PH00791813 L.J.K. Brace 4916
Bahamas, Mangrove Cay, Mangrove Cay, Andros
BRIT56455 A. K. Neill 3733 2013-03-02
Jamaica, Middlesex, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Salt Island Lagoon, Jamaica Gun Club property access trail along southern border of lagoon., 17.8957 -76.9948, 11m
PBRU00063693 C. Wright 1999 1860-00-00
DES00086294 Lucas C. Majure 6521 2016-11-14
Dominican Republic, Azua, Sierra Martín García, entrada a calle viejo al sur de la Carretera 44 ca. 12 km al este de Las Minas y luego siguíendo la calle por ca 8 km al suroeste justo antes de llegar a lugar denominado "Cuba" -que forma parte de la Reserva Forestal Barrera, 18.420188 -70.977029, 296m
DES00099263 Lucas C. Majure 6626 2016-11-16
Dominican Republic, Pedernales, Parque Nacional Jaragua, al suroeste de Manuel Goya y Carretera 44, Lugar denominado "Los Sisales", ca. 14.6 km al oeste de Oviedo, 17.86272 -71.51618, 245m
22055 D. S. Correll 42495 1974-06-28
Bahamas, Exuma, Great Exuma: in open area and flat between coppice-covered hills south of George Town, 23.5748 -75.8897
23121 D. S. Correll 43494 1974-09-24
Bahamas, Fresh Creek, South ASndros: coppice covered pitted rock flats just north of Smith's Hill
23124 D. S. Correll 43560 1974-09-25
Bahamas, Fresh Creek, South Andros: in coppice near Las Palmas Hotel, Drigg's Hill., 24.4333 -77.95
23618 D. S. Correll 44115 1975-01-11
Bahamas, Exuma, Great Exuma: sterile intricate shrub . in low'coppice near Rolleville®, 23.6733 -75.9848
25021 D. S. Correll 44970 1975-03-12
Bahamas, Long Island, Great Abaco: edge of swale along road to Hole-in-the-walLong Island: on high rocky open-forested hills northeast of Mortimers, 22.9062 -74.8743
27209 D. S. Correll 46215 1975-11-22
Bahamas, Cat Island, Cat Island: on north edge of Port Howe., 24.45 -75.5
30838 D. S. Correll, H.B. Correll 48146 1977-03-13
Bahamas, Exuma, Great Exuma: in coppice just west of Goat Cay about 2 miles west of George Town., 23.5748 -75.8897
34203 D. S. Correll, Reuben Sauleda 50044 1978-07-23
Bahamas, Fresh Creek, Mangrove Cay in coppice near Victoria Point, 26.6743 -77.2667
21429 D. S. Correll 42460 1974-06-26
Bahamas, Exuma, Great Exuma: in coppice near George Town airport., 23.5748 -75.8897
21441 D. S. Correll, H. B. Correll 42392 1974-06-24
Bahamas, Exuma, Great Exuma : open coppice about 4 miles northeast of George Town along Queen's Highway., 23.5748 -75.8897
24108 D. S. Correll 44101 1975-01-11
Bahamas, Exuma, Great Exuma: on coppice-covered hill just northeast of Steventon., 23.6427 -75.9448
H. Wydler 1827-00-00
U.S. Virgin Islands
00048009 C. Wright 1999 1860-07-27
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0075457 R. Howard 368 1950-07-01
LL00538619 D. S. Correll 42495 1974-06-28
Bahamas, Exuma, South of George Town., 23.5748 -75.8897
LL00538620 D. S. Correll 43560 1974-09-25
Bahamas, South Andros, Near Las Palmas Hotel, Drigg's Hill., 24.4333 -77.95
LL00538621 E. L. Ekman 4032 1925-05-16
Haiti, Presquile du Nord-Ouest, Port-de-Paix, M. Palmiste.
LL00538622 R. Howard|W. Briggs|P. Kamb|I. Lane|R. Ritland 368 1950-07-01
Cuba, Villa Clara, 1/4 mile west of Rio San Juan crossing.
LL00538623 D. S. Correll 42495 1974-06-28
Bahamas, Exuma, South of George Town., 23.5748 -75.8897
LL00538624 George R. Proctor 32939 1972-10-11
Jamaica, Manchester, Along coastal road between Gut River & lower end of Sixteen Mile Gully. Nr. sea-level.
LL00538625 D. S. Correll|H.B. Correll 48146 1977-03-13
Bahamas, Exuma, Just west of Goat Cay, about 2 miles west of George Town.
LL00538626 E. L. Ekman 17298 1923-08-27
Cuba, Pimar del Rio: Rio Blanco, edge of manglares.
233567 J. Richard Abbott 24273 2008-03-15
United States of America, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Miami, Coral Gables, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road.
270308 Lucas C. Majure 6377 2016-11-11
Dominican Republic, Barahona, Sierra Martín García, ca. 0.6 km al noreste del Cruce de Vincente Noble, al noreste ca. 8.5 km de la Carretera 44, a lo largo de un arroyo seco, 18.397475 -71.077214
270309 Lucas C. Majure 6626 2016-11-16
Dominican Republic, Pedernales, Parque Nacional Jaragua, al suroeste de Manuel Goya y Carretera 44, Lugar denominado "Los Sisales", ca. 14.6 km al oeste de Oviedo, 17.86272 -71.51618
270316 Lucas C. Majure 6521 2016-11-14
Dominican Republic, Azua, Sierra Martín García, entrada a calle vieja al sur de la Carretera 44 ca. 12 km al este de Las Minas y luego siguiendo la calle por ca. 8 km al suroeste justo antes de llegar al lugar denominado "Cuba"-que forma parte de la Reserva Forestal Barrera, 18.420188 -70.977029
1163524 R. Howard 12503 1950-08-07
Dominican Republic, Contact UM Herbarium
1163525 E. L. Ekman 8725 1917-11-08
Cuba, Contact UM Herbarium
1163526 R. Howard & W. Briggs 368 1950-07-01
Cuba, Contact UM Herbarium
1163527 E. L. Ekman 13706 1922-04-05
Cuba, Contact UM Herbarium
1163528 E. L. Ekman 3437 1914-11-14
Cuba, Contact UM Herbarium
184427 A. H. Liogier 14941 1969-04-24
Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Prov., km 70 on road from Santo Domingo City to Barhona., 18.5104 -69.8404, 150m