Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Koeberlinia spinosa, Koeberlinia spinosa var. spinosa, Koeberlinia spinosa var. tenuispina (Koeberlinia spinosa subsp. tenuispina), Koeberlinia spinosa var. wivaggii, Koeberlinia spinosa subsp. spinosa
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 1145

Herbario Annetta Mary Carter

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
25336Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   33342010-03-14
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, km 11 Carr.a Puerto López Mateos, 25.260933 -111.887061, 30m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
26004José Luis León de la Luz   14692010-03-03
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, Camino del Eero Salinas a Llanos de Hiray, 24.81315 -111.803, 18m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
26808Alfonso Medel Narváez   2011-1092011-03-30
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, Acceso terraceria, km 12 carretera Cd. Constitución - San Carlos, 24.912641 -111.819881, 20m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
26881Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   35792011-03-27
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, 15 km Carretera Santo Domingo a Francisco Villa. Al N de Cd. Insurgentes., 25.632501 -111.950833, 45m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
26955Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   36532011-03-27
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, 5 km de brecha a la costa. Entrada a 5 km antes de Francisco Villa. al N de Cd. Insurgentes., 25.71235 -112.04595, 21m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
27039Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   37372011-03-27
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, Brecha a 5 kms al W del Campo Pesquero Las Tinajas., 25.656667 -112.028889, 19m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
27078Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   37762011-03-27
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, 2 km al S de Rancho Guadalupe. 12 km por brecha al NE del poblado Santo Domingo., 25.57665 -111.96405, 17m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
31444Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   48332019-03-02
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, Sitio ca. del km 25 de la carretera a Puerto San Carlos, al W de Cd. Constitución., 24.952337 -111.893314, 4817m

31750Debra Valov   11792013-03-28
México, Baja California Sur, Mulegé, Camino a Playa Santa Ines, 29.99194 -111.04511, 40m

Koeberlinia spinosa tenuispina
32044Jon P. Rebman   15121993-03-12
México, Baja California, Mexicali, 14 miles west of San Felipe road to Santa Clara, 31.0335 -115.1426, 545m

Herbario de la Unidad Regional Universitaria de Zonas Áridas

217Antonia Gonzalez   sn1989-08-21
Mexico, Durango, carretera Bermejillo-Chihuahua km 158, 26.445185 -104.04525

2838Sahara Xolocotzi Acoltzi   62022-04-24
Mexico, Coahuila, Torreón, La Trinidad, 25.140899 -103.373044, 1260m

Herbario de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

5969J. Rebman   15121993-03-12
México, Baja California, San Felipe, 14 miles west of San Felipeand Rte. 5 along the road to Santa Clara., 31.033333 -115.133333

6638J. Rebman   25641994-04-09
México, Baja California, San Felipe, San Felipe Desert, 2 miles east of Laguna Diablo on the road to San Felipe, 31.066667 -115.233333

10530L.A. McGill   68731996-10-13
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chihuahua high desert, San Simon River Valley, eastern drainage from Chiricahua Mts. S of San Simon, 2.0 mi N of Portal-Paradise 'Y' juction on San Simon Rd.

Herbario de la Universidad de Sonora

10780Richard S. Felger   85-12431985-10-10
México, Sonora, Municipio de Guaymas. Ensenada los Algodones; palm grove (Sabal uresana) about 0.2 miles from beach, about 3.3 air miles northwest of San Carlos; near sea level., 27.96666667 -111.1, 1m

11132T.R. Van Devender   2003-10032003-08-18
México, Sonora, Municipio Agua Prieta, Son, Arroyo Guadalupe, Rancho Ojos Calientes, 39 km east of Agua Prieta on MEX 2., 31.31305556 -109.1283333, 1150m

5568A.L. Reina G.   97-2601997-02-28
México, Sonora, 2.3 north of Puerto Lobos on the Gulf of California, 30.28527778 -112.8394444

184A.E. Castellanos V.   SN1979-03-30
México, Sonora, El Americano, camino entre Puerto Libertad y Caborca, Son., 30.56805556 -112.45

12182Richard S. Felger   85-5011985-03-07
México, Sonora, Road to Bahía San Carlos at 5 km by road east of Mex Hwy 15., 27.97083333 -110.9916667, 3m

14489T.R. Van Devender   2009-15662009-09-27
México, Sonora, Municipio de Agua Prieta, Son, Rancho Puerta Blanca (Cuenca Los Ojos Reserve), ca. 41 km east of Agua Prieta on MEX 2., 31.31583333 -109.0930556, 1295m

16482José Jesús Sánchez Escalante   2011-0152011-03-14
México, Sonora, Estero Tastiota, Costa de Hermosillo. Duna costera a 11.85 Km (línea recta) al WSW del entronque de la calle 4 con el camino a Puerto Arturo, a 92 Km (línea recta) al SW de Hermosillo, Sonora., 28.38916667 -111.4941667, 24m

Image Associated With the Occurence
20025Benjamin T. Wilder   07-2662007-05-03
México, Sonora, Isla Tiburón. Eastern side of Valle de Agua Dulce., 29.152131 -112.374811

19362José Jesús Sánchez Escalante   2012-0712012-03-15
México, Sonora, Municipio de Pitiquito, Sonora. Dunas costeras entre Puerto Libertad y Punta Cirio, a 5.4 Km (línea recta) al SE de Puerto Libertad., 29.86488889 -112.6501667, 20m

22506Benjamin T. Wilder   08-3432008-09-27
México, Sonora, Municipio de Hermosillo, ca. 5 mi N-NW of Rancho Sahuaral, off road of HWY 24, SE of Estero Tastiota., 28.37057 -111.34478, 10m

24245Richard S. Felger   99781964-05-01
México, Sonora, 2.2 mi. by road e. of Desemboque del Rio San Ignacio.

31852A.L. Reina-G   2021-192021-03-22
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Dunes in the E side of Playa San Bartolo, 27.6 km (by air) N of Bahia de Kino Viejo., 29.071944 -111.927222, 38m

32773J.F. Wiens   2002-0152002-12-18
USA, Arizona, Pima, 2.4 km W. of Agua Dulce Ranch, Roskruge Mountains; Flora of Ironwood Forest National Monument, 32.291111 -111.470556, 720m

Herbario del Estado de Zacatecas

1767E.J. Rodríguez-Pérez   47872015-00-00
MÉXICO, ZACATECAS, 3.3. km al E de Anáhuac. 6.5 km al E del entronque a Mazapil por la carretera de Concepción del Oro-El Salvador, 24.513861 -101.308806

1768E.J. Rodríguez-Pérez   48242015-00-00
MÉXICO, ZACATECAS, 16 km al O de la minera Peñasquito, 24.644556 -101.868833

1769E.J. Rodríguez-Pérez   64462017-07-04
MÉXICO, ZACATECAS, 1.9 km al NE de Melchor Ocampo, cerro frente a la Mina de Oro, 24.839083 -101.6245

1770E.J. Rodríguez-Pérez   47912016-08-06
MÉXICO, ZACATECAS, Camino rumbo a Melchor Ocampo, sobre la Sierra de Zuloaga, 24.795583 -101.665528

1771E.J. Rodríguez-Pérez   62832017-00-00
MÉXICO, ZACATECAS, Banco de Materiales, 3.8 km al N de Laguna Seca, 23.09175 -102.508111

1772E.J. Rodríguez-Pérez   47572015-00-00
MÉXICO, ZACATECAS, 11 km al NO de Espíritu Santo, 22.680917 -101.512778

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Image Associated With the Occurence
71266J. del Angel   532017-03-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Guerrero, Planicie Costera del Golfo, Ejido Villa Union, 28.272999 -100.368999, 217m

91694Luis Ángel Rosales-Lara   7752016-12-01
Mexico, Nuevo León, General Bravo, Predio San Bernardo

Herbario Walter L. Meagher, Jardín Botánico El Charco del Ingenio

237R. Hernández M.   105161994-02-24
México, Querétaro, Peñamiller, Alrededores de Peña Blanca

Howard Payne University Herbarium

HPC00007621Tyner, Calvin   1771979-05-08
United States, Texas, Pecos

HPC00007623Barber, Susan   5361973-07-07
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis

HPC00007625Lonard, Robert   30751971-07-02
United States, Texas, Starr

HPC00007626Beene, Martha   91968-04-13
United States, Texas, Pecos

HPC00007627Bliss, Linda   971971-04-15
United States, Texas, Presidio

HPC00022511Rowell, C.M.   30591974-06-29
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Dolan Creek Ranch

HPC00022512Barber, Susan   5361973-07-07
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Gearhart Ranch

HPC00022513Barber, Susan   5361973-07-07
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Gearhart Ranch

HPC00023997Gipson, Randy   441971-04-16
United States, Texas, Presidio

Huntington Botanical Gardens Herbarium

17888Verity, David   1963-09-05
USA, New Mexico, Hidalgo, 1 mile north of Rodeo. Seed., 1280m

13025Tim Thibault   15882017-08-09
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Dillahunty Road ca. 1 mile SE of US62/180, 32.07952 -104.41618, 1132m

15507Tim Thibault   19332022-10-02
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Dry Canyon, 32.9295 -105.87319, 1807m

Illinois Natural History Survey

Steven R. Hill, Michael Nee & Aquilino Molina   373152007-04-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, PROV. CABALLERO. Along Quebrada Pujio, a dry wash, 9 kilometers southeast of Comarapa on highway to San Isidro, on road from Comarapa to San Isidro. Elevation 1730 meters. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., -17.971667 -64.486389

T. B. Cametti   s.n.1962-06-21
United States, Texas, Brewster, Near end of Grapevine Mountain Road, Big Bend National Park.

Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)

Image Associated With the Occurence
UTC00253216John Stewart   10141991-09-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Rancho San Francisco, municips. Lapazos, Nuevo Leon y Progreso Coahuila

Image Associated With the Occurence
UTC00059564L.R. Stanford   2321941-07-03
Mexico, Coahuila, 9 km S of Parras in Sierra Negras, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UTC00084993B.C. tharp   43-7181943-06-12
United States, Texas, Pecos, [locality not specified]

Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

LSU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
LSU00083484B. C. Tharp   43-7181943-06-12
United States, Texas, Pecos, unspecified

LSU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
LSU00083485Steve Lillie   1671993-08-15
United States, Texas, Webb, About 5 mi. NW of Laredo on both sides of FM 1472.

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NO0083704Susan W. Hutchinson   53591930-04-00
United States, Arizona, Yuma

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0083705Delzie Demaree   510581964-07-30
United States, Texas, Reeves

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0083706W. C. Holmes   66951993-07-26
United States, New Mexico, Luna

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0083707R. D. Worthington   232241994-07-31
United States, Texas, Culberson

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0083708W. C. Holmes   67181993-07-29
United States, Texas, Hudspeth

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0083709W. C. Holmes   64151993-03-08
United States, Texas, Starr

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NO0110215Chuck Walker   152011-07-26
United States, New Mexico, Grant

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00290430Barton H. Warnock   62471947-07-05
United States, Texas, Culberson, About 20 miles northeast of Frijole; 2 miles south of Tex-line., 31.991361 -104.564258

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00290435Donovan S. Correll|Helen B. Correll   261221962-10-01
United States, Texas, Terrell, 8 miles west of Dryden.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00290436Donovan S. Correll|Helen B. Correll   321801966-02-06
United States, Texas, Winkler, Concho Bluff, breaks, S. B. Wight's Ranch.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00290438Donovan S. Correll   304271964-10-15
United States, Texas, Kinney, Anacacho Mts. on Anacacho Ranch.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00290444Donovan S. Correll|Reed C. Rollins   209401959-04-19
United States, Texas, Starr, In bush-hill country 8 miles east of Rio Grande City, route #83.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00290446Donovan S. Correll   289841964-03-13
United States, Texas, Cameron, Along Arroyo Colorado, Harlingen, brushlands.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338091Donovan S. Correll   233511959-10-26
United States, Texas, Presidio, About 5 miles from Lajitas, on road to Presidio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338094Donovan S. Correll|Reed C. Rollins   237611961-04-22
United States, Texas, Brewster, In rock crevices, north-facing talus slope, Bear Creek, about 30 miles southeast of Marathon., 29.939065 -103.008812

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338099Barton H. Warnock|L. C. Hinckley   BG-1091950-06-24
United States, Texas, Brewster, Horse Canyon; 100 miles south of Alpine.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338100Donovan S. Correll|Marshall C. Johnston   246051961-09-14
United States, Texas, Terrell, Big Canyon just off the Sanderson-Sheffield highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338106Donovan S. Correll   368061969-03-20
United States, Texas, Starr, In thickets at El Sauz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338111Agustin Gamez   641963-03-24
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, U. S. Highway 83, 10 miles east of Sullivan, Texas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338112Candelario Flores|Veronica C. Flores   1541963-03-23
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, U. S. Highway 83, 10 miles southeast of Sullivan City, Texas., 31.5974 -100.182

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338115Donovan S. Correll|Charles Schweinfurth   156401957-04-06
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge.

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LL00338117H. S. Barber   481904-06-05
United States, Texas, Cameron, Los Borregos, 18 miles northeast of Brownsville, Texas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00338122Donovan S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston   179511957-07-13
United States, Texas, Cameron, On clay mounds 8 miles east of Brownsville on Boca Chica road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00443047Donovan S. Correll|Dieter C. Wasshausen   279181963-06-19
United States, Texas, Culberson, 7 mi. W of Kent on rocky slopes of hill.

Image Associated With the Occurence
LL00443049Barton H. Warnock   136311955-09-07
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Along Hwy 5 mi. W of Van Horn. Beach Mtns.

LL00159481L. R. Stanford|K. L. Retherford|R. D. Northcraft   2321941-07-03
Mexico, Coahuila, Parras, 9 Km S of Parras, on Sas Negras

LL00159484Ronald L. Hartman|John D. Bacon   33181972-05-23
Mexico, Coahuila, Ocampo, 52 mi N of Ocampo

LL00159485Ivan M. Johnston|Cornelius H. Mueller   3621940-08-19
Mexico, Coahuila, Tanque Armendais (western Coahuila)

LL00159494Joseph T. Painter|Fred A. Barkley   143701944-02-28
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Near Río El Paraguay 31 mi E of China

LL00159495Francisco González Medrano|R. M. López|R. Dirzo   43441972-08-09
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Tula, 32 Km al SW de Tula, cerca del límite de Tams. y SLP

LL00159504L. González Quintero   21541965-03-06
Mexico, Hidalgo, Ixmiquilpan, 11 Km al S de Ixmiquilpan

LL00159507Reid C. Moran   182971971-03-09
Mexico, Baja California, Valley of San Felipe, 30.53333 -115.08333

LL00159508Reid C. Moran   215551974-12-27
Mexico, Baja California, Rancho Fonseca, 31.033333 -115.233333

LL00159509Ira L. Wiggins   79111935-03-06
Mexico, Baja California, 11 mi E of San Ignacio

LL00159514Ivan M. Johnston|Cornelius H. Mueller   221940-08-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, Hills between Alamos Chapo and Alamitos, 10 mi E of Chapo

LL00159516Ivan M. Johnston|Cornelius H. Mueller   751940-08-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sa San Carlos; rd to San Carlos Mines

LL00159517Fernando Chiang C.|Tom L. Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston   97781972-10-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Base (E) of N end of Sa del Cuchillo Parado where crossed by Ojinaga-Cd Chihuahua Hwy, 60 Km W of Ojinaga, 29.59167 -104.9

LL00159518P. Case|L. Hess|D. Thurm|D. Dunn|S. Trott|C. Dziekanowski   231881979-07-15
Mexico, Coahuila, E of Hwy 57, 18 mi SE of Saltillo

LL00159523Donald J. Pinkava   55861968-06-13
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, 4.4 mi S of Puerto Salado along road to Santa Tecla

LL00159524Ivan M. Johnston|Cornelius H. Mueller   2791940-08-14
Mexico, Coahuila, Canyon de Tinaja Blanca, central mass of Sa de las Cruces, W of Santa Elena Mines

LL00159525Donald J. Pinkava   59281969-04-04
Mexico, Coahuila, 2.4 mi N of Cuatro Ciénegas, along Río Cañon, Cañon de Agua

Marshall University

Image Associated With the Occurence
MUHW035375Michael Meadors   0041982-09-24
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Val Verde Ranch, 3 mi S, 16 mi W of Edinburg

Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Texas, Starr

Mississippi State University

Image Associated With the Occurence
MISSA015952Mark Fishbein w/ S. Mchahon, J. McCormack & K. Hooper   45352001-03-25
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains, Palm Canyon; Yuma County, 33.35 -114.1

Page 5, records 401-500 of 1145


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