Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Marsilea vestita subsp. vestita (Marsilea vestita var. mucronata, Marsilea fournieri, Marsilea minuta, Marsilea mucronata, Marsilea uncinata)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 713

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

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ASU0135162David Keil   287372000-05-24
USA, California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita Ranch. Ca. 4.2 miles south of railroad crossing (in Santa Margarita) on Pozo Road., 35.368003 -120.559463

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ASU0135163R.D. Worthington   218941993-04-17
USA, New Mexico, Luna, West edge of West Potrillo Mountains, 12 miles east of Columbus., 31.79991766 -107.4246455, 1210m

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ASU0135169Louis Cutter Wheeler   73091958-07-15
United States, California, Tulare, San Joaquin Valley; south of Yettem, 36.4719 -119.26

University of Arizona Herbarium

Steven P. McLaughlin   84982000-09-01
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Sonoita Creek State Natural Area; Fresno Canyon, in wet ground along stream, 31.50794 -110.91847, 1130m

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

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ASC00069641H.D. Hammond   119022001-09-02
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Ponderosa Trail. Small shallow pond west of street, east of I-17, north of airport, 35.15000153 -111.67500305, 2122m

Herbario de la Universidad de Sonora

9451T.L. Burgess   67931985-03-22
México, Sonora, Sonora: "Chesire Cat Pass" N of Sierra Pinacate. 2.0 km N, 3.6 km E (map distance) of Los Vidrios PEMEX., 32.05 -113.05, 215m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

R.E. Riefner, Jr.   02--2262002-09-08
United States, California, Los Angeles, Chatsworth, Chatsworth County Park, NW portion of park, 34.26 -118.61917, 320m

Jon P. Rebman   297772015-04-08
United States, California, San Diego, Camp Pendleton; northwest portion of Base, Bravo 2 Training Area; just north of the junction of San Mateo Dr & north Range Road and north of San Mateo Creek. Atlas Square: C2, 33.42589 -117.54161, 65m

Ellen Dean   51052008-06-08
United States, California, Colusa, BLM Payne Ranch, lands to the southwest of the junction of Hwys 16 and 20. Western edge of ranch on ridge above Cache Creek Canyon, 38.93953 -122.36883, 511m

Louis C. Wheeler   73091958-07-15
United States, California, Tulare, south of Yettem, 36.47194 -119.25972

Julie A. Greene   14331993-07-09
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Wildlife Area [northwest of Lakeview], 33.85 -117.13333, 433m

Alvin R. Diamond   221492011-05-22
United States, Alabama, Montgomery, Montgomery, northern by-pass at the north shore of the lake at Lagoon Park, 32.41522 -86.22125, 55m

Arnold Tiehm   185762019-08-20
United States, Nevada, Elko, Willow Creek Reservoir along the Midas-Tuscarosa road on the south side of Willow Creek Ridge, 41.21442 -116.51914, 1646m

Dena Grossenbacher   7612008-04-09
United States, California, Sutter, south end of Butte Sink just west of Sutter Buttes, 39.22861 -121.91722, 15m

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0110274R.J. Fleetwood   20301958-07-19
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio., 33.802789 -106.87319

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0110271W.A. Weber   185581993-05-22
United States, Colorado, Baca, Big Hole Canyon above east fork Carrizo Creek, Road H.

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0110275R. Spellenberg   53451981-07-02
United States, New Mexico, Harding, 1/2 mile northeast of Abbott Lake., 36.20766384 -104.3170294, 1767m

New Mexico State University Range Science

18567Roalson, E.H.   3761993-03-16
United States, Texas, Williamson, Sleugh on south side of creek southeast of the jct of Lake Creek Dr. and Round Rock West Dr. Associates Typha, Ranunculus, Eleocharis, Festuca, Marsilea, Rumex.

18568Roalson, E.H.   3761993-03-16
United States, Texas, Williamson, Sleugh on south side of creek southeast of the jct of Lake Creek Dr. and Round Rock West Dr. Associates Typha, Ranunculus, Eleocharis, Festuca, Marsilea, Rumex.

13206Kelly W. Allred   60031993-08-19
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Gray Ranch, muddy creek bottom just east of headquarters along main road, willows along the edge, with Limosella, Leptochloa, 1585m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

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3881095F. J. Lindheimer   746
United States of America, Texas

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3812556E. Hall   8611872-07-04
United States of America, Texas, Dallas Co., 32.783056 -96.806667

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3812657J. Reverchon   28021902-06-05
United States of America, Texas, Dallas Co., 32.783056 -96.806667

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3881091J. Reverchon   3821
United States of America, Texas, Dallas, 32.783056 -96.806667

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03881084S. Watson   s.n.1874-00-00
United States of America, Kansas, Ellis Co., 38.938066 -99.560667

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3881088W. N. Suksdorf   s.n.
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., 45.873805 -120.789207

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3881085J. G. Lemmon   s.n.1874-00-00
United States of America, California, Sierra Co., 39.5804 -120.515996

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3881086C. Wright   811
United States of America, Texas

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3881087Brandegee   s.n.1883-00-00
United States of America, Washington, Washington Territory

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3881096J. B. Seiberg   s.n.1884-00-00
United States of America, North Dakota, Stark Co., 46.81068 -102.655129

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149811C. A. Geyer   s.n.1839-00-00
United States of America, North Dakota, Devil's Lake

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149808C. A. Geyer   711839-07-24
United States of America, North Dakota, not far from Devil's Lake.

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149806C. A. Geyer   711839-07-24
United States of America, North Dakota, not far from Devil's Lake.

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149810C. A. Geyer   s.n.1839-00-00
United States of America, North Dakota, Devil's Lake

Marsilea minuta E.Fourn.
149801T. S. Brandegee   s.n.1893-09-05
Mexico, Baja California Sur, San José de Cabo

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149807C. A. Geyer   s.n.1839-00-00
United States of America, Swamps in the prairies, near Devil's Lake

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149812J. G. Schaffner   s.n.
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, San Luís Potosí, 22.15111111 -100.97

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3812538C. C. Jacono   4992001-02-18
United States of America, Georgia, McDuffie Co., Cultivated in greenhouse at Univ. of Florida Hort. Unit, Gainesville.

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3812539C. C. Jacono   4982002-03-13
United States of America, Florida, Saint Lucie Co., Cultivated in greenhouse at Univ. of Florida Hort. Unit, Gainesville.

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3812540C. C. Jacono   5002001-08-13
United States of America, Georgia, McDuffie Co., Cultivated in greenhouse at Univ. of Florida Hort. Unit, Gainesville.

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3812541J. R. Burkhalter   133041992-06-19
United States of America, Florida, Escambia Co., Near Pensacola. NW corner of Lawnde Ave and Grundy St.

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3881089C. R. Orcutt   s.n.1884-00-00
United States of America, California, San Diego

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3881092E. Hall   5501872-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Austin, 30.267153 -97.743061

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03812552P. Rubtzoff   53881964-07-07
United States of America, California, Sonoma Co., Laguna de Santa Rosa area, east of Graton, between Occidental and Guerneville Roads.

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3881093F. J. Lindheimer   s.n.1849-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Comanche Spring

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3812553P. Rubtzoff   53881964-07-07
United States of America, California, Sonoma Co., Laguna de Santa Rosa area, east of Graton, between Occidental and Guerneville Roads.

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3881090E. Hall   8611872-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Dallas, 32.783056 -96.806667

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3812554D. S. Correll   400361970-09-26
United States of America, Oklahoma, Love Co., pool on spillway at Lake Murray, 34.076727 -97.066773

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3812555J. Lunell   s.n.1916-09-05
United States of America, North Dakota, Benson Co., near Butte

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04211645L. Ahart   96592002-05-15
United States of America, California, Butte Co., About 100 yards east of Parking Lot 10, Gray Lodge State Wildlife Managerment Area, about 4 miles (air) southwest of Gridley., 39.326084 -121.771954, 23m

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Marsilea minuta E.Fourn.
149800T. S. Brandegee   s.n.1893-09-05
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Lower California: San José del Cabo, 22.9705556 -109.93

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3881094E. Hall   254
United States of America, Colorado, Rocky Mts.

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03812650H. T. Beck   15241992-03-11
United States of America, Florida, Columbia Co., Survanee Labs, Inc., 30.25 -82.58

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03812651S. W. Leonard   84951985-04-05
United States of America, Florida, Franklin Co., On a vacant lot in the town of Apalachicola, west of Market Street and north of "F" Street

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3812652S. W. Leonard   84951985-04-05
United States of America, Florida, Franklin Co., On a vacant lot in the town of Apalachicola, west of Market Street and north of "F" Street

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3812653J. Hale   s.n.
United States of America, Louisiana, Red River

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3812654W. N. Clute   s.n.1902-00-00
United States of America, Louisiana, Orleans Parish, Along Mississippi River, New Orleans

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3812655C. R. Ball   4921899-05-29
United States of America, Louisiana, In the vicinity of Alexandria, 31.311294 -92.445137

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3812656H. Lamp   s.n.1957-08-30
United States of America, Arkansas, Newton Co., Pond margin, in Western Grove, 36.101462 -92.95507

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3812658J. Reverchon   3819
United States of America, Texas, near Dallas, 32.766631 -96.777877

4200072V. H. Oswald   75001996-04-29
United States of America, California, Tehama Co., CDFG parcel on the S side of Gyle Rd, NW of Corning. Northwest side of Sacramento Valley. Collected ca. 0.3 mi E of the W boundary., 39.994095 -122.244694, 102m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

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BRYV0018968Caleb A. Morse   191542009-06-18
U.S.A., Kansas, Sedgwick, Southwest side of Wichita. Along east side of Wichita Valley Center Floodway, north of MacArthur Ave overpass (near ÒOatvilleÓ)., 37.62247 -97.40056, 387m

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BRYV0012374Arnold Tiehm   130631999-08-20
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Wild Horse Reservoir on the Owyhee River just east of highway 225. 0.8 road miles N of Wild Horse Ranch and Resort., 1896m

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BRYV0012432Joseph Ewan   184091952-10-26
U.S.A., Louisiana, Miss. River, near foot of Henry Clay Ave. New Orleans.

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BRYV0012368B. E. Nelson   576812002-07-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Big Horn, Bighorn Basin: at White Reservoir along White Gulch, ca 0.5 air mi W of Dorsey Creek and ca 1.5 mi S of the Greybull River, ca 4.5 air mi ESE of Otto; ca 7 air mi W of Basin., 1228m

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BRYV0012428Larry C. Higgins   76721972-07-12
U.S.A., Oklahoma, Greer, One mile east of Plainview.

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BRYV0012363Herbert E. Sargent   s.n.0000-00-00

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BRYV0012429Larry C. Higgins   60681972-08-10
U.S.A., Texas, Knox, North of Benjamin on the South Fork of the Wichita River breaks and river riparian.

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BRYV0012386W. A. Weber   133681967-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Muddy margin of Bohn Lake, NE of base of Table Mt, 11 mi. N of Boulder., 1524m

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BRYV0012367D. S. Correll   400361970-09-26
U.S.A., Oklahoma, Love, In shallow pool on spillway at Lake Murray.

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BRYV0012366L. R. Raymond   811974-07-16
U.S.A., Louisiana, Caldwell, Immediately off U.S. 165 at Riverton.

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BRYV0012365W. A. Weber   133681967-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Muddy margin of Bohn Lake, NE base of Table Mt, 11 mi. N of Boulder., 1524m

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BRYV0012362D. S. Correll   330441966-06-16
U.S.A., New Mexico, Sierra, At edge and in water of old fish hatchery pond just west of Elephant Butte.

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BRYV0012361John W. Moore   105501938-09-15
U.S.A., Minnesota, Pipestone, 1/2 mile north of Pipestone.

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BRYV0012360R. Dale Thomas   45901967-09-23
U.S.A., Louisiana, La Salle, In bed of Old River; beside US 84, 1 mile south of Whitehall.

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BRYV0012404David Keil   287372000-05-24
U.S.A., California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita Ranch. Ca. 4.2 miles south of railroad crossing (in Santa Margarita) on Pozo Road.

Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium

J.L. Thieme   (sn)2007-07-12
United States of America, Colorado, Kit Carson County, 1.15 miles S of Washington Co. line, 2 miles E of Arikaree River, N end of playa, 39.548067 -103.074785

J.L. Thieme   (sn)2007-07-24
United States of America, Colorado, Phillips, 2.7 miles N of Yuma Co. line, 8.8 miles SW of Holyoke, 4600 ft WNW of Fiddler Peak crest, 3800 ft N of Rd 6, 1000 ft E of Rd 30, 40.477612 -102.393999

Pacific Union College Hebarium

2505G.L. Clifton   1974-08-02
United States, California, Plumas, Local landmark: Lake Almanor. Almanor Quad., 40.228333 -121.225, 1390m

62591G.L. Clifton   1982-06-05
United States, California, Napa, Local landmark: Atlas Peak Road. Capell Valley Quad., 38.410917 -122.245861, 420m

47159G.L. Clifton   1980-07-14
United States, California, Napa, Local landmark: Lake Hennessey. St. Helena Quad., 38.588139 -122.49475, 91m

Western Illinois University, ​R. M. Myers Herbarium

MWI00047091Raymond, Larry R.   811974-07-16
USA, Louisiana, Caldwell, Riverton, immediately off United States 165

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

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EIU078899Drummond, A.R.   221492011-05-22
USA, Alabama, Montgomery, Montgomery, 32.415 -86.2212, 55m

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EIU000884Thomas, Roy Dale, 1936-1922   295831972-06-08
USA, Louisiana, Ouachita, 33.057431 -92.169703, 19 - 19m

University of Minnesota Herbarium

299393Lunell, J.   1905-00-00
United States, North Dakota, Benson

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267743Schaffner, J.G.   151879-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, [No further info], 23.098335 -100.981771

San Diego State University Herbarium

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SDSU21797Michael G. Simpson   39832016-05-07
United States, California, Riverside, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. Across street from vernal pool trail, ca. 4 miles north on road from Visitor’s Center., 33.50875 -117.29492, 636m

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SDSU21703Michael G. Simpson   39942016-05-07
United States, California, Riverside, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, near boardwalk overlook. Approximately 1.1 km east of parking area for vernal pool trail, parking lot ca. 4 miles north on road from Visitor’s Center., 33.50711 -117.28305, 624m

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SDSU01636Miss Kimball   2241897-06-07
United States, California, San Diego, Stonewall mine, Cuymaca Mts., 32.9828 -116.569

University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Hrusa, G.   154562000-06-12
United States, California, Calaveras County, Copperopolis, 37.9352778 -120.6263889, - 650m

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USCH0073643Jacono, Colette   7022007-12-14
United States, Florida, Collier

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USCH0075419Raymond, L.; Painter, C.   811974-07-16
United States, Louisiana, Caldwell Parish, Riverton

Auburn University, John D. Freeman Herbarium

Diamond, Jr., Alvin R.   142692003-11-16
United States, Alabama, Pike, U.S. HWY. 231 AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE CONECUH RIVER. NORTH OF THE ROAD., 31.8044452667 -86.0458297729

Short, John W.   2000-06-01

Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
000151728James R. Burkhalter   133041992-06-19
United States, Florida, Escambia, Near Pensacola. NW corner of Lownde Ave. and Grundy St.

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000058247Loran C. Anderson   236252007-12-29
United States, Florida, Franklin, amongst grasses in drying, dark sandy loam of shallow roadside depression bordering N side of Avenue K just W of 9th street in town of Apalachicola.

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000151729Loran C. Anderson   76251984-09-20
United States, Florida, Franklin, Abundant in sandy loam of large open field on W side of N. Market Street (just N of Avenue I) in Apalachicola. Seen also of E side of street to a lesser degree.

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000151730Loran C. Anderson   80091985-04-22
United States, Florida, Franklin, Grassy Meadow bordering W side of Market Street. N of business district in town of Apalachicola

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000151731Loran C. Anderson   73561984-06-19
United States, Florida, Franklin, Shallow roadside ditch along Avenue K near 9th Street in Apalachicola

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000151732Loran C. Anderson   73561984-06-19
United States, Florida, Franklin, roadside depression along Avenue K near 9th Street in Apalachicola

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