ASC00079476 G. Rink 3654a 2004-07-25
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, SW side of Vestal Peak., 37.68727 -107.60046, 4084m
Katherine I. Matthews 1918 1986-07-00
United States, Colorado, Pitkin/Gunnison, Elk Mountains, south of Taylor Pass; Elk Mountains, 39.02028 -106.755, 3850m
UTC00193302 Betsy Neely 3163 1985-07-19
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Collegiate Range; 0.3 miles SSE of Spout Lake, along long sloping ridge N of lake, E side of Continental Divide; ca 3 air miles S of Cottonwood Pass; W of Jones Mtn., 38.7835 -106.4134, 3719m
UTC00195532 Betsy E. Neely 3337 1985-08-19
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, South of Cottonwood Pass, ridge above Spout Lake., 38.7903 -106.4067, 3871m
UTC00195624 Betsy E. Neely 3312 1985-08-18
United States, Colorado, Gunnison
114222 collectors: B Neely 3163 1985-07-19
United States, Colorado, Chaffee County, .3 mi SSE of Spout Lake, along long sloping ridge N of lake, Collegiate Range, ca 3 air mi S of Cottonwood Pass, W of Jones Mt, 38.78 -106.4, 3718m
114224 collectors: B Neely & A Carpenter 3337 1985-08-19
United States, Colorado, Chaffee County, S of Cottonwood Pass, ridge above Spout Lake, 38.79 -106.41, 3870m
114223 collectors: B Neely & A Carpenter 3312 1985-08-18
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Fossil Ridge ca 1.4 mi SW of Crystal lake, .4 mi due W of peak 12,276, W cliff above saddle N of Alder Ck, 38.65 -106.64
114221 collectors: J Langenheim 537 1949-08-14
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Virginia Basin near Gothic, 38.95 -106.99, 3657m
114226 collectors: B Johnston & P Lucas 1865 1978-08-03
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, just W of W summit of Mt Belleview, N of Gothic, 39 -107.02, 3733m
114227 collectors: B Johnston & P Lucas 1887 1978-08-10
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, just below upper of 2 lakes in alpine basin hanging above upper Rustlers Gulch N of Gothic, 39.02 -106.97, 3810m
114220 collectors: W Grey 1465 1981-07-31
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, near Avery Peak,N & NW facing slopes, 38.98 -106.97, 3736m
114225 collectors: P Lucas 1977-08-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, trail from Copper Lake to Triangle Pass where trail to Copper Pass starts, 38.99 -106.93, 3831m
100609 collectors: K Matthews 1918 1986-07-00
United States, Colorado, Pitkin County, Elk Mts, alpine ridge S of Taylor Pass, 39.02 -106.75, 3850m
03118579 G. Rink 3654a 2004-07-25
United States of America, Colorado, San Juan Co., San Juan National Forest. SW side of Vestal Peak., 37.687266787629 -107.6004638879, 4084m
03118580 W. A. Weber 9387 1955-08-04
United States of America, Colorado, Gunnison Co., trail along Copper Creek to summit of Concundrum Pass, Elk mtns, ca. 10 mi N.E. of Gothic, 38.99913160743 -106.9140561285, 3810m
736398 Tim Hogan 3048 1996-07-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, White River National Forest: Maroon Bells/Snowmass Wilderness; Willow Pass., 39.1072 -106.8785, 3841m
898252 Lori E. Brummer 7290 2011-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Elk Mountains: White River National Forest: Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness: upper East Fork Trail to Maroon Pass, ca 13.5 air mi N of Crested Butte., 39.0387 -107.0086, 3579 - 3886m
Kevin J. Taylor 4355 1997-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: Avery Mountain, ca 1.5 air mi NNE of Gothic., 38.9776 -106.9898, 3567 - 3796m
339937 Pete Lucas s.n. 1977-08-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest: trail from Copper Lake to Triangle (Conundrum) Pass, where trail to Copper Pass starts., 38.99934 -106.91338, 3835m
248534 William A. Weber, Sam Shushan 9387 1955-08-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Elk Mountains: trail along Copper Creek to summit of Conundrum [Triangle] Pass; ca 10 mi NE of Gothic., 38.99766 -106.91174, 3809m
483112 Fred Mukle 24763 1915-05-15
U.S.A., New Mexico, Cibola, Top of Mt. Sedgwick., 35.1745 -108.09539, 2835m
Lori E. Brummer 1832 2010-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Ouray, San Juan Mountains: Engineer Pass: Darley Mountain and Bear Creek Trail, ca 5.5 mi SE of Ouray., 37.9756 -107.5841, 3720 - 3915m
Kevin J. Taylor 4742 1997-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 7 air mi ENE of Gothic., 39.0064 -106.897, 3933 - 4055m
256988 Jean H. Langenheim 3899 1955-08-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Ca 1.3 mi S of Almonton road between Crested Butte and Gunnison., 2287m
533195 Katherine I. Matthews 1918 1986-07-00
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin/Gunnison, Elk Mountains: ridge S of Taylor Pass., 39.00578 -106.77509, 3850m
339974 Barry C. Johnston, Pete Lucas and Jeff Ullrich 1882 1978-08-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, White River National Forest: ca 100 m E of the summit of Triangle (Conundrum) Pass, above the trail to Conundrum Hot Springs., 38.992 -106.9156, 3918m
307466 Barry C. Johnston, Pete Lucas 1887 1978-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, N of Gothic: just below the upper of two lakes in the alpine basin hanging above upper Rustler's Gulch., 3810m
Rink, G. 3654a 2004-07-25
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest. Weminuche Wilderness Area. Southwest side of Vestal Peak., 37.687267 -107.600464, 3892m
Heil, Kenneth D. 20305 2002-08-22
United States, Colorado, Rio Grande, San Juan National Forest. South San Juan Wilderness Area. Ca. 1/4 mi N of Continental Divide Trail (Crater Lake Trail)., 37.4011111 -106.6713889, 3741m
RMBL0007903 Lehr, Paula J. s.n. 1986-07-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Fossil Ridge. S-facing scree slope, shoulder between Mill Lake "saddle" and Fossil Mountain Plateau., 38.665889 -106.606838, 3840m
RMBL0005609 Williams, Charles F. 3127 2019-08-30
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Upper Virginia Basin, 2 mi. NE of Gothic. Site 3. Ridge NNE (toward Avery Peak), above low point on saddle at head of basin., 38.98674 -106.969232, 3749 - 3780m
RMBL0009874 Williams, Charles F. 518 2011-07-24
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Southwest ridge of Mt. Dorothy, from summit down slope south to pond in cirque., 39.00588 -106.97469, 3688 - 3962m
RMBL0009888 Williams, Charles F. 532 2011-07-31
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Mount Belleview. Narrow, rocky ridge between West Maroon Pass (12,500 ft.) and summit (13,233 ft.). Ridge between summit and false summit., 39.04459 -106.99821, 4020 - 4033m
RMBL0007905 Lehr, Paula J. 1011 1984-08-07
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Fossil Mountain. S-facing, limestone scree slope S of summit "flats"; above pass between Mill and Boulder Lakes., 38.663784 -106.60499, 3749 - 3840m
RMBL0005512 Williams, Charles F. 3014A 2019-08-12
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Upper Virginia Basin, ca. 2 mi. NE of Gothic. Slope halfway up south side of upper basin between Point 12366ft and low saddle on ridge., 38.984459 -106.968573, 3658 - 3734m
RMBL0004343 Taylor, Kevin J. 340 1995-08-31
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Area, White River National Forest, SW ridge of Hasley Basin, 13.0 mi. N of Crested Butte., 39.049121 -107.047354, 3719 - 3780m
RMBL0004340 Lucas, Pete s.n. 1977-08-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Trail from Copper Lake to Conundrum (Triangle) Pass at junction with trail over Copper Pass, 38.998839 -106.916253, 3810 - 3840m
RMBL0004339 Roy, Barbara A. (Bitty) 6-28-87/12 1987-06-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Near trail to pass at head of Virginia Basin, above Gothic., 38.981452 -106.97453, 3548m
RMBL0004344 Barrell, Joseph 70-55 1955-08-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Near the summit of Conundrum [Triangle] Pass., 38.994436 -106.90782, 3962m
RMBL0004400 Barclay, Harriet G. s.n. 1951-08-17
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Ridge above Pearl Pass., 38.97977 -106.822299, 3871 - 3962m
RMBL0007113 Lehr, Paula J. s.n. 2001-07-19
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Triangle Pass, 5.0 mi. NE of Gothic, east side at head of Conundrum Creek., 38.99472 -106.906672, 3926m
RMBL0012165 Williams, Charles F. 1974 2017-07-23
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gothic. Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. "Long Valley" just N of NW ridge of Avery Peak and above Avery Mine. High tundra boulder field to saddle between Avery Peak and "Mammaries"., 38.991084 -106.971292, 3719 - 3810m
RMBL0012260 Barclay, Harriet G. 46-C-62 1946-07-19
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Virginia Basin (above Gothic)., 38.982704 -106.973285, 3475 - 3719m
RMBL0005485 Williams, Charles F. 2981 2019-08-12
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Upper Virginia Basin, ca. 2 mi. NE of Gothic. Red sandstone talus on south side of upper basin below Point 12366ft., 38.980988 -106.971162, 3566 - 3627m
RMBL0013020 Barclay, Harriet G. 51-C-358 1951-08-13
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, North Italian Mountain. Steep rock slide below lapis lazuli mine., 38.954573 -106.759584, 3719 - 3840m
KHD00067264 Emily L. Hartman 6652 1986-08-15
United States of America, Colorado, Chaffee, Mineral Basin, ca. 7 mi W of Cottonwood Lake, San Isabel Natl. Forest., 3719m
KHD00016479 Emily L. Hartman 6685 1986-08-26
United States of America, Colorado, Chaffee, Mineral Basin, ca. 7 miles southwest of Cottonwood Lake, San isabel national Forest - south-facing slope of Jones Mountain, 38.764625 -106.394881, 3627m
KHD00016478 Emily L. Hartman 5575 1983-08-18
United States of America, Colorado, San Juan, Burns Basin, ca. 13 miles northeast of Silverton - front lobe of rock glacier., 37.897156 -107.536129, 3728m
KHD00023791 Jennie V Brewster
United States of America, Colorado, Summit, Yellow Mt, Ophir, 37.8345 -107.84411
KHD00067263 Emily L. Hartman 6307 1985-07-12
United States of America, Colorado, Ouray, Engineer Pass, Uncompahgre National Forest, San Juan Mountains., 3901m
KHD00002520 Loraine Yeatts 4461 2000-06-01
United States of America, Colorado, Gunnison, Elk Range; West Maroon Pass; On south-facing side of Pass., 39.034411 -106.985017, 3804m
KHD00002529 Loraine Yeatts 4459 2000-07-01
United States of America, Colorado, Pitkin, Elk Range W. of Maroon Creek drainage between Maroon Peak and Bellview Mt.; On bench west and above West Maroon Creek., 39.050972 -106.980743, 3353m
KHD00087715 Lori E. Brummer 1832 2010-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Ouray, San Juan Mountains: Engineer Pass: Darley Mountain and Bear Creek Trail, ca 5.5 mi SE of Ouray., 37.9756 -107.5841, 3720 - 3915m
KHD00056702 Emily L. HArtman 5585 1983-08-19
United States of America, Colorado, San Juan, Burns Bason, ca. 13 miles northeast of Silverton., 37.945104 -107.495798, 3749m
FLD0002095 Lynn Moore 0939 1989-07-08
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, San Juan National Forest; La Plata Mountains; Owen Basin area., 37.437618 -108.086974, 3536m
FLD0002094 D.W. Jamieson 0353 1994-07-14
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, Weminuche Wilderness Area, Continental Divide Trail., 37.7344 -107.5502, 3856m
551659 Cotter, Shirley 1331 1950-08-01
United States, Montana, Logan Pass ... Glacier Park;Glacier National Park, 2012m
100359493 Barry C. Johnston 2220 1979-08-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Ridge west of west summit of Mt. Bellview, black-clay talus from Mancos shale., 3719 - 3749m
100397801 John M. Coulter 3950 1873-08-09
United States, Colorado, Peak near White House., 3962m
William C. Cusick; W.C. Cusick 2308 1899-08-03
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, ridges of the Wallowa Mts, near the lake., 45.31204 -117.20942
CM337277 Matthews, K.I. 1918 1986-00-00
United States, Colorado, Pitkin-Gunnison, Elk Mountains, S of Taylor Pass, 3850m
United States, Oregon
00104505 T. Kelso; H. Schmidt & D. Wilson 272 1989-08-18
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Due west of Spout Lake 1/4 mile above lake margin below ridge extending south of Cottonwood Pass., 38.7880958 -106.4151344, 3596m
00104513 Emily L. Hartman; Mary Lou Rottman 6652 1986-08-15
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Mineral Basin, ca. 7 miles west of Cottonwood Lake, San Isabel National Forest, slopes of Jones Mountain., 38.7693422 -106.397268, 3718m
00104521 Barry C. Johnston 2220 1979-08-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Ridge west of West Summit of Mt. Bellview., 39.0162456 -107.0233573, 3734m
00104539 Pete Lucas sn 1978-08-01
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Above and SE of Conundrum Hot Springs.
00104547 Pete Lucas sn 1977-08-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest. Trail from Copper Lake to Triangle (Conundrum) Pass, where train to Copper Pass starts., 38.9990496 -106.9207694, 3831m
00104554 Barry C. Johnston; Pete Lucas 1865 1978-08-03
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Just W of the west summit of Mt. Belleview, N of Gothic., 39.0119004 -107.0214088, 1137m
00104562 Barry C. Johnston 2220 1979-08-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Ridge west of west summit of Mt. Bellview., 39.0162456 -107.0233573, 3734m
00104570 Katherine I. Matthews 1918 1986-07-00
United States, Colorado, Gunnison/Pitkin, Elk Mountains, Alpine ridge south of Taylor Pass., 39.00206 -106.77233, 3850m
00104588 Katherine I. Matthews 477 1980-08-03
United States, Colorado, Gunnison/Pitkin, Ridge south of Taylor Pass, mine area below and S of Taylor Peak. Scree slope 50 m below col., 39.00138 -106.7697, 3810m
00104596 Barry C. Johnston; Philip Dixon and Ruth Willey 2346 1980-07-17
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Steep talus slope below and SSE of Italian Mtn., 38.9419521 -106.7505202, 3749m
00104604 Jim Ratzloff 260 1978-08-24
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Near summit of Engineer Pass., 3810m
00104612 Mary Lou Rottman; Emily L. Hartman, 5575 1846 1983-08-18
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Burns Basin, ca. thirteen miles northeast of Silverton., 37.90006 -107.53597, 3749m
00104620 Barry C. Johnston; Pete Lucas and Jeff Ullrich 1882 1978-08-09
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, About 100 m east of the summit of Triangle (Conundrum) Pass, above the trail to Conundrum Hot Springs., 38.9938458 -106.9067848, 3920m
00104638 B.C. Johnston 1271 1977-06-30
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Above Virginia Basin, W-facing talus slope W of point "12366"., 38.9833843 -106.9681171, 3749m
00104646 W. A. Weber; Sam Shushan 9387 1955-00-00
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Trail along Copper Creek to summit of Conundrum Pass, Elk Mts, ca. 10 mi. NE of Gothic., 39.00182 -106.92664, 3810m
00104653 Jean Langenheim 1520 1951-08-22
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Schofield Park., 3657m
00188532 Tim Hogan 3048 1996-07-19
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, White River National Forest, Maroon Bells/Snowmass Wilderness; Willow Pass., 39.1084749 -106.9886727, 3840m
00947341 L.O. Jackson sn 1929-00-00
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Near Gothic.
United States, Colorado
ALAM-V-0001477 M. Peterson s.n. 1980-09-01
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Ca. 1/2 mile NNE. Vallecito Lake., 37.7 -107.533333, 3901m
05298 Schlueter, L.K. 1385 1980-07-26
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, W-NW slope of W. Ssmit of Mt. Bellview., 39.0064 -107.0454
05299 Grey, W 645 1980-06-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Cunumdrum Pass area., 39.0072 -106.905014
05318 Grey, W 641 1980-07-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Cunundrum Pass vicinity, NNW of Twin Lakes; small double ridge area at beginning of major saddle., 38.991364 -106.891294
05319 Grey, W 657 1980-07-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, NNW of Twin Lakes, 1 mi. SE of Conundrum Pass; saddle ridge area., 38.994169 -106.896358
06405 Schlueter, L.K. 1435 1980-07-28
United States, Colorado, Pitkin County, E. of Conundrum Pass, E. of first switchback to saddle., 38.992 -106.9156
22573 Bomar, Jayson 33 2013-07-21
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, Mosquito Range, South side of Dryer Mountain, 39.227097 -106.184128
PBRU00052690 E. Hall, J. P. Harbour 329 1862-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Alpine Flora, Lat. 39°-41°. From Pike’s Peak in the South to the headwaters of Clear Creek in the North [Park, Jefferson, Clear Creek, Grand, or El Paso County]
PBRU00052692 E. B. Delabarre 38 1903-04-10
United States of America, Arizona, Between Bisbee & Phoenix. 330-1400 m. Flora of Arizona
PBRU00052693 E. Hall, J. P. Harbour 331 1862-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Flora, Lat. 39°-41°. Rocky Mountain Flora, Lat. 39°-41°. From Pike’s Peak in the South to the headwaters of Clear Creek in the North [Park, Jefferson, Clear Creek, Grand, or El Paso County]
PBRU00052694 Geo. Vasey 340A 1868-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, Powell's Colorado Exploring Expedition. Rocky Mts. Lat. 40-41.
PBRU00052689 C. C. Parry 63 1862-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Flora, Colorado Territory, lat. 39˚- 41˚, Alpine and subalpine. Middle Park.
PBRU00052691 Wm. C. Cusick 2308 1899-08-03
United States of America, Oregon, Alpine ridges of the Wallowa Mts. near the lake.
PBRU00053006 E. Hall 1862-00-00
United States of America, Rocky Mts. Lat. 40.
YU.163155 Frederick Noah Pease 194 1878-06-26
United States of America, Colorado, Hinsdale, Lake City, 38.03 -107.31533
YU.162654 Charles Christopher Parry 1861-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, from the headwaters of Clear Creek, and the alpine ridges lying east of "Middle Park", 39.89507 -105.69594
00549645 C. C. Parry 63 1862-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, Colorado Territory, lat. 39°-41°
221892 W.A. Weber 9387 1955-08-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Trail along Copper Creek to summit of Conundrum Pass, Elk Mountains, ca. 10 miles NE of Gothic., 39.00182 -106.92664, 3810m