Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Juniperus saltillensis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 105

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007170D. J. Pinkava   105441973-03-22
Mexico, Coahuila, Jct Rte 57 and road to Los Lirios ca. 15 mi S of Saltillo., 25.459984 -101.025996

University of Arizona Herbarium

120274L. R. Stanford   1941-07-03
Mexico, Coahuila, 9 km S of Parras on Sierras Negras, Coah., 25.45 -103.15

12656F. Shreve   1939-09-10
Mexico, Zacatecas, Mountain ridges near Picacho de las Bocas, Zac.

255369A. Rodrfguez G.   1984-06-08
Mexico, Coahuila, Parras, Ejido el Capulfn, aprox. 10 km al SW de Parras de la Fuente, Sierra de Parras, Mpio. Parras, Coah., 25.38333 -102.2167

255655A. Rodrfguez G.   1984-06-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Parras, Ejido el Capulfn, aprox. 10 km al SW de Parras de la Fuente, Sierra de Parras, Mpio. Parras, Coah., 25.38333 -102.2167

308946H.   1992-06-17
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana, San Gerardo, N.L.

309001H.   1992-05-13
Mexico, Nuevo León, Aramberri, Puentes, N.L.

351808James S. Henrickson   1997-06-21
Mexico, Nuevo León, Ca. 25 air km NE of Galeana, crest of trail that extends from San José La Joya down to El Potosf, N.L., 24.88333 -100.3

George M. Ferguson   12361997-06-01
Mexico, Nuevo León, Mpio Galeana: 2.5 mi (by Mex hwy 58) E La Primavera, (=12.0 mi E San Roberto Mex hwy 57 jct.), at km post 79., 24.675 -100.141667, 1980m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

328944T. A. Zanoni   24561972-08-27
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana Mun., E of Tokio, at Km. 78 (E of San Roberto on road to Linares). On south side of road

328948T. A. Zanoni   25791975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, 8.6 miles from Rt. 57 on rad to Los Lirios and El Tunal. East side of road, 2316m

328949T. A. Zanoni   25771975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, S of Agua Nueva, 1.9 miles E of Rt. 54 (E of Fosa Asfulto El malmut, near Carneros Pass, S W of Saltillo), 1951m

328946T. A. Zanoni   24811972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 km. E of Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Río Chorro on Rt. 57).

328943T. A. Zanoni   24811972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 km. E of Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Río Chorro on Rt. 57).

328947T. A. Zanoni   24811972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 km. E of Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Río Chorro on Rt. 57).

328945T. A. Zanoni   24561972-08-27
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana Mun., E of Tokio, at Km. 78 (E of San Roberto on road to Linares). On south side of road

Image Associated With the Occurence
1311M. T. Hall   66305-81966-03-05
Mexico, Coahuila, 18 mi SE of Saltillo., 25.25 -100.81722222, 2134m

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

0061110MORHall, MT   66305-11966-03-00
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, Eighteen miles S. of Saltillo on Mex. 57 on mountain slopes., 2042m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
M.T. Hall   66305-11966-03-05
Mexico, Coahuila, 18 mi SE of Saltillo on NE-facing slopes of hills bordering Mexico Hwy. 57

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147154T. Zanoni   24621972-08-27
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16322

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147155T. Zanoni   24611972-08-27
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16323

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147156T. Zanoni   25801975-12-10
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16324

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147157T. Zanoni   27911973-12-28
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16325

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147158T. Zanoni   25771975-12-10
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16326

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147159T. Zanoni   24801972-08-27
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16327

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147160L.A. Kenoyer & H.A. Crum | Howard A. Crum   31881948-08-25
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16328

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147161L.A. Kenoyer | Howard A. Crum   24491948-08-17
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16329

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147162W. Hess & M. Hall | Marion T. Hall   5171966-03-05
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 16330

Image Associated With the Occurence
1147163Cyrus G. Pringle   7101886-04-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Aquiles Serdán, La Condesa (Inglaterra); Santa Eulalia, 28.5877 -105.869

North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
NCSC00035379Marion T. Hall   66305-31966-03-05
Mexico, N/A, N/A, Coahuila. Eighteen miles S. of Saltillo on Mex. 57

Madrean Discovery Expeditions

mde-22399T.R. Van Devender   2017-10-25
Mexico, Zacatecas, Concepción del Oro, 7.0 km (by air) S of Concepción del Oro., 24.55 -101.43083, 2286m

mde-22400T.R. Van Devender   2017-10-25
Mexico, Zacatecas, Mazapil, 8.1 km (by air) SE of Mazapil., 24.60417 -101.48278, 2546m

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0011510Leg. ign.   1985-06-12
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana, Areas cercanas a Pablillo, approx. 20 km. al S. de Galeana, 24° 30' N y 100 ° 05' W. Bosque de Pinus cembroides con Juniperus, Dashilyrion, Yucca, Ephedra, Rhus. Suelos yesosos 2,100 m.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM318110Hall, M.T.   66524-311966-05-24
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, vicinity of San Roberto on Mexican Hwy 57, about 60 mi S of Saltillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM318135Hall, M.T.   66305--41966-03-05
Mexico, Coahuila, 18 mi S of Saltillo on MEX 57 on mountain slopes, 2042m

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

LL00145803Cyrus Guernsey Pringle   7101886-04-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Santa Eulalia Mts

LL00145804Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.   104741973-03-29
Mexico, Zacatecas, 4 Km E of Salaverna, 24.625 -101.48333

LL00145805Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.   104931973-03-29
Mexico, Zacatecas, Puerto de Rocamontes at the Zacatecas-Coahuila state line, 24.73889 -101.17778

LL00145806Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.   112871973-06-12
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sa Grande ca 3 Km E of Rancho El Murciélago, 29.86667 -104.83333

LL00145807Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.   110191973-05-14
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de Parras, foottrail from W part of town of Parras up to highest part of Sa, 25.4 -102.2

LL00145808D. S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston   213721959-05-02
Mexico, Coahuila, Above Chorro de Agua, rte 7 5, 26.34 -101.37

LL00145809D. S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston   213401959-05-02
Mexico, Coahuila, 2-16 mi E of Carneros Pass on rd to Hedionda Grande, 26.34 -101.37

LL00145810D. S. Correll   213411959-05-02
Mexico, Coahuila, 2-16 mi E of Carneros Pass on rd to Hedionda Grande, 26.34 -101.37

LL00145812Tom L. Wendt   5701974-08-11
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa del Carmen: at base of cliffs of N side of Pico de Cerda (Schott Tower), along the rim of the spectacular scarp that breaks off to W into Boquillas Canyon country, 29.20833 -102.81667

LL00145813Tom Zanoni   25771975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, S of Agua Nueva, 1.9 mi E of rte 54 (E of Fosa Asphulto El Mamut, near Carneros Pass, SW of Saltillo)

LL00145814Tom Zanoni   25791975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, 8.6 mi from rte 57 on rd to Los Lirios and El Tunal

LL00145815Tom Zanoni   25771975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, S of Agua Nueva, 1.9 mi E of rte 54 (E of Fosa Asphulto El Mamut, near Carneros Pass, SW of Saltillo)

LL00145816Tom Zanoni   25801975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, 8.6 mi from rte 57 on rd to Los Lirios and El Tunal

LL00145818Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.   110531973-05-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 14 Km by winding rd W of Tokio, on the San Roberto-Galeana Hwy, 24.68333 -100.11667

LL00145826Tom Zanoni   27921973-12-28
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, 11.8 mi E of Ent. San Roberto (on rte 60 to Linares)

LL00145827Tom Zanoni   24561972-08-27
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, E of Tokio, at Km 78 (E of San Roberto on rd to Linares)

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

TEX00416391James S. Henrickson   221441997-06-21
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, Ca 25 air Km NE of Galeana, below the limestone crest of trail that extends from San José La Joya down to El Potosí, 24.88333 -100.3

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00370062Marion T. Hall   66305-61966-03-05
Mexico, Coahuila, 18 mi S of Saltillo on Mex. 57, on mountain slopes.

TEX00205379J. A. Villarreal Q.|Ismael Ramírez S.   92642005-04-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Arteaga, Sierra de Arteaga, en la Sierra Madre Oriental, entronque carretera central (54) a los Lirios.

TEX00416499James S. Henrickson|B. Vanden Heuvel|Timothy W. Chumley   230002002-09-12
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, No locality name provided., 24.71667 -100.2

TEX00503680J. A. Villarreal Q.|Ismael Ramírez S.   94482008-10-14
Mexico, Zacatecas, Concepcion del Oro, Sierra Las Bocas, carretera a Mazapil, Ejido Concepción del Oro., 24.53333 -101.41667

TEX00145811Sergio de la Peña   SN1981-03-01
Mexico, Coahuila, Arteaga, Puerto de Flores, rumbo a San Antonio de las Alazanas

TEX00145817Tom Zanoni   24811972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 Km E of rte 57 on side rd to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Río Chorro), 26.34 -101.37

TEX00145819J. L. Elizondo|R. Banda S.   2631985-09-28
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, La Esmeralda, Ciénega del Toro

TEX00145820Hinton   181021980-06-11
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, S. Slope Potosí

TEX00145821James S. Henrickson|Scott Sundberg   66101971-09-09
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 27.5 mi NE of Dr Arroyo along Hwy 29, 23.98333 -100.01667

TEX00145822Hinton   197061989-09-12
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, La Becerra

TEX00145823Alfred Thomas Richardson   15651971-06-26
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 10.1 mi E of San Roberto on Hwy 60

TEX00145824Marion T. Hall   66524-311966-05-24
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Vicinity of San Roberto on Méx Hwy 57 about 60 mi S of Saltillo, 24.7102 -100.304

TEX00145825Guy L. Nesom   68091988-10-16
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, 7.9 mi E of the jct with Hwy 57 at San Rafael on rd toward San Pablo and on around the E side of Cerro Potosí to Galeana, 25.05 -100.45

TEX00435685J. A. Villarreal Q.|Ismael Ramírez S.   94422008-10-14
Mexico, Zacatecas, Concepcion del Oro, Sierra Las Bocas, carretera a Mazapil, ejido Concepción de Oro., 24.53333 -101.41667

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT23743M. T. Hall   66305-41966-03-05
Mexico, Coahuila, 18 mi S of Saltillo on Mex 57, 6700 - 6700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT597947Marion T. Hall   66524-311966-05-24
Mexico, Nuevo Leon

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
185205M. T. Hall   66524-311966-05-24
Mexico, Nuevo León, Vicinity of San Roberto on Mexican Highway 57, ca. 60 mi. S of Saltillo., 24.7102 -100.304

Herbario Jerzy Rzedowski

QMEX00016792Villarreal, J. A.   47211988-00-00
México, Coahuila, Cañón Jamé aprox. 20 Km al Noroeste de la carretera Nacional (57), 25.36666667 -100.5833333, 2300m

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0004319M. T. Hall   66305-11966-03-05
Mexico, Coahuila. Eighteen miles S. of Saltillo on Mex. 57., 2043m

Baylor University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000325R.P. Adams   861970-11-24
Mexico, Coahuila, 2 miles NE of Encantada, on E side of Mex. 54 near RR tracks, 28.391031 -102.536498

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000339R. Adams   821970-11-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, South of Saltillo, on east side of Mex. 54, approx. 2 miles NE Encantada, 25.30822 -101.06253, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000346T. Zanoni   24811972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 km. E of Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Rio Chorro on Rt. 57), 25.393767 -100.582959

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000344T. Zanoni   24611972-08-27
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, E of Tokio, Mpio. Galeana, at Km. 78 (E of San Roberto on road to Linares), 25.292925 -99.825986

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000349T. Zanoni   24571972-08-27

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000337T. Zanoni   27951973-12-28
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, 11.8 miles E of Ent. San Roberto (on Rt. 60 to Linares), 24.825461 -100.077366

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000330T. Zanoni   25791975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, 8.6 miles from Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios and El Tunal., 27.040731 -101.913212

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000348T. Zanoni   25771975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, S of Agua Nueva, 1.9 miles E of Rt. 54 (E of Fosa Asphulto El Malmut, near Carneros Pass, SW of Slatillo), 27.040731 -101.913212, 1951m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000326R. P. Adams   841970-11-24
Mexico, Coahuila, 2 miles NE of Encantada, on the east side of Mex. 54, near RR tracks. (SW of Saltillo), 25.30822 -101.06253, 183m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000347T. Zanoni   24801972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 km. E of Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Rio Chorro on Rt. 57), 25.393767 -100.582959

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000336T. Zanoni   27941973-12-28
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 11.8 miles E of Ent. San Roberto (on Rt. 60 to Linares), Mpio, Galeana, 24.825461 -100.077366

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000332T. Zanoni   24841972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 km. E of Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Río Chorro on Rt. 57)., 25.386654 -100.735098

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000342R. Adams   841970-11-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, South of Saltillo, on east side of Mex. 54, approx. 2 miles NE of Encantada, 25.30822 -101.06253, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU066673R.P. Adams   991970-11-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Estado de Coahuila. just south of Sierra del Pino, on Hwy. 22 (road from Muzquiz to Boquillas), 27.040731 -101.913212

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000345T. Zanoni   24821972-08-27

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000341R. Adams   851970-11-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, South of Saltillo, on east side of Mex. 54, approx. 2 miles NE Encantada, 25.30822 -101.06253, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000343T. Zanoni   24621972-08-27
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, E of Tokio, Mpio. Galeana, at Km. 78 (E of San Roberto on road to Linares), 25.292925 -99.825986

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000338R. Adams   831970-11-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, South of Saltillo, on east side of Mex. 54, approx. 2 miles NE Encantada, 25.30822 -101.06253, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000331T. Zanoni   27931973-12-28
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, 11.8 mi E of Ent. San Roberto (on rt 60 to Linares), Mpio. Galena, 24.825461 -100.077366

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000350T. Zanoni   24561972-08-27

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000335T. Zanoni   27961973-12-28

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000327T. Zanoni   25801975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, 8.6 miles from Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios and El Tunal., 27.040731 -101.913212

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU066683R.P. Adams   981970-11-25
Mexico, Coahuila, just south of Sierra del Pino, on Hwy. 22 (road from Muzquiz to Boquillas), 27.040731 -101.913212

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000328T. Zanoni   24831972-08-27
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.5 km. E of Rt. 57 on road to Los Lirios (S of fourth bridge over Río Chorro on Rt. 57)., 25.386654 -100.735098

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000329T. Zanoni   25781975-12-10
Mexico, Coahuila, S of Agua Nueva, 1.9 miles E of Rt. 54 (E of Fosa Asfulto El malmut, near Carneros Pass, S W of Saltillo), 27.040731 -101.913212

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000324R. P. Adams   821970-11-24
Mexico, Coahuila, 2 miles NE of Encantada, on the east side of Mex. 54, near RR tracks. (SW of Saltillo), 25.30822 -101.06253, 183m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000340R. Adams   861970-11-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, South of Saltillo, on east side of Mex. 54, approx. 2 miles NE Encantada, 25.30822 -101.06253, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BAYLU000333T. Zanoni   27971973-12-28
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, 11.8 mi E of Ent. San Roberto (on rt 60 to Linares), Mpio. Galena, 24.825461 -100.077366

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. A. Villarreal   47211988-10-21
Mexico, Coahuila

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