Keith A. Bradley 5895 2016-01-27
United States, South Carolina, Clarendon, Santee National Wildlife Refuge; Pine Island Unit, 9.1 km NE of Vance, 1.2 km NE of Lake Drive, adjacent to Lake Marion at Savanna Branch, 33.49258 -80.35508, 25m
UTC00152689 Marcus E. Jones 23504 1927-01-28
Mexico, Sinaloa, El Fuerte, San Blas, 26.080186 -108.761073
EIU022524 Bradley, Keith A. 5895 2016-01-27
USA, South Carolina, Clarendon, Santee National Wildlife Refuge: Pine Island Unit, 9.1 km NE of Vance, 1.2 km NE of Lake Drive, adjacent to Lake Marion at Savanna Branch., 33.49259 -80.355091, 25m
EIU011257 Reid, Christopher 7283 2009-10-05
USA, Louisiana, Allen, Pipeline of ROW E of Carpenter Bridge Road 2.43 mi N of jct. w/ LA 1147 (Old Pump Road), ,4 mi N of jct. w/ US 190 in Kinder; Kinder, 30.5561111 -92.8938889
EIU011258 Reid, Christopher 7059 2009-06-01
USA, Louisiana, Vermilion, White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area, W of Stanolind Canal ca 1.2 mi SW of White Lake Lodge, ca 2.5 air mi SW of jct. of Florence Canal and Intracoastal Waterway, ca 3.2 air mi SW of terminus of LA 91.; White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area, 29.8852777778 -92.5477777778
EIU011259 P.F. Zika 14921 2000-04-30
USA, Florida, Orange, Orlando, McCoy Road ca. 5 miles W of Airport
EIU010714 Amaral, M.C.E. 94/69 1994-10-12
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Vitoriana., -22.75 -48.45
EIU010716 Zardini, Elsa Matide 53525 2000-01-12
Paraguay, Around Bella Vista Norta.
EIU010729 Zardini, Elsa Matide 51847 1999-10-23
Paraguay, Itapua, Yacyreta Dam Island Reserve, Eastern Area. Ana Cua. Collecting area, around two hectares.
EIU011600 Longbottom, Wayne D. 16229 2011-09-26
USA, Georgia, Long, Southwest of Ludowici, along US Rt. 301 at Altamaha River, Johnson Station Landing, 31.696389 -81.776167
Bradley, Keith A. 5895 2016-01-27
USA, South Carolina, Clarendon, Santee National Wildlife Refuge: Pine Island Unit, 9.1 km NE of Vance, 1.2 km NE of Lake Drive, adjacent to Lake Marion at Savanna Branch., 33.49259 -80.355091, 25m
USCH0061302 MacDonald, John; Warren, Randy; Leonard, Steven 13422 1999-08-20
United States, Mississippi, Stone County, Wiggins
USCH0053322 John Byron Nelson 29375 2011-05-27
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, Moncks Corner, 33.0843 -79.8787, - 8m
USCH0053161 Nelson, John; Dailey, Celia; Ferral, Pat; Porcher, Richard 41069 2019-10-09
United States, South Carolina, Williamsburg, Warsaw, 33.5117 -79.5817
USCH0079073 Nelson, John B. 44838 2023-06-24
United States, South Carolina, Bamberg
USCH0061303 Bryson, Charles; Goodlett, J. 18123 2000-10-18
United States, Mississippi, Stone County, Wiggins
USCH0051631 Givens, Rebecca 99 2013-07-26
United States, South Carolina, Richland, Columbia, 34.03318 -81.06962, - 149m
USCH0089722 Stalter, R. 40 2003-10-11
United States, South Carolina, Georgetown, Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine & Coastal Sciences, 33.99525 -81.0299444
United States, Georgia, Mitchell
United States, Texas, Victoria
United States, Georgia, Thomas
United States, Alabama, Henry
United States, Georgia, Pierce
United States, Georgia, Decatur
United States, Georgia, Baker
United States, Alabama, Baldwin
CLEMS0008361 R. Carter 7627 1988-09-19
United States, Florida, Jackson, Jackson
102340227 John R. MacDonald 13422 1999-08-20
United States, Mississippi, Stone, Median of HWy. 49 at 2.7 miles south of junction with Hwy. 26 in Wiggins.
3279366 John R. MacDonald 13422 1999-08-20
United States, Mississippi, Stone, Median of HWy. 49 at 2.7 miles south of junction with Hwy. 26 in Wiggins.
264197 Richard Carter 8085 1989-08-08
United States, Florida, Escambia, In cloverleaf of highway I 10, east of highway FL 291, near Pensacola; bog with Hypericum fasciculatum, Xyris, Sagittaria.
100322151 MACDONALD 7997 1994-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, Ditch along west side of State Hwy. 63, between Frederick St. & Dr. Martin Luther King Drive; 0.5 miles south of Escatawpa River Bridge. Locally common in low wet ditch.
3279371 John R. MacDonald 13422 1999-08-20
United States, Mississippi, Stone, Median of Hwy. 49 at 2.7 miles south of junction with Hwy. 26 in Wiggins.
261720 Richard Carter 8019 1989-08-05
United States, Georgia, Wet ditch along highway US 27, 4.3 miles south of Ausmac; with Acer rubrum, Nyssa biflora, Liquidanbar, Salix, Cephalanthus.
United States, Georgia, Decatur
TTRS_000000284 Godfrey, Robert K. 71438 1972-06-28
United States, Florida, Jackson, Marshy shores of Lake Seminole, N of Sneads. This is a common plant in the area and its relatively small inflorescence (for C. robustus, if that is what it is) is "par for the course" in the population., 30.79580637 -85.21588682
TTRS_000000285 Godfrey, Robert K. 75220 1976-07-10
United States, Florida, Calhoun, Clearing of floodplain forest, Apalachicola River, vicinity of Ocheesee Landing., 30.4058856 -85.19735859
TTRS_000000286 Godfrey, Robert K. 75398 1976-08-19
United States, Florida, Suwannee, Locally abundant in several swales either side of highway U.S. 90, E of Live Oak, between the city and the airport turnoff., 30.1960618 -82.99156013
TTRS_000000287 Godfrey, Robert K. 75943 1977-07-16
United States, Florida, Jackson, Dried up pond bottom, 2.4 miles W of Fla. Rt. 271, by road going west from there opposite Parramore Landing Road going to Lake Seminole, N of Sneads., 30.79580637 -85.21588682
United States, Georgia, Pierce
United States, Florida, Jackson
United States, Louisiana, Lafayette
31234100073582 Robert Kral 96439 2005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla; sandy silt of recently logged pine/hardwood flats.
31234100073574 Randy L. Mears 401 1994-08-16
United States, Georgia, Decatur, East side of US 27 N of Bainbridge and ca. 0.3 mi S of jct with CR 240 and ca. 0.9 mi N of intersec. with Bethel Rd.
1459571 John R. MacDonald | Sam Rosso & Randy Warren s.n. 2008-09-11
United States, Mississippi, Forrest, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1459571
1450675 Socorro González 7091
Mexico, Durango, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1450675
1459584 David J. Rosen | C. Reid et al. 4164 2006-05-21
United States, Louisiana, Vermilion, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1459584, 29.88419 -92.55724
1459585 David J. Rosen 3882 2006-07-26
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson Davis, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1459585, 30.320833 -92.942167
1459586 David J. Rosen | L. Allain & S. Travis 3881 2006-07-26
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson Davis, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1459586, 30.320833 -92.942167
1459587 David J. Rosen 3949 2006-10-08
United States, Texas, Hardin, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1459587
1393094 D.J. Rosen 3056 2004-09-11
United States, Texas, Victoria, McFaddin Ranch, about 2.8 miles E of the int of US Hwy 77 and FM 445 in the town of McFaddin., 28.567556 -96.99975
1393095 D.J. Rosen | L.E. Brown 3408 2005-05-10
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Parker Tract, San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge, approx 4.3 air miles SW (217°) of the intersection of Hwy 646 and Hwy 1764 in Santa Fe., 29.333885 -95.154716
1393096 D.J. Rosen | M. Lange 2684 2003-12-17
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Bailey's Prairie, W of FM 521, approximately .4 miles SW of its intersection with Hwy 35, W of Angleton., 29.143621 -95.51651
1393097 Richard Carter 7627 1988-09-19
United States, Florida, Jackson, 4.9 miles N Sneads jct Hwys US 90 and FL 271, margin of shallow inlet of Lake Seminole, along W side Hwy FL 271.
1393098 Richard Carter 12532 1995-07-22
United States, Georgia, Brooks, Dixie , W Post Office by Old Hwy US 84, along N side Hwy.
1393099 Richard Carter 9863 1992-06-19
United States, Georgia, Pierce, 1.4 miles N of Blackshear jct of Hwys US 84 and GA 15/121.
1393100 Richard Carter 10455 1992-09-03
United States, Louisiana, Acadia, 0.5-1.0 mile east of Jct Hwys LA 124 and US 90 in Estherwood, coastal prairie strip along north side of Southern Pacific Rairoad, between railroad and Hwy US 90.
1393101 Richard Carter 10738 1993-06-16
United States, Louisiana, Lafayette, Lafayette, N go Hwy I-10 and E of Hwy LA 182, 0.6 mile N of Hwy I-10 by Hwy LA 182, then 0.5 mile E of jct Hwy LA 182 and Couret Drive, Moore Park, corner of fenced area under power line, across Couret Drive from lotus pond.
1393102 Richard Carter | Robert Kral 10863 1993-06-28
United States, Georgia, Worth, 1.6 mi E Tyty, along S side Hwy US 82.
1393103 Charles T. Bryson | John R. MacDonald 14544 1994-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, W of Hwy MS 63 between Frederick St & Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, 0.5 mi S of Escatawpa River Bridge.
NCU:Vascular Plants
United States, Florida, Calhoun
NCU:Vascular Plants
United States, Florida, Jackson
NCU:Vascular Plants
United States, Florida, Suwannee
NCU:Vascular Plants
United States, Florida, Duval
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00445881 Carter, Richard 7627 1988-09-19
United States, Florida, Jackson, 4.9 mi N Sneads jct hwys US 90 and FL 271; margin of shallow inlet of Lake Seminole, along W side Hwy FL 271, 30.779588 -84.943061
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00127030 Christopher Reid 7283 2009-10-05
United States, Louisiana, Allen, Pipeline of ROW E of Carpenter Bridge Road 2.43 mi N of jct. w/ LA 1147 (Old Pump Road), ,4 mi N of jct. w/ US 190 in Kinder, 30.5561111 -92.8938889
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0033861 D. J. Rosen 4164 2006-05-21
United States, Louisiana, Vermilion, White Lake Wetland Conservation Area
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0426269 R. Dale Thomas 130060 1992-06-26
United States, Louisiana, Allen
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00003064 Clair A. Brown 17825 1963-07-13
United States, Louisiana, Allen, East of Kinder, La.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00003068 Clair A. Brown 17793 1963-07-13
United States, Louisiana, Beauregard, DeQuincy; Near De Quincy.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00003149 Paul M. McKenzie 493 1986-09-26
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson, Ditch and adjacent woods edge along US Rt. 190 ca. 0.7 mile east of jct. of La. Rt. 99.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00055414 D. E. Ellis 66 1933-05-17
United States, Louisiana, Acadia, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Rice Research Station; Drainage ditch, Rice Exp. Sta, Crowley.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00129500 Christopher Reid 7308 2009-11-05
United States, Louisiana, Vermilion, White Lake Preserve; White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area, Deer Ridge, W of Stanolind Canal ca 1.2 mi SW of White Lake Lodge, ca 2.5 air mi SW of jct. of Florence Canal and Intracoastal Waterway, ca 3.2 air mi SW of terminus of LA 91, 29.8872222 -92.5602778
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00132825 Christopher Reid 7059 2009-06-01
United States, Louisiana, Vermilion, White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area, W of Stanolind Canal ca 1.2 mi SW of White Lake Lodge, ca 2.5 air mi SW of jct. of Florence Canal and Intracoastal Waterway, ca 3.2 air mi SW of terminus of LA 91., 29.8852778 -92.5477778
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00216693 Brian S. Early 1467 2018-10-04
United States, Louisiana, Vermilion, Whitelake Wetlands Conservation Area, Deer Ridge, Coastal Prairie Study Plot D, 29.8919033 -92.53188022
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00198180 Richard Carter 17998 2007-08-16
United States, Georgia, Miller, 31.18405 -84.56382
IBE000984 Richard Carter 8085 1989-08-08
United States, Florida, Escambia
IBE000985 John R. MacDonald 7997 1997-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson
IBE000986 Charles T. Bryson 14544 1994-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson
MISS0009074 Charles T. Bryson & J. R. MacDonald 14544 1994-10-16
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, W of Hwy MS 63 btwn Frederick St & Dr. Martin Luther King Dr, 0.5 mi S of Escatawpa River Bridge.
MISS0009075 J. R. MacDonald & C. T. Bryson 7997 1997-10-16
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, Ditch along West side of state Hwy 63, btwn Frederick St. & Dr. Martin Luther King Drive; 0.5 mi S of Escatawpa River Bridge.
MISS0009076 J. R. MacDonald with R. Warren & S. Leonard 13422 1999-08-20
USA, Mississippi, Stone, Median of Hwy 49 at 2.7 mi S of jct w/ hwy 26 in Wiggins.
USMS_000001058 MacDonald, John 13422 1999-08-20
United States, Mississippi, Stone, Median of Hwy 49 at 2.7 mi S of jct w/ hwy 26 in Wiggins., 30.819051 -89.136444
USMS_000001059 Charles T. Bryson & J. R. MacDonald 14544 1994-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, W of Hwy MS 63 btwn Frederick St & Dr. Martin Luther King Dr, 0.5 mi S of Escatawpa River Bridge., 30.400441 -88.525634
USMS_000001060 John R. MacDonald 7997 1997-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, Ditch along W side of State Hwy. 63, between Frederick St & Dr. Martin Luther King Drive; 0.5 mi. S of Escatawpa River Bridge, 30.400615 -88.525602
MMNS024374 John R. MacDonald 7997 1997-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, Ditch along W side of State Hwy. 63, between Frederick St & Dr. Martin Luther King Drive; 0.5 mi. S of Escatawpa River Bridge, 30.4008 -88.5096
United States, Georgia, Dougherty
MMNS076840 Richard Carter 14055 1997-05-23
United States, Georgia, Pierce, SW Blackshear, 2.67 miles NE Satilla River bridge, along N side Hwy US 84., 31.26493 -82.28959, 43m
United States, Georgia, Mitchell
United States, Mississippi, Jackson
MMNS076805 Richard Carter 14024 1997-05-17
United States, Georgia, Pierce, 2.67 miles NE Satilla River bridge, SW of Blackshear, along N side of Hwy US 84; flatwoods, dicth; elev. 143 ft; plants locally common, 31.26473 -82.28982
MMNS077216 Richard Carter 15152 2003-10-03
United States, Georgia, Ware, S side Waycross, near jct. Hwy US 1 and Aaron St, along W side of Hwy US 1., 31.19048 -82.31663
Elsa Matilde Zardini & Tulio Tilleria 35625 1993-05-19
Paraguay, Central. Estero del Ypoá. Villeta-Puerto Guyratí, between 11.5 kilometer south of Villeta and Puerto Guyratí. Missorui Botanical Garden (MO). Jardin Botanico De Asuncion (AS).
262430 Richard Carter 15372 2004-06-18
United States of America, Georgia, Mitchell, ca. 1.0 mi S Camilla, along E side Hwy US 19 at jct. Hwy US 19 and Molasses Rd.
7300 Charles T. Bryson, John MacDonald 14544 1994-10-16
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Moss Point, w. of MS-63 between Fredrick St. & Dr. Martin Luther King Dr, 0.5 mi. s. of Escatawpa River Bridge. Open area in wet ditch, mucky clay soil.
UVMVT299549 C.T. Bryson 16497
United States, Mississippi
GA275170 Richard Carter 16802 2006-06-09
U.S.A., Georgia, Camden, ca. 1.2 airmiles E Rains Landing, USGS Burnt Fort Quad, 3R Fishcamp Rd, 0.75 mi W jct 3R Fishcamp Rd and Old Post Rd, 30.9996 -81.8857
GA275191 Richard Carter 16842 2006-06-14
U.S.A., Georgia, Thomas, Thomasville, 0.4 mi W of jct. Hwy US 19 and E Remington Ave, S side of Remington Ave, 30.850367 -83.95255
GA013455 Carter, R 12532 1995-07-22
United States, Georgia, Brooks County, Brooks County, GA
GA275608 Richard Carter 17998 2007-08-16
U.S.A., Georgia, Miller, 16.6 mi W Newton jct. Hwy GA 91 and GA 37, 0.4 mi E jct. Kimbrel Rd and Hwy GA 91, along N side Hwy GA 91, 1.5 mi W Baker-Miller county line, 31.18405 -84.5638167
United States, Florida, Jackson County, Jackson County, FL