ASU0113446 Raul Gutierrez 444 2003-08-13
USA, Texas, El Paso, 4.1 miles northeast of I-10 along FM 1989 (Fabens Exit 49)
ASU0081370 Liz Makings 4477 2014-08-29
United States, Arizona, Cochise, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation, near Lewis Springs wetland about 1.7, miles north of Hwy 90, 31.574201 -110.136948, 1240m
ASU0296238 Liz Makings 4936 2016-07-28
USA, Arizona, Cochise, USA, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian National Conservatic, Area, near Lewis Springs, 31.57617 -110.138206, 1237m
R.D. Worthington 22676 1993-09-25
United States, Texas, Presidio, 1 air mi NW of Saucedo Ranch House (park headquarters), 28.66667 -103.8875, 1250m
Steve J. Siedo 687 1998-08-22
United States, Texas, Terrell, Sanderson Canyon, just east of Sanderson along Hwy 90, 30.10917 -102.36611, 808m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0057574 E.H. Muldavin 00EM012-F10 2000-08-26
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Carlsbad Caverns NP., 32.17324212 -104.408949, 1184m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0057573 E.F. Castetter 7423 1953-06-15
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Walnut Canyon Carlsbad National Park., 32.19236 -104.41175
3856588 T. L. Steiger 120 1934-05-00
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., 30.358492 -103.661012, 1402m
3856590 J. Reverchon 711
United States of America, Texas, Brown Co., Indian Creek, 31.482322 -98.999768
3856594 C. Parry s.n. 1852-08-00
United States of America, Texas, Rio Grande. In Cañon
3856595 A. C. V. Schott s.n. 1852-08-00
United States of America, Texas, Rio Bravo del Norte
3856597 L. C. Hinckley 1202 1939-08-22
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis Co., near creek crossing Geo. Jones Ranch, 30.722562 -104.222417, 1676m
3856598 P. Duffy s.n. 1860-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Pecos Co., on Comanche Creek, 30.889276 -102.867067
3856599 M. B. Croft s.n. 1888-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Duval Co., 27.763914 -98.238895
3856600 H. C. Hanson 31 1919-04-14
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., near Shafter, 29.819874 -104.303168
3856601 D. S. Correll 20419 1958-09-26
United States of America, Texas, San Patricio Co., 5.5 mi. southeast of Mathis, 28.037964 -97.764034
3856602 C. Wright s.n.
United States of America, Texas
3856603 E. Hall 58 1872-05-24
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., 30.267153 -97.743061
3856604 Collector unknown 711 1877-08-11
United States of America, Texas, Brown Co., near headwaters of Indian Creek, 31.622056 -98.987645
3856608 E. Hall 58 1872-05-24
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., 30.267153 -97.743061
3856610 G. Jermy s.n. 1904-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Bexar Co., 29.448958 -98.520025
3856611 G. Jermy 47 1904-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Bexar Co., 29.448958 -98.520025
3856612 G. Jermy s.n.
United States of America, Texas, Bexar Co., 29.448958 -98.520025
3856613 F. S. Earle 395 1902-04-15
United States of America, Texas, Culberson Co., near Kent, 31.067939 -104.217485
3856615 H. C. Hanson s.n. 1919-04-21
United States of America, Texas, Val Verde Co., along Rio Grande, 29.327055 -100.926876
3856616 L. C. Hinckley 1202 1939-08-22
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis Co., Davis Mountains. about half way between old Finley and Kelley ranches, Geo. Jones ranch, 30.717274 -103.999522, 1650m
3856617 B. C. Tharp 1171 1922-06-23
United States of America, Texas, Cameron Co., Green Island, 26.392293 -97.324422
3856620 V. Havard 130 1881-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., 29.560738 -104.372146
3856621 J. Reverchon 99
United States of America, Texas, Uvalde Co., canyon of Sabinal, 29.48445 -99.486206
3856622 J. Reverchon 99
United States of America, Texas, Uvalde Co., canyon of Sabinal, 29.48445 -99.486206
3856627 L. J. Dorr 2227 1982-05-15
Mexico, Coahuila, Allende Mun., Hwy 57, 0.4 mi S of El Infante
3856631 G. Bates 29 1964-10-31
United States of America, Texas, Uvalde Co., 10.5 miles north of Sabinal Bridge on highway 127, 29.421026 -99.620642
3856632 J. Bates 34 1964-10-31
United States of America, Texas, Uvalde Co., 10.5 miles north of Sabinal River on Highway 127, 29.421026 -99.620642
3856619 L. C. Hinckley 1841 1941-06-30
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., by the boulders at the foot of a mountain east side Capote Creek; gap about 1 mi. above mouth of creek, 30.205792 -104.584121, 875m
3856636 R. D. Worthington 19357 1991-05-30
United States of America, Texas, El Paso Co., Hueco Mts, hills located 2.5 mi. E of Nations East Well and 3 mi. W of Hueco Tanks State Historical Park. in steep canyon, 31.92 -106.12, 1500m
03856585 D. S. Correll 35454 1967-12-13
United States of America, Texas, Zapata Co., about 4 miles northeast of San Ygnacio, 27.083604 -99.393917
3856586 D. S. Correll 35476 1967-12-14
United States of America, Texas, Starr Co., about 1 mi. north of La Grulla, 26.28404 -98.647246
3856587 L. C. Higgins 9911 1976-03-17
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., Canyon about 14 miles east of Redford along Hwy 170, 29.322861 -104.000667
3856589 A. A. Heller 1793 1894-05-28
United States of America, Texas, Nueces Co., 27.800583 -97.396381, 12m
3856591 D. S. Correll 31548 1965-09-07
United States of America, Texas, Edwards Co., At base of cliffs on talus slope about 15 mi. SE of Carta Valley, 29.639442 -100.497372
3856605 B. H. Warnock 46582 1946-10-21
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., on Pena Blanca Hill; 3 1/2 miles south of Marathon, 30.154358 -103.244621
3856606 I. Shiller M35 1941-07-00
United States of America, Texas, Starr Co., 26.562153 -98.7384
3856607 I. Shiller M32 1941-07-00
United States of America, Texas, Cameron Co., 25.901747 -97.497484
3856614 J. N. Rose 18070 1913-10-24
United States of America, Texas, Nueces Co., Vicinity of Corpus Christi, 27.735035 -97.516254
3856618 U. T. Waterfall 5109 1943-07-15
United States of America, Texas, Culberson Co., granite hillsides south of the Wylie Mts. about 13 miles southwest of Van Horn, 30.906331 -104.9865
3856609 J. L. Berlandier 1531
Texano-Mexicanum [Texas-Mexico]
3856623 C. Wright 876 1851-00-00
United States of America, New Mexico
3856624 C. Wright 876 1851-00-00
United States of America, New Mexico
3856625 P. A. Fryxell 1352 1970-06-17
United States of America, Texas, Jim Wells Co., 19 miles S of Alice, 27.476319 -98.069725
3856626 B. Miller 71 1972-06-10
United States of America, Texas, Kimble Co., Near U.S. 83, 1 1/2 miles south of Junction, near Llano River, 30.481552 -99.779264
3856628 S. R. Hill 6957 1978-05-06
United States of America, Texas, Refugio Co., 0.7 mi. east of Hwy. 77, 8.5 mi. SSW of Woodsboro. River Pasture, 28.141346 -97.402807
3856629 S. R. Hill 5471 1977-05-23
United States of America, Texas, Goliad Co., McNamara Ranch, hill 0.2 mi. NE of FM 1351 on south side of Hwy. 59, 28.62627506 -97.46409649
3856630 S. R. Hill 5661 1977-06-13
United States of America, Texas, Refugio Co., Melon Creek Ranch, east side of FM 2678 just north of Packery Flats, 28.22617 -97.239856
3856633 P. A. Fryxell 794 1968-10-10
United States of America, Texas, Medina Co., 2 miles W of Castroville, 29.355786 -98.911955, 259m
3856634 P. A. Fryxell 1297 1970-05-03
United States of America, Texas, Medina Co., 5 miles NW of Devine, 29.191285 -98.964079
3856635 P. A. Fryxell 4981 1989-07-15
United States of America, Texas, Uvalde Co., 12 miles N of Sabinal (9 miles S of Utopia), 29.491689 -99.466435
3856637 S. R. Hill 10660 1981-07-26
United States of America, Texas, Live Oak Co., along road to Fiesta Marina just E of Rte 534, 4.6 mi N of Rte 359, 28.076348 -97.934749
188255 S. W. Woodhouse s.n.
United States of America
188254 C. Wright 54 1849-05-00
United States of America, Collected in Expedition from Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico
105461 J. A. G. Rehn, H. L. Viereck F-8 1902-05-13
U.S.A., New Mexico, Otero, Almogordo: Dry Canyon., 32.955 -105.9162, 1585m
105461 J. A. G. Rehn, H. L. Viereck s.n. 1902-05-13
U.S.A., New Mexico, Otero, Almogordo: Dry Canyon., 32.955 -105.9162, 1585m
son-trv-10968 T.R. Van Devender 2007-833A 2007-08-17
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, Isolated hill NE of Sierra Anibácachi, ca. 10 km (by air) SW of Agua Prieta., 31.23306 -109.63139, 1287m
MWI00061911 Reed, Monique Dubrule 2932 2004-10-30
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Winston Ranch; About 4 miles south of Sabinal on the west side of highway 187, along the Sabinal, South River Pasture
United States, Texas, Live Oak
1892260 Charles (Carlos) Wright 54 1849-06-00
United States, Texas, Common from the Rio Sero westward. Collected in Expedition from Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico.
100270197 Charles (Carlos) Wright 896 1851-00-00
United States, Texas, Rocky hills. Comanche opening at [w..t?] Texas.
HPC00007288 Labus, Z 192 1988-05-18
United States, Texas, Val Verde
P. A. Fryxell 3021 1978-08-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Coahuila
00001449 R. D. Worthington 38065 2015-05-28
USA, Texas, Brewster, Terlingua lodge in valley between Christmas Mts. and Whitehouse Mtn., 29.4518 -103.392617, 1113m
00006762 Andrea Ohl 158 2017-08-27
USA, Texas, Brewster, South County, just W of the Corazones Peaks, N of the Christmas Mts, known as "Turtle Mt."
00037506 B. Thomas 101 2022-08-30
United States, Texas, Brewster, Hancock, 30.368722 -103.650139, 1463m
00012354 Andrea Ohl 293 2018-10-10
USA, Texas, Brewster, South County, just W of the Corazones Peaks, N of the Christmas Mts, igneous mt. locally known as "Turtle Mt." White Hills Quad., 1148m
Thomas B. Croat & Dylan P. Hannon 62883 1987-01-11
Mexico, Nuevo León. Along Highway 85, between Monterrey and Ciudad Victoria, circa 35 miles south of Monterrey, 17.2 miles south of El Alamo; 3.8 miles south of Allende., 25.25 -99.9666, 500m
M. Serrano, J. Villalobos, A. Lliully, J.A. Peñaranda, & R. Lozano 7109 2005-12-30
Bolivia, Tarija: Provincia O'Connor. Pasando el puente Aruma sobre el río Pilaya, hacia Timboy. Bosque Chaqueño Serrano. [Crossing the bridge over the river Pilaya Arumah towards Timboy. Chaco Serrano Forest.], -20.7863 -64.0763, 984m
D.S. Seigler, J.E. Ebinger, L.R. Phillippe, & A. Kerber 15399 2003-03-26
United States, Texas, La Salle, Chaparral Wildlife Management Area, 8 miles west of Artesia Wells.
UVMVT234790 S. R. Hill 10660 1981-07-26
United States, Texas, Live Oak County, along road to Fiesta Marina just E of Rte 534, 4.6 mi N of Rte 359., 28.076348 -97.934749
UVMVT295817 L.J. Dorr 2481
Mexico, Nuevo Leon
UVMVT295818 S.R. Hill 18273
United States, Texas
UVMVT295819 S.R. Hill 6957
United States, Texas
UVMVT295820 S.R. Hill 5842
United States, Texas
PH00050109 Charles Wright 54 1849-05-00
United States, Texas
NLU0217066 Brenda Miller 71 1972-06-10
United States, Texas, Kimble, Near U.S. 83, 1 1/2 miles south of Junction, Texas near Llano River
NLU0217067 W. R. Carr 12377 1992-09-24
United States, Texas, Bexar, Both sides of gravel road, 0.7-0.8 airmile N to NNE of gate at 90° curve in Galm Rd. ca. 1.7 mi. N of its jct. with R.M. 471. Government Canyon tract (RTC). Helotes Quadrangle. 293250N, 984440W, 29.547222 -98.744444, 311m
NLU0217068 S. Jones 4035 1990-03-13
United States, Texas, Presidio, 37.7 miles W on Hwy 170 from its jct. with Hwy 118 near Study Butte. Mesic riverine habitat adjacent to the Rio Grande.
UTEP:Herb:80368 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 36262 2010-08-05
United States, New Mexico, Eddy County, Whites City, 32.1770833333 -104.3781833333
UTEP:Herb:48555 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 22676 1993-09-25
United States, Texas, Presidio County, Big Bend Ranch, 1 air mile NW of Sauceda Ranch Headquarters, 29.4666666667 -103.8875, 1250 - 1250m
UTEP:Herb:88287 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 38065 2015-05-28
United States, Texas, Brewster County, Terlingua Ranch Lodge in Valley between Christmas Mountains and Whitehouse Mountain, 29.4518 -103.3926166667, 1113 - 1113m
UTEP:Herb:42459 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 19357 1991-05-30
United States, Texas, El Paso County, 2.5 miles E of Nations East Well and 3.5 miles W of Hueco Tanks State Park and Historic Site, 35.9166666667 -106.1166666667, 1400 - 1400m
LL00198156 Steve J. Siedo 1001 1999-07-20
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin. Zilker Nature Preserve at Barton Springs Rd. and MoPac (Loop 1).
LL00333455 Barton H. Warnock 14195 1956-12-01
United States, Texas, Brewster, Santa Elena canyon; Big Bend National Park.
LL00333456 Donovan S. Correll 33852 1966-09-23
United States, Texas, Brewster, Talus slope, drainage area on south side of Burro Mesa, Big Bend National Park., 29.234236 -103.404764
LL00333459 Barton H. Warnock 9158 1950-08-01
United States, Texas, Brewster, In Dog Canyon area.
LL00333461 Donovan S. Correll|Helen B. Correll 30488 1964-11-05
United States, Texas, Pecos, Rocky hills about 25 miles south of Fort Stockton on Hy. #67.
LL00333462 Donovan S. Correll|Dieter C. Wasshausen 27956 1963-06-21
United States, Texas, Pecos, 15.5 miles west of Bakersfield (Escondido Spring of C. Wright). Tunis Spring.
LL00333463 Barton H. Warnock 13487 1955-07-01
United States, Texas, Pecos, Along highway, 40 to 45 miles southeast of Ft. Stockton toward Sanderson.
LL00333468 Barton H. Warnock|Wilbur D. McBryde 15063 1957-06-07
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Five miles northeast of Juno.
LL00333469 Jackie M. Smith|Mary L. Butterwick 198 1974-07-12
United States, Texas, Val Verde, SE-facing limestone slope of 2nd ridge NW of the confluence of the Devil's River and Dolan Creek.
LL00333470 Donovan S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston 18214 1957-07-18
United States, Texas, Val Verde, On broad, open draw 1 mile west of Comstock, along route #90.
LL00333474 Donovan S. Correll 14099 1946-08-22
United States, Texas, Kinney, Twenty miles northeast of Brackettville, along the West Nueces River.
LL00333476 Leopold A. Charette 811 1952-04-24
United States, Texas, Bexar, Shaded borders of shrubs on heights of Brackenridge Park overlooking the Alamo Stadium.