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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Racinaea spiculosa (Tillandsia spiculosa, Tillandsia spiculosa var. spiculosa), Racinaea spiculosa var. spiculosa (Tillandsia spiculosa var. palmana), Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (Tillandsia stenoglossa), Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha, Racinaea spiculosa var. triticea (Racinaea spiculosa... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 126

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
G. Herrera C.   58001992-12-21
Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
Man. Valerio   17121937-07-15
Costa Rica, Cartago

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
W. E. Broadway   1925-03-27
Trinidad and Tobago

Man. Valerio   17121937-07-15

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tillandsia stenoglossa (L.B. Sm.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm.
1197404Blass   No data1970-04-00
Venezuela, Auyan Tepui

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tillandsia stenoglossa (L.B. Sm.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm.
1197405W. W. Thomas | T. Plowman   No data1984-04-13
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, Vicinity of Camp VI, on a ridge on Venezuelan-Brazilian border, 3.5 km W of Pico Zuloaga, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tillandsia triticea (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm.
1197423N.L. Britton & H.H. Rusby   2301
Bolivia, no data provided on label of catalog no: 1197423

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
138768S. Mori;J. Kallunki;A. Gentry   45811975-02-14

Image Associated With the Occurence
140366R.L. Liesner   6461973-03-13

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UVMVT021877Hill, S. R.   178741987-01-15
Costa Rica, Cartago, W slope of Cerro Duan, ca. 3 km above Guabata, E of Rio Grande de Orosi. End of road along cattle trail, near stream and ravine.; 9.85 -83.783333, 9.85 -83.783333, 1600 - 1700m

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT468332R. L. Liesner   6461973-03-13
Panama, along newly cut road from El Llano to Carti-Tupile; 12 mi. above Pan-Am Highway; alt. 200-500 m, 200 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT468333Thomas B. Croat   595251984-12-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Nebline Valle de Titrico; N of Pico Phelps, 0.933333 -65.966667, 2200m

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016345Liesner, Ronald L   248981988-10-16
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca. Slopes. "Sima" area., 3.716667 -65.5, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016303Morales, JF   26531994-04-06
Costa Rica, Cartago, Cordillera de Talamanca; Rio Pejibaye; Taus., 9.790278 -83.739167, 1200 - 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016307Skotak, C   s.n.1991-09-00
Costa Rica, Heredia, Vacinity of Rio Cuarto., 10.341159 -84.13532, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016344Liesner, Ronald L   252091988-10-22
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca. Summit. SW side of center., 3.65 -65.433333, 2660m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016347Liesner, Ronald L   252411988-10-23
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca. Summit. SW side of center., 3.65 -65.433333, 2660m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016333Tristram, Peter   s.n.1988-02-13
Peru, San Martín, Near Moyabamba., -6.059441 -76.987863

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016320Hirtz, Alexander   43911989-08-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road from Mendez to Morona, about km 100, Santiago Yaupi., -2.843953 -77.93679, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016329McPherson, Gordan   209072009-04-12
Panama, Colón, Westermost part of province, site of proposed copper mine (INMET). Along route of porposed road., 8.883333 -80.7, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016361Hoffman, B   30751992-10-15
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Pakaraima Mts.: Karowrieng R; 0.25-1 km SE Maipuri Falls, trail to rock drawings., 5.666667 -60.216667, 600 - 625m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016298Raack, J   s.n.A1991-01-00
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Near Santa Maria., 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016359Liesner, Ronald L   258741988-11-05
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, Cerro Huachamacarí, base of main wall and slope below it, on the east side., 3.816667 -65.716667, 800 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016282Vargas Caballero, Israel G   63382001-07-22
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Ayopaya, Bosque deciduo ralo en laderas secas y pedregosas., -16.449722 -66.7825, 950 - 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016332Monteagudo, A   56922003-07-03
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, Distrito Palcazu; Bosque de proteccion San Matias-San Carlos., -10.75 -74.916667, 1350 - 1420m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016310Ferenczi, Michael   31989-04-00
Costa Rica, Cartago, Cartago, 10-15 km east of Cartago on western slopes of Sierra de Talamanca., 9.79563 -83.609993

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016301Monsalve, Miryam B   12491986-11-13
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Concesion Pulpapel/Buenaventura. Carretera El Lijal T 9-10., 3.916667 -77, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016362Davidse, Gerrit   208661982-10-21
Venezuela, Yaracuy, Nirgua, Cerro La Chapa, 7 km north of Nirgua by road., 10.2 -68.583333, 1200 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016325Luther, Harry E   s.n.1995-09-27
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, E. of Pangui, Cord. de Condor, 1400 m; W. Berg legit., -3.669313 -78.505069, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016342Cathcart, D   s.n.1981-01-00
Venezuela, Bolívar, Vacinity of L Escalera. Flowered in cultivation., 5.931513 -61.412299, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL016341Davidse, Gerrit   224041982-11-16
Venezuela, Táchira, Córdoba, Fila de Paramito just north of Mesa de Tigre, 6 airline km SW of Santa Ana., 7.616667 -72.316667, 1200 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016289Kessler, M   96041997-05-15
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Ayopaya, 20 Km Cocapata - Cotacajes, -16.766667 -66.733333, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL016356Steyermark, Julian A   1268011982-10-29
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Laderas selváticas, 15 km al Este de Chabasquén., 9.440833 -69.915278, 1325m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016299Luther, Harry E   3241980-07-08
Cultivation, Meta, Capital District (Bogot ), Flowered in cultivation, Bradenton, FL No locality data.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016326Girko, B   E900331990-12-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road from Limom to Gualiquiza., -3.168073 -78.554717, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016295Wolf, Jan   9771986-06-01
Colombia, Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Camino real entre Termales de Sta. Rosa y finca Berlin., 4.833333 -75.518056, 2740m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016334Jaramillo, N   5421994-10-07
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Distrito Imaza: Region Nororiental del Maranon. Comunidad de Kampaenza, Ribera de la quebrada Shimutaz, Rio Maranon., -4.916667 -78.316667, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016292Kessler, M   96451997-05-17
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Ayopaya, 19 Km Cocapata - Cotacajes, -16.766667 -66.733333, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016321Luther, Harry E   27141989-10-14
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Vacinity of Macas., -2.308683 -78.111346, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016360Díaz, Wilmer A.   34971997-12-18
Venezuela, Lara, Morán, Buenos Aires, a unos 5 km de Humocaro Alto., 9.616667 -70.066667, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016316Hirtz, Alexander   14441983-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016330Díaz, Wilmer A.   35181997-12-24
Venezuela, Lara, Morán, a a Chabasquen, a 1 km de Guarico., 9.627778 -69.808333, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016283Fuentes, A   48442002-07-04
Bolivia, La Paz, Franz Tamayo, Parque Nacional Madidi, quebrada Jatun Chiriuno, 31 km en linea recta al este de Apolo por el camino a San José de Uchupiamonas. Bosque yungueno termo-mesotropical pluviestacional húmedo., -14.5 -68.232778, 1850 - 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016348Grant, Jason R   Jan-122001-01-21
Peru, Pasco, Road leading west of Oxapampa., -10.654432 -75.342706

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016324Raack, J   s.n.1993-08-00
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Cordillera del Condor., -3.9346 -78.62559, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016304Lankester, Charles H   s.n.1964-01-00
Costa Rica, Cartago, Near Concavas., 9.838399 -83.887531, 1360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016323Girko, B   E90116J1990-06-00
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Cordillera del Condor., -3.891044 -78.503059, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016315Girko, B   E9087N1990-12-00
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Cordillera del Condor., -3.891044 -78.503059, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016314Girko, B   E9087N1990-12-00
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Cordillera del Condor., -3.891044 -78.503059, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016353Lance, K   771991-07-25
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Above Kaieteur Falls, across Potaro River, line to Drakula to Old Man's Beard., 5.183333 -59.483333, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016336McDowell, T   47121991-06-20
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, To plateau S end of Haiamatipu., 5.466667 -63.416667, 610 - 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016311Holst, Bruce K   62641997-12-07
Dominican Republic, La Vega, Road from Bonao to Reserva Cientifica del Ebano Verde, northeast of Constanza., 19.034444 -70.489444, 950 - 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016331Díaz, Wilmer A.   43001999-12-15
Venezuela, Bolívar, Gran Sabana, Sierra de Lema, La Escalera, km 121 a 125, alrededores de la lacabala., 5.877222 -61.439167, 900 - 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016306Grant, Jason R   911991-01-17
Costa Rica, Cartago, About 5 km from the entrance to the Refugio National de Fauna Silvestre Tapanti, near Orosi., 9.75912 -83.791176

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016308Hidalgo, Victoriana   41991-10-00
Costa Rica, Heredia, Laguna Hule, Sarapiqui., 10.294522 -84.200044, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016328?   s.n.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016322Girko, B   E84121984-00-00
Ecuador, No locality given.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016318Clark, John L   32541996-11-05
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Jamboe Bajo. Eastern border of Podocarpus National Park., -4.083333 -78.916667, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016284Seidel, R   48761991-03-18
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni, Serrania de Marimonos, poco abajo de la Colonia Playa Verde., -15.5 -67.333333, 830m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016287Besse, Elizabeth   5601981-01-14
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chapare, About 30 km north of Villa Tunari., -16.731415 -65.64801, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016285Acebey, Amparo   4991997-09-12
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Jose Carras Torrico. Parque Nacional Carrasco al S del Campamento Ichoa., -17.383333 -64.5, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016351Michelangeli, Fabián A   1881995-02-27
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Yavi., 5.719167 -65.897778, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016305Cathcart, D   s.n.1991-08-19
Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016302Luther, Harry E   2816A1990-07-28
Costa Rica, Cartago, Between bridge over Rio Macho and entrance to Refugio Nacional Tapanti., 9.755774 -83.809776, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016357Díaz, Wilmer A.   44222000-01-25
Venezuela, Sucre, Santa Rosa. La Corbatana. Camino entre el Campamento y la Cumbre del Cero., 10.626389 -63.173611, 750 - 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016346Thomas, W Wayt   30311984-04-13
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro, Vacinity of Camp VI, on a ridge on the Venezualan-Brazilian border, 3.5 km W of Pico Zuloaga., 0.883333 -65.933333, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016286Beck, Stephan G   251031999-09-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Entrando hacia La Asunta. Chamaca sobre el rio Boopi., -16.233333 -67.233333, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016309Skotak, C   s.n.1985-07-00
Costa Rica, Without locality.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016319Werner, Florian A   22422007-05-10
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Few km east of Pass ("El Tiro") between Loja and Zamora; very open, windswept and stunted ridge forest; in protected ditch (1st ditch right after entrance tMandl/Lehnert plots)., -3.9576 -79.032129, 2650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016296Barrera, Angela C de   3461992-08-08
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Nacimiento del rio Perucho. Vdas. San Juan y la Libertad., 4.962854 -74.338627

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL016349Christenson, Eric A   19181994-06-06
Guyana, Upper Demerara-Berbice, Mabura Hill, access road at km 16., 5.333333 -58.666667, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016313Zanoni, Thomas   231891982-09-08
Dominican Republic, La Vega, Cordillera Central. 4 km oeste de la Culata de Constanza, Loma El Campanario., 18.958333 -70.8, 1800 - 2140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016355Dalström, Stig   16211992-03-07
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, North Kalaglas., -3.210633 -78.550546, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016300Betancur B.   50441994-04-20
Colombia, Putumayo, Corregimiento de San Antonio, verede Alto Campucana, finca La Mariposa, -1.2 -76.633333, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016317Waggoner, G   s.n.1983-10-00
Ecuador, Napo, Shell Mera., -1.481769 -78.0894, 800 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016297Betancur B.   50441994-04-20
Colombia, Putumayo, Corregimiento de San Antonio, verede Alto Campucana, finca La Mariposa, -1.2 -76.633333, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016288Kessler, M   110801997-08-06
Bolivia, Beni, José Ballivián, Gral Ballivián. 20 Km por el camino maderero, 12 Km de Yucumo-Rurrenabaque, -15.133333 -67.116667, 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. palmana
SEL016327Liesner, Ronald L   6461973-03-13
Panama, Panamá, Road from El Llano to Carti-Tupile, 12 miles above Pan-Am Highway., 9.359845 -78.800883, 200 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016358Steyermark, Julian A   1217121980-02-24
Venezuela, Sucre, Arismendi, Trail between crossing of Río Tacarigua to summit of slopes east of Cerro Humo, descending to Las Melena, north of Río Arriba.., 10.695 -62.610278, 760 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016354Henkel, Terry W   59961994-10-20
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Pakaraima Mtns; Sukabi River (tributary of Ireng River), above Ando Falls., 5.166667 -60.166667, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL016338Clarke, D   52511997-07-03
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Paruima, 9 km W; Ararata scrub area., 5.816667 -61.133333, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. micrantha (Baker) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016340Kelloff, CL   10391994-06-11
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Kaieteur National Park, on trail to Tukeit before ravine., 5.166667 -59.483333, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL016335Clarke, D   53241997-07-04
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Paruima, 9 km W; Ararata scrub area., 5.816667 -61.133333, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL073314Meier, W   119832005-10-02
Venezuela, Sucre, Arismendi, Península de Paria: al sureste de Carúpano, al noreste de Maturincito: Cerro La Cerbatana: vertiente norte: camino desde el caserio La Sierra hacia el caserio Guárico., 10.64166667 -63.16666667, 800 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016350Díaz Santibáñez, Camilo   27251996-05-05
Venezuela, Bolívar, Gran Sabana, La Escalera. Km 125., 5.835 -61.204167, 800 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016339Pipoly, John J   111511987-03-11
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Mt. Ayanganna, easternmost peak., 5.416667 -59.95, 1350 - 1380m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016352Clarke, D   55981997-07-12
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Paruima, 15 km W; eastern edge of Waukauyengtipu., 5.816667 -61.183333, 1570m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016291Kessler, M   77411996-08-24
Bolivia, Cochabamba, 141 Km antigua carretera Cochabamba-Villa Tunari, -17.116667 -65.55, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016343Henkel, Terry W   44301993-11-17
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Pakaraima Mts.-Mt. Wokomung, summit ridge of Ka-mie-wah pinnacle NE to S pinnacle, "Little Ayanganna"., 5.066667 -59.866667, 1550 - 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. ustulata (Reitz) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016290Kessler, M   122551997-10-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Refugio Los Volcanes, 3 Km al NE de Bermejo, -18.1 -63.6, 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016312Foster, Mulford B   30251957-11-01

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
SEL016337Vivas, Yuribia   14822006-00-00
Venezuela, Bolívar, Sierra de Lema; sector La Escalera, al Este de la carretera., 5.968333 -61.415556, 1415 - 1415m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM496417Thompson, S.A.   97191991-10-15
Dominican Republic, Independencia, 5-6 km NNW of Angel Feliz, crest & S of crest of Sierra de Neiba, 18.6833333333333 -71.7833333333333, 1770 - 1800m

CM352363Luther   2816A1990-07-28
Costa Rica, between bridge over Rio Macho and entrance to Refugio Nacional Tapanti, 1350m

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00549243W. Hahn|D. Gopaul   53871989-02-20
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, N foothills of Roraima, between camps 4 & 5, +/- 20 - 25 km upstream of Kako River., 5.25 -60.666666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00549244T. McDowell|B. Hoffman|K. Lance   47121991-06-20
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, To plateau S end of Haiamatipu., 5.466666667 -60.056944444

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Racinaea spiculosa var. stenoglossa (L.B.Sm.) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm.
TEX00545226T. W. Henkel|R. Williams|S. Fratello|L. Williams   44301993-11-17
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Pakaraima Mts-Mt. Wokomung, summit ridge of Ka-mie-wah pinnacle NE to S pinnacle, "Little Ayanganna"., 5.066666667 -59.866666667

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
268116Ron L. Liesner, M. Guariglia   117091981-05-03
Venezuela, Táchira, Parque Cazadero, Quebrada Cazadero, 16 km NW of San Cristóbal., 7.9 -72.3, 650 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
269975T. Antonio   40811980-04-08
Panama, Chiriquí Prov., Along road between Gualaca and the Fortuna Dam site, at 10.1 m; NW of Los Planes de Hornito., 8.96147 -82.2093, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
269979T. Antonio   28201979-11-27
Panama, Chiriquí Prov., La Fortuna Dam site, 9.4 mi. beyond entrance to Finca Linares, 20.9 mi. from bridge over Río Estí., 8.71667 -82.2667, 1400m

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