ASU0093978 J.W. Thieret 31870 1969-08-18
United States, Louisiana, Acadia, Rice Experiment Station, 2.5 miles NE of Crowley.; Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Rice Research Station
393811 R. McVaugh 19274 1960-09-21
Mexico, Nayarit, Savannah-woodland 2 miles southeast of Las Baras, 90m
USCH0085894 Thieret, John 31870 1969-08-18
United States, Louisiana, Acadia Parish, Rayne, 30.239576 -92.346058
7694 Thieret, John W 31870 1969-08-18
United States, Louisiana, Acadia, Rice Experiment Station 2.5 miles NE of Crowley
1116230 Rogers McVaugh 26604 1983-02-12
Mexico, Nayarit, Restaurante de Mariscos la Curva; 3 km NE of Las Varas, 21.1989 -105.121, 100m
NCU:Vascular Plants
United States, Louisiana, Acadia
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0016939 Kirk Cormier 1129 1978-10-01
United States, Louisiana, Evangeline
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0016940 John W. Thieret 31870 1969-08-18
United States, Louisiana, Acadia
156996 Basil Stergios 7080 1984-09-06
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Terrenos de la Unellez., 9.4 -69.49
157218 Basil Stergios 7060 1984-09-06
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Terrenos de la Unellez., 9.4 -69.49
125784 Mary A. Walter 133 1973-00-00
Paraguay, Neembucu, Esterito, Dist. Yataity.
158075 E. Cordero;Basil Stergios;Z. Vargas 1981-09-13
Venezuela, Apure, Muñoz, Modulos F. Corrales de la Unellez., 7.3 -69.3
United States, Louisiana, Acadia Parish, Acadia Parish, LA
VSC0041092 John W. Thieret 1969-08-18
United States, Louisiana, Acadia Parish
UNA00057852 Howard L. Clark, Kate Clark, Richard E. Weaver Howard L. Clark 4800 1972-10-12
Colombia, Meta, 4 km E of San martin, 50 km (air) S of Villavicencio., 3.21 -72.33
UNA00055040 St. G. Beck St. G. Beck 15245 1990-03-21
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Gral. Ballivián, Espiritu, en la zona de influencia del Río Yacuma, 200 - 200m
UNA00055182 St. G. Beck St. G. Beck 20696 1991-10-22
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Gral. Ballivián, Santa Rosa 40 km hacia el Norte vía Riberalta
UNA00060936 G. Hatschbach, M. Hatschbach & O. S. Ribas G. Hatschbach 65809 1997-01-15
Brazil, Bahia, Rod. BR-122, 3-5km S de Guanambi (mun. Guanambi)
UNA00055323 A. Salino, J. R. Stehmann A. Salino 3350 1997-07-22
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Januária, Vale do rio Peruaçu, banhado a caminho das Veredas
UNA00055088 N. Ritter, G. E. Crow & M. Garvizu N. Ritter 4250 1998-06-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Ñuflo de Chavez; road to San Ignacio, ca. 30 km east of Concepción, -15.97 -61.93, 400 - 400m
UNA00060945 G. Hatschbach, M. Hatschbach & O. S. Ribas G. Hatschbach 72898 2002-05-14
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Fazenda Santa Cruz (mun. Aquidauana)
UNA00027388 E. Scremin-Dias, et al. E. Scremin-Dias 215 1995-05-19
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mun. Corumba. Faz. Sao Bento
UNA00024841 Udo Schmidt-Mumm Udo Schmidt-Mumm 190 1984-12-19
Colombia, Meta, Mun. de Castilla La Neuva, camp petrolero de Castilla, cerca al pozo 6, 450 - 450m
UNA00026104 R. Guillen R. Guillen 1247 1994-04-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco. Communidad Florida. 300 m del empalme Florida Moira yendo hacia Piso Firme, -14.6 -61.19, 210 - 210m
UNA00028633 G. Hatschbach, A. & V. Pott, J. M. Silva G. Hatschbach 62772 1995-05-14
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Mun. Porto Estrela. Fazenda Salobrinha
UNA00024850 Basil Stergios, Gerardo Aymard Basil Stergios 8537 1985-06-24
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Dtto. Guanare. Fundo Chaparral, entre Guanare y el rio Portuguesa
UNA00024844 P. I. Oliveira, W. R. Anderson P. I. Oliveira 400 1982-02-21
Brazil, Goias, Jatai, 13 km N
UNA00024845 Basil Stergios, Gerardo Aymard Basil Stergios 8519 1985-06-24
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Dtto. Guanare. Fundo Chaparral, entre Guanare y el rio Portuguesa
UNA00024875 Basil Stergios Basil Stergios 8757 1985-10-12
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Dtto. Guanare, terrenos de la UNELLEZ, Mesa de Cavacas, 9.06 -68.18
UNA00024848 Gerardo Aymard, Basil Stergios Gerardo Aymard 3214 1984-11-18
Venezuela, Bolivar, Dtto. Cedeno. Entre los kms 12-120 de la carretera Caicara del Orinoco - Pto. Ayacucho. Al S de Caicara del Orinoco, 6.83 -65.5, 100 - 100m
UNA00024867 G. Hatschbach, W. Anderson, R. Barneby, B. Gates G. Hatschbach 36069 1975-02-11
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Mun. Cuiaba. BR 364, prox. Corrego Pindaival
UNA00024874 G. Hatschbach, W. Anderson, R. Barneby, B. Gates G. Hatschbach 36069 1975-02-11
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Mun. Cuiaba. BR 364, prox. Corrego Pindaival
UNA00024852 G. Hatschbach G. Hatschbach 42146 1979-03-13
Brazil, Goias, Mambai, arredores
UNA00024851 G. Hatschbach G. Hatschbach 29603 1972-04-18
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Mun. Aquidauana. Col. Paxixi
UNA00017353 Udo Schmidt-Mumm Udo Schmidt-Mumm 951 1989-10-09
Colombia, Meta, Mun. Puerto Lopez, Laguna de Mateyuca, 200 - 200m
UNA00024853 Udo Schmidt-Mumm Udo Schmidt-Mumm 951 1989-10-09
Colombia, Meta, Mun. Puerto Lopez, Laguna de Mateyuca, 200 - 200m
UNA00028580 V. J. Pott, R. A. Mauro, S. de Salis, M. Pereira, C Mazza V. J. Pott 330 1987-09-09
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mun. Corumba. Fazenda Nhumirim sub-regiao da Nhecolandia; Pantanal, -17.01 -55.35, 90 - 90m
UNA00028581 V. J. Pott, M. Pereira, J. dos S. V. da Silva, M. Abdon V. J. Pott 1904 1993-04-15
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Mun. Pocone. Fazenda Santo Antonio, Vazante da Sede. Pantanal, -15.65 -55.16, 100 - 100m
UNA00028582 V. J. Pott, A. Pott V. J. Pott 1990 1992-11-29
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mun. Miranda. Km 546.5 da BR-262; proximo cruzamento da ferrovia, -18.68 -56.38
UNA00008921 Charles N. Horn, Steven Hill Charles N. Horn 10005 1995-08-12
Guyana, Demerara-Mahaica, University of Guyana campus and entrance road off coastal highway. City limits of Georgetown. Less than 5 m altitude., 6.83 -57.83
UNA00024868 W. R. Anderson W. R. Anderson 12034 1978-02-10
Bolivia, Beni, 7-11 km SW of Guayaramerin on road to Riberalta; roadsides at edge of secondary forest.
UNA00024866 G. Davidse, A. C. Gonzalez and R. A. Leon G. Davidse 18253 1980-06-19
Venezuela, Zulia, Distrito Perija: 13 km N of the intersection of the Rio Aricuaisa and the Maracaibo--La Fria Hwy. Marsh dominted by Eleocharis., 9.85 -71.41, 50 - 50m
UNA00026851 M. J. Jansen-Jacobs, C. Simmons, A. Jacobs-Brouwer, V. James, R. Andrew M. J. Jansen-Jacobs 4601 1995-07-23
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Rupununi Distr, Manari. Savanna., 3.43 -58.23, 80 - 80m
UNA00024857 Warren Douglas Stevens Warren Douglas Stevens 22650 1983-12-29
Nicaragua, Rio San Juan, 0.5 km SW of Rio Oyate, between Acoyapa and Morrito., 11.71 -83.03
UNA00024864 Robert R. Haynes Robert R. Haynes 7629 1980-03-09
Venezuela, Guarico, Wet roadside ditch ca. 1.9 km S of Rio Guarico on Fed. Rt. 2.
UNA00024859 Robert R. Haynes Robert R. Haynes 8592 1982-06-27
Nicaragua, Chontales, Small stream where crossed by road from Acoyapa to San Carlos, 2.0 km NW of Rio Oyate., 11.75 -83.01, 50 - 50m
UNA00024855 John H. Wiersema, Angel C. Gonzalez John H. Wiersema 2227 1981-08-30
Venezuela, Apure, Common in small stream along hwy 19 at km 42, S of Cano Guacas and W of Guasdualito.
UNA00024854 Warren Douglas Stevens, B. A. Krukoff Warren Douglas Stevens 10457 1978-09-00
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Vicinity of Auastara; disturbed area around village, savanna broken by shallow ponds and canals and patches of low swamp forest, mangrove swamp at landing on Bulo Tingni, and ocean beach., 14.31 -82.78, 10 - 10m
UNA00024858 James S. Miller, Michael Nee James S. Miller 1359 1983-08-28
Nicaragua, Rio San Juan, Along the road to San Carlos 5 km SE of Rio Oyate. Seasonally inundated forest and marsh along roadside., 11.7 -83.05, 40 - 40m
UNA00024861 Robert R. Haynes Robert R. Haynes 8587 1982-06-27
Nicaragua, Chontales, Small roadside pool ca. 0.7 km S of Quebrada Niscala along road from Acoyapa to San Carlos., 11.76 -84.96, 50 - 50m
UNA00024860 Robert R. Haynes Robert R. Haynes 8630 1982-07-09
Nicaragua, Chontales, Borrow pit ca. 3.2 km ESE of Santa Tomas along road to Rama., 12.03 -84.93, 400 - 400m
UNA00022400 Elsa Zardini, R. Velazquez Elsa Zardini 20905 1990-06-09
Paraguay, Cordillera, 1 km E of Nueva Colombia on road to Atyra. On a hill. Inundated savanna., -24.83 -56.78
UNA00024839 John H. Wiersema, A. Schinini, R. Vanni John H. Wiersema 2275 1982-04-15
Argentina, Corrientes, In canal of rice fields along Ruta 12, ca 33 km W of Ita Ibate.
UNA00024840 J. T. Atwood J. T. Atwood 2950 1970-01-04
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Puerto Isabel; near seabeach.
UNA00024842 John H. Wiersema, Angel C. Gonzalez John H. Wiersema 2206 1981-08-28
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Along hwy 5 between Acarigua and Guanare at km 245, near jct with road to La Quebrada ca. 20 km NE of Guanare.
UNA00023784 M. Schessl M. Schessl 3287 1993-04-16
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Municip. Of Pocone: Highway Pocone-Porto Cercado at km 12.5; drainage ditch 5 up to 30 cm inundated. Artif. drainage ditch along the highway., -55.48 -15.68, 120 - 120m
UNA00023783 M. Schessl M. Schessl 3170 1993-03-24
Brazil, Mato Grosso, N.S. de Livramento--Municipio: Ca. 3.4 km S of Pirizal village., -15.75 -55.6, 130 - 130m
UNA00024847 David L. Lentz David L. Lentz 1014 1981-10-01
Honduras, Comayagua, 1 km SE of Las Lajas., 14.89 -87.56, 980 - 980m
UNA00024846 Russell A. Meigs Russell A. Meigs 1318 1981-06-06
Honduras, Comayagua, Growing emersed in a tuft spring used by the community of Santa Ana for drinking water, Pine forest. Agua Caliente Quadrangle., 14.82 -87.73, 500 - 500m
UNA00028649 Charles N. Horn, John Wiersema Charles N. Horn 11079 1996-10-23
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Rupununi Northern Savanna. Kwaimatta Pond (a reservoir). Ca. 6 mi. N of Karanambo., 3.83 -58.83, 80 - 80m
UNA00024843 Robert R. Haynes Robert R. Haynes 7638 1980-03-11
Venezuela, Guarico, Wet roadside ditch ca. 34.8 km S of Rio Guarico on Fed. Rt. 2.
UNA00024865 G. Davidse, A. C. Gonzalez and R. A. Leon G. Davidse 18602 1980-06-25
Venezuela, Zulia, Distrito Colon: 3 km N of the intersection of the Rio Oro and the Maracaibo-La Fria Hwy. (Hwy 6). Small roadside marsh., 9.21 -71.33, 50 - 50m
UNA00008920 Charles N. Horn, Steven Hill and D. Gopaul Charles N. Horn 10055 1995-08-15
Guyana, Mahaica-Berbice, Edge of rice field at Champagne, 3.0 km S of coastal highway. Junction with coastal highway 26.4 km E of Mahaica River., 6.5 -56.16, 10 - 10m
UNA00028583 A. Pott A. Pott 2475 1987-02-23
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mun. Coxim. Fazenda Lambari; Estrada MS 214; Paiaguas; Pantanal, -17.93 -54.93, 168 - 168m
UNA00024856 A. Grijalva, F. J. Grijalva A. Grijalva 3516 1984-01-23
Nicaragua, Rio San Juan, Alrededores de San Miguelito, 100 - 100m
UNA00008919 Charles N. Horn, John Wiersema Charles N. Horn 10102 1995-08-20
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Rupununi Southern Savanna at and near Rupununi River S of Wichabai, 2.83 -58.58, 110 - 110m
UNA00024869 St. G. Beck St. G. Beck 5435 1981-04-17
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Ballivian, Espiritu en la zona de influencia del rio Yacuma, 200 - 200m
UNA00024872 St. G. Beck St. G. Beck 3389 1980-04-14
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Ballivian, Espiritu en la zona de influencia del rio Yacuma, 200 - 200m
UNA00024873 St. G. Beck St. G. Beck 3264 1980-04-09
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Ballivian, Espiritu en la zona de influencia del rio Yacuma. Tajibal de Lucumos, 200 - 200m
UNA00024870 St. G. Beck St. G. Beck 5317 1981-04-12
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Ballivian, Espiritu en la zona de influencia del rio Yacuma, 200 - 200m
UNA00024871 St. G. Beck St. G. Beck 5264 1981-04-08
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Ballivian, Espiritu en la zona de influencia del rio Yacuma, 200 - 200m
UNA00024862 F. Delascio, R. Montes, G. Davidse F. Delascio 11379 1981-12-00
Venezuela, Guarico, Dtto. Miranda: Parque Nacional Aguaro-Guariquito [8*20'+- N 66*19-59'W]: Sabanas de Las Macanillas, Sur-este Montana Guardahumo. Ca 8*88'-8*92' lat N y 67*40'-67*44' long W [decimal degrees], 8.9 -67.42, 40 - 40m
UNA00024863 F. Delascio, R. Montes, G. Davidse F. Delascio 11531 1981-12-00
Venezuela, Guarico, Dtto. Infante: Parque Nacional Aguaro-Guariquito: [8*20'+- N 66*19-59'W] Morichal Indio Viejo. Ca 9*48-52' N 67*52-56' W [decimal degrees], 9.5 -67.54, 100 - 100m
UNA00024849 M. Franken M. Franken 162 1986-01-14
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Bllirian, Espiritu, terreno 2A/O
UNA00024837 L. O. A. Teixeira, A. J. Fife, K. McFarland, C. D. A. Mota, J. L. dos Santos, S. P. Gomes, B. W. Nelson L. O. A. Teixeira 1010 1982-06-08
Brazil, Amazonas, Mun. de Humaita, estrada Humaita-Labrea, km 64.
UNA00024838 L. O. A. Teixeira, A. J. Fife, K. McFarland, C. D. A. Mota, J. L. dos Santos, S. P. Gomes, B. W. Nelson L. O. A. Teixeira 823 1982-05-27
Brazil, Rondonia, Mun. de Santa Barbara, Rodovia BR 364, km 120, 2 km W da Sede da Mineracao., -8.83 -62.88
OBI143800 David Keil 9500 1972-09-20
Honduras, Dept. Choluteca: 28 km S of jctn with road to Nueva Armenia on CA-5; in shallow water along banks of river
United States, Louisiana, Evangeline
United States, Louisiana, Evangeline
286419 John W Thieret 31870 1969-08-18
United States, Louisiana, Acadia, Rice Experiment Station, 2.5 mi NE of Crowley, 30.243905 -92.354406