ASU0122735 L.C. Higgins 6769 1973-05-18
USA, Texas, Brewster, 30 mi N of Terlingua on hwy 67-118
BAYLU021685 W.C. Holmes 11612 2001-06-09
United States, Texas, Presidio, Big Bend Ranch State Park; 0.5 miles NW of Solitario Peak; Limestone ridge along fence., 29.47175 -103.84498
BRIT255002 Barton H. Warnock 370 1985-03-25
United States, Texas, Presidio, Big Bend Ranch, from the Los Alamos House Pasture.
BRIT255001 C. H. Muller 5197a 1944-05-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Between Santiago Peak and Nine Points Mesa (about 5 miles n.w. of Nine Points Mesa).
BRIT255000 C. H. Muller 5197b 1944-05-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Between Santiago Peak and Nine Points Mesa (about 5 miles n.w. of Nine Points Mesa).
CAN 169575 Havard, Valery 1883-09-00
United States, Texas (State), Western Texas: foothills of Bofecillos Mountain
00036548 V. Havard 113 1883-09-00
United States of America, Texas, Foothills of the Bofecillos Mountains
01966856 [data not captured]
United States of America, Texas, Brewster County, [data not captured]
01966857 [data not captured]
United States of America, Texas, Brewster County, [data not captured]
01966858 [data not captured]
United States of America, Texas, Presidio County, [data not captured]
LL00295481 Donovan S. Correll|Reed C. Rollins 23642 1961-04-18
United States, Texas, Brewster, Along road to Agua Frio, white chippy hills, about 6 miles west of Alpine-Terlingua road., 29.472506 -103.696822
LL00295484 Cornelius H. Muller 5197b 1944-05-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Between Santiago Peak and Nine Points Mesa (about 5 miles n.w. of Nine Points Mesa).
LL00295485 Cornelius H. Muller 5197a 1944-05-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Between Santiago Peak and Nine Points Mesa (about 5 miles n.w. of Nine Points Mesa).
44659 L.C. Higgins 6769 1973-05-18
United States, Texas, Brewster, 30 miles north of Terlingua on hwy 67-118
03142000 L. C. Higgins 6769 1976-05-18
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., 30 miles north of Terlingua on hwy 67-118, 29.757163 -103.616019
3142001 C. H. Müller 5197b 1944-05-07
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., between Santiago Peak and Nine Points Mesa (about 5 miles n.w. of Nine Points Mesa), 29.707627 -103.157322
OKLA020037394 D. S. Correll & R. C. Rollins 23642 1961-04-18
United States, Texas, Brewster, Along road to Agua Frio, about 6 miles west of Alpine-Terlingua Road
00000663 A. M. Powell 7189 2015-04-04
USA, Texas, Brewster, Ca. 45-50 mi S of Alpine, E of Hwy 118, 02 Ranch
00001212 Chris Jackson 827 2015-06-30
USA, Texas, Brewster, Ca. 64 km S of Alpine, ca. 3.5 km E of TX 118, O2 Ranch., 1158m
00001399 Patricia Manning 7013 2015-10-01
USA, Texas, Presidio, Dalquest Research Site. East of Tascatol Mesa, S of Bandera Mesa. On gravelly low hills (actually a terrace) to the SW of Research facility., 29.563433 -103.8071, 1299m
00007802 Andrea Ohl 212 2018-03-19
USA, Texas, Brewster, South County, just W of the Corazones Peaks, N of the Christmas Mts, igneous mt. locally known as "Turtle Mt.", 29.502385 -103.464479
USA, Texas, Brewster
00025109 J.J. Clark 1066 1985-05-26
USA, Texas, Presidio, NW slope; Solitario.
00025110 A.M. Powell 4377 1984-06-30
USA, Texas, Presidio, In the Solitario near Solitario Peak.
00025111 Jean E. Hardy 665 1994-10-22
USA, Texas, Presidio, The Solitario., 29.472333 -103.834833, 1372m
00025112 Patricia Manning 5099 2010-04-22
USA, Texas, Brewster, O2 Ranch, ca. 60 mi. S of Alpine on US Hwy 118, and ca. 4 mi. W of S gate. "Lower Hill Valley" population., 1047m
00025113 B.L. Turner 21-105 2001-03-23
USA, Texas, Brewster, Ca. 0.4 mi S of Turners Valentine Section, ca. 58 mi S of Alpine along hwy 118., 29.533333 -103.566667, 1015m
00025114 Patricia Manning 3746 2007-04-05
USA, Texas, Brewster, Ohl property, NW part of Christmas Mtns.
00025115 B.L. Turner 24-338B 2004-08-09
USA, Texas, Brewster, Turner's Valentine Section, ca. 54 airline miles S of Alpine.
00025116 B.L. Turner 23-257 2003-09-10
USA, Texas, Brewster, 52.1 miles south of Alpine (Railroad tracks) along highway 118, then 5.8 miles west along dirt road to and beyond Cowboy Mines., 29.65 -103.7
00025117 A.M. Powell 5028 1985-03-31
USA, Texas, Brewster, Ca. 2 m W of hwy 118, on old Terlingua Road, ca. 72 mi S of Alpine
00025118 A.M. Powell 5033 1985-03-31
USA, Texas, Brewster, 47 mi S of Alpine along hwy 118.
00025119 B.H. Warnock 17802 1959-05-27
USA, Texas, Brewster, 45 miles south of Alpine, near Buchill Mountain., 1158m
00025120 A.M. Powell 5032 1985-03-31
USA, Texas, Brewster, Ca. 0.5 mi W of Hen Egg Mt.
00025121 A.M. Powell 5009 1985-03-16
USA, Texas, Brewster, 5.8 mi. W of hwy. 118 toward Agua Fria.
00025122 A.M. Powell 5004 1985-03-09
USA, Texas, Brewster, Hills between Lajitas and Fresno Mine; 5.3 mi N of Lajitas.
00025123 Roy Morey s.n. 2010-04-19
USA, Texas, Brewster, Agua Fria Road, south of Taurus Mesa turnoff., 29.572983 -103.614411, 986m
00025124 Roy Morey s.n. 2010-03-23
USA, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend Ranch State Park, off east Contrabando Road., 29.318966 -103.810861, 895m
00025125 B.H. Warnock 6304 1947-07-05
USA, Texas, Culberson, Cherry canyon; 5 miles east of Pine Springs station; Guadalupe Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains National Park., 1554m
00025126 R.D. Worthington 23297 1994-08-17
USA, Texas, Culberson, Delaware Mts, generally 6-7 air mi SE jct US Hwy. 62-180 with Texas Hwy. 54., 31.707778 -104.780556, 1524m
00025127 Rogers McVaugh 7339 1945-07-08
USA, Texas, Hudspeth, Head of canyon above fluorite mine, Eagle Mts., 1829m
00025128 B.H. Warnock 9563 1950-08-31
USA, Texas, Culberson, On Pratt ranch; Guadalupe Mountains. Guadalupe Mountains National Park., 1219m
00025129 Patricia Manning 5030 2008-11-04
USA, Texas, Culberson, Hwy 652 approx 11.5 mi west of Orla.
C. W. Morden 379 1981-04-30
United States, Texas, Brewster
H. B. Parks 18554 1936-04-13
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis
H. B. Parks 18552 1936-04-13
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis
TEX00197411 Jean E. Hardy 665 1994-10-22
United States, Texas, Brewster, The Solitario., 29.47233 -103.83483
TEX00295477 J. J. Clark 1066 1985-05-26
United States, Texas, Presidio, Along minor wash, NW slope (of NW limestone ridges, N rim); Solitario.
TEX00295478 Jackie M. Poole 2645 1985-04-11
United States, Texas, Brewster, 61.5 mi. S of the jct. of Hwys. 67/90 and 118 in Alpine, then 6.0 mi. WSW on dirt road to Agua Fria Ranch. Bentonite clay hills and bed of Alamo de Cesario Creek, split of road to Agua Fria Ranch and road to Study Butte.
TEX00295479 Albert Michael Powell|Shirley A. Powell 5004 1985-03-09
United States, Texas, Brewster, Clay hills between Lajitas and Fresno Mine, 5.3 mi. N of Lajitas.
TEX00295480 Albert Michael Powell|Shirley A. Powell 5033 1985-03-31
United States, Texas, Brewster, 47 mi. S of Alpine along hwy. 118.
TEX00295482 Jackie M. Poole 2642 1985-04-11
United States, Texas, Brewster, 61.5 mi. S of the jct. of Hwys. 67/90 and 118 in Alpine, then 4.6 mi. WSW on dirt road to Agua Fria Ranch.
TEX00295483 Albert Michael Powell|Shirley A. Powell 5009 1985-03-16
United States, Texas, Brewster, 5.8 mi. W of hwy. 118 toward Agua Fria.
TEX00305124 Billie Lee Turner 21-410 2001-05-03
United States, Texas, Brewster, Turner's Valentine Section, ca. 60 miles south of Alpine.
TEX00329951 Billie Lee Turner|Matt W. Turner 21-910 2001-09-02
United States, Texas, Brewster, Turner's Valentine Section, ca 55 airline miles south of Alpine (ca. 0.7 mi. west along Agua Frio Rd. from highway 118)., 29.58333 -103.56667
TEX00377115 Barton H. Warnock 370 1985-03-25
United States, Texas, Presidio, An interesting shrubby plant from the Los Alamos House Pasture, appears to be a first collection from the Solitario.
TEX00377116 Jackie M. Poole 2644 1985-04-11
United States, Texas, Brewster, 61.5 S of the jct. of Hwys 67/90 and 118 in Alpine, then 6.0 mi WSW on dirt road to Agua Fria Ranch. Split of road to Agua Fria Ranch and road to Study Butte.
TEX00467476 Billie Lee Turner 21-105 2001-03-23
United States, Texas, Brewster, Ca. 0.4 mi S of Turners Valentine Section, ca. 58 mi S of Alpine along hwy 118., 29.53333 -103.56667
UTEP:Herb:7604 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 1972-08-31
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana County, S of Anapra along U.S.-Mexico Boundary, edge of La Mesa surface, 31.7833333333 -106.5833333333, 1250 - 1250m