Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Montanoa karwinskii (Montanoa karwinski)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 115

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0022875David Keil   90071971-09-16
Mexico, Jalisco, 1.2 mi NW of Magdalena airport on Mexico Federal Rte 15., 20.908375 -103.979827

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0342779Elaine Joyal   21321993-04-04
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, Rancho El Palmar, 20 Km E of Onavas; barranca ESE from ranch house, 28.43333 -108.53333, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0022877C. G. Pringle   45451893-09-19
Mexico, Jalisco, Barrancas near Guadalajara., 20.659649 -103.349625

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0022878T. F. Stuessy   30691973-09-02
Mexico, Jalisco, 1.3 mi NNE of Santa Cruz on rte 15., 20.194791 -105.303101, 1440m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0022879R. Gonzalez T.   4971971-10-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Mpio. de Talpa. Entre Cuale y Los Lobos., 20.427015 -105.085576, 1170m

Herbario de la Universidad de Sonora

3878E. Joyal   19051991-10-21
México, Sonora, Yecora hwy 2.6 miles. West of old Yecora turn-off., 28.35 -109.0511111, 1300m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Montanoa karwinskii (DC.) C. Koch
A.C. Sanders   119371991-11-09
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabali, 22 km (airline) north of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line passes through the ranch. From Jabali main gate to Hacienda San Antonio, along the road to Comala; Volcan de Colima, 19.44833 -103.71667, 1150m

Montanoa karwinskii (DC.) C. Koch
A.C. Sanders   118621991-11-08
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) NNW of Colima; the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch. Along the Rio Cordoban (= Arroyo Santa Cruz), above Cerro Campanario and the airstrip [”Aerodromo El Jabali”], La Joya section of the ranch; Volcan de Colima, 19.45833 -103.68333, 1420m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

425282G. B. Hinton   146181939-10-13
Mexico, Guerrero, Atoyac-San Juan, 17.26961 -100.39903, 500m

425292R. McVaugh   132201952-09-23
Mexico, Michoacán, Jiquilpan Mun., About (W of) Jiquilpan, along highway to Colima., 19.99358 -102.71719, 1800m

425278W. R. Anderson   36671966-09-19
Mexico, Nayarit, Ixtlán del Río Mun., Mex. hwy 15 between Guadalajara and Tepic (2 mi NW of Jalisco- Nayarit border), 21.06958 -104.24567, 1150m

425295W. R. Anderson   38311966-09-30
Mexico, Jalisco, Autlán de Navarro Mun., 7.5-9 mi from El Chante. Lumber road leading from El Chante trough foothills to the Cerro del Muñeco, or Sierra de Manantlán ( 30 - 35 km southeast of Autlán)., 19.61633 -104.20344, 1400m

425288R. McVaugh   209371960-11-10
Mexico, Jalisco, Cihuatlán Mun., Near the highway to Autlán , 9 -10 road-miles north of Bahía Navidad 8 2.5 miles above the edge of the coastal plain)., 19.33844 -104.7205, 400m

425279W. R. Anderson   38371966-09-30
Mexico, Jalisco, Autlán de Navarro Mun., 3.5-7 mi from El Chante, lumber road leading from El Chante through foothills to the Cerro del Muñeco or Sierra de Manantlán ( 30 -35 km southeast of Autlán)., 19.65458 -104.18669, 1250m

425301R. McVaugh   202821960-10-15
Mexico, Jalisco, About (N of) La Cuesta, road to the pass crossing to Talpa de Allende., 20.2035 -104.78383, 1400m

368311R. M. King   48161961-10-16
Mexico, Michoacán, Cerro Carboneras, above the Río Cupatitzio, ca. 22 km S of Uruapan, 19.2217 -102.5428, 1128m

425302W. R. Anderson   39891966-10-14
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Mun., Along Temascaltepec- Tejupilco- Amatepec road. 1 mille south of Temascaltepec., 19.04178 -100.05203, 1600m

425296Y. E. J. Mexia   88421937-11-18
Mexico, Guerrero, Sierra Madre del Sur, N of Río Balsas, Dto. Adama.Temisco; E flank of Cerro de la Guacamaya, 600m

425293W. R. Anderson   39361966-10-11
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Mun., 42 mi SW of Toluca, 1.5 miles NE of Temascaltepec., 19.05875 -100.02594, 1680m

425298W. R. Anderson   41941966-11-10
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Pedro Pochutla Mun., Oaxaca- Puerto Angel road ( Mex. hwy 175), 12.5 mi N of Pochutla and 20.2 mi N of Puerto Angel., 15.93411 -96.47978, 400m

425300W. R. Anderson   43411966-12-03
Mexico, Guerrero, 6.5 mi W of Chilpancingo on road above and SW of village of Amojileca, Guerrero.., 17.5705 -99.56647, 850m

368310G. B. Hinton   124731938-10-28
Mexico, Michoacán, Coalcomán de Vázquez Pallares Mun., Pto. Cruces, Dto. Coalcoman, 18.92 -103.12, 1200m

425299W. R. Anderson   43081966-11-25
Mexico, Morelos, Tepoztlán Mun., Road to Tepoztlán from Cuernavaca, 3.2 miles SW of Tepoztlán., 18.97358 -99.13322, 1625m

425297E. Matuda   316831954-09-26
Mexico, México, Tonatico Mun., Barranca de Tonatico., 18.8011 -99.6697, 1420m

425294W. R. Anderson   39551966-10-12
Mexico, México, Tejupilco Mun., 5.5 mi S of Tejupilco., 18.84425 -100.13842, 1200m

425291A. Cronquist   108521970-10-29
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santiago Pinotepa Nacional Mun., About 35 km N-NW of Pinotepa Nacional., 16.56192 -98.15458, 200m

425284A. Cronquist   97441962-10-28
Mexico, Michoacán, Uruapan Mun., In the foot-hills 13 road miles S of Uruapan, 19.29181 -102.07589, 1050m

425289G. B. Hinton   19771932-10-04
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Mun., Naranjo, 19.0214 -100.2647, 860m

425303W. R. Anderson   36521966-09-18
Mexico, Jalisco, 14 mi W of Guadalajara on Mex. hwy 15 to Tepic, Nay., 20.72717 -103.54828, 2000m

425290E. Matuda   270511952-10-12
Mexico, México, Ixtapan de la Sal Mun., Ixtapan de la Sal, 18.8442 -99.6753, 1800m

425285T. F. Stuessy   30691973-09-02
Mexico, Jalisco, 1.3 mi NNE of Santa Cruz on rte. 15, 20.3664 -103.57, 1440m

425283B. C. Templeton   89011960-09-20
Mexico, Jalisco, Guadalajara Mun., 15 mi S of Guadalajara on hwy 15, 20.4164 -103.5242, 1560m

425280G. B. Hinton   96621936-10-07
Mexico, Guerrero, Manchon, Mina, Gro., 17.9161 -100.2469

425281G. B. Hinton   115651937-11-19
Mexico, Guerrero, Vallecitos, Dto. Montes de Oca., 17.975 -101.6

425287A. Cronquist   107931970-10-11
Mexico, Nayarit, Tepic Mun., About 60 km SE of Tepic, 21.1086 -104.5844, 800m

425277W. R. Anderson   36581966-09-18
Mexico, Jalisco, Etzatlan Mun., 1 mi N of Etzatlan on unpaved road to Magdalena, 20.77358 -104.0725, 1500m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0265332James L. Reveal   40301975-10-07
Mexico, Sinaloa, Along the dirt road from Rosario to Plomosas, about 4.2 miles east of La Rastra where the road crosses a river, about 34 miles east of Mexico Highway 15 at Chilillos, this about 1 mile south of Rosario.

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1539158Rogers McVaugh, Walter N. Koelz   8271959-11-17
Mexico, Nayarit, Ahuacatlán, 10 miles southeast of Ahuacatlan, on the road to Barranca del Oro and Amatlan, 1100 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1539159Rogers McVaugh, Walter N. Koelz   6821959-11-15
Mexico, Nayarit, San Blas, 2-9 miles west of Jalcocotan, in road to Miramar, 200 - 700m

Indiana University Herbarium, Deam Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
IND-0138204Cyrus G. Pringle   45451893-09-19
Mexico, Jalisco, Barrancas (ravine) near Guadalajara, 20.649476 -103.363672

California Polytechnic State University, Robert F. Hoover Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montanoa karwinskii (DC.) C. Koch
OBI152577T.F. Stuessy   42131976-10-15
Mexico, Guerrero, 10-30 mi S of Sabana Grande on rte 95 toward Chilpancingo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montanoa karwinskii (DC.) C. Koch
OBI152576R.C. Gardner   41071976-10-09
Mexico, Jalisco, ca. 26 mi NW of Tequila on rte 15; roadcut along gradual slope

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM260884Burch, D.   53881971-09-08
Mexico, Jalisco, above Puente Calderon, MEX 80, 12 km NE of Zapotlanejo, 1600m

CM253174Pringle, C.G.   24671889-10-00
Mexico, Jalisco, near Guadalajara

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

LL00128865Jennie V. A. Dieterle   38431971-10-22
Mexico, Sinaloa, Along the main Hwy b/n Durango and Mazatlán, 42-43 Km NE from Concordia

LL00128869Rogers McVaugh|Walter N. Koelz   6821959-11-15
Mexico, Nayarit, 2-9 mi W of Jalcocotán, on rd to Miramar; 2 mi W of Jalcocotán

LL00128870Jennie V. A. Dieterle   38731971-10-26
Mexico, Nayarit, 17-18 Km NW of Tepic, along Méx Hwy 15, 21.711913 -105.062516

LL00128871Rogers McVaugh   193771960-09-25
Mexico, Nayarit, Precipitous Mt sides 9.5 mi W of Tepic

LL00128882Cyrus Guernsey Pringle   45451893-09-19
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca near Guadalajara

LL00128885Rogers McVaugh   209371960-11-10
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Hwy to Autlán, 9-10 mi N of Bahía Navidad (2.5 mi above the edge of the coastal plain), 19.33844 -104.7205

LL00128894Rogers McVaugh   202821960-10-15
Mexico, Jalisco, Above (N of) La Cuesta, rd to the pass crossing to Talpa de Allende, 20.2035 -104.78383

LL00128895Jennie V. A. Dieterle   44291972-09-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca of Tequila, 2.5 Km NW of Tequila, along the rd down to La Toma

LL00128905H.   115651937-11-19
Mexico, Guerrero, La Union de Isidoro Montes de Oca, Vallecitos

LL00128906H.   96621936-10-07
Mexico, Guerrero, Manchón, Dto Mina

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

TEX00184148V. A. Funk|R. Hill   22961977-11-08
Mexico, Jalisco, 47 mi S of Jiquilpan on Hwy 110

TEX00184152V. A. Funk   22921977-11-06
Mexico, Jalisco, 21.3 mi N of jct of Hwy 80 and Hwy 200 to Navidad

TEX00184175V. A. Funk   22881977-11-06
Mexico, Jalisco, 10.9 mi N of Colotitlán. Along Hwy 80

TEX00451429Rafael Torres Colín|Miriam P. Ramírez de T.   136791989-11-18
Mexico, Michoacan, Zitacuaro, Cerro Enandio 2km. al S de Coyota, o 26km. al SO de Zitácuaro.

TEX00029231José L. Panero Estévez   24331991-10-09
Mexico, Michoacan, Sahuayo, Km 17 de la carr Jiquilpan-Sahuayo-Guadalajara

TEX00449934T. Yahara|A. Soejima|T. Kawahara|K. Watanabe   21052000-10-26
Mexico, Sinaloa, 77.5km. NE of Villa Union on Mex 40.

TEX00128866James L. Reveal|Raymond M. Harley   40301975-10-07
Mexico, Sinaloa, Along the dirt rd from Rosario to Plomosas, about 4.2 mi E of La Rastra where the rd crosses a river, about 34 mi E of Méx Hwy 15 at Chilillos, this about 1 mi S of Rosario

TEX00128867Elaine Joyal   21321993-04-04
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, Rancho El Palmar, 20 Km E of Onavas; barranca ESE from ranch house, 28.43333 -108.53333

TEX00128868Elaine Joyal   19051991-10-21
Mexico, Sonora, Yécora Hwy 2.6 mi W of old Yécora turn-off., 27.06528 -108.93333

TEX00128872Arthur Cronquist|John J. Fay   107931970-10-11
Mexico, Nayarit, About 60 Km SE of Tepic

TEX00128873Andrew C. Sanders|Lucía Vázquez V.   119371991-11-09
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, from the Jabali maingate to Hacienda San Antonio along the rd to Comala; 20 Km (airline) N of Colima in the SW foothills of the Vol de Colima, 19.45 -103.71667

TEX00128874Miguel Cházaro Basañez|Jean Metzger|Raúl Acevedo R.|E. Lomelí M.   67461991-09-24
Mexico, Jalisco, Guadalajara, Barranca de Oblatos, orilla E de Guadalajara

TEX00128875Andrew C. Sanders|Paul A. Fryxell|Emily J. Lott|Lucía Vázquez V.   118621991-11-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapotitlan de Vadillo, Rancho El Jabalí, along the Río Córdoban (=Arroyo Santa Cruz), above Cerro Campanario & the airstrip, La Joya sect. of ranch; 20 Km (air) N of Colima in the SW foothills of the Vol de Colima., 19.45 -103.66667

TEX00128876Agustín Flores Macías   24921990-08-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Tonala, Barranca de Huentitán, microcuenca del Cerro del Diablo, 4 Km al NE de Tonalá

TEX00128877S. Guerrero|M. Huerta M.   3031991-09-16
Mexico, Jalisco, Tonala, Carr a Matatlán barranca de Colimilla

TEX00128878J. Villa C.|M. C. Chandler   1751989-10-31
Mexico, Jalisco, Manuel M. Dieguez, Ca 2 Km al S del Montoso, sobre brecha a Las Canoas

TEX00128879J. Villa C.|J. Chávez L.   3501989-11-30
Mexico, Jalisco, Tecalitlan, 11 Km al E de Tecalitlán, sobre brecha a Jilotlán

TEX00128880Carlos Luis Díaz Luna|José A. Lomelí Sención   209101989-10-13
Mexico, Jalisco, Talpa de Allende, Camino de Talpa a La Cuesta

TEX00128881José Luis Villaseñor Ríos|David M. Spooner   7011984-09-17
Mexico, Jalisco, 2 Km al SW de la estación del ferrocarril de Tequila por el camino a la estación de microondas en el Vol de Tequila

TEX00128883Sergio Zamudio Ruíz   47831986-10-11
Mexico, Jalisco, Puerto de Los Mazos

TEX00128884Hugh H. Iltis|Bruce F. Benz|M. Burd   288611982-10-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Behind "Casa Grande" of L. Michel, 1 Km SSW of Rincón de Manantlán, 13.5 Km S of El Chante, 19.83333 -104.25

TEX00128886Rogers McVaugh   186091960-09-02
Mexico, Jalisco, Near El Molino (about 25 mi SW of Guadalajara), overlooking Acatlán and the basin of Laguna de Atotonilco

TEX00128887José Antonio Machuca Núñez   60641987-09-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Jocotepec, trail NW of El Molino

TEX00128888Jennie V. A. Dieterle   44291972-09-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca of Tequila, 2.5 Km NW of Tequila, along the rd down to La Toma

TEX00128889David M. Spooner|José Luis Villaseñor Ríos   25221984-09-17
Mexico, Jalisco, 1 mi SW of RR station on rd to microwave station S of Tequila

TEX00128890Cyrus Guernsey Pringle   115501903-09-29
Mexico, Jalisco, Bluffs of the barranca of Guadalajara

TEX00128891Tina J. Ayers|Randy Scott|Alan T. Whittemore   2781983-10-20
Mexico, Jalisco, 15 mi N of Talpa, on direct Talpa-Macota rd

TEX00128892M. Harker|H. Mellowes   901967-10-06
Mexico, Jalisco, 11 mi S of Guadalajara, on rte 15; then 2 mi N on side rd into the Mts

TEX00128893Rogers McVaugh   212221960-11-20
Mexico, Jalisco, 3-5 rd mi above (N of) La Cuesta, rd to Talpa de Allende

TEX00182341Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara   616971984-09-16
Mexico, Jalisco, 50 Km W of Amecameca on rd to MIxtán and Los Vols

TEX00128896Scott Sundberg|Matt Lavin   29351984-09-29
Mexico, Jalisco, 6.6 mi E of Los Pocitos, along the Hwy from Guadalajara to Amecameca

TEX00128897B. Guerrero C.   9761980-09-29
Mexico, Michoacan, 3 Km al W de Cruz de Cachan

TEX00128898Guy L. Nesom|Julia Wells|David R. Hunt   67621988-10-07
Mexico, Morelos, Tepoztlan, 4.1 Km SE of turnoff to Tepoztlán on Hwy 115D (Cuota), 18.9 -98.96667

TEX00128899David M. Spooner|Oscar R. Dorado R.   2567b1984-09-25
Mexico, El Durazno, 4 mi SE of dam at Lake by Valle de Burro

TEX00128900H.   124731938-10-28
Mexico, Michoacan, Coalcoman de Vazquez Pallares, Pto. Cruces

TEX00128901H.   123241938-10-08
Mexico, Michoacan, Coalcoman de Vazquez Pallares, Coalcomán. Dto Coalcomán

TEX00128902Robert Merrill King|T. R. Soderstrom   48161961-10-16
Mexico, Michoacan, W-facing slopes of Cerro de Carboneras above the Río Cupatitzio, ca 22 Km S of Uruápan

TEX00128903Robert Merrill King|T. R. Soderstrom   46531961-10-05
Mexico, Michoacan, Sparsely forested of Cerro Potrerillos, ca 5 mi N of Cotija and 22 mi S of Jiquilpan

TEX00128904Hugh H. Iltis|Bruce F. Benz|M. Burd   28720-A1982-10-03
Mexico, Guerrero, Km 60 on Méx Hwy between Iguala (Km 1) and Arcelia (Km 126); 2 Km E of Teloloapan, 18.38333 -99.85

TEX00128907Fred R. Barrie|Esteban Manuel Martínez S.   7481983-11-26
Mexico, Guerrero, Tlacoachistlahuaca, 14 Km NE of Tlacochistlahuaca, on rd to logging camp

TEX00128908Stephen D. Koch|Paul A. Fryxell|Tom L. Wendt   792521979-11-01
Mexico, Guerrero, Acapulco de Juarez, Río de La Providencia, 8 Km al W de Cuarenta y Dos, el cual está a 37 Km an N de Acapulco (Glorieta Diana) por la carr a Méx, sobre la terracería a la Estación Microondas 42 y La Providencia

TEX00128909Arthur Cronquist|John J. Fay   108521970-10-29
Mexico, Oaxaca, About 35 Km NNW of Pinotepa Nacional

TEX00192761M. Negrete A.|Raúl Acevedo Rosas|Charles Glass   s.n.1993-11-11
Mexico, Jalisco, Tapalpa, No locality name provided.

TEX00435728Idalia Trujillo Olazo   6802006-10-14
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito: Sola de Vega. Paraje arriba de Frijol. Santiago Textitlán, 16.71108 -97.41547

TEX00435729José Pascual   20082006-11-14
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito: Pochutla. Camino al Vigia. San Miguel del Puerto, 16.01283 -96.11114

TEX00435730Alfredo Saynes V.|Silvia Salas M.   38792003-10-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito: Tehuantepec. Casa de Jobita, San Isidro Chacalapa. San Pedro Huamelula

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