LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0105011 T. F. Dowling 384 1981-04-17
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0105012 Glen N. Montz 7887 1995-07-27
United States, Louisiana, Terrebonne
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0105042 Fay A. MacFadden 2965 1931-05-00
United States, California, San Diego
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0105043 Delzie Demaree 48420 1963-07-13
United States, Texas, Terrell
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0105044 Delzie Demaree 48484 1963-07-17
United States, Texas, Terrell
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0105045 Delzie Demaree 58855 1968-08-15
United States, Texas, Terrell
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0105046 Delzie Demaree 48446 1963-07-16
United States, Texas, Terrell
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00125213 Stephanie M. Gunn-Zumo CH-131 2006-05-22
United States, Louisiana, Saint Bernard, Gravel road leading from touring road within disturbed woods along northern end of Unit. Jean Lafitte National Park and Preserve, Chalmette Battlefield Unit., 29.9446 -89.9897
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00125299 Stephanie M. Gunn-Zumo CH-162 2006-08-03
United States, Louisiana, Saint Bernard, Jean Lafitte National Park and Preserve, Chalmette Battlefield Unit; Mowed lawn surrounding monument at south end of Chalmette National Cemetary., 29.942 -89.99
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0310635 R. Dale Thomas 58628 1978-05-31
United States, Louisiana, Morehouse
LL00019405 Jackie M. Smith|Mary L. Butterwick 164 1974-07-09
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Devil's River Nat'l Area; ca. 0.5 mi. NW up Devil's R. & Dolan Cr.
LL00019406 Victor L. Cory 54303 1948-04-11
United States, Texas, Menard, Hwy crossing of San Saba R. at Menard., 30.919147 -99.784828
LL00019408 Donovan S. Correll 31515 1965-09-06
United States, Texas, Kimble, Along Llano R. at Junction., 30.498562 -99.766013
LL00019411 Donovan S. Correll 14907 1952-10-06
United States, Texas, Kinney, Near Rio Grande.
LL00019412 Donovan S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston 18185 1957-07-18
United States, Texas, Uvalde, At Blewett.
LL00019413 Donovan S. Correll|E. C. Ogden|H. K. Svenson 28191 1963-07-03
United States, Texas, Medina, Along Hondo Cr, 8 mi. E of Hondo.
LL00019414 Carleton R. Ball 956 1906-08-23
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio.
LL00019415 Donovan S. Correll|Reed C. Rollins|Kenton L. Chambers 16007 1957-04-18
United States, Texas, Maverick, 8 mi. N of Quemado.
LL00019418 Adela Barrera|Yolanda Laurel 62 1964-03-14
United States, Texas, Webb, Lake Casa Blanca, 6 mi. E of Laredo.
LL00019419 Frances W. Pennell 10324 1920-05-07
United States, Texas, Nueces, Corpus Christi., 27.8006 -97.3964
LL00019422 Donovan S. Correll 36758 1969-02-09
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Ca. 3 mi. S of San Juan., 26.15028 -98.15306
LL00019432 Donovan S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston 17557 1957-07-07
United States, Texas, Aransas, Fulton Beach., 28.108391 -97.02372
LL00019436 Donovan S. Correll|John R. Crutchfield 31002 1965-05-10
United States, Texas, Jefferson, "The Jetty" just S of Sabine., 29.706077 -93.893357
LL00389522 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1936-04-26
United States, Texas, Travis, Colorado River, Deep Eddy.
LL00389532 Cyrus Longworth Lundell|Amelia A. Lundell 9920 1941-04-03
United States, Texas, Starr, 9 miles NE of Rio Grande City.
LL00389533 Donovan S. Correll 32298 1966-03-17
United States, Texas, Starr, El Sauz, along Arroyo Los Olmos.
LL00389547 Donovan S. Correll|Reed C. Rollins|Kenton L. Chambers 16008 1957-04-18
United States, Texas, Maverick, Along river 8 miles N of Quemado.
LL00389549 J. O. Parks|Barton H. Warnock|Billie Lee Turner 266 1949-04-10
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Banks of Rio Grande Mile Canyon, Langtry.
LL00389556 Donovan S. Correll|Reed C. Rollins 23710 1961-04-21
United States, Texas, Presidio, Fresno Canyon, about 2 miles above Fresno Mts.
LL00389563 Donovan S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston 19384 1958-07-07
United States, Texas, Terrell, Losier Canyon, 23 miles SE of Dryden, route #90.
LL00226124 Lowell E. Urbatsch|Ronald L. Hartman|Ray E. Umber|Jo Umber 1194 1973-04-12
Mexico, Baja California Sur, 9.4 mi S of Comondu, 22.97 -109.93
LL00226127 Tom L. Wendt|Emily J. Lott 748 1975-03-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, W part of Mina Cerro Verde (Mina Cerro Azul), ca 0.25 mi pW of main operation, along Arroyo La Cristina, N of W Sa Chorreras, 28.9 -105.23333
LL00226129 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 11369-A 1973-06-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Río Conchos, ca 20 KM downstream (N) from Julimes, across from Rancho Monte Seco, 28.6 -105.4
LL00226131 Donald J. Pinkava|J. LaBounty|Elinor Lehto 5938 1969-04-04
Mexico, Coahuila, 2.4 mi N of Cuatro Ciénegas, along Río Cañon, Cañon de Agua, 26.34 -101.37
LL00226133 Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.|Marshall C. Johnston 10145 1973-03-13
Mexico, Coahuila, About 2 Km SE of Estación Hermanas, 27.2 -101.23333
LL00226134 Bruce F. Hansen|JoAnn Hansen|Theodore S. Cochrane|Barbara A. Cochrane|C. Sue Keller 3866 1976-03-27
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Méx Hwy 85, 2 mi (byrd) S of Sabinas Hidalgo, 86 Km (by air) NNE of Monterrey, 26.46667 -100.13333
LL00226135 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 10508 1973-03-30
Mexico, Ca 6 Km airline W of Saltillo E extremity of Sa de al Vega Arroyo at low point of rd to Estación Microondas "La Vega", 25.44444 -101.08333
UNCC_36114 Thomas, R. 1974-05-18
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, unspecified
000278191 Boone, D. s.n. 2015-10-20
United States, Ohio, Hamilton County, Mud flat of Great Miami River, Shawnee Lookout., 39.128926 -84.801635
000299870 Boone, D. s.n. 2018-06-30
United States, Ohio, Greene County, Ramp off Interstate 675 southbound to Dayton Yellow Springs Road, gravelly edge of road, 39.780831 -84.007665
000299872 Boone, D. s.n. 2018-05-28
United States, Ohio, Hamilton County, Miami Township Community Park, sandy, rocky and muddy flats of Great Miami River, 39.176076 -84.752501
B17180 R. W. Summers 1885-09-02
United States, California, San Luis Obispo
B99087 Hugh Cutler 730 1937-03-04
United States, Texas, Brewster
MMNS023058 H.M. Sullivan 04-532 2004-04-30
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Grand Bay NERR. Bayou Heron boat launch. Plants scattered in parking area., 30.41306 -88.4039
MMNS023979 H.M. Sullivan 05-969 2005-05-12
United States, Mississippi, Hancock, End of Beach Blvd. In oyster debris piles at harbor., 30.239 -89.4248
MMNS037688 Charles T. Bryson 24739 2015-08-31
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Pascagoula, E of Industrial Road., 30.364108 -88.495642
100331891 Delzie Demaree 66213A 1973-04-16
United States, Texas, Terrell, P.O. Dryden. Rocky poor areas. Independence Creek near Pecos River., 518m
100887118 Jon Ricketson 4196 1986-03-31
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, 1.6 miles N of AZ-69 (Old Black Canyon Hwy.) along Maggie Mine Road, W side of road in an arroyo. Black Canyon City Quad. R2E T9N Sec. 22., 640m
100868532 Jon Ricketson 1026 1984-03-26
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, 1.4 miles W of I-17 along Bumble Bee Road, area around stream. Bumble Bee Quad. R2E, T9N, S4., 792m
101022099 Clyde F. Reed s.n.8580 1979-06-13
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Port Freeport. Marshes along Brazos River.
100972557 George Yatskievych 16-079 2016-04-02
United States, Texas, Blanco, Pedernales Falls State Park, ca. 32 miles W of Austin on State Highway 290, then 6 miles N on Road FM3232, ca. 9 airmiles E of Johnson City. End of service road running N and E from road to Scout Camp to river., 30.3262 -98.2465, 248m
MUR14109 Charles Kupchella 83 1962-09-23
UNITED STATES, Pennsylvania, Cambria, 3 m S of Nanty-Glo, 40.428742 -78.83361
B.16162 White, Larry 1962-07-21
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 2 mi. NW of Prescott, 34.560514 -112.492687
B.21239 Theroux, Michael 7 1972-06-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Indian Grotto, 7.2 mi SE of Camp Verde, 34.493112 -111.773876
B.39174 Stevens, L.E. s.n. 2006-08-24
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Hualapai Indian Reservation, Upper Milkweed Spring, 35.618447 -113.706328, 1500 - 1700m
B.43193 Phillips, Barbara G. 244 1971-03-07
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Sewage outlet near Cortaro Road, west of I-10, 32.356185 -111.088434
NHI008479 G. L. Bradley 1976-06-23
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 825 Dameron Dr., 1615m
NHI008480 DJM 2258 1980-09-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 3 mi SW of Forest Rd #95 along Graver wash, 1676m
NHI008481 DJM 1614 1980-07-02
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Material Pit, Two Rock Mt, ca 5 mi. W of Prescott, 1676m
NHI008483 DJM 1849 1980-07-24
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Minnehaha Flats, near Pine Creek, 34.192397 -112.406776, 1573m
NHI005092 DJM 1686 1980-07-04
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Hwy 93 and santa Maria River Road, 34.369318 -113.184424, 549m
NHI008476 Marc A. Baker 10966 1993-07-07
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, NW of Prescott, 2.5k southwest of Johnson Peak, 1.5k north of Pole Spring, 20m south of FS road 21, 200m west of FS road 666, 34.8096 -112.778, 1487m
NHI008475 Marc A. Baker 11848 1995-05-24
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Clarkdale SE Quadrangle; NNW of Clarkdale, south of Packard Mesa, 1.7k northeast of McDaniel Tank; along Verde River, edge of flood plain, 34.8603 -112.096, 1094m
NHI008482 R. Hurd 1974-07-26
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 2935 Darca Drive, 1372m
NHI008477 E. Mohr 1995-06-13
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Cienaga Creek near confluence with Johnson Wash, Prescott National Forest, 34.497527 -112.033489, 1295m
NHI008473 G. Rink 1883 2003-05-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Verde River, ½ mile upstream of Verde Falls, 34.462831 -111.783243, 884m
NAVA00010226 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, Utah, San Juan, detailed locality information protected
76460 Heep sn 1938-05-06
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, River W of Mesilla, 1182m
23601 E.O. Wooton sn 1906-07-04
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Mesilla Valley; on College farm.
23603 E.O. Wooton and P.C. Standley 3235 1907-07-21
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Mesilla Valley, 1173m
23604 E.O. Wooton sn 1894-10-00
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Mesilla Valley: West of Mesilla.
58741 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Mahrt 10162 1990-04-27
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, ca. 25 air km NE of Las Cruces, White Sands Missile Range headquarters area, Watertown Ave., 1290m
42071 Anonymous sn 1949-06-03
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. San Antonio
70836 W.F. Mahler and J.W. Thieret 5839 1970-04-07
Mexico, Zacatecas, Mexico, 2 mi. N of Santa Rosa (ca. 42 mi. SW of Jalpa) on Hwy. 41.
23602 W.H. Evans sn 1891-07-10
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson
78866 A.L. Reina G., T.R. Van Devender, M. Kaib 97-73 1997-02-18
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Soyopa. Arroyo Los Garambullos, 0.5 km southeast of Río Yaqui bridge on MEX 16, 3.3 km south, 1.5 km east of Tónichi, 28.5694 -109.55, 180m
26564 White, John s.n. 2005-06-05
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Las Cruces, NMSU Fabian Garcia farm, growing in onions, 1200m
11030 Cox, M. s.n. 1992-06-16
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Brought in by Mrs. Marcene Cox from husband's farm near Anthony, 1189m
1551694 D. Jenke 173 2007-09-18
United States of America, Arizona, Maricopa Co., By a canal that into a lake., 33.3835 -112.233, 296m
1455637 S. L. Welsh 23616 1985-07-08
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Lytle Ranch, Beaverdam Wash [Beaver Dam Wash]., 37.1493 -114.0387, 2820m
1455509 C. C. Freeman 15345 2000-06-26
United States of America, Colorado, Bent Co., 12 mi N. Adobe Creek Reservoir State Wildlife Area, SE side., 38.2556 -103.2367, 1262m
1455595 D. S. Correll 22048 1966-06-16
United States of America, New Mexico, Sierra Co., in Rio Grande about 2 miles w of Elephant Butte, 33.149454 -107.219138
1455544 F. W. Gould 4328 1947-04-12
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., along Big Sandy River at Signal, 34.473683 -113.622983, 427m
1455608 E. J. Palmer 34037 1928-05-21
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., banks, about spring, Garden Spring, 20 mls. s. of Marathon, 29.914823 -103.244621
1455633 K. K. Mackenzie 84 1899-08-00
United States of America, Texas, Webb Co., near Laredo. along Rio Grande, 27.568935 -99.511115
1455615 V. L. Cory 7603 1933-11-22
United States of America, Texas, Edwards Co., S. Llano River, 30.242201 -100.123468
1455630 B. C. Tharp s.n. 1921-05-28
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., beds of Col. Riv., 30.279514 -97.777758
1455617 E. U. Clover 595 1933-03-06
United States of America, Texas, Hidalgo Co., Chihuahua, 26.225073 -98.413629
1455586 A. Brown 1879-08-25
United States of America, New York, Queens Co., Hunter's Point, 40.739269 -73.962361
1455609 T. L. Steiger 1110 1934-08-00
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., Haley Ranch 15 mi. so. of Alpine, 30.140738 -103.661012, 1524m
1455519 L. A. McGill L20786 1976-09-19
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Coconino National Forest. Verde River, ca. 0.5 mi SE of Bridge on road to Tuzigoot Natl. Monument.
1455517 L. C. Higgins 20987 2000-03-19
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Grand Wash Bay, 36.2579 -113.9954, 650m
1455610 T. L. Steiger 1822 1932-04-00
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., 29.81195 -103.251756, 914m
1455588 A. Brown s.n. 1879-08-24
United States of America, New York, Queens Co., Hunter's point, 40.739269 -73.962361
1455618 D. S. Correll 31002 1965-05-10
United States of America, Texas, Jefferson Co., "The Jetty" just s. of Sabine, 29.706077 -93.893357
1455619 F. W. Pennell 10324 1920-05-07
United States of America, Texas, Nueces Co., 27.800583 -97.396381
1455533 B. Maguire 11785 1935-06-05
United States of America, Arizona, Greenlee Co., 10 miles southeast of Clifton, sandy banks of Gila River, 1097m
1455635 N. D. Atwood 21570 1996-09-27
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Lytle Preserve, Beaver Dam Wash, Scarecrow Peak Quad. Wet stream margin.
1455632 Collector unknown 2151475 1828-02-00
United States of America, Texas, Webb Co., 27.506407 -99.507542