Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Piper demeraranum (Piper aripoense), Piper demeraranum var. rubescens
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-25 of 25

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
W. E. Broadway   61491926-04-30
Trinidad And Tobago

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
W. E. Broadway   73271927-03-13
Trinidad And Tobago

Image Associated With the Occurence
N. L. Britton & W. G. Freeman   23531921-03-16
heights of Aripo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
W. E. Broadway   68311928-03-02
Trinidad And Tobago

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
W. E. Broadway   1923-12-21
Trinidad And Tobago

Wisconsin State Herbarium, Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
v0368745WISKnab-Vispo, Claudia; Rodríquez, Germán   2311994-11-00
Venezuela, Bolivar, Boca Nichare, Rio Nichare, afluente izquierdo del Rio Caura, Edo. Bolivar., 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
v0368746WISLiesner, Ronald L.   235241988-04-21
Venezuela, Bolivar, Gran Sabana; ca 10 km SW of Karaurin Tepui at junction of Río Karaurin Tepui and Río Asadon (Río Sanpa), 5.316667 -61.05, 900 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
v0368747WISLiesner, Ronald L.   246311988-10-10
Venezuela, Amazonas, Terr. Fed. Amazonas, Dpto Atabapo: Cerro Duida, base on N side opposite Culebra., 3.733333 -65.733333, 210 - 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
v0368748WISGentry, Al.; Davidse, G.; Llanos, Fany   91201974-01-10
Colombia, Caqueta, 9 km S of San Jose de Fragua, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum var. rubescens (C. DC.) Trel. & Yunck.
v0368749WISSteyermark, Julian A.; Berry, Paul; Dunsterville, G.C.K.; Dunsterville. E.   1171841978-05-22
Venezuela, Bolivar, Alrededores del campamento "Las Pavas", arriba del Salto Para., 6.2 -64.25, 250 - 260m

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C.DC.
1641378J. J. Wurdack, J. V. Monachino   410521955-12-31
Venezuela, Bolívar, along river at Raudal Maraca (about 110 river km. from mouth), 115m

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
BRIT467709Ronald Liesner   173631984-11-28
Venezuela, Amazonas, Departmento Río Negro, near cerro de La Neblina base camp on the Río Mawarinuma., 0.833333 -66.166667, 140m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
CM324623Liesner, R.L.   189891985-10-23
Venezuela, Bolivar, 5 km S of El Pauji, El Abismo, Río Samay, affluent of Icabarú, 4.38333333333333 -61.6333333333333, 520m

Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
CM336041Gentry, A.   362171982-03-11
Peru, Ucayali, Bosque Nacional von Humboldt, km 88 on Pucallpa-Tingo Maria road, ca 3 km S of Carretera Marginal in construction, -8.75 -75.0333333333333, 270m

Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
CM428446Graham, E.H.   2821924-07-18
Guyana, junction of Mazaruni & Cuyuni Rivers, vicinity of Kartabo Station, British Guiana

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
LL00545856George R. Proctor   215471960-11-13
Jamaica, Trinidad. St. George. Northern Range near summit of Blanchisseuse Rd, 1.75 mi. due W. of MORNE BLEU.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
LL00547204J. C. Lindeman   5151953-11-28
Suriname, Commewijne, Perica R. Capoerica -ridge, km 6.5.

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
TEX00547203Ronald L. Liesner   195621985-11-05
Venezuela, Bolivar, 0 to 3 km west of El Polo. El Polo is 8.6 km W of El Pauji by road and then ca. 8 km N on small side road., 4.5 -61.666666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
TEX00547205Robin B. Foster   93301982-10-19
Peru, Huanuco, Pachitea, Codo de Pozuzo. Trail N of settlement to Río Mashoca., -9.616666667 -75.416666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
TEX00547206R. Callejas   70101988-08-10
Colombia, Meta, La Macarena, 4 km O de La Macarena., 2.266666667 -73.176666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miq.) C. DC.
TEX00547207A. Rudas|P. Palacios|S. Duque|F. del Aguila Joaquin|G. Morán|E. Melendez   21481991-06-19
Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, Corregimiento de Tarapacá; Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu; Río Cotuhé., -3.05 -70.05

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miquel) C. de Candolle
01965740W. E. Broadway   61491926-04-30
Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, Blanchisseuse Road, Hambasley's trace, leading in from near 10-mile post

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miquel) C. de Candolle
01965741W. E. Broadway   61491926-04-30
Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, Blanchisseuse Road, Hambasley's trace, leading in from near 10-mile post

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miquel) C. de Candolle
01965742N. L. Britton, W. G. Freeman & W. Nowell   25261921-03-25
Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, Ortoire River, Guayaguayare Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper demeraranum (Miquel) C. de Candolle
01965743R. S. Cowan & N. W. Simmonds   11911959-03-24
Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, Arima Valley, north range: Forestry Trail, 600m

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