Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Amaranthus hybridus subsp. hypochondriacus, Amaranthus leucocarpus, Amaranthus hybridus var. erythrostachys, Amaranthus monstrosus)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

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ASC00128624A. Tiehm   192482022-09-18
United States, Nevada, Clark, Moapa Valley, Logandale, just south of Gann Ave. on highway 169 through Logandale, 36.5942 -114.48341, 419m

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

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DES00004426Geo. B. Hinton   21371932-10-15
Mexico, Mexico, Timbres, Temascaltepec., 19.038188 -100.072231, 1660m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Arnold Tiehm   192482022-09-18
United States, Nevada, Clark, Logandale, just south of Gann Ave on Hwy 169 through Logandale, 36.59419 -114.48342, 419m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0040313Alfred R. Roos   s.n.1937-12-02
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana, 33.74 -117.87, 30m

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UCR0040325Ellen Dean   80162013-11-01
United States, California, Stanislaus, city of Modesto. Backyard at 3515 Highmoore Lane in eastern part of the city, north of intersection of Yosemite Blvd (Hwy 123) and McClure Road, 37.64861 -120.92917, 36m

Mihai Costea   s.n.1996-10-20
Romania, Bucharest, Jud. Bucuresti, Bucharest, University of Agronomical Sciences., 70m

Arizona State University Pollen Collection

3027P.L. Fall   3027

Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)

UTC00218835Karen Lanoue    sn
United States, Iowa, Humboldt, The North Central Regional Plant Introductions Station USDA-ARS; Iowa State University Ames Iowa; collection origin:

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
UNM0130803Jacobs, Brian F.   45551988-09-15
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Frijoles Canyon: at mouth, junction with White Rock Canyon., 35.75313095 -106.255159

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
85373J. J. Strudwick   45191984-08-22
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Kutztown, Rodale Research Center.

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00085372J. J. Strudwick   45191984-08-22
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Kutztown, Rodale Research Center.

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85365J. J. Strudwick   45231984-09-12
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Kutztown, Rodale Research Center.

Image Associated With the Occurence
1043137Collector unknown   s.n.
United States of America

02688793D. E. Atha   
United States of America, New York, New York Co., detailed locality information protected

General Research Observations

Walter Fertig   267942011-07-23
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: White Cliffs, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Best Friends Greenhouse next to Cat Department, ca 9 miles N of Kanab and 0.75 miles W of Kanab Creek. T42S R6W S29 NE4, 37.136686 -112.545325, 1643m

Walter Fertig   236112007-09-05
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau, Kanab, corner of First West and Third South, above east bank of Kanab Creek, ca 3 air miles N of AZ state line. T43S R6W S28 NE4 SW4, 37.04317 -112.530925, 1524m

Walter Fertig   236832007-10-09
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Colorado Plateau: Pipe Spring National Monument, garden area adjacent to Winsor Castle, ca 0.3 miles N of AZ Highway 389, ca 13 air miles SW of Fredonia and 9.5 miles S of Utah state line. T40N R4W S17 SE4 SE4, 36.863322 -112.738695, 1509m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0151329Steven B. Rolfsmeier   112881992-09-25
U.S.A., Nebraska, Perkins, S of large playa 10 mi N, 2 mi E of Grant.

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BRYV0151164E. Neese   124321982-09-26
U.S.A., Utah, Salt Lake, Mill Cr Rd, 1 mi E of Wasatch Blvd. E Bench, Salt Lake City.

University of Minnesota Herbarium

105564Holzinger, John   s.n.1889-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona, 43.963131 -91.691238

Image Associated With the Occurence
277574Jones, Percy   5131930-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Inver Grove, Inver Grove Twp. Dakota Co.;;027N;22W;00, 44.818658 -93.044965

Image Associated With the Occurence
618932Monserud, W.   3871955-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Grant, Logan Township, 2 miles west of Herman at City dump. On Herman Beach of old Lake Agassiz.;;127N;44W;00, 45.803267 -96.1922

105633Aiton, G.   s.n.1889-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Hen Co., 45 -93.47412

University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Sauer, Jonathan   11931947-10-17
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis County, Berkeley

Sauer, Jonathan   11741947-08-24
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis County, Locality Not Recorded

Sauer, Jonathan   11701947-08-25
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis County, Missouri Botanic Garden

Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium

United States, South Carolina, detailed locality information protected

Missouri Botanical Garden

102467370Kenneth K. Mackenzie   s.n.1895-09-02
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Independence., 39.0911111 -94.4152778

100951925Herb. Linn.   1117.24
United States, Virginia

102602059J.W. Powell   s.n.1874-00-00
United States, Arizona, Cultivated at Botanic Garden Harvard University from seeds collected by Col. Powell in Arizona

102602061J.W. Powell   s.n.1874-00-00
United States, Arizona, Cultivated at Botanic Garden Harvard University from seeds collected by Col. Powell in Arizona

102602062J.W. Powell   s.n.1874-00-00
United States, Arizona, Cultivated at Botanic Garden Harvard University from seeds collected by Col. Powell in Arizona

100267929J.W. Powell   s.n.1874-00-00
United States, Arizona, Cultivated at Botanic Garden Harvard University from seeds collected by Col. Powell in Arizona

102602060J.W. Powell   s.n.1874-00-00
United States, Arizona, Cultivated at Botanic Garden Harvard University from seeds collected by Col. Powell in Arizona

3526615Kenneth K. Mackenzie   s.n.1895-09-02
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Independence., 39.0911111 -94.4152778

100786107J. Richard Abbott   201772005-05-22
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville; University of Florida campus, in Trial Garden adjacent to Fifield Hall.

100828520Unknown   s.n.

University of Nevada Herbarium

115781A. Tiehm   192482022-09-18
USA, Nevada, Clark, Moapa Valley, Logandale, just south of Gann Ave. on highway 169 through Logandale, 36.5942 -114.48341, 419m

Chadron State College, High Plains Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CSCN-V-0001467Casey Cortney   241991-08-14
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, 8 1/2 mi S of Chadron., 42.707471 -103.005666

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amaranthus hypochondriacus X retroflexus
CSCN-V-0001468Steven B. Rolfsmeier   112881992-09-25
United States, Nebraska, Perkins, S of large playa 10 mi N, 2 mi E of Grant., 40.988743 -101.688338

Georgia Southwestern State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
00000197Milton Hopkins, Jr.   1978-11-28
U.S.A., Georgia, Irwin, 2.1 km. WSW Osierfield, Irwin Co, Ga., 31.636989 -83.147741

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
0028215MORMartner, C   s.n.1994-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Collected on the grounds of the Morton Arboretum along Joy Path in the Peony Bed.

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0079561J. Matos   1953-10-20
Portugal, Coimbra, Insua dos Bentos

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
C. Velázquez L.   831976-03-22
Mexico, Veracruz

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Beecher Crampton   16751953-10-12
United States, California, Solano, Solano County, Rio Vista, adjacent to Sacramento River., 38.17235 -121.71169

Clinton V. Kellner   s.n.1978-08-10
United States, California, Yolo, Yolo County: Garden area south of Orchard Park housing complex, University of California campus, Davis.

A. R. Roos   s.n.1937-12-02
United States, California, Orange, Orange County: Santa Ana., 33.74556 -117.86694

Ellen Dean   80162013-11-01
United States, California, Stanislaus, Stanislaus County: City of Modesto. Backyard at 3513 Highmoore Lane in eastern part of the city, north of intersection of Yosemite Blvd. (Hwy 123) and McClure Rd. House tenants are Martha kokologiannakis, and Angelija Voltsevits., 37.648611 -120.929167, 36m

Ellen Dean   80162013-11-01
United States, California, Stanislaus, Stanislaus County: City of Modesto. Backyard at 3513 Highmoore Lane in eastern part of the city, north of intersection of Yosemite Blvd. (Hwy 123) and McClure Rd. House tenants are Martha kokologiannakis, and Angelija Voltsevits., 37.648611 -120.929167, 36m

Beecher Crampton   16751953-10-12
United States, California, Solano, Solano County: Rio Vista., 38.17235 -121.71169

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin State Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0161977WISFields, Douglas M.   34141997-08-04
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Gilman. Village of Gilman dump area., 45.16093139 -90.81051279

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v0161975WISFields, Douglas M.   34141997-08-04
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Gilman. Village of Gilman dump area., 45.16093139 -90.81051279

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v0023321WISHale, James; McCabe, Robert A.   s.n.1945-08-22
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Murphy's Creek brush dump; Lake Wingra to Monona

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v0079575WISFields, Douglas M.   34151997-08-04
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Gilman, 45.16093139 -90.81051279

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v0023324WISAnthony, R. B.   s.n.1936-08-09
United States, Wisconsin, Rock, Beloit, 42.50835 -89.03178

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v0023322WISSchuette, J.H.   s.n.1889-09-13
United States, Wisconsin, Door, Washington Island, 45.36129 -86.90988

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v0023319WISKeith, J. A.   031962-10-21
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison. RR 0-1 mi W Regent and Breese Terrace

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v0023306WISHarrington, R. A.   361981-09-24
United States, Wisconsin, Oneida, Minocqua. Kilowee Rd. in Minoqua, 45.86866213 -89.72598269

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v0023323WISHale, T.   s.n.
United States, Wisconsin, Racine, Racine

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v0023320WISDavis, J. J.   s.n.1933-08-02
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison, 43.07305 -89.40123

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v0161976WISFields, Douglas M.   34141997-08-04
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Gilman. Village of Gilman dump area., 45.16093139 -90.81051279

University of Michigan Herbarium

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1209307C. Joseph Mayer   s.n.1893-07-00
Germany, Bavaria, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 95519

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1209310T. Vestergren   s.n.1922-08-05
Hungary, Budapest, Aquincum

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1209312F.G. Dickason   12521928-07-00
India, Jammu and Kashmir, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 95524

1208280Dr. Edward Palmer   6941886-07-00
Mexico, Jalisco, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 94604

1208281Edward Palmer   17181891-09-25
Mexico, no data, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 94652

1208282Col. L. Montoya C.   351983-11-10
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 94653

1208283Dr. Edward Palmer   6951880-07-00
Mexico, Jalisco, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 94654

1209308Jonanthan D. Sauer   1703B1954-11-01
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 95520

1209309Jonanthan D. Sauer   17021954-09-30
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 95521

1209311Jonanthan D. Sauer   1713B1954-10-13
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 95523, 28.48333 -84.91667

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1209610Charles A. Davis   s.n.1894-09-20
United States, Michigan, Gratiot, About Alma, 43.38095 -84.65758

1207444Not evident   s.n.
United States, Arizona, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 93869

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1207522George L. Ames, M.D.   s.n.1853-05-00
United States, New York, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 94200

1208127James Henrickson   15811964-06-18
Mexico, Sonora, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 94411

Pipe Spring National Monument

Image Associated With the Occurence
PISP 5903FERTIG, WALTER   236832007-10-09
United States, Arizona, MOHAVE, ca 0.3 miles N of AZ Hwy 389, ca 13 air miles SW of Fredonia, and 9.5 miles S of the Utah state line.

University of Mississippi, Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
MISS0021713B. A. Connolly   2402000-10-13
USA, Mississippi, Lafayette, Oxford UM Medicinal Plant Garden. Hawthorne Rd., 34.358435 -89.548339

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Herbarium

MMNS027277Charles R. Gunn   108621975-00-00
United States, Mississippi, Washington, Rare in waste areas esp, abandoned house or farm lots. Reseeding at collection site. Collected in section 12, abandoned house site E side of US 61 and just S of railroad in Elizabeth., 33.42445 -90.89865

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium

UWSP-V-0188408Alvin Bogdansky   N/A2012-08-19
United States, Wisconsin, Wood

Michigan State University

MSC0088311Charles Davis   1896-09-18
United States, Michigan, Gratiot, [No locality given]

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MSC0088310Fyfe, G.; Shaddick, J.; Skeels, H.C.   1895-10-06
United States, Michigan, Kent, near Crooked Lake. Grand Rapids

University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse

UWL0014318S.H. Sohmer   69091971-11-02
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, Yard of 607 N. 23rd St.

UWL0014319S.H. Sohmer   72421972-07-09
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, 607 N. 23rd St.

Milwaukee Public Museum

B1282F. Runge   1887-09-04
United States, Wisconsin, Ozaukee, 43.387225 -87.875644

B57758W. Finger   1897-08-15
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Western Carolina University Herbarium

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WCUH0004753Pittillo, Dan   93101986-10-21
United States, North Carolina, Jackson, West of Dillsboro 1.5 mi, in Laurel Cove of Tunnel Mountain Road. Volunteer in dug area of yard, probably from past plantings. Collected by Glenn Liming.

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
278825R. Chaser;Donna L. Ruhl   92-261922-07-10
United States of America, Florida, Alachua County, Gainesville, Garden at N.E. 8th Ave. T10S, R19E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
278826Donna L. Ruhl;R. Chaser   92-251992-07-10
United States of America, Florida, Alachua County, Gainesville, Garden at N.E. 8th Ave. T10S, R19E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
278827R. Chaser;Donna L. Ruhl   92-251992-07-10
United States of America, Florida, Alachua County, Gainesville, Garden at N.E. 8th Ave. T10S, R19E.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry

Image Associated With the Occurence
16566Donna Ruhl   92-261992-07-10
United States, Florida, Alachua, Garden at NE 8th Ave. Sandy, moist soil. Erect herb to six feet tall, flowers deep maroon. T10S, R19E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
16565Donna Ruhl   92-251992-07-10
United States, Florida, Alachua, Garden at NE 8th Ave. Sandy, moist soil. Erect herb to four feet tall, flowers yellowish-white. T10S, R19E.

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

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UVMVT062326   1893-08-17
United States, Connecticut, New Haven, 41.22433 -73.06117

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United States, Vermont, Windsor, 43.59731 -72.55246

University of Georgia Herbarium

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Cultivated, Cultivated, Cultivated

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

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Putnam Museum and Science Center

Clinton, G.W.   
United States, New York, Erie, Buffalo, 42.886447 -78.878369

Oregon State University

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Hugh R. Copeland   s.n.2002-10-07
United States, Oregon, Baker, Baker City, 3760 Kirkway., 44.775 -117.8333

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence

University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium

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TENN-V-0090484Ken McFarland   1995-07-00
United States, Tennessee, Knox, Grown in Greenhouse garden, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, 35.956427 -83.926281

University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
CINC-V-0001195Reed, J.A.   s.n.1886-08-00
United States, New Jersey, Essex, Newark

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