 -101.195

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
TEX00278054Dennis E. Breedlove|B. Bartholomew   668131988-04-17
Mexico, Oaxaca, 35 Km N of Ayutla along rd from Mitla to Choapam N slope of Cerro Zempoaltepetl

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
TEX00278055Rafael Torres Colín|Cipriano Martínez R.   74681985-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca, Tamazulapan, enfrente de la escuela secundaria, Dto Mixe

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
TEX00278056Angel Ventura A.   30921977-10-08
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Cerro del Judío, Deleg. Contreras, 19.2909 -99.2938

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
TEX00256368Rzedowski   443551987-09-01
Mexico, Queretaro, Colon, Parte alta del Cerro Zamorano, 20.8096 -100.09

Herbario Jerzy Rzedowski

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011106Hernández-Sandoval, L.   81772019-00-00
México, Querétaro, Querétaro, Rancho El Raspiño, 20.90527778 -100.4644444, 2522m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011616Martínez, Mahinda   63232001-00-00
México, Querétaro, Cadereyta de Montes, Alrededores de La Sierra el Doctor, 20.84905556 -99.58744444, 2759m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011617Álvarez, Demetrio   143802014-02-10
México, Michoacán, Zitácuaro, A 3.2 km al SE de El Aguacate, cerro Cacique, 19.3925 -100.3261389, 2445m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011618Rzedowski, J.   445081987-02-09
México, Querétaro, Colón, Vertiente S del Cerro del Zamorano, cerca de Los Trigos, 20.90555556 -100.1969444, 2800m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011619Zamudio, S.   82201991-00-00
México, Querétaro, Colón, Parte alta del Cerro del Zamorano, 3300m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011620Rubio, Hiram   25171991-01-08
México, Querétaro, Landa de Matamoros, 1.5 km al SE de La Yesca, 21.20861111 -99.11472222, 1850m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011621Rzedowski, J.   443551987-01-09
México, Querétaro, Colón, Parte alta del Cerro del Zamorano, 3250m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011622Hernández-Sandoval, L.   61882009-08-09
México, Querétaro, Cadereyta de Montes, 1 km al NW de Altamira, Sierra el Doctor, 20.81077778 -99.58778333, 2900m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011623Rubio, Hiram   9981989-00-00
México, Querétaro, Landa de Matamoros, 1.5 km al SW de La Yesca, 1870m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
QMEX00011624Martínez, Mahinda   38901998-06-02
México, Tamaulipas, San Nicolás, Rancho El Reparo, 24.65333333 -98.68645, 731m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B. L. Rob. & Greenm.)
QMEX00014861Velázquez-Jiménez, A.   2172021-00-00
México, Oaxaca, Tepelmeme, Loma Palo Verde, 17.87027778 -97.38972222, 2090m

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium alatum var. angustissimum B. L. Robinson & Greenman
00031371C. G. Pringle   47031894-08-29
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 9500 feet, 2895m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium polycladum B. L. Robinson & Greenman
00031382C. G. Pringle   49021894-09-11
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 7500 feet, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisyrinchium alatum var. angustissimum B. L. Robinson & Greenman
00031372C. G. Pringle   47031894-08-29
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 9500 feet, 2895m

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
53802Contreras-Jiménez, Jose Luis   7901

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
19291Tlapa Almonte, Margarita   13121987-11-05
Mexico, Puebla, San Nicolás de los Ranchos, Camino cerro Teotón, lado oriente de San Pedro Yancuictlalpan, 19.078055 -98.468333, 2460m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
19295Tlapa Almonte, Margarita   22301988-08-24
Mexico, Puebla, San Nicolás de los Ranchos, Camino a Tepetzingo, lado N de Santiago Xalitzintla, 19.087499 -98.524999, 3600m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
19297Tlapa Almonte, Margarita   6361987-09-26
Mexico, Puebla, San Nicolás de los Ranchos, Cañada Chica, lado poniente de San Pedro Yancuictlalpan, 19.083333 -98.501388, 2480m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
19301Tlapa Almonte, Margarita   9921987-10-19
Mexico, Puebla, San Nicolás de los Ranchos, Cañada Grande, al NO de San Pedro Yancuictlalpan, 19.089444 -98.496667, 2450m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
30038A. García M.   40831988-09-22
Mexico, Puebla, Esperanza, 3 km al NO de Esperanza, 18.877777 -97.4, 2440m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
51864Duarte, Carmen Alvarez   622010-08-25
Mexico, Puebla, Tepeyahualco, Guadalupe Sarabia, con vista cercana a los humeros, 19.628333 -97.438611, 2995m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
54814Lucio Caamaño Onofre   30792013-07-11
Mexico, Puebla, Tecali de Herrera, El Sifón, 18.861583 -97.948222, 2023m

Sisyrinchium angustissimum (B.L. Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm. & C.H. Thomps.
29950Proyecto Conservacion de Encinos Mexicanos   232001-09-25
Mexico, Veracruz, Orizaba, Cumbres de Maltrata, 19.179166 -96.977222, 1350m

Herbario CHAP

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
45311Lilia Salazar Marcial   60941998-09-28
Mexico, OAXACA, ZIMATLAN DE ALVAREZ, Cañada de La Peña, 4 km al W de El Tlacuache, comunidad de San Pedro El Alto., 16.707222 -97.173333

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
44038Oscar Luis Hernández Martínez   60781998-10-08
Mexico, OAXACA, ZIMATLAN DE ALVAREZ, Cañada El Frijolón, 8 km al NW de La Cofradía, comunidad de San Pedro El Alto, mpio. Zimatlán de Alvarez., 16.786111 -97.161944

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
44038Andrés G. Miranda Moreno   60781998-10-08
Mexico, OAXACA, ZIMATLAN DE ALVAREZ, Cañada El Frijolón, 8 km al NW de La Cofradía, comunidad de San Pedro El Alto, mpio. Zimatlán de Alvarez., 16.786111 -97.161944

Sisyrinchium angustissimum Greenm. & C.H.Thomps.
42398Ramiro Acevedo Rodríguez   60731997-07-23
Mexico, OAXACA, SANTA CATARINA IXTEPEJI, Paraje "Peña Prieta" (Corral de piedra), 15 km al N de la Ciudad de Oaxaca y a 3 km al NW del poblado "El Estudiante"., 17.160278 -96.633889

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