Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Carex xalapensis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-96 of 96

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006191A. Ventura A.   41161982-09-18
Mexico, Mexico, Mpio. de Villa Nicolás Romero. Cahuacán., 19.639167 -99.416111

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ASU0006190S. Gonzalez   11381979-10-14
Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico S. Gonzalez 1138, 3100m

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00055952A. Mendoza   25371986-07-11
Mexico, Oaxaca, La Cañada obscura, 9 Km al NE de Tejupan, 17.70448 -97.51373, 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00126242C.M. Roll   MX0722018-08-08
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho San Antonio, 4.2 km (by air) NNW of Mesa Tres Ríos, Sierra Madre Occidental., 29.87664 -108.72087, 1577m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
02332958E. P. Bicknell   33581897-05-30
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Pike Co., Bushkill. [Inferred county from precise loc.], 41.093429 -75.00184

Image Associated With the Occurence
02332956E. P. Bicknell   33591897-06-27
United States of America, New York, Westchester Co., Bronxville Road woods, 40.93121 -73.898747

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02332957E. P. Bicknell   33601907-07-11
United States of America, New York, Nassau Co., Long Island, 40.799823 -73.650962

General Research Observations

C.J.Rothfels   30432009-08-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Municipio Zimapán, Hwy 85 to Jacala, near the km156 marker, approx. 1-2km south of Durango., 20.89018 -99.23656, 2144m

C.M. Roll   MX0722018-08-08
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho San Antonio, 4.2 km (by air) NNW of Mesa Tres Ríos, Sierra Madre Occidental., 29.87664 -108.72087, 1577m

C.M. Roll   MX0722018-08-09
Mexico, Sonora, Nácori Chico, Rancho San Antonio, 4.2 km NNW of Mesa Tres Rios, Sierra Madre Occidental., 29.87664 -108.72087, 1577m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. A. Steyermark   481311942-07-04
Guatemala, Guatemala

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G. R. Proctor   250791964-06-25
Guatemala, Guatemala

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M. H. Nee   224401938-08-11
Mexico, Nuevo León, Nuevo León, 25.6667 -100

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C. G. Pringle   89301904-08-21
Mexico, Hidalgo, Hidalgo, 20.5 -99

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M. Sessé & J. M. Mociño   5295

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M. Sessé & J. M. Mociño   5307

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133210William R. Anderson   130141983-10-11
Mexico, Oaxaca, Nazareno Etla; 110 km by road S of Teotitlán on road to Oaxaca, 17.1771 -96.8225, 2180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133211William R. Anderson   132421983-10-20
Mexico, Chiapas, Llano Grande (San Pascualito); 2 km N of Jitotol on road to Pichucalco, 17.083 -92.8672, 1620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133212José Vera Santos   36221944-11-02
Mexico, Oaxaca, Rancho Galdino Gijón; Rancho Buenavista; Vicinity of El Rancho de Buenavista, La Cumbre del Cuarte, District of Ixtlán, 17.3109 -96.4527, 3353 - 3658m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133213D. E. Breedlove & Peter H. Raven | Peter H. Raven   129461965-10-10
Mexico, Chiapas, Tenejapa, Banavil; Tenejapa; paraje of Banabil, 16.7802 -92.51, 2774m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133214Harley H. Bartlett   100891930-07-05
Mexico, Tamaulipas, San José; vicinity of San José; La Vegonia, 23.0851 -99.2493, 975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133215Gordon D. McPherson   11101974-07-12
Mexico, Las Peras; along Tuxtla Gutiérrez-Comitán hwy (Mexico 190), 1 mi (1.5 km) E of San Cristóbal de las Casas, 16.7345 -92.6225, 2103m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133216Rogers McVaugh   241681970-11-10
Mexico, Guanajuato, San Pablo; 8 km NE of Santa Rosa, 21.5923 -101.031, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133217J. Mickel   5431960-08-01
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Abritas; 15 mi E of Ciudad del Maíz on route 80, 22.4996 -99.3973, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133218H.E. Moore, Jr. | Carroll E. Wood, Jr.   41651948-07-30
Mexico, Atotonilco el Grande; Atotonilco el Grande; near Ocotillos between Comanche and Huasca, 20.2857 -98.6645, 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133219Aaron J. Sharp   444341944-08-18
Mexico, San José el Tintero; Puente del Emperador near La Venta, 19.1641 -97.905, 2530m

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1133220Peter F. Zika   153532000-08-16
Mexico, El Abra; jct of Mexico routes 138 and 132; 5 km from Tulancingo, 20.11 -98.333, 2195m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133221Peter F. Zika   153632000-08-16
Mexico, Tlaxco; W side of Mexico route 119 at pass; 1 mi S of Puebla State line, 5.5 road mi N of town of Tlaxco, near 32 km marker, 19.6155 -98.1231

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133222Stanley Jones & Gretchen Jones | E. Manrique   55311990-07-19
Mexico, El Bordo (Barrío del Bordo); 1.1 mi N on Mexico 105 from its jct, road to Mral. Del Monte, N of Pachuca, W-facing slope, 20.1446 -98.7396, 2804m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133223Stanley Jones & Gretchen Jones | E. Manrique   55921990-07-21
Mexico, Las Aguilillas; 23.8 mi E on Mexico 70 from its jct. with Mexico 57-80 in San Luis Potosí, SE of Altamira, N facing slope, 22.0684 -100.624, 2347m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133224Stanley Jones & Gretchen Jones | Gretchen D. Jones   54521990-07-12
Mexico, San José Pilancón (Pilancón); 12.4 mi NW on the Orizaba-Puebla from its jct road to Ciudad Mendoza, NW of Orizaba, 18.9768 -97.2373, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133225Stanley Jones & Gretchen Jones | E. Manrique   55541990-07-20
Mexico, Remedios; 1 mi N of Ixtlahuaca on Mexico 105, 20.5244 -99.3165, 1554m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133226Stanley Jones & Gretchen Jones | E. Manrique   55371990-07-19
Mexico, La Galera; 33.2 mi S on Mexico 105 from its jct with Mexico 105 to Ontonga 0.5 mi S of Alumbres, 20.6558 -98.6836, 2073m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133227S. González   53121992-08-20
Mexico, Galindo; Tamauli; Sierra Madre, 23.9731 -99.4506, 1480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133228H. Iltis & B. Benz & M. Burd   287601982-10-05
Mexico, Ejido del Sitio Lomas de Guadalupe; N of Volcán Toluca at km 35 W of Toluca on Mexico hwy 15 to Zitácuaro, 20 km W of Toluca, 19.4666667 -99.9, 2550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133229H. Iltis & B. Benz & M. Burd   287461982-10-05
Mexico, Ejido del Sitio Lomas de Guadalupe; N of Volcán Toluca at km 35 W of Toluca on Mexico hwy 15 to Zitácuaro, 20 km W of Toluca, 19.4666667 -99.9, 2550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133230Hugh H. Iltis | Brian Simon   306251991-08-11
Mexico, Rancho del Cielo; Southern Tamaulipas, top of Sierra Madre Oriental (Sierra de Guatemala), 6.4 km NW of Gómez Farías, 108 km SSW of Ciudad Victoria, 23.1 -99.1833333, 1100 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1564225Carl J. Rothfels | George Yatskievych, J. Beck, P. Rothfels, A. Larsson, R. Dyer & A.J. Reyes Garcia   30432009-08-03
Mexico, Hidalgo, Zimapán, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1564225, 20.89018 -99.23656, 2144m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133257Efraim Hernández Xolocotzi   4651944-08-27
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mineral del Monte; Real del Monte near city of Pachuca, 20.1356 -98.6685

Image Associated With the Occurence
1216180Anton A. Reznicek   110692000-06-13
Mexico, Queretaro, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 99235, 21.38333 -99.11667

Image Associated With the Occurence
1216186Anton A. Reznicek   110852000-06-14
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 99110, 21.4031167 -99.0847833

Image Associated With the Occurence
1204168S. González & A.A. Reznicek   107451998-10-30
Mexico, Hidalgo, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 91198

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133193S. González & A.A. Reznicek | M. Pinedo   102781996-07-14
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, El Puerto de Potrerillos; 7 km ENE of El Lobo on road hwy 120 from Xilitla to Jalpan, 21.3129 -99.0557, 1480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133194S. González & A.A. Reznicek | M. Pinedo   102811996-07-14
Mexico, El Madroño; Landa de Matamoros; 6 km SW of El Lobo on road hwy 120 to Jalpan, 21.2763889 -99.1558333, 1750 - 1760m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133195S. González & A.A. Reznicek | Manuel González Ledesma, M. Pinedo   104901997-07-11
Mexico, Chiapas, Tenejapa, Santa Rosa; Tenejapa; 1 km from Matzam, along the road between Las Ollas and Matzam, E of the Tenejapa-San Cristóbal Rd, S of Tenejapa, 16.7833333 -92.4855556, 2450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133196S. González & A.A. Reznicek | Manuel González Ledesma, M. Pinedo   104791997-07-10
Mexico, Chiapas, Tenejapa, Shishintonil; Tenejapa; 2 km NE of Tenejapa, along small road off the Tenejapa-Kulak'tik road, 16.8466667 -92.4947222, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133197S. González & A.A. Reznicek | M. Pinedo   105451997-07-18
Mexico, Cañada de Lobo; Juxtlahuaca; along road between Juxtlahuaca and San Martín Peras, near San Martín Duraznos, 17.3119444 -98.1213889, 2125m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133198S. González & A.A. Reznicek | M. González, M. Pinedo   107561998-11-01
Mexico, La Mancuerna; Tatatila; 1 km below La Mancuerna on road to Las Minas, 19.6858333 -97.1333333, 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133199S. González & A.A. Reznicek | M. González, M. Pinedo   107271998-10-27
Mexico, Queretaro, Landa de Matamoros; Landa de Matamoros; W of El Lobo along road to Tres Lagunas near division of two roads, 21.1849 -99.3227, 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1431653F. Weinmann   M82001-08-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de Clavellinas, SW of Ciudad Oaxaca

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133200M. Jasso   14181989-08-17
Mexico, Cruz de Caminos (Entronque Jeráhuaro); Zinapécuaro; El Llanito, 500 m al W de Jeráhuaro, 19.8741 -100.678, 2470m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1431654F. Weinmann   M112001-08-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, near trail on lower slopes of Cerro Zempoatepetl

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133201B. Servín Sotero   13151991-09-05
Mexico, Queretaro, Jalpan de Serra; Jalpan; 5-6 km al Noreste de La Parada, La Peña, 21.2132 -99.4705, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1431655F. Weinmann   M142001-08-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, slopes of Cerro Zempoatepetl

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133202Jerzy Rzedowski   106571959-05-28
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Joya de la Esperanza; Tamaropo; San Nicolás de los Montes, 22.0128 -99.414, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133203Jerzy Rzedowski   240391967-07-20
Mexico, Mexico, San Camilo; 8 km al E de Coatlinchán, Texcoco, 19.4453 -98.796, 2600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133204Jerzy Rzedowski   440311987-08-01
Mexico, Queretaro, El Lobo; 1 km al SW de El Lobo, Landa, 20.7228 -100.209, 1600m

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1133205Jerzy Rzedowski   447401987-09-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, La Lagunilla; Victoria; alrededores de San Agustín, 21.2216 -100.202, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133206Eleazar Carranza G.   33321991-07-30
Mexico, Queretaro, Establo La Cruz; Jalpan; 1-2 km al SW de Barriales, 21.2201 -99.4705, 1480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133207S. Zamudio Ruiz & E. Carranza | Eleazar Carranza G.   112011999-10-13
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Xilitla; Xilitla; Llano del Conejo, 21.4030333333 -99.0847833333, 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1133208J. Freudenstein   21701987-07-26
Mexico, Oaxaca, La Florida; km 139 along Tuxtepec-Oaxaca road, 17.8731 -96.208, 2000m

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1133209William R. Anderson   132501983-10-21
Mexico, Chiapas, Santa Clara; 1.6 km SE of Teopisca on road to Comitán, 16.535 -92.4593, 1770m

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UVMVT024057Pringle, C. G.   31261890-07-08
México, San Luis Potosi, Las Canoas

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UVMVT121104Sundue, M.   3622000-07-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Jose Pacifica along Mex Hwy 175., 2200m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM106757Pringle, C.G.   89301904-08-21
Mexico, Hidalgo, near Trinidad Iron Works, 1737m

University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections Herbarium

UTEP:Herb:54843Collector(s): Stanley D. Jones   SDJ 55311990-07-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, on Mexico Highway 105, 1.1 miles N of junction with road to Mineral del Monte, Mineral del Monte, 20.149035 -98.673163, 2804 - 2804m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UTEP:Herb:54842Collector(s): Stanley D. Jones   1990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 23.8 miles E (by road on Mexico Highway 70) from junction with Highways 57 and 80 in San Luis Potosi (SE of Altimira), 22.073439 -100.635072, 2347 - 2347m

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

LL00175481Efraim Hernández Xolocotzi   4651944-08-27
Mexico, Hidalgo, Real del Monte, 20.1362 -98.6697

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

TEX00175480William R. Anderson   130141983-10-11
Mexico, Oaxaca, 110 Km by rd S of Teotitlán on rd to Oaxaca, 17.1771 -96.8225

TEX00256341Jerzy Rzedowski   447401987-09-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, Victoria, Alrededores de San Agustín, 21.2216 -100.202

TEX00474906Hugh H. Iltis|Brian Simon   306251991-08-11
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Gomez Farias, Southern Tamaulipas, top of Sierra Madre Oriental (Sierra de Guatemala): rugged wooded, karstic limestone plateau with sink holes and big boulders. Rancho Del Cielo (Harrison Ranch of Martin & Harrell), 7-9 km NW of Gómez Farías, 108 km SSW of Ciudad Vict, 23.1 -99.18333

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mexico, Mexico

Image Associated With the Occurence
01066992C. G. Pringle   
Mexico, San Luis Potosi

University of South Florida Herbarium

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23661C. G. Pringle   25801904-08-21
Mexico, Hidalgo, Near Trinidad Iron Works., 26.05 -104.283, 1737m

Brown University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
PBRU00057507C. G. Pringle   89301904-08-21
Mexico, Hidalgo, Plantae Mexicanae; Woodlands near Trinidad Iron Works, 5700 ft.

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

325931Ronald L McGregor; Larry J Harms; Albert J Robinson, Jr; R del Rosario; R Segal   6011963-07-13
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosi, 30 mi E along Hwy 86 to Rio Verde, 22.070371 -100.512055, 2103m

Angelo State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
23502Stanley D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Image Associated With the Occurence
35884Stanely D. Jones   55541990-07-20
Mexico, Hidalgo, Lolotla, approximately 1 mi N Ixtlahuaco on MEX 105

Image Associated With the Occurence
35885Stanely D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Image Associated With the Occurence
37157Stanely D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Image Associated With the Occurence
45734Stanely D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Image Associated With the Occurence
41728Stanley D. Jones   55311990-07-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, Pachuca de Soto, north of Pachuca, 1.1 mi N on MEX 105 from junction with the road to Mineral del Monte

Image Associated With the Occurence
36985Stanely D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Image Associated With the Occurence
34972Stanely D. Jones   55371990-07-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, Zacualtipn de ngeles, approximately 0.5 mi S Alumbres, 33.2 mi S on MEX 105 from junction with MEX 105 to Ontonga

Image Associated With the Occurence
34973William Anderson   130141983-10-11
110 km by road S of Teotitlan on road to Oaxaca, 2180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
47310Stanely D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Image Associated With the Occurence
47311Stanely D. Jones   55311990-07-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, Pachuca de Soto, north of Pachuca, 1.1 mi N on MEX 105 from junction with the road to Mineral del Monte

Image Associated With the Occurence
23386Stanley D. Jones   55311990-07-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, Pachuca de Soto, north of Pachuca, 0.5 mi N on MEX 105 from junction with the road to Mineral del Monte

Image Associated With the Occurence
35277Stanely D. Jones   54521990-06-12
Mexico, Veracruz, Camerino Z. Mendoza, 12.4 mi NW on the Orizaba/Puebla cuota from junction with the road to Ciudad Mendoza, northwest of Orizaba

Image Associated With the Occurence
35278Stanley D. Jones   90021992-05-30
Mexico, Hidalgo, Lolotla, approximately 1 mi N Ixtlahuaco, on MEX 105

Image Associated With the Occurence
23428Stanley D. Jones   55371990-07-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, Zacualtipn de ngeles, approximately 0.5 mi S Alumbres, 33.2 mi S on MEX 105 from junction with MEX 105 to Ontonga

Image Associated With the Occurence
41834Stanely D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Image Associated With the Occurence
36578Stanely D. Jones   55921990-07-21
Mexico, San Luis Potos, Zaragoza, San Louis Potosi, 23.8 mi E on MEX 70 from junction with MEX 57/80, southeast of Altimira

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

S. Gonzalez   11381979-10-14
Mexico, Mexico

William R. Anderson   130141983-10-11
Mexico, Oaxaca

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

32449N. Diego   65291992-08-29
Mexico, Guerrero, Leonardo Bravo, 65 km de Xochipala, Tres caminos

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