Central Taxonomic Thesaurus
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                            Cocconeidaceae Go to child
                            Bacillariaceae Go to child
                            Actinodiscaceae Go to child
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                            Biddulphiaceae Go to child
                            Chaetoceraceae Go to child
                            Chaetocerotaceae Go to child
                            Coscinodiscaceae Go to child
                            Cymatosiraceae Go to child
                            Eupodiscaceae Go to child
                            Melosiraceae Go to child
                            Pyxillaceae Go to child
                            Rhizosoleniaceae Go to child
                            Thalassionemataceae Go to child
                            Thalassiosiraceae Go to child
                            Aulacodiscaceae Go to child
                            Cymbellaceae Go to child
                            Gomphonemataceae Go to child
                            Fragilariaceae Go to child
                            Lyrellaceae Go to child
                            Naviculaceae Go to child
                            Pinnulariaceae Go to child
                            Pleurosigmataceae Go to child
                            Stauroneidaceae Go to child
                            Achnanthaceae Go to child
                            Diatomaceae Go to child
                            Entomoneidaceae Go to child
                            Epithemiaceae Go to child
                            Gomphonemaceae Go to child
                            Nitzschiaceae Go to child
                            Rhopalodiaceae Go to child
                            Surirellaceae Go to child
                            Tabellariaceae Go to child
                            Rhaphoneidaceae Go to child
                            Glaucocystaceae Go to child
                            Chlorokybaceae Go to child
                            Gonatozygaceae Go to child
                            Peniaceae Go to child
                            Elakatotrichaceae Go to child
                            Klebsormidiaceae Go to child
                            Aclistocharaceae Go to child
                            Characeae Go to child
                            Clavatoraceae Go to child
                            Porocharaceae Go to child
                            Chaetopeltidaceae Go to child
                            Aphanochaetaceae Go to child
                            Chaetophoraceae Go to child
                            Schizomeridaceae Go to child
                            Actinochloridaceae Go to child
                            Asteromonadaceae Go to child
                            Carteriaceae Go to child
                            Characiochloridaceae Go to child
                            Characiosiphonaceae Go to child
                            Chlorangiellaceae Go to child
                            Chlorochytriaceae Go to child
                            Chlorosarcinaceae Go to child
                            Coccomyxaceae Go to child
                            Cylindrocapsaceae Go to child
                            Dangeardinellaceae Go to child
                            Dictyosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Endosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Gloeocystaceae Go to child
                            Gloeodendraceae Go to child
                            Haematococcaceae Go to child
                            Hormotilaceae Go to child
                            Hypnomonadaceae Go to child
                            Micractiniaceae Go to child
                            Phacotaceae Go to child
                            Pleurastraceae Go to child
                            Protosiphonaceae Go to child
                            Raciborskiellaceae Go to child
                            Rhopalosolenaceae Go to child
                            Scotiellocystoidaceae Go to child
                            Sphaerocystidaceae Go to child
                            Sphaerodictyaceae Go to child
                            Spondylomoraceae Go to child
                            Tetrabaenaceae Go to child
                            Treubariaceae Go to child
                            Chlorangiopsidaceae Go to child
                            Characiaceae Go to child
                            Chlorococcaceae Go to child
                            Microsporaceae Go to child
                            Oedogoniaceae Go to child
                            Ankistrodesmaceae Go to child
                            Bracteacoccaceae Go to child
                            Bracteamorphaceae Go to child
                            Chromochloridaceae Go to child
                            Dictyochloridaceae Go to child
                            Dictyococcaceae Go to child
                            Hydrodictyaceae Go to child
                            Mychonastaceae Go to child
                            Neochloridaceae Go to child
                            Pseudomuriellaceae Go to child
                            Radiococcaceae Go to child
                            Rotundellaceae Go to child
                            Scenedesmaceae Go to child
                            Schizochlamydaceae Go to child
                            Schroederiaceae Go to child
                            Selenastraceae Go to child
                            Sphaeropleaceae Go to child
                            Tumidellaceae Go to child
                            Tetracystaceae Go to child
                            Palmellaceae Go to child
                            Palmellopsidaceae Go to child
                            Tetrasporaceae Go to child
                            Chlamydomonadaceae Go to child
                            Dunaliellaceae Go to child
                            Goniaceae Go to child
                            Volvocaceae Go to child
                            Chlorodendraceae Go to child
                            Halosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Pedinomonadaceae Go to child
                            Scourfieldiaceae Go to child
                            Dolichomastigaceae Go to child
                            Bathycoccaceae Go to child
                            Mamiellaceae Go to child
                            Monomastigaceae Go to child
                            Nephroselmidaceae Go to child
                            Palmophyllaceae Go to child
                            Prasinococcaceae Go to child
                            Pycnococcaceae Go to child
                            Pterosphaeridiaceae Go to child
                            Polyblepharidaceae Go to child
                            Pterospermataceae Go to child
                            Pyramimonadaceae Go to child
                            Chlorellaceae Go to child
                            Ctenocladaceae Go to child
                            Eremosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Leptosiraceae Go to child
                            Oocystaceae Go to child
                            Microthamniaceae Go to child
                            Phyllosiphonaceae Go to child
                            Koliellaceae Go to child
                            Prasiolaceae Go to child
                            Botryococcaceae Go to child
                            Trebouxiaceae Go to child
                            Bryopsidaceae Go to child
                            Caulerpaceae Go to child
                            Chaetosiphonaceae Go to child
                            Codiaceae Go to child
                            Derbesiaceae Go to child
                            Dichotomosiphonaceae Go to child
                            Halimedaceae Go to child
                            Ostreobiaceae Go to child
                            Pseudocodiaceae Go to child
                            Pseudoudoteaceae Go to child
                            Rhipiliaceae Go to child
                            Udoteaceae Go to child
                            Anadyomenaceae Go to child
                            Boodleaceae Go to child
                            Cladophoraceae Go to child
                            Okellyaceae Go to child
                            Pithophoraceae Go to child
                            Pseudocladophoraceae Go to child
                            Siphonocladaceae Go to child
                            Valoniaceae Go to child
                            Dasycladaceae Go to child
                            Polyphysaceae Go to child
                            Oltmannsiellopsidaceae Go to child
                            Scotinosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Trentepohliaceae Go to child
                            Gayraliaceae Go to child
                            Gloeotilaceae Go to child
                            Gomontiaceae Go to child
                            Ulotrichaceae Go to child
                            Bolbocoleaceae Go to child
                            Cloniophoraceae Go to child
                            Jaoaceae Go to child
                            Kornmanniaceae Go to child
                            Monostromataceae Go to child
                            Phaeophilaceae Go to child
                            Ulvaceae Go to child
                            Ulvellaceae Go to child
                            Anthoceratoaceae Go to child
                            Anthocerotaceae Go to child
                            Codoniaceae Go to child
                            Dendrocerotaceae Go to child
                            Notothyladaceae Go to child
                            Anthocerotidae Go to child
                            Dendrocerotidae Go to child
                            Phymatocerotaceae Go to child
                            Notothylatidae Go to child
                            Leiosporocerotaceae Go to child
                            Monocleaceae Go to child
                            Frullaniaceae Go to child
                            Herzogianthaceae Go to child
                            Andreaeaceae Go to child
                            Andreaeobryaceae Go to child
                            Archidiaceae Go to child
                            Aulacommiaceae Go to child
                            Aulacomniaceae Go to child
                            Bartramiaceae Go to child
                            Bryaceae Go to child
                            Catoscopiaceae Go to child
                            Hypnodendraceae Go to child
                            Hypopterygiaceae Go to child
                            Lembophyllaceae Go to child
                            Leptostomaceae Go to child
                            Leptostomataceae Go to child
                            Meesiaceae Go to child
                            Mitteniaceae Go to child
                            Mniaceae Go to child
                            Pseudoditrichaceae Go to child
                            Pulchrinodaceae Go to child
                            Racopilaceae Go to child
                            Rhizogoniaceae Go to child
                            Roellobryaceae Go to child
                            Spiridentaceae Go to child
                            Timmiaceae Go to child
                            Buxbaumiaceae Go to child
                            Diphysciaceae Go to child
                            Aongstroemiaceae Go to child
                            Bruchiaceae Go to child
                            Bryoxiphiaceae Go to child
                            Chrysoblastellaceae Go to child
                            Dicnemonaceae Go to child
                            Dicranaceae Go to child
                            Dicranellaceae Go to child
                            Ditrichaceae Go to child
                            Eustichiaceae Go to child
                            Hypodontiaceae Go to child
                            Leucobryaceae Go to child
                            Nanobryaceae Go to child
                            Phyllodrepaniaceae Go to child
                            Pleurophascaceae Go to child
                            Rhabdoweisiaceae Go to child
                            Sorapillaceae Go to child
                            Viridivelleraceae Go to child
                            Fissidentaceae Go to child
                            Disceliaceae Go to child
                            Ephemeraceae Go to child
                            Funariaceae Go to child
                            Gigaspermaceae Go to child
                            Oedipodiaceae Go to child
                            Splachnaceae Go to child
                            Splachnobryaceae Go to child
                            Grimmiaceae Go to child
                            Ptychomitriaceae Go to child
                            Scouleriaceae Go to child
                            Rhacocarpaceae Go to child
                            Rigodiaceae Go to child
                            Callicostaceae Go to child
                            Daltoniaceae Go to child
                            Ephemeropsidaceae Go to child
                            Hookeriaceae Go to child
                            Leucomiaceae Go to child
                            Pilotrichaceae Go to child
                            Saulomataceae Go to child
                            Schimperobryaceae Go to child
                            Amblystegiaceae Go to child
                            Brachytheciaceae Go to child
                            Calliergonaceae Go to child
                            Catagoniaceae Go to child
                            Entodontaceae Go to child
                            Fabroniaceae Go to child
                            Helodiaceae Go to child
                            Hylocomiaceae Go to child
                            Hypnaceae Go to child
                            Leskeaceae Go to child
                            Myriniaceae Go to child
                            Myuriaceae Go to child
                            Orthorrhynchiaceae Go to child
                            Phyllogoniaceae Go to child
                            Plagiotheciaceae Go to child
                            Pleuroziopsidaceae Go to child
                            Pterigynandraceae Go to child
                            Pylaisiaceae Go to child
                            Pylaisiadelphaceae Go to child
                            Rhytidiaceae Go to child
                            Scorpidiaceae Go to child
                            Sematophyllaceae Go to child
                            Stereophyllaceae Go to child
                            Symphyodontaceae Go to child
                            Thamnobryaceae Go to child
                            Theliaceae Go to child
                            Thuidiaceae Go to child
                            Trachylomataceae Go to child
                            Echinodiaceae Go to child
                            Pterobryellaceae Go to child
                            Cyrtopodaceae Go to child
                            Fontinalaceae Go to child
                            Hydropogonaceae Go to child
                            Lepyrodontaceae Go to child
                            Phyllogoniceae Go to child
                            Prionodontaceae Go to child
                            Ptychomniaceae Go to child
                            Regmatodontaceae Go to child
                            Rutenbergiaceae Go to child
                            Trachypodaceae Go to child
                            Wardiaceae Go to child
                            Anomodontaceae Go to child
                            Climaciaceae Go to child
                            Cryphaeaceae Go to child
                            Hedwigiaceae Go to child
                            Leptodontaceae Go to child
                            Leucodontaceae Go to child
                            Meteoriaceae Go to child
                            Neckeraceae Go to child
                            Pterobryaceae Go to child
                            Erpodiaceae Go to child
                            Helicophyllaceae Go to child
                            Microtheciellaceae Go to child
                            Orthotrichaceae Go to child
                            Rhachitheciaceae Go to child
                            Polytrichaceae Go to child
                            Bryobartramiaceae Go to child
                            Calymperaceae Go to child
                            Encalyptaceae Go to child
                            Octoblepharaceae Go to child
                            Pottiaceae Go to child
                            Serpotortellaceae Go to child
                            Orthodontiaceae Go to child
                            Schistostegaceae Go to child
                            Seligeriaceae Go to child
                            Tetraphidaceae Go to child
                            Buxbaumiidae Go to child
                            Cinclidotaceae Go to child
                            Dicranidae Go to child
                            Drummondiaceae Go to child
                            Hymenolomataceae Go to child
                            Diphysciidae Go to child
                            Funariidae Go to child
                            Calomniaceae Go to child
                            Timmidae Go to child
                            Ambuchananiaceae Go to child
                            Sphagnaceae Go to child
                            Haplomitriidae Go to child
                            Haplomitriaceae Go to child
                            Acrobolbaceae Go to child
                            Adelanthaceae Go to child
                            Anastrophyllaceae Go to child
                            Antheliaceae Go to child
                            Arnelliaceae Go to child
                            Isotachidaceae Go to child
                            Calypogeiaceae Go to child
                            Calypogejaceae Go to child
                            Cephaloziaceae Go to child
                            Cephaloziellaceae Go to child
                            Jackiellaceae Go to child
                            Jamesoniellaceae Go to child
                            Chonecoleaceae Go to child
                            Geocalycaceae Go to child
                            Gymnomitriaceae Go to child
                            Gyrothyraceae Go to child
                            Herbertaceae Go to child
                            Chaetocoleaceae Go to child
                            Herzogiariaceae Go to child
                            Jubulaceae Go to child
                            Jungermanniaceae Go to child
                            Lophoziaceae Go to child
                            Balantiopsidaceae Go to child
                            Blepharidophyllaceae Go to child
                            Delavayellaceae Go to child
                            Myliaceae Go to child
                            Solenostomataceae Go to child
                            Trichotemnomataceae Go to child
                            Lejeuneaceae Go to child
                            Lepicoleaceae Go to child
                            Vetaformaceae Go to child
                            Lepidolaenaceae Go to child
                            Neotrichocoleaceae Go to child
                            Lepidoziaceae Go to child
                            Phycolepidoziaceae Go to child
                            Lophocoleaceae Go to child
                            Brevianthaceae Go to child
                            Grolleaceae Go to child
                            Vetaformataceae Go to child
                            Mastigophoraceae Go to child
                            Mesoptychiaceae Go to child
                            Schistochilaceae Go to child
                            Perssoniellaceae Go to child
                            Plagiochilaceae Go to child
                            Pleuroziaceae Go to child
                            Porellaceae Go to child
                            Goebeliellaceae Go to child
                            Metzgeriopsaceae Go to child
                            Pseudolepicoleaceae Go to child
                            Ptilidiaceae Go to child
                            Chaetophyllopsaceae Go to child
                            Ptiliaceae Go to child
                            Radulaceae Go to child
                            Scapaniaceae Go to child
                            Trichocoleaceae Go to child
                            Allisoniaceae Go to child
                            Aneuraceae Go to child
                            Blasiaceae Go to child
                            Fossombroniaceae Go to child
                            Neohodgsoniaceae Go to child
                            Metzgeriaceae Go to child
                            Hymenophytaceae Go to child
                            Makinoaceae Go to child
                            Pallavicinaceae Go to child
                            Verdoorniaceae Go to child
                            Mizutaniaceae Go to child
                            Pallaviciniaceae Go to child
                            Pelliaceae Go to child
                            Phyllothalliaceae Go to child
                            Treubiaceae Go to child
                            Takakiaceae Go to child
                            Metzgeriidae Go to child
                            Calyculariaceae Go to child
                            Petalophyllaceae Go to child
                            Moerckiaceae Go to child
                            Sandeothallaceae Go to child
                            Blasiidae Go to child
                            Aytoniaceae Go to child
                            Cleveaceae Go to child
                            Conocephalaceae Go to child
                            Corsiniaceae Go to child
                            Cyathodiaceae Go to child
                            Dumortieraceae Go to child
                            Lunulariaceae Go to child
                            Marchantiaceae Go to child
                            Carrpaceae Go to child
                            Exormothecaceae Go to child
                            Monocarpaceae Go to child
                            Monosoleniaceae Go to child
                            Oxymitraceae Go to child
                            Ricciaceae Go to child
                            Targioniaceae Go to child
                            Wiesnerellaceae Go to child
                            Reillaceae Go to child
                            Riellaceae Go to child
                            Sphaerocarpaceae Go to child
                            Pentalaminaceae Go to child
                            Psilotaceae Go to child
                            Actiniscaceae Go to child
                            Brachydiniaceae Go to child
                            Amphisoleniaceae Go to child
                            Dinophysiaceae Go to child
                            Dinotrichaceae Go to child
                            Calciodinellaceae Go to child
                            Ceratiaceae Go to child
                            Ceratocoryaceae Go to child
                            Cladopyxidaceae Go to child
                            Crypthecodiniaceae Go to child
                            Goniodomataceae Go to child
                            Gonyaulacaceae Go to child
                            Heterodiniaceae Go to child
                            Ostreopsidaceae Go to child
                            Oxytoxaceae Go to child
                            Protoperidinaceae Go to child
                            Pyrocystaceae Go to child
                            Pyrophacaceae Go to child
                            Thecadiniaceae Go to child
                            Gymnodiniaceae Go to child
                            Warnowiaceae Go to child
                            Lophodiniaceae Go to child
                            Kofoidiniaceae Go to child
                            Leptodiscaceae Go to child
                            Noctilucaceae Go to child
                            Amphilothaceae Go to child
                            Archaeosphaerodiniopsidaceae Go to child
                            Blastodiniaceae Go to child
                            Coccidinaceae Go to child
                            Dinosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Endodiniaceae Go to child
                            Glenodiniaceae Go to child
                            Glenodiniopsidaceae Go to child
                            Haplozoonaceae Go to child
                            Kolkwitziellaceae Go to child
                            Oodiniaceae Go to child
                            Paradiniaceae Go to child
                            Peridiniaceae Go to child
                            Podolampaceae Go to child
                            Podolampadaceae Go to child
                            Polykrikaceae Go to child
                            Pronoctilucaceae Go to child
                            Protoceratiaceae Go to child
                            Ptychochscaceae Go to child
                            Syndiniaceae Go to child
                            Triadiniaceae Go to child
                            Phytodiniaceae Go to child
                            Oxyphysaceae Go to child
                            Prorocentraceae Go to child
                            Ptychodiscaceae Go to child
                            Symbiodiniaceae Go to child
                            Thoracosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Cyanidiaceae Go to child
                            Galdieriaceae Go to child
                            Bangiaceae Go to child
                            Goniotrichaceae Go to child
                            Ahnfeltiaceae Go to child
                            Pihiellaceae Go to child
                            Batrachospermaceae Go to child
                            Lemaneaceae Go to child
                            Corallinaceae Go to child
                            Hildenbrandiaceae Go to child
                            Acrochaetiaceae Go to child
                            Balbianiaceae Go to child
                            Balliaceae Go to child
                            Colaconemataceae Go to child
                            Entwisleiaceae Go to child
                            Galaxauraceae Go to child
                            Liagoraceae Go to child
                            Palmariaceae Go to child
                            Rhodophysemataceae Go to child
                            Rhodothamniellaceae Go to child
                            Thoreaceae Go to child
                            Rhodachlyaceae Go to child
                            Rhodogorgonaceae Go to child
                            Acrosymphytaceae Go to child
                            Bonnemaisoniaceae Go to child
                            Naccariaceae Go to child
                            Ceramiaceae Go to child
                            Dasyaceae Go to child
                            Delesseriaceae Go to child
                            Rhodomelaceae Go to child
                            Sarcomeniaceae Go to child
                            Gelidiaceae Go to child
                            Gelidiellaceae Go to child
                            Pterocladiaceae Go to child
                            Acrotylaceae Go to child
                            Areschougiaceae Go to child
                            Blinksiaceae Go to child
                            Calosiphoniaceae Go to child
                            Caulacanthaceae Go to child
                            Corynocystaceae Go to child
                            Cruoriaceae Go to child
                            Cubiculosporaceae Go to child
                            Cystocloniaceae Go to child
                            Dicranemataceae Go to child
                            Dumontiaceae Go to child
                            Endocladiaceae Go to child
                            Furcellariaceae Go to child
                            Gainiaceae Go to child
                            Gigartinaceae Go to child
                            Gloiosiphoniaceae Go to child
                            Haemeschariaceae Go to child
                            Kallymeniaceae Go to child
                            Mychodeaceae Go to child
                            Mychodeophyllaceae Go to child
                            Nizymeniaceae Go to child
                            Phacelocarpaceae Go to child
                            Phyllophoraceae Go to child
                            Polyideaceae Go to child
                            Rhizophyllidaceae Go to child
                            Rissoellaceae Go to child
                            Schmitziellaceae Go to child
                            Solieriaceae Go to child
                            Sphaerococcaceae Go to child
                            Tichocarpaceae Go to child
                            Gracilariaceae Go to child
                            Pterocladiophilaceae Go to child
                            Halymeniaceae Go to child
                            Tsengiaceae Go to child
                            Nemastomataceae Go to child
                            Schizymeniaceae Go to child
                            Peyssonneliaceae Go to child
                            Plocamiaceae Go to child
                            Pseudoanemoniaceae Go to child
                            Sarcodiaceae Go to child
                            Champiaceae Go to child
                            Faucheaceae Go to child
                            Fryeellaceae Go to child
                            Hymenocladiaceae Go to child
                            Lomentariaceae Go to child
                            Rhodymeniaceae Go to child
                            Sebdeniaceae Go to child
                            Sporolithaceae Go to child
                            Boldiaceae Go to child
                            Compsopogonaceae Go to child
                            Erythrotrichiaceae Go to child
                            Rhodochaetaceae Go to child
                            Phragmonemataceae Go to child
                            Porphyridiaceae Go to child
                            Dixoniellaceae Go to child
                            Glaucosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Rhodellaceae Go to child
                            Rufusiaceae Go to child
                            Stylonemataceae Go to child
                            Chaetosphaeridiaceae Go to child
                            Coleochaetaceae Go to child
                            Mesostigmataceae Go to child
                            Closteriaceae Go to child
                            Desmidiaceae Go to child
                            Mesotaeniaceae Go to child
                            Zygnemataceae Go to child
                            Isoetaceae Go to child
                            Lycopodiaceae Go to child
                            Lycopodiidae Go to child
                            Selaginellaceae Go to child
                            Calamitaceae Go to child
                            Equisetaceae Go to child
                            Sphenophyllaceae Go to child
                            Azollaceae Go to child
                            Azolliaceae Go to child
                            Ophioglossaceae Go to child
                            Asterothecaceae Go to child
                            Marattiaceae Go to child
                            Cibotiaceae Go to child
                            Culcitaceae Go to child
                            Cyatheaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Alsophila F1 hybrid</i>
                            Dicksoniaceae Go to child
                            Hymenophyllopsidaceae Go to child
                            Loxomataceae Go to child
                            Loxsomataceae Go to child
                            Metaxyaceae Go to child
                            Plagiogyriaceae Go to child
                            Thyrsopteridaceae Go to child
                            Equisetidae Go to child
                            Dipteridaceae Go to child
                            Gleicheniaceae Go to child
                            Matoniaceae Go to child
                            Hymenophyllaceae Go to child
                            Marattiidae Go to child
                            Ophioglossidae Go to child
                            Osmundaceae Go to child
                            Adiantaceae Go to child
                            Arthropteridaceae Go to child
                            Aspidiaceae Go to child
                            Aspleniaceae Go to child
                            Athyriaceae Go to child
                            Blechnaceae Go to child
                            Ceratopteridaceae Go to child
                            Cheilanthaceae Go to child
                            Cystodiaceae Go to child
                            Cystopteridaceae Go to child
                            Davalliaceae Go to child
                            Dennstaedtiaceae Go to child
                            Desmophlebiaceae Go to child
                            Didymochlaenaceae Go to child
                            Diplaziopsidaceae Go to child
                            Dryopteridaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Phanerophlebia F1 hybrid</i>
                            Grammitidaceae Go to child
                            Hemidictyaceae Go to child
                            Hypodematiaceae Go to child
                            Ixioliriaceae Go to child
                            Lindsaeaceae Go to child
                            Lomariopsidaceae Go to child
                            Lonchitidaceae Go to child
                            Lophosoriaceae Go to child
                            Nephrolepidaceae Go to child
                            Oleandraceae Go to child
                            Onocleaceae Go to child
                            Parkeriaceae Go to child
                            Polypodiaceae Go to child
                            Pteridaceae Go to child
                            Pteridryaceae Go to child
                            Rhachidosoridaceae Go to child
                            Saccolomataceae Go to child
                            Taenitidaceae Go to child
                            Tectariaceae Go to child
                            Thelypteridaceae Go to child
                            Vittariaceae Go to child
                            Woodsiaceae Go to child
                            Polypodiidae Go to child
                            Tempskyaceae Go to child
                            Marsileaceae Go to child
                            Salviniaceae Go to child
                            Anemiaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Anemia F1 hybrid</i>
                                             <i>Anemia adiantifolia</i>
                                     <i>Anemia adiantifolia x Anemia mexicana</i>
                            Lygodiaceae Go to child
                            Schizaeaceae Go to child
                            Abietaceae Go to child
                            Cordaitaceae Go to child
                            Araucariaceae Go to child
                            Cephalotaxaceae Go to child
                            Cupressaceae Go to child
                            Pinaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Larix F1 hybrid</i>
                            Podocarpaceae Go to child
                            Sciadopityaceae Go to child
                            Taxaceae Go to child
                            Taxodiaceae Go to child
                            Pinidae Go to child
                            Cycadaceae Go to child
                                   [Cycas bellefontii]
                                   [Cycas circinalis subsp. gothanii]
                                   [Cycas hypoleuca]
                                   [Cycas pygmaea]
                                   [Cycas tonkinensis]
                            Stangeriaceae Go to child
                            Zamiaceae Go to child
                                   [Encephalartos powysorum]
                                   [Encephalartos striatus]
                                   [Encephalartos tridentatus]
                                   [Zamia biserrulata]
                                   [Zamia noeffiana]
                                   [Zamia potemkinii]
                            Cycadeoidaceae Go to child
                            Ginkgoaceae Go to child
                            Ginkgooidae Go to child
                            Gnetaceae Go to child
                            Ephedraceae Go to child
                            Gnetidae Go to child
                            Welwitschiaceae Go to child
       Anita Grade clade 1
                            Amborellaceae Go to child
                            Cabombaceae Go to child
                            Hydatellaceae Go to child
                            Nymphaeaceae Go to child
       Anita Grade clade 2
                            Schisandraceae Go to child
                            Trimeniaceae Go to child
                            Ceratophyllaceae Go to child
                            Chloranthaceae Go to child
                            Buxaceae Go to child
             Core Eudicots
                            Apiaceae Go to child
                                   [Cymopterus packardiae]
                            Araliaceae Go to child
                            Griseliniaceae Go to child
                            Myodocarpaceae Go to child
                            Pennantiaceae Go to child
                            Pittosporaceae Go to child
                            Torricelliaceae Go to child
                            Aquifoliaceae Go to child
                            Cardiopteridaceae Go to child
                            Helwingiaceae Go to child
                            Phyllonomaceae Go to child
                            Stemonuraceae Go to child
                            Argophyllaceae Go to child
                            Asteraceae Go to child
                                     <i>Balsamorhiza F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Bidens F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Crepis F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Helianthus F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Heliomeris F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Heliopsis F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Inula F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Liatris F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Pyrrhopappus F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Railliardia F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Silphium F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Solidago F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Symphyotrichum F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Vernonia F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Wyethia F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Zinnia F1 hybrid</i>
                            Calyceraceae Go to child
                            Campanulaceae Go to child
                            Cyphiaceae Go to child
                            Donatiaceae Go to child
                            Goodeniaceae Go to child
                            Inulaceae Go to child
                            Lobeliaceae Go to child
                            Menyanthaceae Go to child
                            Nemacladaceae Go to child
                            Phellinaceae Go to child
                            Rousseaceae Go to child
                            Stylidiaceae Go to child
                            Bruniaceae Go to child
                            Columelliaceae Go to child
                            Adoxaceae Go to child
                            Caprifoliaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Lonicera F1 hybrid</i>
                            Diervillaceae Go to child
                            Dipsacaceae Go to child
                            Linnaeaceae Go to child
                            Valerianaceae Go to child
                            Viburnaceae Go to child
                            Escalloniaceae Go to child
                            Alangiaceae Go to child
                            Cornaceae Go to child
                            Curtisiaceae Go to child
                            Davidiaceae Go to child
                            Hydrangeaceae Go to child
                            Loasaceae Go to child
                            Nyssaceae Go to child
                            Actinidiaceae Go to child
                            Balsaminaceae Go to child
                            Clethraceae Go to child
                            Cyrillaceae Go to child
                            Diapensiaceae Go to child
                            Ebenaceae Go to child
                            Empetraceae Go to child
                            Epacridaceae Go to child
                            Ericaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Arbutus bicolor x Arbutus xalapensis</i>
                                     <i>Arctostaphylos F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Vaccinium F1 hybrid</i>
                            Fouquieriaceae Go to child
                            Lecythidaceae Go to child
                            Marcgraviaceae Go to child
                            Monotropaceae Go to child
                            Pentaphylacaceae Go to child
                            Polemoniaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Phlox F1 hybrid</i>
                            Primulaceae Go to child
                            Pyrolaceae Go to child
                            Sapotaceae Go to child
                            Sarraceniaceae Go to child
                            Sladeniaceae Go to child
                            Styracaceae Go to child
                            Symplocaceae Go to child
                            Tetrameristaceae Go to child
                            Theaceae Go to child
                            Boraginaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Amsinckia F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Hydrophyllum F1 hybrid</i>
                            Codonaceae Go to child
                            Cordiaceae Go to child
                            Ehretiaceae Go to child
                            Heliotropiaceae Go to child
                            Icacinaceae Go to child
                            Metteniusaceae Go to child
                            Namaceae Go to child
                            Wellstediaceae Go to child
                            Garryaceae Go to child
                            Apocynaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Asclepias F1 hybrid</i>
                            Gelsemiaceae Go to child
                            Gentianaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Gentiana F1 hybrid</i>
                            Loganiaceae Go to child
                            Rubiaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Houstonia F1 hybrid</i>
                            Acanthaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Ruellia F1 hybrid</i>
                            Bignoniaceae Go to child
                            Calceolariaceae Go to child
                            Carlemanniaceae Go to child
                            Gesneriaceae Go to child
                            Lamiaceae Go to child
                            Lennoaceae Go to child
                            Lentibulariaceae Go to child
                            Linderniaceae Go to child
                            Martyniaceae Go to child
                            Mazaceae Go to child
                            Oleaceae Go to child
                            Orobanchaceae Go to child
                            Paulowniaceae Go to child
                            Pedaliaceae Go to child
                            Phrymaceae Go to child
                            Plantaginaceae Go to child
                            Plocospermataceae Go to child
                            Rehmanniaceae Go to child
                            Schlegeliaceae Go to child
                            Scrophulariaceae Go to child
                            Stilbaceae Go to child
                            Tetrachondraceae Go to child
                            Thomandersiaceae Go to child
                            Verbenaceae Go to child
                            Wightiaceae Go to child
                            Convolvulaceae Go to child
                                   [Ipomoea sectifolia]
                            Cuscutaceae Go to child
                            Hydroleaceae Go to child
                            Hydrophyllaceae Go to child
                            Montiniaceae Go to child
                            Solanaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Capsicum F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Jaltomata F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Solanum F1 hybrid</i>
                            Sphenocleaceae Go to child
                            Oncothecaceae Go to child
               unnamed clade 83a
               unnamed clade 83b
               unnamed clade 85a
               unnamed clade 85b
                            Aextoxicaceae Go to child
                            Berberidopsidaceae Go to child
                            Achatocarpaceae Go to child
                            Aizoaceae Go to child
                            Amaranthaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Amaranthus F1 hybrid</i>
                            Anacampserotaceae Go to child
                            Asteropeiaceae Go to child
                            Barbeuiaceae Go to child
                            Basellaceae Go to child
                            Cactaceae Go to child
                            Caryophyllaceae Go to child
                            Didiereaceae Go to child
                            Droseraceae Go to child
                            Drosophyllaceae Go to child
                            Frankeniaceae Go to child
                            Gisekiaceae Go to child
                            Halophytaceae Go to child
                            Kewaceae Go to child
                            Limeaceae Go to child
                            Lophiocarpaceae Go to child
                            Macarthuriaceae Go to child
                            Microteaceae Go to child
                            Molluginaceae Go to child
                            Montiaceae Go to child
                            Nepenthaceae Go to child
                            Nyctaginaceae Go to child
                            Petiveriaceae Go to child
                            Physenaceae Go to child
                            Phytolaccaceae Go to child
                            Plumbaginaceae Go to child
                                   [Armeria maritima var. pubescens]
                            Polygonaceae Go to child
                            Portulacaceae Go to child
                            Rhabdodendraceae Go to child
                            Sarcobataceae Go to child
                            Simmondsiaceae Go to child
                            Stegnospermataceae Go to child
                            Talinaceae Go to child
                            Tamaricaceae Go to child
                            Dilleniaceae Go to child
                            Gunneraceae Go to child
                            Celastraceae Go to child
                            Dichapetelaceae Go to child
                            Geissolomataceae Go to child
                            Hippocrateaceae Go to child
                            Lepidobotryaceae Go to child
                            Parnassiaceae Go to child
                            Siphonodontaceae Go to child
                            Stackhousiaceae Go to child
                            Anisophylleaceae Go to child
                            Apodanthaceae Go to child
                            Begoniaceae Go to child
                            Coriariaceae Go to child
                            Corynocarpaceae Go to child
                            Cucurbitaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Luffa F1 hybrid</i>
                            Datiscaceae Go to child
                            Tetramelaceae Go to child
                            Caesalpiniaceae Go to child
                            Fabaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Desmodium F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Gleditsia F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Lespedeza F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Lupinus F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Monacanthea pro parte</i>
                            Polygalaceae Go to child
                            Quillajaceae Go to child
                            Surianaceae Go to child
                            Balanopaceae Go to child
                            Betulaceae Go to child
                            Casuarinaceae Go to child
                            Fagaceae Go to child
                                             <i>Quercus acherdophylla</i>
                                     <i>Quercus acherdophylla x Quercus crassifolia</i>
                                     <i>Quercus acherdophylla x Quercus hirtifolia</i>
                                     <i>Quercus acherdophylla x Quercus affinis</i>
                                             <i>Quercus affinis</i>
                                     <i>Quercus affinis x Quercus sartorii</i>
                                     <i>Quercus affinis x Quercus crassifolia</i>
                                     <i>Quercus calophylla x Quercus laurina</i>
                                     <i>Quercus calophylla x Quercus sartorii</i>
                                     <i>Quercus canbyi x Quercus rysophylla</i>
                                     <i>Quercus castanea x Quercus crassipes</i>
                                     <i>Quercus castanea x Quercus grahamii</i>
                                     <i>Quercus cordifolia x Quercus tinkhami</i>
                                             <i>Quercus crassifolia</i>
                                     <i>Quercus crassifolia x Quercus hirtifolia</i>
                                     <i>Quercus crassifolia x Quercus laurina</i>
                                     <i>Quercus crassifolia x Quercus mexicana</i>
                                             <i>Quercus crassipes</i>
                                     <i>Quercus crassipes x Quercus laurina</i>
                                     <i>Quercus crassipes x Quercus mexicana</i>
                                             <i>Quercus durifolia</i>
                                     <i>Quercus durifolia x Quercus eduardi</i>
                                             <i>Quercus emoryi</i>
                                     <i>Quercus emoryi x Quercus jonesii</i>
                                             <i>Quercus germana</i>
                                     <i>Quercus germana x Quercus liebmannii</i>
                                     <i>Quercus germana x Quercus sebifera</i>
                                     <i>Quercus grahamii x Quercus mexicana</i>
                                             <i>Quercus jonesii</i>
                                     <i>Quercus jonesii x Quercus eduardi</i>
                                             <i>Quercus laeta</i>
                                     <i>Quercus laeta x Quercus microphylla</i>
                                     <i>Quercus laeta x Quercus tinkhamii</i>
                                             <i>Quercus peduncularis</i>
                                     <i>Quercus peduncularis x Quercus purulhana</i>
                                             <i>Quercus resinosa</i>
                                     <i>Quercus resinosa x Quercus rugosa</i>
                                             <i>Quercus striatula</i>
                                     <i>Quercus striatula x Quercus tinkhamii</i>
                            Juglandaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Carya F1 hybrid</i>
                            Myricaceae Go to child
                            Nothofagaceae Go to child
                            Ticodendraceae Go to child
                            Achariaceae Go to child
                            Bonnetiaceae Go to child
                            Calophyllaceae Go to child
                            Caryocaraceae Go to child
                            Centroplacaceae Go to child
                            Chrysobalanaceae Go to child
                            Clusiaceae Go to child
                            Ctenolophonaceae Go to child
                            Dichapetalaceae Go to child
                            Elatinaceae Go to child
                            Erythroxylaceae Go to child
                            Euphorbiaceae Go to child
                            Euphroniaceae Go to child
                            Goupiaceae Go to child
                            Humiriaceae Go to child
                            Hypericaceae Go to child
                            Irvingiaceae Go to child
                            Ixonanthaceae Go to child
                            Lacistemataceae Go to child
                            Linaceae Go to child
                            Lophopyxidaceae Go to child
                            Malpighiaceae Go to child
                                   [Heteropteris platyptera]
                            Ochnaceae Go to child
                            Passifloraceae Go to child
                            Peraceae Go to child
                            Phyllanthaceae Go to child
                            Picrodendraceae Go to child
                            Podostemaceae Go to child
                            Putranjivaceae Go to child
                            Rhizophoraceae Go to child
                            Salicaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Salix F1 hybrid</i>
                            Trigoniaceae Go to child
                            Violaceae Go to child
                            Brunelliaceae Go to child
                            Connaraceae Go to child
                            Cunoniaceae Go to child
                            Elaeocarpaceae Go to child
                            Huaceae Go to child
                            Oxalidaceae Go to child
                            Alseuosmiaceae Go to child
                            Byblidaceae Go to child
                            Cannabaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Cannabis F1 hybrid</i>
                            Cephalotaceae Go to child
                            Davidsoniaceae Go to child
                            Dirachmaceae Go to child
                            Elaeagnaceae Go to child
                            Eucryphiaceae Go to child
                            Moraceae Go to child
                            Neuradaceae Go to child
                            Rhamnaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Ceanothus F1 hybrid</i>
                            Rosaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Amelanchier F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Crataegus F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Rubus F1 hybrid</i>
                            Ulmaceae Go to child
                            Urticaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Pipturus F1 hybrid</i>
                            Krameriaceae Go to child
                            Zygophyllaceae Go to child
                            Bataceae Go to child
                            Borthwickiaceae Go to child
                            Brassicaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Cardamine F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Paysonia F1 hybrid</i>
                            Capparaceae Go to child
                            Caricaceae Go to child
                            Cleomaceae Go to child
                            Emblingiaceae Go to child
                            Gyrostemonaceae Go to child
                            Koeberliniaceae Go to child
                            Limnanthaceae Go to child
                            Moringaceae Go to child
                            Pentadiplandraceae Go to child
                            Resedaceae Go to child
                            Salvadoraceae Go to child
                            Setchellanthaceae Go to child
                            Stixaceae Go to child
                            Tovariaceae Go to child
                            Tropaeolaceae Go to child
                            Aphloiaceae Go to child
                            Crossosomataceae Go to child
                            Guamatelaceae Go to child
                            Stachyuraceae Go to child
                            Staphyleaceae Go to child
                            Strasburgeriaceae Go to child
                            Francoaceae Go to child
                            Geraniaceae Go to child
                            Ledocarpaceae Go to child
                            Melianthaceae Go to child
                            Vivianiaceae Go to child
                            Dipentodontaceae Go to child
                            Gerrardinaceae Go to child
                            Petenaeaceae Go to child
                            Tapisciaceae Go to child
                            Bixaceae Go to child
                            Bombacaceae Go to child
                            Capparidaceae Go to child
                            Cistaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Cistus F1 hybrid</i>
                            Cochlospermaceae Go to child
                            Cytinaceae Go to child
                            Dipterocarpaceae Go to child
                            Malvaceae Go to child
                            Muntingiaceae Go to child
                            Scytopetalaceae Go to child
                            Sphaerosepalaceae Go to child
                            Sterculiaceae Go to child
                            Thymelaeaceae Go to child
                            Tiliaceae Go to child
                            Alzateaceae Go to child
                            Combretaceae Go to child
                            Crypteroniaceae Go to child
                            Dialypetalanthaceae Go to child
                            Lythraceae Go to child
                            Melastomataceae Go to child
                            Myrtaceae Go to child
                            Oliniaceae Go to child
                            Onagraceae Go to child
                                     <i>Epilobium F1 hybrid</i>
                            Penaeaceae Go to child
                            Peneaceae Go to child
                            Punicaceae Go to child
                            Trapaceae Go to child
                            Vochysiaceae Go to child
                            Picramniaceae Go to child
                            Aceraceae Go to child
                            Akaniaceae Go to child
                            Anacardiaceae Go to child
                            Biebersteiniaceae Go to child
                            Burseraceae Go to child
                            Cneoraceae Go to child
                            Greyiaceae Go to child
                            Hippocastanaceae Go to child
                            Julianaceae Go to child
                            Kirkiaceae Go to child
                            Meliaceae Go to child
                            Nitrariaceae Go to child
                            Rutaceae Go to child
                            Sapindaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Acer F1 hybrid</i>
                            Simaroubaceae Go to child
                            Stylobasiaceae Go to child
                            Xanthoceraceae Go to child
                            Amphorogynaceae Go to child
                            Aptandraceae Go to child
                            Balanophoraceae Go to child
                            Cervantesiaceae Go to child
                            Coulaceae Go to child
                            Cynomoriaceae Go to child
                            Eremolepidaceae Go to child
                            Erythropalaceae Go to child
                            Grubbiaceae Go to child
                            Loranthaceae Go to child
                            Medusandraceae Go to child
                            Misodendraceae Go to child
                            Nanodeaceae Go to child
                            Octoknemaceae Go to child
                            Olacaceae Go to child
                            Opiliaceae Go to child
                            Santalaceae Go to child
                            Schoepfiaceae Go to child
                            Strombosiaceae Go to child
                            Thesiaceae Go to child
                            Viscaceae Go to child
                            Ximeniaceae Go to child
                            Altingiaceae Go to child
                            Aphanopetalaceae Go to child
                            Cercidiphyllaceae Go to child
                            Crassulaceae Go to child
                            Grossulariaceae Go to child
                            Haloragaceae Go to child
                            Hamamelidaceae Go to child
                            Iteaceae Go to child
                            Paeoniaceae Go to child
                            Penthoraceae Go to child
                            Petermanniaceae Go to child
                            Saxifragaceae Go to child
                            Tetracarpaeaceae Go to child
                            Vitaceae Go to child
             unnamed clade 67a
             unnamed clade 67b
               unnamed clade 71a
               unnamed clade 71b
               unnamed clade 73a
               unnamed clade 73b
               unnamed clade 75
               unnamed clade 77a
               unnamed clade 77b
               unnamed clade 79a
               unnamed clade 79b
               unnamed clade 81
                            Nelumbonaceae Go to child
                            Platanaceae Go to child
                            Proteaceae Go to child
                            Berberidaceae Go to child
                            Circaeasteraceae Go to child
                            Lardizabalaceae Go to child
                            Menispermaceae Go to child
                            Papaveraceae Go to child
                            Ranunculaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Actaea F1 hybrid</i>
                            Sabiaceae Go to child
                            Roridulaceae Go to child
                            Tetracentraceae Go to child
                            Trochodendraceae Go to child
         unnamed clade 57a
         unnamed clade 57b
         unnamed clade 59a
         unnamed clade 59b
             unnamed clade 61a
             unnamed clade 61b
             unnamed clade 63a
             unnamed clade 63b
             unnamed clade 65
                            Canellaceae Go to child
                            Winteraceae Go to child
                            Atherospermataceae Go to child
                            Calycanthaceae Go to child
                            Gomortegaceae Go to child
                            Hernandiaceae Go to child
                            Lauraceae Go to child
                            Monimiaceae Go to child
                            Siparunaceae Go to child
                            Annonaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Annona F1 hybrid</i>
                            Austrobaileyaceae Go to child
                            Degeneriaceae Go to child
                            Eupomatiaceae Go to child
                            Himantandraceae Go to child
                            Magnoliaceae Go to child
                            Myristicaceae Go to child
                            Sonneratiaceae Go to child
                            Aristolochiaceae Go to child
                            Hydnoraceae Go to child
                            Lactoridaceae Go to child
                            Piperaceae Go to child
                            Saururaceae Go to child
                            Paracryphiaceae Go to child
                            Callitrichaceae Go to child
                            Hippuridaceae Go to child
                            Brunoniaceae Go to child
                            Pentaphragmataceae Go to child
                            Stylidiceae Go to child
                            Nolanaceae Go to child
                            Buddlejaceae Go to child
                            Globulariaceae Go to child
                            Hydrostachyaceae Go to child
                            Myoporaceae Go to child
                            Lissocarpaceae Go to child
                            Myrsinaceae Go to child
                            Theophrastaceae Go to child
                            Medusagynaceae Go to child
                            Quiinaceae Go to child
                            Rhopalocarpaceae Go to child
                            Sarcolaenaceae Go to child
                            Ancistrocladaceae Go to child
                            Dioncophyllaceae Go to child
                            Flacourtiaceae Go to child
                            Hoplestigmataceae Go to child
                            Malesherbiaceae Go to child
                            Peridiscaceae Go to child
                            Scyphostegiaceae Go to child
                            Turneraceae Go to child
                            Didymelaceae Go to child
                            Eupteleaceae Go to child
                            Myrothamnaceae Go to child
                            Rhoipteleaceae Go to child
                            Leitneriaceae Go to child
                            Barbeyaceae Go to child
                            Cecropiaceae Go to child
                            Eucommiaceae Go to child
                            Illiciaceae Go to child
                            Fumariaceae Go to child
                            Daphniphyllaceae Go to child
                            Pandaceae Go to child
                            Halorrhagidaceae Go to child
                            Theligonaceae Go to child
                            Podostemonaceae Go to child
                            Tremandraceae Go to child
                            Xanthophyllaceae Go to child
                            Mitrastemonaceae Go to child
                            Rafflesiaceae Go to child
                            Leeaceae Go to child
                            Vahliaceae Go to child
                            Acoraceae Go to child
                            Alismataceae Go to child
                            Aponogetonaceae Go to child
                            Araceae Go to child
                            Butomaceae Go to child
                            Cymodoceaceae Go to child
                            Hydrocharitaceae Go to child
                                   [Anacharis oryzoides]
                            Juncaginaceae Go to child
                            Limnocharitaceae Go to child
                            Maundiaceae Go to child
                            Posidoniaceae Go to child
                            Potamogetonaceae Go to child
                            Ruppiaceae Go to child
                            Scheuchzeriaceae Go to child
                            Tofieldiaceae Go to child
                            Zosteraceae Go to child
                            Najadaceae Go to child
                            Zannichelliaceae Go to child
                            Petrosaviaceae Go to child
                            Lemnaceae Go to child
                            Amaryllidaceae Go to child
                            Anthericaceae Go to child
                            Asparagaceae Go to child
                            Asphodelaceae Go to child
                            Asteliaceae Go to child
                            Blandfordiaceae Go to child
                            Boryaceae Go to child
                            Convallariaceae Go to child
                            Doryanthaceae Go to child
                            Eriospermaceae Go to child
                            Hyacinthaceae Go to child
                            Hypoxidaceae Go to child
                            Iridaceae Go to child
                            Lanariaceae Go to child
                            Orchidaceae Go to child
                            Tecophilaeaceae Go to child
                            Xeronemataceae Go to child
                            Anarthriaceae Go to child
                            Ecdeiocoleaceae Go to child
                            Sparganiaceae Go to child
                            Arecaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Brahea calcarea × Brahea dulcis</i>
                            Commelinaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Tradescantia F1 hybrid</i>
                            Dasypogonaceae Go to child
                            Haemodoraceae Go to child
                            Hanguanaceae Go to child
                            Philydraceae Go to child
                            Pontederiaceae Go to child
                            Bromeliaceae Go to child
                            Centrolepidaceae Go to child
                            Cyperaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Scirpus F1 hybrid</i>
                            Eriocaulaceae Go to child
                            Flagellariaceae Go to child
                            Joinvilleaceae Go to child
                            Juncaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Juncus F1 hybrid</i>
                            Mayacaceae Go to child
                            Poaceae Go to child
                                     <i>Puccinellia F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Schedonorus F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Sorghum F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Tripsacum F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Triticum F1 hybrid</i>
                                     <i>Zea F1 hybrid</i>
                            Rapateaceae Go to child
                            Restionaceae Go to child
                            Thurniaceae Go to child
                            Typhaceae Go to child
                            Xyridaceae Go to child
                            Cannaceae Go to child
                            Costaceae Go to child
                            Heliconiaceae Go to child
                            Lowiaceae Go to child
                            Marantaceae Go to child
                            Musaceae Go to child
                            Strelitziaceae Go to child
                            Zingiberaceae Go to child
                            Burmanniaceae Go to child
                            Dioscoreaceae Go to child
                            Nartheciaceae Go to child
                            Thismiaceae Go to child
                            Aloaceae Go to child
                            Aloeaceae Go to child
                            Alstroemeriaceae Go to child
                            Campynemataceae Go to child
                            Colchicaceae Go to child
                            Corsiaceae Go to child
                            Cyanastraceae Go to child
                            Lapageriaceae Go to child
                            Liliaceae Go to child
                            Melanthiaceae Go to child
                            Philesiaceae Go to child
                            Rhipogonaceae Go to child
                            Ripogonaceae Go to child
                            Smilacaceae Go to child
                            Taccaceae Go to child
                            Trilliaceae Go to child
                            Geosiridaceae Go to child
                            Cyclanthaceae Go to child
                            Pandanaceae Go to child
                            Stemonaceae Go to child
                            Triuridaceae Go to child
                            Velloziaceae Go to child
         unnamed clade 45a
         unnamed clade 45b
         unnamed clade 47a
         unnamed clade 47b
         unnamed clade 49a
         unnamed clade 49b
         unnamed clade 51a
         unnamed clade 51b
         unnamed clade 53a
         unnamed clade 53b
               unnamed clade 97
       unnamed clade 31
       unnamed clade 33
       unnamed clade 35
       unnamed clade 39a
       unnamed clade 39b
         unnamed clade 41
         unnamed clade 55
               unnamed clade 87

Problematic Rooting (10909)
                            Bretschneideraceae Go to child
                            Comandraceae Go to child
                            Themidaceae Go to child

Problematic Rooting (210300)
                                     <i>Clethra macrophylla x Clethra schlechtendalii</i>

Problematic Rooting (213028)
                                     <i>Quercus calophylla x Quercus crassifolia</i>

Problematic Rooting (4215)
                                             <i>Opuntia ficus-indica</i>
                                     <i>Opuntia ficus-indica x Opuntia robusta</i>

Problematic Rooting (4217)
                                             <i>Rhus pachyrrhachis</i>
                                     <i>Rhus pachyrrhachis x Rhus standleyi</i>

Problematic Rooting (46926)
                                     <i>Quercus glaucoides x Quercus microphylla</i>

Problematic Rooting (78509)
                                             <i>Cleyera integrifolia</i>
                                     <i>Cleyera integrifolia x Cleyera theoides</i>