Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Quercus gambelii var. gambelii (Quercus eastwoodiae, Quercus gunnisonii, Quercus leptophylla, Quercus nitescens, Quercus novomexicana, Quercus submollis, Quercus utahensis, Quercus vreelandii)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0294302Walter Fertig   304702015-05-15
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: Sand Hills on south side of US Hwy 89 near summit, ca 7.5 miles NW of Kanab and 4.5 miles SE of Mount Carmel Junction, 3.5 air miles ESE of Parunuweap Canyon/Virgin River. T42S R7W S10 NE4 of SW4, 37.169937 -112.61938, 1847m

Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
W.A. Archer   551924-06-13
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Hidden Valley Ranch, 3 miles south of Larkspur.

J. Gibbs   1968-09-07
USA, Colorado, Clear Creek, Wolf Creek Pass, 2743 - 3048m

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus novomexicana (A. DC.) Rydb.
BRIT357578E. J. Palmer   342751928-06-01
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Davis Mountains., 2300m

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
[filed under North America]

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
[filed under North America]

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
[filed under North America]

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
[filed under North America]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
[filed under North America]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
[filed under North America]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
[filed under North America]

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

BRYV0085055Wendy Hodgson   273162012-08-03
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, east of House Rock Valley Road, Four Springs., 36.79352 -112.04492, 1801m

BRYV0085053Wendy Hodgson   273212012-08-03
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, east of House Rock Valley Road, Four Springs., 36.79276 -112.04546, 1801m

Quercus utahensis (A.DC.) Rydb.
BRYV0128183E. J. Palmer   4121939-07-04
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, Along Mt. Carmel Highway., 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0128269D. Tilley   3561999-05-25
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Fillmore Canyon at National Forest boundary., 1884m

BRYV0108799Beck   s.n.1936-06-20
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, Willow Tank, 45 mi. so. of Escalante Desert area., 1295m

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

RSA0036229I. W. Clokey   40971921-09-03
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Rye., 2100m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
CM431420Graham, H.W.   s.n.1927-07-28
United States, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Peak, 15 mi S of Globe, 2286m

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
CM431421Graham, H.W.   s.n.1927-08-28
United States, Arizona, Pima, near Bear Wallow,Santa Catalina Mtns, 2286m

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
CM431422Graham, H.W.   s.n.1927-08-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, near Summer Haven, Santa Catalina Mts, 2286m

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
CM431423Graham, H.W.   s.n.1927-08-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, near Summer Haven, Santa Catalina Mts, 2286m

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
CM431426Graham, E.H.   8339a1933-06-30
United States, Colorado, Garfield, W of Grand Hogback,N of Rifle, 2134m

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
CM431427Graham, E.H.   8339e1933-06-30
United States, Colorado, Garfield, W of Grand Hogback,N of Rifle, 2134m

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

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ASC00064462Phillips, A. M. III   95-1311995-06-05
United States, Utah, WASHINGTON, Along Birch Creek 1/2 mi west of Virgin River, 37.25016 -112.95648, 1323m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00128437Wendy C. Hodgson   273212012-08-03
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, east of House Rock Valley Road, Four Springs., 36.792763 -112.045457, 1801m

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00069464Wendy C. Hodgson   258802010-09-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, main spring of Roaring Springs., 36.195246 -112.034164, 1610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00072478Wendy C. Hodgson   273162012-08-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, east of House Rock Valley Road, Four Springs., 36.793534 -112.044919, 1801m

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DES00072470Wendy C. Hodgson   273212012-08-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, east of House Rock Valley Road, Four Springs., 36.792763 -112.045457, 1801m

Fort Lewis College Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
FLD0006370Ross McCauley   6982016-08-27
United States, Utah, Kane, Two miles S of intersection with US Rt 89 along House Rock Valley Rd. N of Five Mile Mountain Rd., 37.09571 -111.9837, 1542m

Image Associated With the Occurence
FLD0006411Ross McCauley   7002016-08-27
United States, Utah, Kane, Three miles S of intersection with US Rt 89 along House Rock Valley Rd. Ca. 0.25 miles S of intersection with Five Mile Mountain Rd. West side of rd under and S of powerline cut., 37.08547 -111.9878, 1545m

Image Associated With the Occurence
FLD0006368Ross McCauley   7012016-08-27
United States, Utah, Kane, Three miles S of intersection with US Rt 89 along House Rock Valley Rd. Ca. 0.25 miles S of intersection with Five Mile Mountain Rd. West side of rd under and S of powerline cut., 37.08547 -111.9878, 1545m

Image Associated With the Occurence
FLD0006369Ross McCauley   7022016-08-27
United States, Utah, Kane, Three miles S of intersection with US Rt 89 along House Rock Valley Rd. Ca. 0.25 miles S of intersection with Five Mile Mountain Rd. West side of rd under and S of powerline cut., 37.08547 -111.9878, 1545m

Grand Canyon National Park

Quercus utahensis (A.DC.) RYDB.
GRCA 61390COTTAM W. P.   86801941-06-14

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
00034046A. Eastwood   1411895-07-17
United States of America, Utah, San Juan County, Butler's Range

Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
UTC00018444Bassett Maguire   58821933-07-25
United States, Utah, Grand, West Ridge of Horse Canyon., 2743m

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UTC00199522Leila M. Shultz   99021986-05-02
United States, Utah, Kane, Johnson Canyon;13 miles north of intersection with hwy 89 an..., 37.061042 -112.364017, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UTC00248416Walter Fertig   224822006-05-23
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: mesa ca 0.75 miles SE of Sand Spring and 1..., 37.0685 -112.6564, 1875m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UTC00250856Walter Fertig   231472007-05-16
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau; mesa on N side of US Hwy 89 ca. 8.5 miles N of Coral Pink Sand Dunes and 0.8 miles SSE of Mount Carmel Junction, 15 air miles NW of Kanab. T41S R7W S30 SE4 of SW4, 37.209846 -112.677106

UTC00291647Kristian R. Valles   4562021-08-28
United States, Utah, Weber, 22nd street trail head, around Rock outcrop 1/3 mile up the trail, 41.2303 -111.9254

Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
KHD00001370Loraine Yeatts   39291997-04-23
United States of America, Utah, Garfield, Scorpion flat near scorpion head gulch quad, 37.549824 -111.065405, 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
KHD00001371Loraine Yeatts   43442000-04-21
United States of America, Utah, Garfield, 7.5' Egypt Quad, Grand Staircase National Monument, Escalante River drainage, Egypt Bench above South Rim of Escalante River, 37.775137 -111.600059, 1512m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
KHD00043459John B. Hartwell   7831939-09-08

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
KHD00043458John B. Hartwell   7841939-09-08
United States of America, Utah, 15 miles east of Salt Lake City, Utah., 40.772905 -111.895192

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
KHD00043460John B. Hartwell   10891939-09-04

Missouri Botanical Garden

Quercus novomexicana (A. DC.) Rydb.
1665239David B. Dunn   9011949-08-19
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, 1/4 mile n of turn off to fort sumner on u.s. Hwy. 70. Canyon with black Walnuts along creek bed, sparse & juniper on rocky hillsides. Poor grassland in Open places. Stream bank. 40 Ft. High; 50 ft. Spread in diam., 1792m

Quercus novomexicana (A. DC.) Rydb.
1665227Ernest J. Palmer   380521930-07-25
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Rocky banks along creek, parley's canon, near salt lake city

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
1668197David B. Dunn   61361949-08-04
United States, New Mexico, Torrance, 3.1 miles nw of punta or 10.8 miles nw of moutainair. Pinyon-juniper and some Oaks. Primarily grassland yet reddish-brown soil. Still abo formation, 2067m

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
1668207David B. Dunn   47151948-08-29
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Two miles w of rosedale in a clearing on the forest floor. White, yellow, and Pinyon pine

2692807Robert M. King   131632004-07-10
United States, Colorado, El Paso, In North Cheyenne Canyon Park., 38.78833 -104.865, 1964m

Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
1668183Ernest J. Palmer   380461930-07-25
United States, Utah, Rocky slopes and borders of stream, parley's canon, near salt lake city

Natural History Institute Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
NHI004171Archie Dickey   1972-06-10
USA, ARizona, Coconino, Six miles N of Sedona along oak creek, 1036m

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NHI004175Archie Dickey   1979-10-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Crown King area, Fat Jack's cabin S. of Crown King ca. 4 mi., 2073m

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NHI004172DJM   1980-09-09
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, George Wood Canyon, ca. 6 mi. W of Walnut Creek; 34.947233 -112.955498, 34.947233 -112.955498, 1981m

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NHI004176Archie Dickey   1970-06-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Whitehorse Lake, 20 mi S.E. of Williams; 35.116334 -112.013648, 35.116334 -112.013648, 1996m

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
UT0052182Cottam, W. P.   1927-07-01
United States, Utah, San Juan, Bluff, 1524m

Navajo Nation Herbarium

NAVA00009379S.L. O'Kane, Jr.   
United States, Utah, San Juan, detailed locality information protected

New Mexico State University Herbarium

73382A. Eastwood   sn1895-07-17
United States, Utah, United States, Butter's Springs, San Juan Cr, SE Utah

59161T.E. Wilcox   491-C1894-09-00
United States, Arizona, United States, near Fort Huachuca

59258T.E. Wilcox   491-C1894-09-00
United States, Arizona, United States, near Fort Huachuca

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
253635F. K. Vreeland   6851900-09-20
United States of America, Colorado, Cucharas Valley, near La Veta., 37.509777 -105.008293, 2134 - 2134m

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253709F. K. Vreeland   6771900-09-18
United States of America, Colorado, 2134m

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248704P. A. Rydberg   63471900-06-08
United States of America, Colorado, On Turkey Creek and tributaries., 2900m

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248632A. Eastwood   1411895-07-17
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Butler Wash.

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253621T. E. Wilcox   491a1894-09-00
United States of America

Our Lady of the Lake University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
00006572Henrietta L. Zobel   s.n.1935-06-27
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Poncha Springs.

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
29817P. A. Rydberg, F. K. Vreeland   63471900-06-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Turkey Creek and tributaries., 2800 - 2900m

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167086F. K. Vreeland   6851900-09-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Cucharas Valley, near La Veta., 2134m

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29816P. A. Rydberg, F. K. Vreeland   63501900-05-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Butte, 5 miles SW of La Veta., 2200 - 2400m

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31859D. T. MacDougal   391898-06-03
U.S.A., Arizona, [Coconino], Vicinity of Flagstaff., 35.19749 -111.6512, 2134m

San Juan College Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0036596Heil, Kenneth D.   176272001-08-24
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Navajo Nation. Chilchinbito, ca 1/4 mi SW of school., 36.522222 -110.083333, 1745m

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SJNM-V-0036599Vermillion, Leo   301991-06-19
United States, Utah, San Juan, Natural Bridges National Monument, Ca 200 m from Owachomo Bridge trailhead heading into Tuwa Canyon at base of Bridge, 37.5824 -110.0138, 1829m

SJNM-V-0036598Clifford, Arnold   93-1551993-07-16
United States, Utah, San Juan, BLM Lands. John's Canyon bottom. Ca. 3.5 mi up John's Canyon; Eastern fork in canyon., 37.3208 -109.9533, 1731m

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SJNM-V-0036600Thorne, K.H.   56611987-08-18
United States, Utah, Washington, Zion National Park, Timber Creek Trail, ca 3 mi. S. of Lee Pass; along stream course with willow, box elder, cottonwood and ash., 37.42742 -113.18728, 1615m

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SJNM-V-0036597O'Kane, Jr. S.L.   52252001-06-04
United States, Utah, San Juan, Cottonwood Wash ca. 2 mi north of Bluff in east-facing alcove. Slope beneath seep., 37.311389 -109.5675, 1359m

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SJNM-V-0036593McCauley, Ross   7022016-08-27
United States, Utah, Kane, Three miles S of intersection with US Rt 89 along House Rock Valley Rd. Ca. 0.25 miles south of intersection with Five Mile Mountain Road. West side of rd under and south of powerline cut., 37.08547 -111.9878, 1545m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0036592Ross McCauley   7002016-08-27
USA, Utah, Kane, Three miles S of intersection with US Rt 89 along House Rock Valley Rd. Ca. 0.25 miles south of intersection with Five Mile Mountain Road. West side of rd under and south of powerline cut., 37.08547 -111.9878, 1545m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0036594Ross McCauley   6982016-08-27
USA, Utah, Kane, Two miles S. of intersection with US Rt. 89 along House Rock Valley Rd. N. of Five Mile Mountain Rd., 37.09587 -111.98378, 1542m

Southern Utah University

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Quercus gambelii var. gambelii Nuttall var. gambelii
SUU000416Price, D.   142011-08-29
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Black Rock Fire Lookout Area off BLM Rd 1004, 36.7916666 -113.7458333, 2467m

SUU000695Yanskey, K.   15002004-05-12
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Whiterock/Soapstone allotment Along unnumbered road about 1.3 miles S of Mustang Knoll; dry stream crossing with rock waterfall, 1579m

Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
SUU001944I. W. Clokey   40971921-09-03
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Rye, 2100m

SUU006607Jeff Curtis   3002015-04-14
United States, Utah, Washington, Found on the North End of Cove Mountain. Pine Valley District Dixie National Forest; 37.43285 -113.82278, 37.43285 -113.82278, 1867m

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Rex Bryce   6091935-09-21
United States, Arizona, Graham

Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium

Quercus novomexicana (A. DC.) Rydb.
TTC013151F. Ramaley & K. Johnson   150981935-07-09
United States, Colorado, alder, 38.369443 -106.03946

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TTC013172Studhalter & Marr   S16221934-06-13
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, camp cima del mundo; las vegas, 35.593932 -105.223897

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
TTC013182M.F. Landwer   L421929-07-18
United States, Arizona, Glenn Oaks

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
TTC013183Chester Rowell   S.N.1961-07-04
United States, New Mexico, Taos, rio pueblo below tres ritos, 36.186026 -105.655351

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

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0061401MORSargent, CS   s.n.1911-08-00
United States of America, Colorado, La Veta, Bottoms, Cucharas River., 37.577702 -104.894284

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
310425Caleb A Morse   23151997-08-02
United States, Utah, Juab, Nephi, 0.5 mi N, 6.0 mi E, 39.733284 -111.724716, 1690m

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
1566514W. S. Rusby   3841880-04-06
United States, New Mexico, no data, Bruno Mountains

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
1566515J. H. Ehlers   75211939-06-05
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Bear Creek Canyon, Colorado Springs

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Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
1566516W. A. Archer   551924-06-13
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Hidden Valley Ranch, near Larkspur

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
1566517W. A. Archer   s.n.1924-06-13
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Hidden Valley Ranch, near Larkspur

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
1566518I. W. Clokey   s.n.1921-09-03
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Rye

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
1566519J. H. Ehlers   74551939-05-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Bear Creek Canyon, Colorado Springs

Image Associated With the Occurence
Quercus gunnisonii (Torr. & Gray) Rydb.
1566520C. O. Erlanson   14031925-07-10
United States, Colorado, Fremont, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, about 3 miles west of Hillside

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1568002E. O. Wooton   s.n.1906-07-25
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, North of Ramah

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1568003Studhalter & Man   16221934-04-13
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Las Vegas

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin State Herbarium

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Quercus utahensis (A. DC.) Rydb.
00014608MADJones, George Neville; Jones, Florence Freeman   148491941-08-30
United States, Wyoming, Crook, B lack Hills National Forest, ten miles west of Sundance

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Utah, Juab

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
408914Walter Fertig   209052003-10-26
United States, Utah, Kane, Grand Staircase; Vermilion Cliffs, mesa on south side of US Highway 89, ca 0.3 miles east of Seaman Wash and 2.5 air miles north of the AZ state line. T43S R4W S29 SE4SE4, 37.038011 -112.252888, 1631m

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