Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Ruellia hookeriana (Ruellia williamsii, Ruellia megacantha)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-46 of 46

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0001320J. Flores Crespo   721967-08-20
Mexico, Morelos, 18 km al ESE de Cuernavaca, sobre la carretera a Cuautla, 18.916667 -99.25, 1460m

University of Arizona Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
270392G. Starr   8791985-07-18
Mexico, Oaxaca, Near KM 142, about 10 KM south of Juchitengo on highway 131 from Puerto Escondido to Oaxaca City.

Image Associated With the Occurence
30760H. et al.   104891937-07-11
Mexico, Locality Mesa Queisle, District Mina, Gro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
424443H. et al.   81171935-07-29
Mexico, Locality Acatitlán, District Temascaltepec, Mex.

Image Associated With the Occurence
30759H. et al.   105941937-07-12
Mexico, Vallecitos, district Montes de Oca, Gro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
383932V. W. Steinmann   45082004-08-08
Mexico, Michoacán, Plants of the Balsas Depression. Municipio de Tzitzio, along the road from Tzitzio to El Limon, ca. 1 km (by road) west of El Devanador, hillside south of the road., 19.387222 -100.836111, 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
411015V. W. Steinmann   44712004-07-17
Mexico, Michocan, Along the road from Tzitzio to El Limón, 8.3 km (by road) south-southeast of Tzitzio., 19.536111 -100.9125, 1225m

Image Associated With the Occurence
412093V. W. Steinmann   59042007-09-08
Mexico, Michoacán, 11 km al este de la carretera Churumuco-Huetamo sobre el camino a Cuiripan, 1km al noroeste de Cuiripan., 18.595833 -101.475, 1100m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
Mitch Provance   93812004-06-27
Mexico, Jalisco, Tuxpan, Hwy 54 c. 2.2 km SE of Agosto, SW of Atenquique, 19.49361 -103.4525, 1220m

Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
Mitch Provance   12391999-07-06
Mexico, Aguascalientes, Calvillo, South Calvillo; along highway c. 1.5 km east of La Mesa Grande turnoff; Intermontane valleys of W Aguascalientes, 21.83167 -102.72, 1700m

General Research Observations

C.J.Rothfels   31062009-08-00
Mexico, Jalisco, MUNICIPIO TEPATITLÁN DE MORELOS, At the bridge in the Barranca del Rio Verde. On the hwy to Yahualica, approximately 26km N of Tepatitlan., 21.0069 -102.82106, 1463m

C.J.Rothfels   31572009-08-00
Mexico, Nayarit, Municipio Santa Maria del Oro, Lago Santa Maria Del Oro, past the village along the road leading E before the main highway reaches the lake. Also seen in pastured areas in the oak forest on the main highway down to the lake., 21.32058 -104.51371, 1076m

C.J.Rothfels   31812009-08-00
Mexico, Nayarit, Municipio Xalisco, Hwy 200 south of Tepic, near the 24km marker. North of Refilion., 21.32616 -104.92003, 1010m

Field Museum of Natural History

M. Sessé & J. M. Mociño   2163

C. A. Purpus   19391906-07-00
Mexico, Veracruz

Image Associated With the Occurence
L. I. Nevling & A. Gómez-Pompa   24161971-08-05
Mexico, Veracruz

University of Michigan Herbarium

Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
1113112A. Molina R. & A. Molina H. | Albertina R. Molina   267871971-09-27
Guatemala, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 56298

Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
1113113Eizi Matuda   17201937-08-08
Mexico, Chiapas, Siltepec, no data provided on label of catalog no: 1113113, 15.5556 -92.3239, 1700m

Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
1113114Dennis E. Breedlove   254841972-05-27
Mexico, Chiapas, California; Villa Corzo; Cerro Tres Picos near Cerro Bola along a logging road SW of Colonia Agronomos Mexicanos, 16.2604 -93.5973, 1500 - 1800m

Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
1113115Robert Merill King   18721959-07-21
Mexico, Oaxaca, Colonia Guadalupe; Tehuantepec; 2 km E of the village of Zanatepec, along the Pan-American hwy route 190, 16.4737 -94.3378, 50m

Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
1113116Dennis E. Breedlove   272641972-08-22
Mexico, Chiapas, Chicoasén; 22 km N of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, El Sumidero, 16.9549 -93.105, 1350m

Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CHRB0060739H. et al.   104891837-07-11
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Mesa Queisle

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

LL00088882Eizi Matuda   17201937-08-08
Mexico, Chiapas, Siltepec, Siltepec, 15.5556 -92.3239

LL00088883Hinton   105941937-07-12
Mexico, Guerrero, Vallecitos, Dto Montes de Oca

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

TEX00088880Hinton   105941937-07-12
Mexico, Guerrero, Vallecitos, Dto Montes de Oca

TEX00088881Robert Merrill King   18721959-07-21
Mexico, Guerrero, 2 Km E of the Village of Zanatepec, along the Pan-American Hwy (rte 190), 16.4737 -94.3378

TEX00088884Hinton   104891937-07-11
Mexico, Guerrero, Mesa Queisle

TEX00088885Esteban Sántiz Cruz   7331988-08-20
Mexico, Chiapas, Chil Ja', 4 Km al N del poblado, 16.82222 -92.63

TEX00088886Gustavo Olguín Rodrigo|John B. Paxon|Fred A. Barkley   17-M-6981947-08-16
Mexico, Morelos, on the side of the ruins of Xochicalco

TEX00088887Gustavo Olguín Rodrigo|John B. Paxon|Fred A. Barkley   17-M-6981947-08-16
Mexico, Morelos, on the side of the ruins of Xochicalco

TEX00088888Gustavo Olguín Rodrigo|John B. Paxon|Fred A. Barkley   17-M-6981947-08-16
Mexico, Morelos, on the side of the ruins of Xochicalco

TEX00088889John B. Paxon|Burford L. Westlund|Fred A. Barkley   17-M-9131947-08-21
Mexico, Guerrero, 3 mi N of Taxco

TEX00088890Fred A. Barkley|Grady L. Webster   72741947-07-15
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Temple of Quetzalcoatl, Méx, Méx

TEX00088891Fred A. Barkley|Burford L. Westlund   17-M-591947-08-16
Mexico, Near Tierra Colorado

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mexico, Chiapas

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium


University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
214298Maximo   95-3-31995-03-05
Mexico, Oaxaca, Comaltepec Mun., District Choapan., 17.4117 -95.9767

Herbario Jorge Arturo Alba Avila

000708Raul Lopez Garcia   7302018-08-13
Mexico, Zacatecas, Cerro Las Ventanas, 21.3748 -103.137778

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
RSA0171723Erin Tripp   57502016-01-08
Mexico, Chiapas, Side of the highway from San Cristobal de Las Casas towards Tuxtla Gutierrez, ~250 m up of Puente Ixtapa, 30.7 km from San Cristobal., 16.7093833 -92.9050833, 968m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia megacantha M. E. Jones
RSA0000599Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1930-11-25
Mexico, Jalisco, La Barranca, Guadalajara.

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
00549694L. O. Williams   141871948-07-11
El Salvador, Morazán, Drainage of the Río Yeguare, at about Longitude 87°W and Latitude 14°N, near Las Mesas, 900m

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
7392J. L. Contreras J.   51231998-06-03
Mexico, Puebla, Zihuateutla, 2 km al S de Ocomantla, al E de la Hidroeléctrica, 20.238888 -97.904166, 480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
8464J. L. Contreras J.   49691998-05-20
Mexico, Puebla, Tlatlauquitepec, 3 km al N de la Hidroeléctrica de Mazatepec, camino a Malintepec, cerca del río Apulco, 20.036667 -97.408333, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia hookeriana (Nees) Hemsl.
89806Hernández, Arturo A.   30432019-08-02
Mexico, Guerrero, Acapulco de Juárez, San Martin el Jovero, 17.125333 -99.609133, 1072m

Herbario CHAP

5319Enrique Guízar Nolazco   396231981-02-28
Mexico, VERACRUZ, EMILIANO ZAPATA, Entre cerro Gordo y Plan del Río, mpio. Emiliano Zapata., 19.433333 -96.65

49694Noel Riaño Ramírez   396251999-12-27
Mexico, OAXACA, SANTA MARIA ZACATEPEC, Río Grande, ubicado a 1 km al oeste de la población de Aquiles Serdan, dto. de Putla., 15.844444 -97.9875

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