Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Piper xanthostachyum (Piper cricamolense, Piper monteluctans)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-84 of 84

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
919899Gentry, Al   485831984-08-14
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Vicinity of Sirena Field Station. Corcovado National Park, Osa Peninsula., 8.540835 -83.570964, 30m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
E. Matuda   28551939-03-27
Mexico, México, México

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
J. A. Steyermark   368371940-02-27
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   711591939-04-09
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   712701939-04-09
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   678751939-03-08
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   864121941-02-06
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   836111941-01-16
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   654521939-02-17
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   862121941-02-06
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   685701939-03-14
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   686361939-03-14
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   913831941-04-01
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   48061947-03-02
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Francisco Morazán, 14.25 -87.1667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   850251941-01-27
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   712221939-04-09
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Molina R.   139901964-05-22
Honduras, Intibucá, Intibucá, 14.3333 -88.1667

Image Associated With the Occurence
T. G. Yuncker et al.   61761936-07-28
Honduras, Comayagua, range above El Achote, near Siguatepeque

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   925691941-04-14
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   673581939-03-04
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley   855861941-02-01
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
C. L. Lundell & E. Contreras   189401975-02-06
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
C. L. Lundell & E. Contreras   196311975-08-13
Guatemala, Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Molina R. & A. R. Molina   125251963-05-22
El Salvador, El Salvador

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Tonduz   81581893-09-00
Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
J. M. Tucker   10971942-03-21
El Salvador, El Salvador

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Molina R. et al.   167161966-01-27
El Salvador, El Salvador

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
Austin Smith   P26141940-03-12
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. F. Skutch   46631940-01-00
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. F. Skutch   53291947-12-00
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. A. Opler   8871972-06-23
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
R. W. Lent   30361972-11-18
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
R. W. Lent   32671973-03-17
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
R. W. Lent   31311972-12-28
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
R. W. Lent   26531972-06-29
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Molina R. et al.   180741966-02-28
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
W. C. Burger & G. Matta U.   42391967-01-05
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
W. C. Burger & M. Burger   84671971-09-03
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
W. C. Burger & R. L. Liesner   70071969-12-20
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
W. C. Burger et al.   100411975-11-15
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
C. Davidson & J. Donahue   85041979-08-19
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
N. Greig   1251984-08-21
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
R. Robles G.   26351989-02-10
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. H. Gentry   485831984-08-14
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
E. Montenegro   12761996-03-13
Panama, Panama

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
F. Almeda & B. Anderson   54831986-03-08
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
Alex. Rodriguez et al.   16911996-11-06
Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
C. V. Morton   72871951-03-22
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Francisco Morazán, 14.25 -87.1667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
L. O. Williams   175361951-03-24
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Francisco Morazán, 14.25 -87.1667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Jiménez M.   17511964-02-19
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Alajuela

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Molina R. & A. R. Molina   244751969-03-26
Honduras, Intibucá, Intibucá, 14.3333 -88.1667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Molina R.   63741956-04-09
Honduras, Intibucá, Intibucá, 14.3333 -88.1667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
A. Molina R.   63741956-04-09
Honduras, Intibucá, Intibucá, 14.3333 -88.1667

Honduras, Comayagua

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
P. C. Standley et al.   80211947-05-09
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Francisco Morazán, 14.25 -87.1667

Wisconsin State Herbarium, Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
v0369745WISBurger, William C.; Baker, Richard; Utley, Kathy   100411975-11-15
Costa Rica, Cartago, Between Tuis and Bajo Pacuare along the road from Turrialba to Moravia de Chirrirpo., 9.766667 -83.95, 750 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
v0369746WISBurger, William C.; Matta U., Guillermo   42391967-01-05
Costa Rica, Property of Dr. L. Holdridge, about 2 km. upstream on the Rio Puerto Viejo., 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
v0401081WISCházaro B., Miguel; Robles, Luis; Hernandez de Ch., Paty   54171988-03-30
Mexico, Veracruz, Acajete, Barranca del Pixquiac, arriba de La Vega. Mpio. Acajete, 2000m

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1233571Alexander F. Skutch   53291947-12-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Between Golfo Dulce and Rio Térraba, 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1109030T.G. Yuncker, R.F. Dawson & H.R. Youse   61761936-07-28
Honduras, Comayagua, Creeping over logs in forest near summit of ridge above El Achote. Above plains of Siguatepeque, 14.51579 -87.86727, 1800m

Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
NO0044702W. D. Stevens   247851987-03-13
Costa Rica, Limon

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UVMVT031063Woodson, Jr., R. E.; Allen, P. H.   19271938-08-12
Panamá, Bocas del Toro, Rio Cricamola

University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
TENN-V-0255718R.L. Liesner   11171973-03-26
Panama, Panama

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
LL00545734William C. Burger|Ronald L. Liesner   70071969-12-20
Costa Rica, Limon, Between Siquerres and the Rio Pacuare, south of the reailroad bridge over the Rio Pacuare., 10.083333333 -83.483333333

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
TEX00545735N. Greig   4601987-02-05
Costa Rica, San Jose, Paeque Nacional Braulio Carrilo sector., 10.15 -83.95

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
TEX00545736C. V. Morton   72871951-03-22
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Eastern slopes of Pena Blanca, San Juancito Mountains.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
TEX00545737N. Greig   6171987-05-03
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca La Salvia, the Organization for Tropical Studies' field station near junction of the Puerto Viejo and Sarapiqui rivers. At 2000 m mark on LS trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
TEX00545738N. Greig   6331987-03-26
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca La Selva, the Organization for Tropical Studies's field station near junction of the Puerto Viejo and Sarapiqui rivers, along Atajo trail., 10.433333333 -83.983333333

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
BRIT420128Vlastimil Zak   31961987-12-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Chiriboga-Empalme, Km 92, desvio a Mulaulte, en borde del carretero y en quebrada de Mulaulte.; -0.25 -78.833333, -0.25 -78.833333, 1200 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
BRIT892576Rodolfo Vasquez   315692006-10-17
Peru, Pasco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
BRIT420130M. Huamán   4252008-11-12
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa Dist. Palcazú. Comunidad Nativa Santa Rosa de Chuchurras. 10°07'00"S 075°13'00"W 300 m, -10.116667 -75.216667, 300 - 300m

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
00005392R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & R. J. Seibert   19271938-08-12
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Rio Cricamola, between St. Louis & Kokintoe; 10-50 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
00005471T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   61761936-07-28
Honduras, Comayagua, Near the summit of the ridge above El Achote, in cloud zone, above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. de Candolle
01965122A. F. Skutch   46631940-01-00
Costa Rica, Cartago, Vicinity of Pejivalle, 600 - 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. de Candolle
01965123A. Jiménez M.   17511964-02-19
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Entre La Palma y Rio Platanillo, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. de Candolle
01965124L. O. Williams   175361951-03-24
Honduras, above San Juancito, San Juancito Mountains, Dept. Morazán, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. de Candolle
01965125P. C. Standley   836111941-01-16
Guatemala, Quezaltenango, Region of Las Nubes, south of San Martín Chile Verde, 2250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper xanthostachyum C. de Candolle
01965126P. C. Standley   913831941-04-01
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Mountains along road between Tactic and the divide on road to Tamahú, 1500 - 1600m

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

66313E: Álvarez   51982-02-16
Mexico, Veracruz, San Andrés Tuxtla, Balzapote (Orilla del Arroyo), 160m

Southeast Missouri State University Travis Brooks Herbarium

Allan Bornstein   7332001-05-22
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, at "Rancho Quemada", 2 km along sendero La Esperanza at Parque Nacional "La Tigra", 2070m

Allan Bornstein   7322001-05-22
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, @ 2 km from visitor center at Parque Nacional "La Tigra", on sendero La Esperanza, 2090m

Herbario del Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales de la Universidad Veracruzana

Image Associated With the Occurence
2061VERJ. Gómez Díaz   JGD-1032010-10-03
México, Veracruz, San Andrés Tlalnelhuayocan, Los Capulines, 19.51666667 -97

Herbario CHAP

Piper xanthostachyum C. DC. ex Pittier
33329Alvaro Campos Villanueva   93881988-01-17
Mexico, OAXACA, SAN JERONIMO COATLAN, 40 km al SW de San Jerónimo Coatlán, camino a El Progreso, mpio. San Jerónimo Coatlán., 16.191389 -96.954722

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