Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Packera mancosana
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-26 of 26

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
ASC00108708Shelley Silva   3302012-05-15
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, southern entrance at FR 514., 37.682617 -108.4732, 2287m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
ASC00105291Loraine Yeatts   59972008-05-11
United States, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, 0.72 mi. 136degrees ESE of true N from NF-rd 514 crossing of Plateau Creek below S boundary of Lone Mesa State Park., 37.67255 -108.45849, 2352m

Navajo Nation Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
NAVA00012108Loraine Yeatts   59972008-05-11
United States, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, 0.72 mi. 136degrees ESE of true N from NF-rd 514 crossing of Plateau Creek below S boundary of Lone Mesa State Park., 37.67255 -108.45849, 2352m

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
UNM0130663Loraine Yeatts   59972008-05-11
United States, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, 0.72 mi. 136degrees ESE of true N from NF-rd 514 crossing of Plateau Creek below S boundary of Lone Mesa State Park., 37.67255 -108.45849, 2352m

Charles Maurer Herbarium at Colorado State University

Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
176061collectors: Loraine Yeatts Dick Yeatts   60012012-05-12
United States, Colorado, Dolores County, San Juan National Forest, Plateau Creek drainage, 0.71 mi 133 deg ESE of true N from NR-rd 514 crossing of Plateau Creek below S boundary of Lone Mesa State Park, 37.67 -108.45

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B.Schneid. & Al Schneid.
1288123A. Schneider   50772011-05-26
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores Co., Lona Mesa State Park, S end of Park, ca. 23 mi N of the town of Dolores. 7.5' Willow Spring quad, 37.68 -108.47, 2309m

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneid. & Al. Schneid.
907164Loraine Yeatts, Al Schneider, Betty Schneider, Dick Yeatts   57332009-04-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park along San Juan NF Rd 514 ca 0.3 mi W of Plateau Cr, 0.15 mi N of S entrance to Park. 7.5' Willow Spring Quad., 2313m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneid. & Al. Schneid.
907163Al Schneider, Betty Schneider   50772011-05-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, S end of Park, ca 23 mi N of the town of Dolores. 7.5' Willow Spring quad., 37.683333 -108.466667, 2309m

General Research Observations

Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
Shelley Silva   3302012-05-15
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, southern entrance at FR 514., 37.682617 -108.4732, 2287m

San Juan College Herbarium

Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
Heil, Kenneth D.   373672023-05-30
United States, Colorado, Dolores, 14.52 air miles north of Dolores on Lone Mesa. 2.67 air miles west/northwest of County Road 526 and junction with County Road R. Hills northwest of County Road R. Collections along base of hills and hill tops., 37.67352 -108.44735, 2347m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Packera mancosana Yeatts, B.Schneid. & Al Schneid.
BRYV0155866Al Schneider   50772011-05-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, S end of park, ca. 23 miles N of the town of Dolores. 7.5Õ Wilow Spring quad./, 37.68333 -108.46666, 2309m

Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
KHD00024478Loraine Yeatts   59972008-05-11
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, 0.72 mi. 136? ESE of true N from NF-rd 514 crossing of Plateau Creek below S boundary of Lone Mesa State Park., 37.67255 -108.45849, 2352m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
KHD00024479Loraine Yeatts   60012008-05-11
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, 0.71 mi. 133? ESE of true N from NF-rd 514 crossing of Plateau Creek below S boundary of Lone Mesa State Park., 37.67306 -108.45813, 2352m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
KHD00023507Loraine Yeatts   59802011-06-26
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, NF-rd 514, 1.1mi ESE of 111 True N from S entrance to Lone Mesa State Park., 37.676178 -108.454179, 2341m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
KHD00023509Loraine Yeatts   59782011-06-26
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, NF-rd 514, 0.96 mi ESE of 120 true N from S entrance to lone Mesa State Park., 37.675116 -108.457559, 2341m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
KHD00023428Loraine Yeatts   57332009-04-26
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park along San Juan NF rd. 514 ca. 03 mi W of Plateau Cr, 0.15 mi N of S entrance to Park., 37.684136 -108.478919, 2313m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
KHD00023324Al Schneider   50772011-05-26
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, S end of Park ca. 23 mi N of the town of Dolores, 37.68333 -108.46666, 2309m

Fort Lewis College Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
FLD0002050Ross McCauley   6852015-08-14
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park. Southern end near entrance from County Rd. R (Forest Service Rd. 514) just west of Plateau Creek., 37.682739 -108.472286, 2317m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
FLD0002048Stacey Tabb   272017-05-13
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, southern entrance at FS 514, 37.682617 -108.4732, 2316m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
FLD0002047Stacey Tabb   282017-05-13
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, southern entrance at FS 514, 37.682617 -108.4732, 2316m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
FLD0005826Shelley Silva   3302012-05-15
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, southern entrance at FR 514., 37.682617 -108.4732, 2287m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
FLD0002046S. Komarek   1601993-06-08
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Plateau Cr. - FS Rd. 514 7 mi N of Confluence with McPhee Res., 37.68102 -108.46915, 2469m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana Yeatts, B. Schneider, & A. Schneider
FLD0002049Stacey Tabb   72017-04-26
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, southern entrance at FS 514, 37.682617 -108.4732, 2316m

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana L. Yeatts, B. Schneider, A. Schneider
01812072Loraine Yeatts; Dick Yeatts   2012-00-00
United States, Colorado, Dolores

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana L. Yeatts, B. Schneider, A. Schneider
01835800Shelley Silva   2012-00-00
United States, Colorado, Dolores

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera mancosana L. Yeatts, B. Schneider, A. Schneider
00980854Loraine Yeatts; Al & Betty Schneider, Dick Yeatts   2009-00-00
United States, Colorado, Dolores

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